Пример #1
    def _get_workspace_map(self, configuration):
        """Builds a mapping for a workspace and configuration of name to model instance.

        :param configuration: A list of configurations that specify system names of models to fetch and map.
        :type configuration: list[dict]
        :returns: A mapping of workspace system names to associated model instances.
        :rtype: dict[string, :class:`storage.models.Workspace`]

        # Build a mapping of required workspaces
        results = {
            file_dict['workspace_name']: None
            for file_dict in configuration
        for workspace in Workspace.objects.filter(name__in=results.keys()):
            if not workspace.is_active:
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                    'Workspace is not active: %s' % workspace.name)
            results[workspace.name] = workspace

        # Check for any missing workspace model declarations
        for name, workspace in results.iteritems():
            if not workspace:
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                    'Unknown workspace reference: %s' % name)
        return results
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, configuration, do_validate=False):
        """Creates a Strike configuration object from the given dictionary. The general format is checked for
        correctness, but the specified workspace(s) are not checked.

        :param configuration: The Strike configuration
        :type configuration: dict
        :raises InvalidStrikeConfiguration: If the given configuration is invalid

        self._configuration = configuration

        # Convert old versions
        if 'version' in self._configuration and self._configuration[
                'version'] == '1.0':
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                'Invalid Strike configuration. Strike configuration version 1.0 is no longer supported'

        if 'version' in self._configuration and self._configuration[
                'version'] == '2.0':
            self._configuration['version'] = SCHEMA_VERSION

            if do_validate:
                validate(configuration, STRIKE_CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA)
        except ValidationError as ex:
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                'Invalid Strike configuration: %s' % unicode(ex))

        if self._configuration['version'] not in SCHEMA_VERSIONS:
            msg = 'Invalid Strike configuration: %s is an unsupported version number'
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(msg %

        self._file_handler = FileHandler()
        for file_dict in self._configuration['files_to_ingest']:
                regex_pattern = re.compile(file_dict['filename_regex'])
            except re.error:
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                    'Invalid file name regex: %s' %
            new_workspace = None
            if 'new_workspace' in file_dict:
                new_workspace = file_dict['new_workspace']
            new_file_path = None
            if 'new_file_path' in file_dict:
                if os.path.isabs(file_dict['new_file_path']):
                    msg = 'Invalid Strike configuration: new_file_path may not be an absolute path'
                    raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(msg)
                file_dict['new_file_path'] = os.path.normpath(
                new_file_path = file_dict['new_file_path']
            rule = FileRule(regex_pattern, file_dict['data_types'],
                            new_workspace, new_file_path)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, configuration):
        """Creates a Strike configuration object from the given dictionary. The general format is checked for
        correctness, but the specified workspace(s) are not checked.

        :param configuration: The Strike configuration
        :type configuration: dict
        :raises InvalidStrikeConfiguration: If the given configuration is invalid

        self._configuration = configuration

            validate(configuration, STRIKE_CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA)
        except ValidationError as ex:
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                'Invalid Strike configuration: %s' % unicode(ex))

        if not self._configuration['version'] == '1.0':
            msg = 'Invalid Strike configuration: %s is an unsupported version number'
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(msg %

        # Normalize paths
        for file_dict in self._configuration['files_to_ingest']:
            if os.path.isabs(file_dict['workspace_path']):
                msg = 'Invalid Strike configuration: workspace_path may not be an absolute path'
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(msg)
            file_dict['workspace_path'] = os.path.normpath(

        # Build a mapping of required workspaces
        self._workspace_map = self._get_workspace_map(

        # Compile and organize regular expressions
        self.file_regex_entries = [
        ]  # List of (regex pattern, list of data types, workspace path, workspace)
        for file_dict in self._configuration['files_to_ingest']:
                regex_pattern = re.compile(file_dict['filename_regex'])
            except re.error:
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                    'Invalid file name regex: %s' %
            regex_tuple = (regex_pattern, file_dict['data_types'],
Пример #4
    def validate(self):
        """Validates the Strike configuration

        :returns: A list of warnings discovered during validation
        :rtype: list[:class:`ingest.strike.configuration.strike_configuration.ValidationWarning`]

        :raises :class:`ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration`: If the configuration is

        warnings = []

        monitor_type = self._configuration['monitor']['type']
        if monitor_type not in factory.get_monitor_types():
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                '\'%s\' is an invalid monitor type' % monitor_type)

        monitored_workspace_name = self._configuration['workspace']
        workspace_names = {monitored_workspace_name}
        for rule in self._file_handler.rules:
            if rule.new_workspace:

        for workspace in Workspace.objects.filter(name__in=workspace_names):
            if workspace.name == monitored_workspace_name:
                broker_type = workspace.get_broker().broker_type
                monitor = factory.get_monitor(monitor_type)
                if broker_type not in monitor.supported_broker_types:
                    msg = 'Monitor type %s does not support broker type %s'
                    raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                        msg % (monitor_type, broker_type))
            if not workspace.is_active:
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                    'Workspace is not active: %s' % workspace.name)

        if workspace_names:
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration('Unknown workspace name: %s' %

        return warnings
Пример #5
    def validate(self):
        """Validates the Strike configuration

        :returns: A list of warnings discovered during validation
        :rtype: list[:class:`util.validation.ValidationWarning`]

        :raises :class:`ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration`: If the configuration is

        warnings = []

        monitor_type = self.configuration['monitor']['type']
        if monitor_type not in factory.get_monitor_types():
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                '\'%s\' is an invalid monitor type' % monitor_type)

        if 'recipe' in self.configuration:
            recipe_name = self.configuration['recipe'][
                'name'] if 'name' in self.configuration['recipe'] else None
            revision_num = self.configuration['recipe'][
                'revision_num'] if 'revision_num' in self.configuration[
                    'recipe'] else None

            if not recipe_name:
                msg = 'Recipe Type name is not defined'
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(msg)

            if RecipeType.objects.filter(name=recipe_name).count() == 0:
                msg = 'Recipe Type %s does not exist'
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(msg % recipe_name)

            if revision_num:
                rt = RecipeType.objects.get(name=recipe_name)
                if RecipeTypeRevision.objects.filter(
                        revision_num=revision_num).count() == 0:
                    msg = 'Recipe Type revision number %s does not exist for recipe type %s'
                    raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                        msg % (revision_num, recipe_name))

        monitored_workspace_name = self.configuration['workspace']
        workspace_names = {monitored_workspace_name}
        for rule in self.file_handler.rules:
            if rule.new_workspace:

        for workspace in Workspace.objects.filter(name__in=workspace_names):
            if workspace.name == monitored_workspace_name:
                broker_type = workspace.get_broker().broker_type
                monitor = factory.get_monitor(monitor_type)
                if broker_type not in monitor.supported_broker_types:
                    msg = 'Monitor type %s does not support broker type %s'
                    raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                        msg % (monitor_type, broker_type))
            if not workspace.is_active:
                raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration(
                    'Workspace is not active: %s' % workspace.name)

        if workspace_names:
            raise InvalidStrikeConfiguration('Unknown workspace name: %s' %

        return warnings