Пример #1
def plot_motif(motif, file_name, title, fout=None):
    print 'Generating %s ...' % file_name
    # convert probabilities to counts by simply scaling the pobabilities,
    # this is ok, since the logo is scaled by the discrete entropy and not
    # the differential entropy of the Dirichlet-compound posterior distribution
    counts   = [ [ int(round(motif[j][i]*1000)) for j in range(len(motif)) ] for i in range(len(motif[0])) ]
    alphabet = Alphabet(DNA.letters, zip(DNA.letters.lower(), DNA.letters))
    data     = LogoData.from_counts(alphabet, np.array(counts))
    options  = LogoOptions()
    options.color_scheme    = nucleotide
    options.logo_title      = title
    options.creator_text    = ''
    options.fineprint       = ''
    options.stacks_per_line = 60
    options.yaxis_scale     = 1.0
    options.scale_width     = False
    # use the natural logarithm as unit
    options.unit_name       = "nats"
    options.yaxis_label     = "p"
    # use discrete entropy to scale the logo
    # note: somehow the weblogo library requires that the entropy is inverted:
    # Log(|A|) - H(X)
    # that is, the stack height is simply defined by what is given by data.entropy,
    # since we use nats, the entropy should also be in the interval [0, 1]!
    data.entropy = map(lambda x: 1.0 - x/math.log(4), information.entropy(motif, len(motif), len(motif[0])))
    data.entropy_interval = None
    format = LogoFormat(data, options)
    if not fout:
        fout = open(file_name, 'w')
        pdf_formatter(data, format, fout)
        pdf_formatter(data, format, fout)
p = p_independent(N_hypercolumns, units_per_hypercolumn, X)
p_i = p[i, :]
p_j = p[j, :]
p_joint = joint(i, j, X, distribution, units_per_hypercolumn)
aux = np.copy(p_joint)

if np.any(p_joint == 0):
    # Joint
    p_joint[p_joint < low_noise] = low_noise
    sum = p_joint.sum()
    p_joint = p_joint / sum
    p_i = p_joint.sum(axis=1)
    p_j = p_joint.sum(axis=0)

# Calculate the entropies
x1 = entropy(p_i)
x2 = entropy(p_j)
x3 = joint_entropy(p_joint)

MI = mutual_information(p_i, p_j, p_joint)
MI2 = mutual_information2(p_i, p_j, p_joint)
MI_alt = x1 + x2 - x3

D1 = x3 - MI
D2 = x3 - MI2

print 'MI', MI
print 'MI2', MI2
print 'MI_alt', MI_alt
print np.isclose(MI, MI2)
print 'distances 1, 2', D1, D2
Пример #3
 def entropy(self):
     return information.entropy(self.motif())
Пример #4
 def entropy(self):
     motif = self.motif()
     return information.entropy(motif, self.n, self.m)