def DeleteTeamData(id): with app.app_context(): team1 = Team.query.filter( == id).first() #2.把这条数据删除掉 db.session.delete(team1) #3.做数据的提交 db.session.commit()
def industrial_check(oldurl, industrialurl): poc_class = pocdb_pocs(industrialurl) poc_dict = poc_class.industrialpocdict cprint( ">>>工控漏洞扫描URL: " + industrialurl + "\t可用POC个数[" + str(len(poc_dict)) + "]", "magenta") print("\r") results = [] for value in poc_dict.values(): results.append( with app.app_context(): for result in results: try: vulnerable, bugurl, bugname, payload, bugdetail = result if vulnerable: bug = BugList(oldurl=oldurl, bugurl=bugurl, bugname=bugname, buggrade=redispool.hget('bugtype', bugname), payload=payload, bugdetail=bugdetail) redispool.pfadd(redispool.hget('bugtype', bugname), bugurl) redispool.pfadd(bugname, bugurl) db.session.add(bug) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) pass
def SenFileScan(domain, redispool): """ 敏感文件、目录扫描 字典:dict\SEN_scan.txt :param domain: :param :return: """ pools = 20 urlList = [] for i in range(0, redispool.llen("SenScan")): url="http://{}/{}".format(domain, redispool.lindex("SenScan", i)) urlList.append(url) pool = ThreadPool(pools) SenFileMessage =, urlList) pool.close() pool.join() if len(SenFileMessage)!=0: with app.app_context(): for url in SenFileMessage: try: rep = requests.get(url, headers=core.GetHeaders(), timeout=3, verify=False) bug = BugList(oldurl=domain, bugurl=url, bugname="SenDir",buggrade=redispool.hget('bugtype', "SenDir"),payload=url, bugdetail=rep.text) db.session.add(bug) except Exception as e: print(e) pass db.session.commit() return "\n".join(list(filter(None, SenFileMessage)))
def DeleteAdminData(id): with app.app_context(): admin1 = Admin.query.filter( == id).first() #2.把这条数据删除掉 db.session.delete(admin1) #3.做数据的提交 db.session.commit()
def deltask(id=1, tid=None): with app.app_context(): tasks = scanTask.query.filter(scanTask.tid == tid).first() db.session.delete(tasks) db.session.commit() flash("删除成功") return redirect(url_for('tasks.seetask', id=id))
def saveTeamAttackEvant(sourcetid, goaltid, round, flag): ''' 该函数记录成功的攻击事件 存储在AttackRecord表中 存储数据为 攻击队伍ID 被攻击队伍ID 当前是第几轮 round :param sourcetid: :param goaltid: :param round: :return: ''' with app.app_context(): sourceTeamName = Team.query.filter( == sourcetid).first().teamname goalTeamName = Team.query.filter( == goaltid).first().teamname text = "{} 在{}轮 攻击 {} ,flag为{}".format(sourceTeamName, goalTeamName, round, flag) ulog = ULog(text=text) event = AttackRecord(sourcetid=sourcetid, goaltid=goaltid, round=round, flag=flag, atttime=strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime())) db.session.add(ulog) db.session.add(event) db.session.commit()
def scanConsole(url, poclist, tid, pluginlist): rep, target = getRep(url) if not rep: raise reqBadExceptin(url) basemsg = GetBaseMessage(url, target, rep) with app.app_context(): basemsgdb = BaseInfo(url=url, tid=tid, status=basemsg.GetStatus(), title=basemsg.GetTitle(), date=basemsg.GetDate(), responseheader=basemsg.GetResponseHeader(), Server=basemsg.GetFinger()) db.session.add(basemsgdb) db.session.commit() # 预处理 getPluginDepends() time.sleep(5) # 前置扫描 scanPocs(target, poclist, tid) scanPlugins(target, pluginlist, tid) results = spider(target) # 后置扫描 for tempurl in results: scanPocs(tempurl, poclist, tid, position=True) scanPlugins(tempurl, pluginlist, tid, position=True)"{} ScanEnd".format(url))
def cmspoc_check(oldurl, cmsurl): poc_class = pocdb_pocs(cmsurl) poc_dict = poc_class.cmspocdict cprint( ">>>CMS漏洞扫描URL: " + cmsurl + "\t可用POC个数[" + str(len(poc_dict)) + "]", "magenta"), poc_dict.keys()) print("\r") results =, poc_dict.values()) cmspool.close() cmspool.join() try: with app.app_context(): for result in results: vulnerable, bugurl, bugname, payload, bugdetail = result if vulnerable: bug = BugList(oldurl=oldurl, bugurl=bugurl, bugname=bugname, buggrade=redispool.hget('bugtype', bugname), payload=payload, bugdetail=bugdetail) db.session.add(bug) redispool.pfadd(redispool.hget('bugtype', bugname), bugurl) redispool.pfadd(bugname, bugurl) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) pass
def inputVulhubMsg(title, tid, addr, sshport, detail, sshname, sshpass, dockerid): ''' 输入 vulhub 的初始环境 :param title: :param tid: :param addr: :param sshport: :param detail: :param sshname: :param sshpass: :param dockerid: :return: ''' with app.app_context(): tempVul = Vulhub(tid=tid, title=title, addr=addr, sshport=sshport, sshname=sshname, sshpass=sshpass, dockerid=dockerid, detail=detail) db.session.add(tempVul) db.session.commit() return
def editVulhub(vid): if not vid: vid = 1 vulhub = Vulhub.query.filter( == vid).first() if request.method == 'GET': checklist = list() for tempfile in os.listdir(CheckDownPath): if tempfile.endswith('.py'): checklist.append(tempfile.split('.')[0]) return render_template('T_edit_vulhub.html', vulhub=vulhub, checklist=checklist) else: vulname = request.form.get('vulname') addr = request.form.get('addr') serviceport = request.form.get('serviceport') sshport = request.form.get('sshport') sshname = request.form.get('sshname') sshpass = request.form.get('sshpass') dockerid = request.form.get('dockerid') status = bool(request.form.get('status')) detail = request.form.get('detail') with app.app_context(): vulhub.vulname, vulhub.addr, vulhub.serviceport, vulhub.sshport, vulhub.sshname, vulhub.sshpass, vulhub.dockerid, vulhub.status, vulhub.detail = vulname, addr, serviceport, sshport, sshname, sshpass, dockerid, status, detail db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('vulhubManage'))
def delTeam(tid): if tid: with app.app_context(): team = Team.query.filter( == tid).first() db.session.delete(team) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('teamManage'))
def DeleteAdminData(id): with app.app_context(): notice1 = Notice.query.filter( == id).first() #2.把这条数据删除掉 db.session.delete(notice1) #3.做数据的提交 db.session.commit()
def editAdminData(id, newcontent): with app.app_context(): notice1 = Notice.query.filter( == id).first() #2.把这条数据,你需要修改的地方进行修改 notice1.username = newcontent #3.把事务进行提交 db.session.commit()
def BugScanConsole(attackurl): ''' 动态调用类方法,减少冗余代码 将存在bug的url存在buglist表中,同时根据漏洞类型的不同,指向bugtype表中对应的漏洞类型 ''' try: while redispool.scard(attackurl) != 0: url = redispool.spop(attackurl) Bug = BugScan(attackurl, url) with app.app_context(): for value in Bugs: vulnerable, payload, bugdetail = getattr(Bug, value)() if vulnerable: bug = BugList(oldurl=attackurl, bugurl=url, bugname=value, buggrade=redispool.hget( 'bugtype', value), payload=payload, bugdetail=bugdetail) db.session.add(bug) db.session.commit() Bug.POCScan() Bug.WebLogicScan() # time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: print(e) pass
def SenFileScan(domain, url): """ 敏感文件、目录扫描 字典:dict\SEN_scan.txt :param domain: :param :return: """ pools = 20 urlList = [] for i in range(0, redispool.llen("SenScan")): suffix = redispool.lindex("SenScan", i) senurl = "{}/{}".format(url, suffix) urlList.append(senurl) pool = ThreadPool(pools) SenFileMessage =, urlList) SenFileMessage2 = "" pool.close() pool.join() url404 = "{}/springbird404page".format(url) try: rep404 = requests.get(url404, headers=core.GetHeaders(), timeout=3, verify=False).text except Exception as e: print("超时") rep404 = str(e) pass if len(SenFileMessage) != 0: with app.app_context(): print("Sen file and dir : \n") for url in SenFileMessage: try: if url is None: continue rep = requests.get(url, headers=core.GetHeaders(), timeout=1, verify=False) #添加404界面的判断,避免过多杂乱信息 if not core.is_similar_page(rep404, rep.text, radio=0.85): print(url) bug = BugList(oldurl=domain, bugurl=url, bugname="SenDir", buggrade=redispool.hget( 'bugtype', "SenDir"), payload=url, bugdetail=rep.text) SenFileMessage2 += url + "\n" redispool.pfadd(redispool.hget('bugtype', "SenDir"), url) redispool.pfadd("SenDir", url) db.session.add(bug) except Exception as e: # print(e) pass db.session.commit() return SenFileMessage2
def editTeamData(id, newteamname, newpassword): with app.app_context(): team1 = Team.query.filter( == id).first() #2.把这条数据,你需要修改的地方进行修改 team1.username = newteamname team1.password = newpassword #3.把事务进行提交 db.session.commit()
def shields_regen(self): with app.app_context(): ships = db.session.query(Ship).all() for ship in ships: if ship.shield < Ship.SHIELD[ship.type]: ship.shield += self.SHIELDS_INCREMENT db.session.add(ship) db.session.commit()
def delNotice(nid): if nid: with app.app_context(): notice = Notice.query.filter( == nid).first() db.session.delete(notice) db.session.commit() noticeList = Notice.query.all() return render_template('T_notice_manage.html', noticeList=noticeList)
def get_db(): """Opens a new database connection if there is none yet for the current application context. """ with app.app_context(): if not hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'): g.sqlite_db = connect_db() return g.sqlite_db
def editAdminData(id, newadminname, newpassword): with app.app_context(): admin1 = Admin.query.filter( == id).first() #2.把这条数据,你需要修改的地方进行修改 admin1.username = newadminname admin1.password = newpassword #3.把事务进行提交 db.session.commit()
def delPoc(id=None): with app.app_context(): tempPoc = PocList.query.filter( == id).first() delPocFile(tempPoc.filename) db.session.delete(tempPoc) db.session.commit() flash("删除成功") return redirect(url_for('pocs.poclist'))
def getTeamAllMsg(tid): ''' 返回 tid 对应的团队 团队名,密码,token :param tid: :return: ''' with app.app_context(): tempTeam = Team.query.filter( == tid).first() return tempTeam.teamname, tempTeam.password, tempTeam.token
def delVulhub(vid): if vid is None: return redirect(url_for('vulhubManage')) else: with app.app_context(): vulhub = Vulhub.query.filter( == vid).first() db.session.delete(vulhub) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('vulhubManage'))
def delPlugin(id=None): # print(id) with app.app_context(): plugin = pluginList.query.filter( == id).first() delPluginFile(plugin.filename) db.session.delete(plugin) db.session.commit() flash("删除成功") return redirect(url_for('plugin.pluginlist'))
def deltasks(tid=None): with app.app_context(): tasks = Task.query.filter(Task.tid == tid).first() scantasks = scanTask.query.filter( == tasks.tid) [db.session.delete(task) for task in scantasks] db.session.delete(tasks) db.session.commit() flash("删除成功") return redirect(url_for('tasks.tasklist'))
def saveVul(result, tid, poc): with app.app_context(): vul = VulList(url=result['url'], tid=tid, pocname=poc, result=json.dumps(result['result']['VerifyInfo']), created=result['created']) db.session.add(vul) db.session.commit()
def getTeamToken(tid): ''' 返回 tid 对应的团队 token :param tid: :return: ''' with app.app_context(): tempTeam = Team.query.filter( == tid).first() return tempTeam.token
def getTeamPass(tid): ''' 返回 tid 对应的团队密码 :param tid: :return: ''' with app.app_context(): tempTeam = Team.query.filter( == tid).first() return tempTeam.password
def delAllTask(): with app.app_context(): tasks = Task.query.all() [db.session.delete(task) for task in tasks] scantasks = scanTask.query.all() [db.session.delete(task) for task in scantasks] db.session.commit() flash("删除成功") return redirect(url_for('tasks.tasklist'))
def delDownSource(tid, downNum): ''' 删除宕机靶机所属队伍的分数 :param tid: :return: ''' with app.app_context(): tempSource = Team.query.filter( == tid).first() tempSource.source -= config.CheckDown_Source * downNum db.session.commit() return
def saveExts(result, tid, pluginname): with app.app_context(): extMsg = ExtList(pluginname=pluginname, tid=tid, result=result, created=str( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))) db.session.add(extMsg) db.session.commit()
from init import app from models.sale_maintainer_quota import SaleMaintainerQuota from models.taomi_tag_model import TaomiTagMap from libs.customer_maintainer_sea import MaintainerQuota from libs.rpc import YaoguangRPC with app.app_context(): fields = [ { 'key': 'vip_expire_date', 'name': 'VIP过期时间', 'order': 0, 'prefix': '', 'scope': 'maintainer', 'selections': [ { 'id': [0, 4], 'name': '0-3', }, { 'id': [4, 8], 'name': '4-7' }, { 'id': [8, 16], 'name': '8-15', }, { 'id': [16, 31], 'name': '16-30',
def init_db(): """Creates the database tables.""" with app.app_context(): db = get_db() db.create_all()