Пример #1
 def _observe_document(self, change):
     """ Read the document from stdin """
     if change['type'] == 'update' and self.document == '-':
         #: Only load from stdin when explicitly changed to it (when doing
         #: open from the cli) otherwise when restoring state this hangs
         #: startup
         self.path = QtSvgDoc(sys.stdin, **self.document_kwargs)
     elif self.document and os.path.exists(self.document):
         self.path = QtSvgDoc(self.document, **self.document_kwargs)
Пример #2
 def _observe_document(self, change):
     """ Read the document from stdin """
     if change['type'] == 'update' and self.document == '-':
         #: Only load from stdin when explicitly changed to it (when doing
         #: open from the cli) otherwise when restoring state this hangs
         #: startup
         self.path = QtSvgDoc(sys.stdin, **self.document_kwargs)
     elif self.document and os.path.exists(self.document):
         self.path = QtSvgDoc(self.document, **self.document_kwargs)
Пример #3
    def apply_filter(self, job, doc):
        """ Remove all subpaths from doc that are in this layer by reparsing
        the xml.
        # Copy it since we're modifying
        svg = copy.deepcopy(doc._e)

        # Remove all nodes with that stroke style
        for e in svg.xpath('//*[@style]'):
            style = get_node_style(e)
            if style.get(self.style_attr) == self.data:

        return QtSvgDoc(svg, parent=True)
Пример #4
    def apply_filter(self, job, doc):
        """ Remove all subpaths from doc that are in this layer by reparsing
        the xml.
        # Copy it since we're modifying
        svg = copy.deepcopy(doc._e)

        # Find the layer in the cloned doc
        for g in get_layers(svg):
            label = get_layer_label(g)
            if label == self.name:

        return QtSvgDoc(svg, parent=True)
Пример #5
def test_svg(path):
    """ Make sure the document can be parsed """
        doc = QtSvgDoc(path)
    except NotImplementedError as e:
Пример #6
class Job(Model):
    """ Create a plot depending on the properties set. Any property that is a 
    traitlet will cause an update when the value is changed.
    #: Material this job will be run on
    material = Instance(Material, ()).tag(config=True)

    #: Path to svg document this job parses
    document = Unicode().tag(config=True)

    #: Nodes to restrict
    document_kwargs = Dict().tag(config=True)

    #: Meta info a the job
    info = Instance(JobInfo, ()).tag(config=True)

    # Job properties used for generating the plot
    size = ContainerList(Float(), default=[1, 1])  # TODO: hooookk
    scale = ContainerList(Float(), default=[1, 1]).tag(config=True)
    auto_scale = Bool(False).tag(
        config=True, help="automatically scale if it's too big for the area")
    lock_scale = Bool(True).tag(
        config=True, help="automatically scale if it's too big for the area")

    mirror = ContainerList(Bool(), default=[False, False]).tag(config=True)
    align_center = ContainerList(Bool(), default=[False,

    rotation = Float(0).tag(config=True)
    auto_rotate = Bool(False).tag(
        config=True, help="automatically rotate if it saves space")

    copies = Int(1).tag(config=True)
    auto_copies = Bool(False).tag(config=True, help="always use a full stack")
    copy_spacing = ContainerList(Float(), default=[10, 10]).tag(config=True)
    copy_weedline = Bool(False).tag(config=True)
    copy_weedline_padding = ContainerList(Float(),
                                          default=[10, 10, 10,

    plot_weedline = Bool(False).tag(config=True)
    plot_weedline_padding = ContainerList(Float(),
                                          default=[10, 10, 10,

    order = Enum(*sorted(ordering.REGISTRY.keys())).tag(config=True)

    def _default_order(self):
        return 'Normal'

    feed_to_end = Bool(False).tag(config=True)
    feed_after = Float(0).tag(config=True)

    stack_size = ContainerList(Int(), default=[0, 0])

    path = Instance(QtGui.QPainterPath)  # Original path
    model = Instance(QtGui.QPainterPath)  # Copy using job properties

    _blocked = Bool(False)  # block change events
    _desired_copies = Int(1)  # required for auto copies

    def _observe_document(self, change):
        """ Read the document from stdin """
        if change['type'] == 'update' and self.document == '-':
            #: Only load from stdin when explicitly changed to it (when doing
            #: open from the cli) otherwise when restoring state this hangs
            #: startup
            self.path = QtSvgDoc(sys.stdin, **self.document_kwargs)
        elif self.document and os.path.exists(self.document):
            self.path = QtSvgDoc(self.document, **self.document_kwargs)

    def _create_copy(self):
        """ Creates a copy of the original graphic applying the given 
        bbox = self.path.boundingRect()

        # Create the base copy
        t = QtGui.QTransform()

            self.scale[0] * (self.mirror[0] and -1 or 1),
            self.scale[1] * (self.mirror[1] and -1 or 1),

        # Rotate about center
        if self.rotation != 0:
            c = bbox.center()
            t.translate(-c.x(), -c.y())
            t.translate(c.x(), c.y())

        # Apply transform
        path = self.path * t

        # Add weedline to copy
        if self.copy_weedline:
            self._add_weedline(path, self.copy_weedline_padding)

        # Apply ordering to path
        # this delegates to objects in the ordering module
        # TODO: Should this be done via plugins?
        OrderingHandler = ordering.REGISTRY.get(self.order)
        if OrderingHandler:
            path = OrderingHandler().order(self, path)

        # If it's too big we have to scale it
        w, h = path.boundingRect().width(), path.boundingRect().height()
        available_area = self.material.available_area

        #: This screws stuff up!
        if w > available_area.width() or h > available_area.height():

            # If it's too big an auto scale is enabled, resize it to fit
            if not self.auto_scale:
                raise JobError("Image is too large to fit on the material")
            sx, sy = 1, 1
            if w > available_area.width():
                sx = available_area.width() / w
            if h > available_area.height():
                sy = available_area.height() / h
            s = min(sx, sy)  # Fit to the smaller of the two
            path = self.path * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(s, s)

        # Move to bottom left
        p = path.boundingRect().bottomRight()

        path = path * QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(-p.x(), -p.y())

        return path

    def events_suppressed(self):
        """ Block change events to prevent feedback loops 
        self._blocked = True
            self._blocked = False

    @observe('path', 'scale', 'auto_scale', 'lock_scale', 'mirror',
             'align_center', 'rotation', 'auto_rotate', 'copies', 'order',
             'copy_spacing', 'copy_weedline', 'copy_weedline_padding',
             'plot_weedline', 'plot_weedline_padding', 'feed_to_end',
             'feed_after', 'material', 'material.size', 'material.padding',
    def _job_changed(self, change):
        """ Recreate an instance of of the plot using the current settings 
        if self._blocked:

        if change['name'] == 'copies':
            self._desired_copies = self.copies

        model = QtGui.QPainterPath()

        if not self.path:

        path = self._create_copy()

        # Update size
        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        self.size = [bbox.width(), bbox.height()]

        # Create copies
        c = 0
        points = self._copy_positions_iter(path)

        if self.auto_copies:
            self.stack_size = self._compute_stack_sizes(path)
            if self.stack_size[0]:
                copies_left = self.copies % self.stack_size[0]
                if copies_left:  # not a full stack
                    with self.events_suppressed():
                        self.copies = self._desired_copies

        while c < self.copies:
            x, y = next(points)
            model.addPath(path * QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(x, -y))
            c += 1

        # Create weedline
        if self.plot_weedline:
            self._add_weedline(model, self.plot_weedline_padding)

        # Move to 0,0
        bbox = model.boundingRect()
        p = bbox.bottomLeft()
        tx, ty = -p.x(), -p.y()

        # Center or set to padding
        tx += ((self.material.width() - bbox.width()) /
               2.0 if self.align_center[0] else self.material.padding_left)
        ty += (-(self.material.height() - bbox.height()) /
               2.0 if self.align_center[1] else -self.material.padding_bottom)

        t = QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(tx, ty)

        model = model * t

        end_point = (QtCore.QPointF(
            0, -self.feed_after + model.boundingRect().top())
                     if self.feed_to_end else QtCore.QPointF(0, 0))

        # Set new model
        self.model = model  #.simplified()

        # Set device model
        #self.device_model = self.device.driver.prepare_job(self)
        #    # Undo the change
        #    if 'oldvalue' in change:
        #        setattr(change['object'],change['name'],change['oldvalue'])
        #    raise
        #if not self.check_bounds(self.boundingRect(),self.available_area):
        #    raise JobError(
        #       "Plot outside of plotting area, increase the area"
        #       "or decrease the scale or decrease number of copies!")

    def _check_bounds(self, plot, area):
        """ Checks that the width and height of plot are less than the width 
        and height of area 
        return plot.width() > area.width() or plot.height() > area.height()

    def _copy_positions_iter(self, path, axis=0):
        """ Generator that creates positions of points
        other_axis = axis + 1 % 2
        p = [0, 0]

        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        d = (bbox.width(), bbox.height())
        pad = self.copy_spacing
        stack_size = self._compute_stack_sizes(path)

        while True:
            p[axis] = 0
            yield p  # Beginning of each row

            for i in range(stack_size[axis] - 1):
                p[axis] += d[axis] + pad[axis]
                yield p

            p[other_axis] += d[other_axis] + pad[other_axis]

    def _compute_stack_sizes(self, path):
        # Usable area
        material = self.material
        a = [material.width(), material.height()]
        a[0] -= material.padding[Padding.LEFT] + material.padding[
        a[1] -= material.padding[Padding.TOP] + material.padding[

        # Clone includes weedline but not spacing
        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        size = [bbox.width(), bbox.height()]

        stack_size = [0, 0]
        p = [0, 0]
        for i in range(2):
            # Compute stack
            while (p[i] + size[i]) < a[i]:  # while another one fits
                stack_size[i] += 1
                p[i] += size[i] + self.copy_spacing[i]  # Add only to end

        self.stack_size = stack_size
        return stack_size

    def _add_weedline(self, path, padding):
        """ Adds a weedline to the path 
        by creating a box around the path with the given padding
        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        w, h = bbox.width(), bbox.height()

        tl = bbox.topLeft()
        x = tl.x() - padding[Padding.LEFT]
        y = tl.y() - padding[Padding.TOP]

        w += padding[Padding.LEFT] + padding[Padding.RIGHT]
        h += padding[Padding.TOP] + padding[Padding.BOTTOM]

        path.addRect(x, y, w, h)
        return path

    def state(self):

    def move_path(self):
        """ Returns the path the head moves when not cutting 
        # Compute the negative
        path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        for i in range(self.model.elementCount()):
            e = self.model.elementAt(i)
            if e.isMoveTo():
                path.lineTo(e.x, e.y)
                path.moveTo(e.x, e.y)
        return path

    def cut_path(self):
        """ Returns path where it is cutting 
        return self.model

    #     def get_offset_path(self,device):
    #         """ Returns path where it is cutting """
    #         path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
    #         _p = QtCore.QPointF(0,0) # previous point
    #         step = 0.1
    #         for subpath in QtSvgDoc.toSubpathList(self.model):#.toSubpathPolygons():
    #             e = subpath.elementAt(0)
    #             path.moveTo(QtCore.QPointF(e.x,e.y))
    #             length = subpath.length()
    #             distance = 0
    #             while distance<=length:
    #                 t = subpath.percentAtLength(distance)
    #                 p = subpath.pointAtPercent(t)
    #                 a = subpath.angleAtPercent(t)+90
    #                 #path.moveTo(p)#QtCore.QPointF(x,y))
    #                 # TOOD: Do i need numpy here???
    #                 x = p.x()+np.multiply(self.device.blade_offset,np.sin(np.deg2rad(a)))
    #                 y = p.y()+np.multiply(self.device.blade_offset,np.cos(np.deg2rad(a)))
    #                 path.lineTo(QtCore.QPointF(x,y))
    #                 distance+=step
    #             #_p = p # update last
    #         return path

    def add_stack(self):
        """ Add a complete stack or fill the row 
        copies_left = self.stack_size[0] - (self.copies % self.stack_size[0])
        if copies_left == 0:  # Add full stack
            self.copies = self.copies + self.stack_size[0]
        else:  # Fill stack
            self.copies = self.copies + copies_left

    def remove_stack(self):
        """ Remove a complete stack or the rest of the row 
        if self.copies <= self.stack_size[0]:
            self.copies = 1

        copies_left = self.copies % self.stack_size[0]
        if copies_left == 0:  # Add full stack
            self.copies = self.copies - self.stack_size[0]
        else:  # Fill stack
            self.copies = self.copies - copies_left

    def clone(self):
        """ Return a cloned instance of this object 
        clone = Job(**self.members())
        return clone
Пример #7
class Job(Model):
    """ Create a plot depending on the properties set. Any property that is a
    traitlet will cause an update when the value is changed.

    #: Material this job will be run on
    material = Instance(Material, ()).tag(config=True)

    #: Path to svg document this job parses
    document = Unicode().tag(config=True)

    #: Nodes to restrict
    document_kwargs = Dict().tag(config=True)

    #: Meta info a the job
    info = Instance(JobInfo, ()).tag(config=True)

    # Job properties used for generating the plot
    size = ContainerList(Float(), default=[1, 1])
    scale = ContainerList(Float(), default=[1, 1]).tag(config=True)
    auto_scale = Bool(False).tag(
        config=True, help="automatically scale if it's too big for the area")
    lock_scale = Bool(True).tag(
        config=True, help="automatically scale if it's too big for the area")

    mirror = ContainerList(Bool(), default=[False, False]).tag(config=True)
    align_center = ContainerList(Bool(),
                                 default=[False, False]).tag(config=True)

    rotation = Float(0).tag(config=True)
    auto_rotate = Bool(False).tag(
        config=True, help="automatically rotate if it saves space")

    copies = Int(1).tag(config=True)
    auto_copies = Bool(False).tag(
        config=True, help="always use a full stack")
    copy_spacing = ContainerList(Float(),
                                 default=[10, 10]).tag(config=True)
    copy_weedline = Bool(False).tag(config=True)
    copy_weedline_padding = ContainerList(
        Float(), default=[10, 10, 10, 10]).tag(config=True)

    plot_weedline = Bool(False).tag(config=True)
    plot_weedline_padding = ContainerList(
        Float(), default=[10, 10, 10, 10]).tag(config=True)

    order = Enum(*sorted(ordering.REGISTRY.keys())).tag(config=True)

    def _default_order(self):
        return 'Normal'

    feed_to_end = Bool(False).tag(config=True)
    feed_after = Float(0).tag(config=True)

    stack_size = ContainerList(Int(), default=[0, 0])

    path = Instance(QtGui.QPainterPath)  # Original path
    model = Instance(QtGui.QPainterPath)  # Copy using job properties

    _blocked = Bool(False)  # block change events
    _desired_copies = Int(1)  # required for auto copies

    def __setstate__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Ensure that when restoring from disk the material and info
        are not set to None. Ideally these would be defined as Typed but
        the material may be made extendable at some point.
        super(Job, self).__setstate__(*args, **kwargs)
        if not self.info:
            self.info = JobInfo()
        if not self.material:
            self.material = Material()

    def _observe_document(self, change):
        """ Read the document from stdin """
        if change['type'] == 'update' and self.document == '-':
            #: Only load from stdin when explicitly changed to it (when doing
            #: open from the cli) otherwise when restoring state this hangs
            #: startup
            self.path = QtSvgDoc(sys.stdin, **self.document_kwargs)
        elif self.document and os.path.exists(self.document):
            self.path = QtSvgDoc(self.document, **self.document_kwargs)

    def _create_copy(self):
        """ Creates a copy of the original graphic applying the given

        bbox = self.path.boundingRect()

        # Create the base copy
        t = QtGui.QTransform()

            self.scale[0] * (self.mirror[0] and -1 or 1),
            self.scale[1] * (self.mirror[1] and -1 or 1),

        # Rotate about center
        if self.rotation != 0:
            c = bbox.center()
            t.translate(-c.x(), -c.y())
            t.translate(c.x(), c.y())

        # Apply transform
        path = self.path * t

        # Add weedline to copy
        if self.copy_weedline:
            self._add_weedline(path, self.copy_weedline_padding)

        # Apply ordering to path
        # this delegates to objects in the ordering module
        # TODO: Should this be done via plugins?
        OrderingHandler = ordering.REGISTRY.get(self.order)
        if OrderingHandler:
            path = OrderingHandler().order(self, path)

        # If it's too big we have to scale it
        w, h = path.boundingRect().width(), path.boundingRect().height()
        available_area = self.material.available_area

        #: This screws stuff up!
        if w > available_area.width() or h > available_area.height():

            # If it's too big an auto scale is enabled, resize it to fit
            if not self.auto_scale:
                raise JobError("Image is too large to fit on the material")
            sx, sy = 1, 1
            if w > available_area.width():
                sx = available_area.width() / w
            if h > available_area.height():
                sy = available_area.height() / h
            s = min(sx, sy) # Fit to the smaller of the two
            path = self.path * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(s, s)

        # Move to bottom left
        p = path.boundingRect().bottomRight()

        path = path * QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(-p.x(), -p.y())

        return path

    def events_suppressed(self):
        """ Block change events to prevent feedback loops

        self._blocked = True
            self._blocked = False

    @observe('path', 'scale', 'auto_scale', 'lock_scale', 'mirror',
             'align_center', 'rotation', 'auto_rotate', 'copies', 'order',
             'copy_spacing', 'copy_weedline', 'copy_weedline_padding',
             'plot_weedline', 'plot_weedline_padding', 'feed_to_end',
             'feed_after', 'material', 'material.size', 'material.padding',
    def _job_changed(self, change):
        """ Recreate an instance of of the plot using the current settings

        if self._blocked:

        if change['name'] == 'copies':
            self._desired_copies = self.copies

        model = QtGui.QPainterPath()

        if not self.path:

        path = self._create_copy()

        # Update size
        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        self.size = [bbox.width(), bbox.height()]

        # Create copies
        c = 0
        points = self._copy_positions_iter(path)

        if self.auto_copies:
            self.stack_size = self._compute_stack_sizes(path)
            if self.stack_size[0]:
                copies_left = self.copies % self.stack_size[0]
                if copies_left:  # not a full stack
                    with self.events_suppressed():
                        self.copies = self._desired_copies

        while c < self.copies:
            x, y = next(points)
            model.addPath(path * QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(x, -y))
            c += 1

        # Create weedline
        if self.plot_weedline:
            self._add_weedline(model, self.plot_weedline_padding)

        # Move to 0,0
        bbox = model.boundingRect()
        p = bbox.bottomLeft()
        tx, ty = -p.x(), -p.y()

        # Center or set to padding
        tx += ((self.material.width() -bbox.width())/2.0
               if self.align_center[0] else self.material.padding_left)
        ty += (-(self.material.height()-bbox.height())/2.0
               if self.align_center[1] else -self.material.padding_bottom)

        t = QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(tx, ty)

        model = model * t

        end_point = (QtCore.QPointF(
            0, -self.feed_after + model.boundingRect().top())
                     if self.feed_to_end else QtCore.QPointF(0, 0))

        # Set new model
        self.model = model#.simplified()

        # Set device model
        #self.device_model = self.device.driver.prepare_job(self)
        #    # Undo the change
        #    if 'oldvalue' in change:
        #        setattr(change['object'],change['name'],change['oldvalue'])
        #    raise
        #if not self.check_bounds(self.boundingRect(),self.available_area):
        #    raise JobError(
        #       "Plot outside of plotting area, increase the area"
        #       "or decrease the scale or decrease number of copies!")

    def _check_bounds(self, plot, area):
        """ Checks that the width and height of plot are less than the width
        and height of area

        return plot.width() > area.width() or plot.height() > area.height()

    def _copy_positions_iter(self, path, axis=0):
        """ Generator that creates positions of points

        other_axis = axis +1 % 2
        p = [0, 0]

        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        d = (bbox.width(), bbox.height())
        pad = self.copy_spacing
        stack_size = self._compute_stack_sizes(path)

        while True:
            p[axis] = 0
            yield p  # Beginning of each row

            for i in range(stack_size[axis]-1):
                p[axis] += d[axis]+pad[axis]
                yield p

            p[other_axis] += d[other_axis]+pad[other_axis]

    def _compute_stack_sizes(self, path):
        # Usable area
        material = self.material
        a = [material.width(), material.height()]
        a[0] -= material.padding[Padding.LEFT] + material.padding[Padding.RIGHT]
        a[1] -= material.padding[Padding.TOP] + material.padding[Padding.BOTTOM]

        # Clone includes weedline but not spacing
        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        size = [bbox.width(), bbox.height()]

        stack_size = [0, 0]
        p = [0, 0]
        for i in range(2):
            # Compute stack
            while (p[i]+size[i]) < a[i]:  # while another one fits
                stack_size[i] += 1
                p[i] += size[i] + self.copy_spacing[i]  # Add only to end

        self.stack_size = stack_size
        return stack_size

    def _add_weedline(self, path, padding):
        """ Adds a weedline to the path
        by creating a box around the path with the given padding

        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        w, h = bbox.width(), bbox.height()

        tl = bbox.topLeft()
        x = tl.x() - padding[Padding.LEFT]
        y = tl.y() - padding[Padding.TOP]

        w += padding[Padding.LEFT] + padding[Padding.RIGHT]
        h += padding[Padding.TOP] + padding[Padding.BOTTOM]

        path.addRect(x, y, w, h)
        return path

    def state(self):

    def move_path(self):
        """ Returns the path the head moves when not cutting

        # Compute the negative
        path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        for i in range(self.model.elementCount()):
            e = self.model.elementAt(i)
            if e.isMoveTo():
                path.lineTo(e.x, e.y)
                path.moveTo(e.x, e.y)
        return path

    def cut_path(self):
        """ Returns path where it is cutting

        return self.model

    #     def get_offset_path(self,device):
    #         """ Returns path where it is cutting """
    #         path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
    #         _p = QtCore.QPointF(0,0) # previous point
    #         step = 0.1
    #         for subpath in QtSvgDoc.toSubpathList(self.model):#.toSubpathPolygons():
    #             e = subpath.elementAt(0)
    #             path.moveTo(QtCore.QPointF(e.x,e.y))
    #             length = subpath.length()
    #             distance = 0
    #             while distance<=length:
    #                 t = subpath.percentAtLength(distance)
    #                 p = subpath.pointAtPercent(t)
    #                 a = subpath.angleAtPercent(t)+90
    #                 #path.moveTo(p)#QtCore.QPointF(x,y))
    #                 # TOOD: Do i need numpy here???
    #                 x = p.x()+np.multiply(self.device.blade_offset,np.sin(np.deg2rad(a)))
    #                 y = p.y()+np.multiply(self.device.blade_offset,np.cos(np.deg2rad(a)))
    #                 path.lineTo(QtCore.QPointF(x,y))
    #                 distance+=step
    #             #_p = p # update last
    #         return path

    def add_stack(self):
        """ Add a complete stack or fill the row

        copies_left = self.stack_size[0]-(self.copies % self.stack_size[0])
        if copies_left == 0: # Add full stack
            self.copies = self.copies + self.stack_size[0]
        else: # Fill stack
            self.copies = self.copies+copies_left

    def remove_stack(self):
        """ Remove a complete stack or the rest of the row

        if self.copies <= self.stack_size[0]:
            self.copies = 1

        copies_left = self.copies % self.stack_size[0]
        if copies_left == 0: # Add full stack
            self.copies = self.copies - self.stack_size[0]
        else:  # Fill stack
            self.copies = self.copies - copies_left

    def clone(self):
        """ Return a cloned instance of this object

        state = self.__getstate__()
            'material': Material(**self.material.__getstate__()),
            'info': JobInfo(**self.info.__getstate__()),
        return Job(**state)
Пример #8
def test_svg(path):
    f = os.path.join('tests', 'data', path)
    doc = QtSvgDoc(f)