def main(): """ Reads command line arguments and starts either training, evaluation or inference. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--config', default='', help='JSON-formatted file with configuration parameters') parser.add_argument('--mode', default='', help='The operational mode - train|evaluate|predict') parser.add_argument('--input', default='', help='The path to a PLY file to run through the model') parser.add_argument('--device', default='gpu', help='The device to use - cpu|gpu') parser.add_argument('--colors', default='', help='A file containing colors') cla = parser.parse_args() if cla.config == '': print 'Error: --config flag is required. Enter the path to a configuration file.' if cla.mode == 'evaluate': inference.evaluate(cla.config, cla.device) elif cla.mode == 'predict': inference.predict(cla.config, cla.input, cla.device, cla.colors) elif cla.mode == 'train': training.train(cla.config) else: print 'Error: invalid operational mode - options: train, evaluate or predict'
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): print("topic: " + msg.topic) print("Payload Data: " + str(msg.payload)) if str(msg.payload) == 'bottle': os.chdir("./../pointnet") location, std = evaluate(label_to_detect=12, x_offset=0.35, y_offset=0.137, z_offset=0.1) print(location, std)
def train(target_dir, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, glove_file): torch.manual_seed(1) train_word_to_ix, train_tag_to_ix, train_sents_idx, train_labels_idx = pickle.load( open(target_dir + "CoNLL_train.pkl", "rb")) test_word_to_ix, test_tag_to_ix, test_sents_idx, test_labels_idx = pickle.load( open(target_dir + "CoNLL_test.pkl", "rb")) model = LSTMTagger(embedding_dim, hidden_dim, len(train_word_to_ix), len(train_tag_to_ix), target_dir, glove_file) criterion = nn.NLLLoss() optimizer = optim.RMSprop(model.parameters()) EPOCHS = 2 for epoch in range(EPOCHS): loss = 0 for i, (sentence, tags) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(train_sents_idx, train_labels_idx))): model.zero_grad() model.hidden = model.init_hidden() # 単語インデックスの tensor に変換 sentence_in = utils.prepare_sequence(sentence) # Tags インデックスの tensor に変換 targets = utils.prepare_sequence(tags) tag_scores = model.forward(sentence_in) loss = criterion(tag_scores, targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss += loss.item() f1_score_train_sents_avg = inference.evaluate(model, train_sents_idx[:len(test_sents_idx)], train_labels_idx[:len(test_sents_idx)]) f1_score_test_sents_avg = inference.evaluate(model, test_sents_idx, test_labels_idx) print("[{}] EPOCH {} - LOSS: {:.8f} TRAIN_DATA_F1_SCORE: {} TEST_DATA_F1_SCORE: {}". format(, epoch + 1, loss, f1_score_train_sents_avg, f1_score_test_sents_avg))
def AutoImageCaption(): image_url = request.args.get('image') print('image_url') image_extension = image_url[-4:] image_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file(str(int(time.time())) + image_extension, origin=image_url) result, attention_plot = evaluate(image_path) data = {'Prediction Caption:': ' '.join(result)} return jsonify(data)
def main(): config = Config() # Load images and ground truth planes data = input_data.read_data_sets(config.data_dir, config.label_dir, config.train_list_file, config.test_list_file, config.landmark_count, config.plane_name) print("Start inference...") tf.reset_default_graph() sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # Load trained model g = tf.get_default_graph() saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph( tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.model_dir) + '.meta') saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.model_dir)) action_prob_tran = g.get_collection('action_prob_tran')[ 0] # translation classification probability ytr = g.get_collection('ytr')[ 0] # translation regression (displacement vector) action_prob_rot = g.get_collection('action_prob_rot')[ 0] # rotation classification probability yrr_norm = g.get_collection('yrr_norm')[ 0] # rotation regression (quaternions) x = g.get_collection('x')[0] keep_prob = g.get_collection('keep_prob')[0] # Evaluation on test-set print("Evaluation on test set:") inference.evaluate(data.test, config, 'test', sess, x, action_prob_tran, ytr, action_prob_rot, yrr_norm, keep_prob) # Evaluation on train-set print("Evaluation on train set:") inference.evaluate(data.train, config, 'train', sess, x, action_prob_tran, ytr, action_prob_rot, yrr_norm, keep_prob) sess.close()
def main(): try: print "============ Press `Enter` to recognize the object ..." raw_input() location, std = evaluate(label_to_detect=12, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, z_offset=1.55) print(location) print(std) #location=[1.0653, -0.3668, 1.7145] print "============ Press `Enter` to set up the moveit_commander ..." raw_input() tutorial = MoveGroupPythonIntefaceTutorial() print "============ Press `Enter` to add a box ..." raw_input() tutorial.add_box(location) print "============ Press `Enter` to execute a movement using a pose goal ..." raw_input() tutorial.go_to_pose_goal(location) print "============ Press `Enter` to attach the object to the robot ..." raw_input() tutorial.attach_box() print "============ Press `Enter` to move back to initial position ..." raw_input() tutorial.go_to_joint_state() print "============ Press `Enter` to dettach the object ..." raw_input() tutorial.detach_box() print "============ Complete!" raw_input() tutorial.remove_box() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: return except KeyboardInterrupt: return
def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Evaluate the performance of the model. See inference.evaluate for more details. ''' from inference import evaluate return evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs)
from inference import evaluate #label and their number # 0 ceiling # 1 floor # 2 wall # 3 beam # 4 column # 5 window # 6 door # 7 table # 8 chair # 9 sofa # 10 bookcase # 11 board # 12 clutter #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # this is usage example of pointnet recognition in gazebo with kinect #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- location, std = evaluate(label_to_detect=12, x_offset=0.35, y_offset=0.137, z_offset=0.1) #you will have mean location std of the object belong to clutter class #if you run this on tensorflow-cpu, it will be slow when doing #neural network inference, proberly 60 secs. print(location) print(std)
import subprocess import sys #label and their number # 0 ceiling # 1 floor # 2 wall # 3 beam # 4 column # 5 window # 6 door # 7 table # 8 chair # 9 sofa # 10 bookcase # 11 board # 12 clutter #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # this is usage example of pointnet recognition in gazebo with kinect #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- location, std = evaluate(label_to_detect=12, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, z_offset=0) #you will have mean location std of the object belong to clutter class #if you run this on tensorflow-cpu, it will be slow when doing #neural network inference, proberly 60 secs. print(location) print(std)