Пример #1
def run():

    # Make sure necessary directories exist
    if not os.path.exists("tracks"):
    if not os.path.exists("tracks/dwh_f"):
    if not os.path.exists("figures"):
    if not os.path.exists("figures/dwh_f"):

    # Parameters to be rotated through
    years = np.array([2010])
    # oil spill from April 20 - July 15, 2010
    startdate = datetime(years[0], 4, 20, 0)

    ndays = 87  # to cover oil spill time period

    # Do one initialization here to save grid
    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, grid = init.dwh_f()

    # loop through start dates for drifters
    for n in xrange(ndays):

        # Date for this loop
        date = startdate + timedelta(days=n)

        # Read in simulation initialization
        loc, nstep, ndays, ff, date, tseas, ah, av, lon0, lat0, z0, zpar, do3d, doturb, name, grid = init.dwh_f(
            date, grid=grid

        # If the particle trajectories have not been run, run them
        if not os.path.exists("tracks/" + name + ".nc"):
            lonp, latp, zp, t, grid = tracpy.run.run(
                loc, nstep, ndays, ff, date, tseas, ah, av, lon0, lat0, z0, zpar, do3d, doturb, name

        else:  # if the files already exist, just read them in for plotting
            d = netCDF.Dataset("tracks/" + name + ".nc")
            lonp = d.variables["lonp"][:]
            latp = d.variables["latp"][:]

        # If the particle trajectories have not been plotted, plot them
        if not os.path.exists("figures/" + name + "tracks.png"):
            tracpy.plotting.tracks(lonp, latp, name, grid=grid)
        if not os.path.exists("figures/" + name + "histhexbin.png"):
            tracpy.plotting.hist(lonp, latp, name, grid=grid, which="hexbin")

        # Plot tracks and histograms for these drifters
        # but only those outside the shelf
        fh = grid["trirllrho"].nn_interpolator(grid["h"].flatten())
        hp = fh(lonp[:, 0], latp[:, 0])  # depths at starting lon/lat
        ind = hp > 500.0  # want to know which drifters start outside shelf break
        name1 = name + "tracks_outershelf"
        if not os.path.exists("figures/" + name1 + ".png"):
            tracpy.plotting.tracks(lonp[ind, :], latp[ind, :], name1, grid=grid)
        name2 = name + "histhexbin_outershelf"
        if not os.path.exists("figures/" + name2 + ".png"):
            tracpy.plotting.hist(lonp[ind, :], latp[ind, :], name2, grid=grid, which="hexbin")
Пример #2
def run():

    # Make sure necessary directories exist
    if not os.path.exists('tracks'):
    if not os.path.exists('tracks/bara_stream_b'):
    if not os.path.exists('figures'):
    if not os.path.exists('figures/bara_stream_b'):

    # Parameters to be rotated through
    years = np.array([2010])

    # Number of drifters to use
    Ns = np.array([100, 1000, 10000])
    # Ns = np.array([10, 20, 50, 100, 1000, 10000])

    # Want to cover oil spill time period after 5 days of spilling
    # then running an extra 30 days after it stopped.
    # when oil started spilling: 4/20/10 9:45PM CDT to UTC
    # oil spill from April 20 - July 15, 2010
    # spillstart = datetime(2010, 4, 20, 9+12, 45, 0) + timedelta(hours=5)
    spillstart = datetime(2010, 4, 21, 0, 1) #rounding in UTC to midnight
    spillend = datetime(2010, 7, 16, 0, 1)
    runend = spillstart
    # Start the simulations at earliest 5 days after the spill started
    runstart = spillstart+timedelta(days=5)
    rundays = (spillend+timedelta(days=30) - runstart).days

    # Do one initialization here to save grid
    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, grid = init.dwh_f()

    # loop through numbers of drifters for test
    for N in Ns:

        # loop through days to run for drifters
        for n in xrange(rundays):

            # Run for each output during the day too
            for nh in range(0,24,4):

                # Date for this loop
                date = runstart + timedelta(days=n) + timedelta(hours=nh)

                # Read in simulation initialization
                loc, nstep, ndays, ff, date, tseas, ah, av, \
                        lon0, lat0, z0, zpar, do3d, doturb, \
                        name, grid, dostream, T0, \
                        U, V = init.bara_stream_b(date, runend, N, grid=grid)

                # If the particle trajectories have not been run, run them
                if not os.path.exists('tracks/' + name + '.nc'):
                    lonp, latp, zp, t, grid, T0, U, V = tracpy.run.run(loc, nstep, ndays, \
                                                    ff, date, tseas, ah, av, \
                                                    lon0, lat0, z0, zpar, do3d, \
                                                    doturb, name, grid=grid, \
                                                    dostream=dostream, T0=T0, \
                                                    U=U, V=V)

                else: # if the files already exist, just read them in for plotting
                    d = netCDF.Dataset('tracks/' + name + '.nc')
                    lonp = d.variables['lonp'][:]
                    latp = d.variables['latp'][:]
                    T0 = d.variables['T0'][:]
                    U = d.variables['U'][:]
                    V = d.variables['V'][:]

                # If the particle trajectories have not been plotted, plot them
                if not os.path.exists('figures/' + name + 'tracks.png'):
                    tracpy.plotting.tracks(lonp, latp, name, grid=grid)
                if not os.path.exists('figures/' + name + 'histhexbin.png'):
                    tracpy.plotting.hist(lonp, latp, name, grid=grid, which='hexbin')