def write_month_header_secondary(self, g, cal): txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(self.style_month_secondary)), 'x': str((self.month_w - (self.day_w / 1.5))), 'y': "-1.5"} months_info = [] for week in cal: for day in week: if day != 0: tmp = self.options.hijri_month_names[day[1] - 1] if self.options.primary_calendar == "hijri": tmp = self.options.month_names[day[1] - 1] try: months_info.index((tmp, day[0])) except ValueError: months_info.append((tmp, day[0])) try: g.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = unicode( "{0} - {1}".format( months_info[0][0], months_info[0][1]), self.options.input_encode) if len(months_info) > 1: txt_atts["y"] = "1.5" g.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = unicode( "{0} - {1}".format( months_info[1][0], months_info[1][1]), self.options.input_encode) except: raise ValueError(months_info)
def effect(self): # get number of digits prec = int(self.options.precision) scale = self.svg.unittouu('1px') # convert to document units self.options.offset *= scale factor = 1.0 if self.svg.get('viewBox'): factor = self.svg.scale / self.svg.unittouu('1px') self.options.fontsize /= factor factor *= scale / self.svg.unittouu('1' + self.options.unit) # loop over all selected paths for node in self.svg.selection.filter(inkex.PathElement): csp = node.path.transform(node.composed_transform()).to_superpath() if self.options.mtype == "length": slengths, stotal = csplength(csp) = node.getparent().add(TextElement()) elif self.options.mtype == "area": stotal = abs(csparea(csp) * factor * self.options.scale) = node.getparent().add(TextElement()) else: try: xc, yc = cspcofm(csp) except ValueError as err: raise inkex.AbortExtension(str(err)) = node.getparent().add(inkex.PathElement())'id', 'MassCenter_' + node.get('id')) self.add_cross(, xc, yc, scale) continue # Format the length as string val = round(stotal * factor * self.options.scale, prec) self.options.method(node, str(val))
def write_month_header(self, g, m): txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(self.style_month)), 'x': str(-self.day_w / 3), 'y': str(self.day_h / 5)} try: text = unicode(self.options.month_names[m - 1], self.options.input_encode) if self.options.primary_calendar == "hijri": text = unicode(self.options.hijri_month_names[m - 1], self.options.input_encode) g.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = text except: raise ValueError('You must select a correct system encoding.') gw = g.add(inkex.Group()) week_x = 0 if self.options.start_day == 'sun': day_names = self.options.day_names[:] else: day_names = self.options.day_names[1:] day_names.append(self.options.day_names[0]) if self.options.show_weeknr: day_names.insert(0, self.options.weeknr_name) for wday in day_names: txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(self.style_day_name)), 'x': str(self.day_w * week_x), 'y': str(self.day_h)} try: gw.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = unicode( wday, self.options.input_encode) except: raise ValueError('You must select a correct system encoding.') week_x += 1
def add_text(self, x, y, text): """Add a text label at the given location""" elem = TextElement(x=str(x), y=str(y)) elem.text = str(text) = { 'font-size': self.svg.unittouu(self.options.fontsize), 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': 'none', 'font-weight': 'normal', 'font-style': 'normal', 'fill': '#999' } return elem
def draw_text(self, text, add_size=0, anchor='start', **kwargs): """Draw a textual label""" vtext = TextElement(**kwargs) = { 'fill': self.options.font_color, 'font-family': self.options.font, 'font-size': str(self.options.font_size + add_size) + 'px', 'font-style': 'normal', 'font-variant': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 'font-stretch': 'normal', '-inkscape-font-specification': 'Bitstream Charter', 'text-align': anchor, 'text-anchor': anchor, } vtext.text = str(text) return vtext
def test_path(self): """Test getting paths""" self.assertFalse(TextPath().get_path()) self.assertFalse(TextElement().get_path()) self.assertFalse(FlowRegion().get_path()) self.assertFalse(FlowRoot().get_path()) self.assertFalse(FlowPara().get_path()) self.assertFalse(FlowSpan().get_path()) self.assertFalse(Tspan().get_path())
def split_letters(self, node): """Returns a list of letters""" letters = [] words = self.split_words(node) if not words: return letters for word in words: x = float(word.get("x")) y = word.get("y") # gets the font size. If element doesn't have a style attribute, it assumes font-size = 12px fontsize ="font-size", "12px") fs = self.svg.unittouu(fontsize) # for each letter in element string for letter in word[0].text: tspan = Tspan() tspan.text = letter text = TextElement(**node.attrib) text.set("x", str(x)) text.set("y", str(y)) x += fs text.append(tspan) letters.append(text) return letters
def textAt( x, y, text, style, rotate=0 ): "Places a test-element at global-coordinates." elem = TextElement(x=str(x), y=str(y)) elem.text = text = style if rotate != 0: elem.set('transform','rotate({},{},{})'.format(rotate,x,y)) return elem
def generateText(self, text, x, y, size): tspan = Tspan() tspan.text = text textElement = TextElement() textElement.set("x", str(x)) textElement.set("y", str(y)) # = "font-size:50px; font-family:Metal Lord" = "font-size:{}px;".format(size) textElement.append(tspan) return textElement
def effect(self): self.validate_options() self.calculate_size_and_positions() parent = self.document.getroot() txt_atts = {'id': 'year_' + str(self.options.year)} self.year_g = parent.add(inkex.Group(**txt_atts)) txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(self.style_year)), 'x': str(self.doc_w / 2), 'y': str(self.day_w * 1.5)} self.year_g.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = str(self.options.year) try: if self.options.month == 0: for m in range(1, 13): self.create_month(m) else: self.create_month(self.options.month) except ValueError as err: return inkex.errormsg(str(err))
def split_words(self, node): """Returns a list of words""" words = [] # Function to recursively extract text def plain_str(elem): words = [] if elem.text: words.append(elem.text) for n in elem: words.extend(plain_str(n)) if n.tail: words.append(n.tail) return words # if text has more than one line, iterates through elements lines = self.split_lines(node) if not lines: return words for line in lines: # gets the position of text node x = float(line.get("x")) y = line.get("y") # gets the font size. if element doesn't have a style attribute, it assumes font-size = 12px fontsize ="font-size", "12px") fs = self.svg.unittouu(fontsize) # extract and returns a list of words words_list = "".join(plain_str(line)).split() prev_len = 0 # creates new text nodes for each string in words_list for word in words_list: tspan = Tspan() tspan.text = word text = TextElement(**line.attrib) tspan.set('sodipodi:role', "line") # positioning new text elements x = x + prev_len * fs prev_len = len(word) text.set("x", str(x)) text.set("y", str(y)) text.append(tspan) words.append(text) return words
def effect(self): if len(self.svg.selected) == 0: inkex.errormsg("Please select some paths first.") exit() for id, node in self.svg.selected.items(): id = node.get('id') = node.getparent().add(TextElement()) csp = node.path.transform(node.composed_transform()).to_superpath() bbox = node.bounding_box() tx, ty = anchor = 'middle' node = new = node.add(Tspan()) new.set('sodipodi:role', 'line') s = { 'text-align': 'center', 'vertical-align': 'bottom', 'text-anchor': 'middle', 'font-size': str(self.options.fontsize) + 'px', 'font-weight': self.options.fontweight, 'font-style': 'normal', 'font-family': self.options.font, 'fill': str(self.options.color) } new.set('style', str(inkex.Style(s))) new.set('dy', '0') if self.options.capitals: id = id.upper() new.text = id.replace(self.options.replaced, self.options.replacewith) node.set('x', str(tx)) node.set('y', str(ty)) node.set('transform', 'rotate(%s, %s, %s)' % (-int(self.options.angle), tx, ty))
def create_month(self, m): txt_atts = { 'transform': 'translate(' + str(self.year_margin + (self.month_w + self.month_margin) * self.month_x_pos) + ',' + str((self.day_h * 4) + (self.month_h * self.month_y_pos)) + ')', 'id': 'month_' + str(m) + '_' + str(self.options.year) } g = self.year_g.add(inkex.Group(**txt_atts)) self.write_month_header(g, m) gdays = g.add(inkex.Group()) cal = calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m) if m == 1: if self.options.year > 1: before_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year - 1, 12)) else: before_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m - 1)) if m == 12: next_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year + 1, 1)) else: next_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m + 1)) if len(cal) < 6: # add a line after the last week cal.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) if len(cal) < 6: # add a line before the first week (Feb 2009) cal.reverse() cal.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) cal.reverse() # How mutch before month days will be showed: bmd = cal[0].count(0) + cal[1].count(0) before = True week_y = 0 for week in cal: if (self.weeknr != 0 and ((self.options.start_day == 'mon' and week[0] != 0) or (self.options.start_day == 'sun' and week[1] != 0))) or \ (self.weeknr == 0 and ((self.options.start_day == 'mon' and week[3] > 0) or (self.options.start_day == 'sun' and week[4] > 0))): self.weeknr += 1 week_x = 0 if self.options.show_weeknr: # Remove leap week (starting previous year) and empty weeks if self.weeknr != 0 and not (week[0] == 0 and week[6] == 0): style = self.style_weeknr txt_atts = { 'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'x': str(self.day_w * week_x), 'y': str(self.day_h * (week_y + 2)) } gdays.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = str(self.weeknr) week_x += 1 else: week_x += 1 for day in week: style = self.style_day if self.is_weekend(week_x - self.cols_before): style = self.style_weekend if day == 0: style = self.style_nmd txt_atts = { 'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'x': str(self.day_w * week_x), 'y': str(self.day_h * (week_y + 2)) } text = None if day == 0 and not self.options.fill_edb: pass # draw nothing elif day == 0: if before: text = str(before_month[-bmd]) bmd -= 1 else: text = str(next_month[bmd]) bmd += 1 else: text = str(day) before = False if text: gdays.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = text week_x += 1 week_y += 1 self.month_x_pos += 1 if self.month_x_pos >= self.months_per_line: self.month_x_pos = 0 self.month_y_pos += 1
def generate(self): """Generate the actual svg from the coding""" string = self.encode(self.text) if string == 'ERROR': return name = self.get_id('barcode') # use an svg group element to contain the barcode barcode = Group() barcode.set('id', name) barcode.set('style', 'fill: black;') barcode.transform.add_translate(self.pos_x, self.pos_y) if self.scale: barcode.transform.add_scale(self.scale) bar_id = 1 bar_offset = 0 tops = set() for datum in self.graphical_array(string): # Datum 0 tells us what style of bar is to come next style = self.get_style(int(datum[0])) # Datum 1 tells us what width in units, # style tells us how wide a unit is width = int(datum[1]) * int(style['width']) if style['write']: tops.add(style['top']) rect = Rectangle() rect.set('x', str(bar_offset)) rect.set('y', str(style['top'])) if self.pos_text == TEXT_POS_TOP: rect.set('y', str(style['top'] + self.font_size)) rect.set('id', "{}_bar{:d}".format(name, bar_id)) rect.set('width', str(width)) rect.set('height', str(style['height'])) barcode.append(rect) bar_offset += width bar_id += 1 for extra in self._extra: if extra is not None: barcode.append(extra) bar_width = bar_offset # Add text at the bottom of the barcode text = TextElement() text.set('x', str(int(bar_width / 2))) text.set('y', str(min(tops) + self.font_size - 1)) if self.pos_text == TEXT_POS_BOTTOM: text.set('y', str(self.height + max(tops) + self.font_size)) text.set('style', TEXT_TEMPLATE % self.font_size) text.set('xml:space', 'preserve') text.set('id', '{}_text'.format(name)) text.text = str(self.text) barcode.append(text) return barcode
def writeSVG(self, unfolding, size, printNumbers): mesh = unfolding[0] isFoldingEdge = unfolding[1] glueNumber = unfolding[3] foldingDirection = unfolding[4] # Calculate the bounding box [xmin, ymin, boxSize] = findBoundingBox(unfolding[0]) if size > 0: boxSize = size strokewidth = 0.002 * boxSize dashLength = 0.008 * boxSize spaceLength = 0.02 * boxSize textDistance = 0.02 * boxSize textStrokewidth = 0.05 * strokewidth textLength = 0.001 * boxSize fontsize = 0.015 * boxSize # Generate a main group paperfoldPageGroup = self.document.getroot().add( inkex.Group(id=self.svg.get_unique_id("paperfold-page-"))) # Go over all edges of the grid for edge in mesh.edges(): # The two endpoints he = mesh.halfedge_handle(edge, 0) vertex0 = mesh.point(mesh.from_vertex_handle(he)) vertex1 = mesh.point(mesh.to_vertex_handle(he)) # Write a straight line between the two corners line = paperfoldPageGroup.add(inkex.PathElement()) #line.path = [ # ["M", [vertex0[0], vertex0[1]]], # ["L", [vertex1[0], vertex1[1]]] # ] line.set( 'd', "M " + str(vertex0[0]) + "," + str(vertex0[1]) + " " + str(vertex1[0]) + "," + str(vertex1[1])) # Colour depending on folding direction lineStyle = {"fill": "none"} if foldingDirection[edge.idx()] > 0: lineStyle.update({"stroke": self.options.color_mountain_cut}) line.set("id", self.svg.get_unique_id("mountain-cut-")) elif foldingDirection[edge.idx()] < 0: lineStyle.update({"stroke": self.options.color_valley_cut}) line.set("id", self.svg.get_unique_id("valley-cut-")) lineStyle.update({"stroke-width": str(strokewidth)}) lineStyle.update({"stroke-linecap": "butt"}) lineStyle.update({"stroke-linejoin": "miter"}) lineStyle.update({"stroke-miterlimit": "4"}) # Dotted lines for folding edges if isFoldingEdge[edge.idx()]: lineStyle.update({ "stroke-dasharray": (str(dashLength) + ", " + str(spaceLength)) }) if foldingDirection[edge.idx()] > 0: lineStyle.update( {"stroke": self.options.color_mountain_perforate}) line.set("id", self.svg.get_unique_id("mountain-perforate-")) if foldingDirection[edge.idx()] < 0: lineStyle.update( {"stroke": self.options.color_valley_perforate}) line.set("id", self.svg.get_unique_id("valley-perforate-")) else: lineStyle.update({"stroke-dasharray": "none"}) lineStyle.update({"stroke-dashoffset": "0"}) lineStyle.update({"stroke-opacity": "1"}) = lineStyle # The number of the edge to be glued if not isFoldingEdge[edge.idx()]: # Find halfedge in the face halfEdge = mesh.halfedge_handle(edge, 0) if mesh.face_handle(halfEdge).idx() == -1: halfEdge = mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(halfEdge) vector = mesh.calc_edge_vector(halfEdge) # normalize vector = vector / np.linalg.norm(vector) midPoint = 0.5 * (mesh.point(mesh.from_vertex_handle(halfEdge)) + mesh.point(mesh.to_vertex_handle(halfEdge))) rotatedVector = np.array([-vector[1], vector[0], 0]) angle = np.arctan2(vector[1], vector[0]) position = midPoint + textDistance * rotatedVector rotation = 180 / np.pi * angle if (printNumbers): text = paperfoldPageGroup.add( TextElement(id=self.svg.get_unique_id("number-"))) text.set("x", str(position[0])) text.set("y", str(position[1])) text.set("font-size", str(fontsize)) text.set("style", "stroke-width:" + str(textStrokewidth)) text.set( "transform", "rotate(" + str(rotation) + "," + str(position[0]) + "," + str(position[1]) + ")") tspan = text.add(Tspan()) tspan.set("x", str(position[0])) tspan.set("y", str(position[1])) tspan.set("style", "stroke-width:" + str(textStrokewidth)) tspan.text = str(glueNumber[edge.idx()]) return paperfoldPageGroup
def effect(self): self.mark_size = self.svg.unittouu('1cm') self.min_mark_margin = self.svg.unittouu('3mm') if self.options.where == 'selection': bbox = self.svg.selection.bounding_box() if bbox is None: raise inkex.AbortExtension(_("Selection is empty")) else: bbox = self.svg.get_page_bbox() # Get SVG document dimensions # self.width must be replaced by bbox.right. same to others. svg = self.document.getroot() # Convert parameters to user unit offset = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.crop_offset) + self.options.unit) bt = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_top) + self.options.unit) bb = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_bottom) + self.options.unit) bl = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_left) + self.options.unit) br = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_right) + self.options.unit) # Bleed margin if bt < offset: bmt = 0 else: bmt = bt - offset if bb < offset: bmb = 0 else: bmb = bb - offset if bl < offset: bml = 0 else: bml = bl - offset if br < offset: bmr = 0 else: bmr = br - offset # Define the new document limits offset_left = bbox.left - offset offset_right = bbox.right + offset offset_top = - offset offset_bottom = bbox.bottom + offset # Get middle positions middle_vertical = + (bbox.height / 2) middle_horizontal = bbox.left + (bbox.width / 2) # Test if printing-marks layer existis layer = self.svg.xpath('//*[@id="printing-marks" and @inkscape:groupmode="layer"]') if layer: svg.remove(layer[0]) # remove if it existis # Create a new layer layer = svg.add("Printing Marks")) layer.set('id', 'printing-marks') layer.set('sodipodi:insensitive', 'true') # Crop Mark if self.options.crop_marks: # Create a group for Crop Mark g_crops = layer.add(inkex.Group(id='CropMarks')) g_crops.label = 'CropMarks' # Top left Mark self.draw_crop_line(bbox.left, offset_top, bbox.left, offset_top - self.mark_size, 'cropTL1', g_crops) self.draw_crop_line(offset_left,, offset_left - self.mark_size,, 'cropTL2', g_crops) # Top right Mark self.draw_crop_line(bbox.right, offset_top, bbox.right, offset_top - self.mark_size, 'cropTR1', g_crops) self.draw_crop_line(offset_right,, offset_right + self.mark_size,, 'cropTR2', g_crops) # Bottom left Mark self.draw_crop_line(bbox.left, offset_bottom, bbox.left, offset_bottom + self.mark_size, 'cropBL1', g_crops) self.draw_crop_line(offset_left, bbox.bottom, offset_left - self.mark_size, bbox.bottom, 'cropBL2', g_crops) # Bottom right Mark self.draw_crop_line(bbox.right, offset_bottom, bbox.right, offset_bottom + self.mark_size, 'cropBR1', g_crops) self.draw_crop_line(offset_right, bbox.bottom, offset_right + self.mark_size, bbox.bottom, 'cropBR2', g_crops) # Bleed Mark if self.options.bleed_marks: # Create a group for Bleed Mark g_bleed = layer.add(inkex.Group()) g_bleed.label = 'BleedMarks' g_bleed.set('id', 'BleedMarks') # Top left Mark self.draw_bleed_line(bbox.left - bl, offset_top - bmt, bbox.left - bl, offset_top - bmt - self.mark_size, 'bleedTL1', g_bleed) self.draw_bleed_line(offset_left - bml, - bt, offset_left - bml - self.mark_size, - bt, 'bleedTL2', g_bleed) # Top right Mark self.draw_bleed_line(bbox.right + br, offset_top - bmt, bbox.right + br, offset_top - bmt - self.mark_size, 'bleedTR1', g_bleed) self.draw_bleed_line(offset_right + bmr, - bt, offset_right + bmr + self.mark_size, - bt, 'bleedTR2', g_bleed) # Bottom left Mark self.draw_bleed_line(bbox.left - bl, offset_bottom + bmb, bbox.left - bl, offset_bottom + bmb + self.mark_size, 'bleedBL1', g_bleed) self.draw_bleed_line(offset_left - bml, bbox.bottom + bb, offset_left - bml - self.mark_size, bbox.bottom + bb, 'bleedBL2', g_bleed) # Bottom right Mark self.draw_bleed_line(bbox.right + br, offset_bottom + bmb, bbox.right + br, offset_bottom + bmb + self.mark_size, 'bleedBR1', g_bleed) self.draw_bleed_line(offset_right + bmr, bbox.bottom + bb, offset_right + bmr + self.mark_size, bbox.bottom + bb, 'bleedBR2', g_bleed) # Registration Mark if self.options.reg_marks: # Create a group for Registration Mark g_center = layer.add(inkex.Group()) g_center.label = 'RegistrationMarks' g_center.set('id', 'RegistrationMarks') # Left Mark cx = max(bml + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_reg_marks(bbox.left - cx - (self.mark_size / 2), middle_vertical - self.mark_size * 1.5, '0', 'regMarkL', g_center) # Right Mark cx = max(bmr + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_reg_marks(bbox.right + cx + (self.mark_size / 2), middle_vertical - self.mark_size * 1.5, '180', 'regMarkR', g_center) # Top Mark cy = max(bmt + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_reg_marks(middle_horizontal, - cy - (self.mark_size / 2), '90', 'regMarkT', g_center) # Bottom Mark cy = max(bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_reg_marks(middle_horizontal, bbox.bottom + cy + (self.mark_size / 2), '-90', 'regMarkB', g_center) # Star Target if self.options.star_target: # Create a group for Star Target g_center = layer.add(inkex.Group()) g_center.label = 'StarTarget' g_center.set('id', 'StarTarget') if bbox.height < bbox.width: # Left Star cx = max(bml + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_star_target(bbox.left - cx - (self.mark_size / 2), middle_vertical, 'starTargetL', g_center) # Right Star cx = max(bmr + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_star_target(bbox.right + cx + (self.mark_size / 2), middle_vertical, 'starTargetR', g_center) else: # Top Star cy = max(bmt + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_star_target(middle_horizontal - self.mark_size * 1.5, - cy - (self.mark_size / 2), 'starTargetT', g_center) # Bottom Star cy = max(bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_star_target(middle_horizontal - self.mark_size * 1.5, bbox.bottom + cy + (self.mark_size / 2), 'starTargetB', g_center) # Colour Bars if self.options.colour_bars: # Create a group for Colour Bars g_center = layer.add(inkex.Group()) g_center.label = 'ColourBars' g_center.set('id', 'PrintingColourBars') if bbox.height > bbox.width: # Left Bars cx = max(bml + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_coluor_bars(bbox.left - cx - (self.mark_size / 2), middle_vertical + self.mark_size, 90, 'PrintingColourBarsL', g_center, bbox) # Right Bars cx = max(bmr + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_coluor_bars(bbox.right + cx + (self.mark_size / 2), middle_vertical + self.mark_size, 90, 'PrintingColourBarsR', g_center, bbox) else: # Top Bars cy = max(bmt + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_coluor_bars(middle_horizontal + self.mark_size, - cy - (self.mark_size / 2), 0, 'PrintingColourBarsT', g_center, bbox) # Bottom Bars cy = max(bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin) self.draw_coluor_bars(middle_horizontal + self.mark_size, bbox.bottom + cy + (self.mark_size / 2), 0, 'PrintingColourBarsB', g_center, bbox) # Page Information if self.options.page_info: # Create a group for Page Information g_pag_info = layer.add(inkex.Group()) g_pag_info.label = 'PageInformation' g_pag_info.set('id', 'PageInformation') y_margin = max(bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin) txt_attribs = { 'style': 'font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;text-align:center', 'x': str(middle_horizontal), 'y': str(bbox.bottom + y_margin + self.mark_size + 20) } txt = g_pag_info.add(TextElement(**txt_attribs)) txt.text = 'Page size: ' + \ str(round(self.svg.uutounit(bbox.width, self.options.unit), 2)) + \ 'x' + \ str(round(self.svg.uutounit(bbox.height, self.options.unit), 2)) + \ ' ' + self.options.unit
def split_lines(self, node): """Returns a list of lines""" lines = [] count = 1 for elem in node: if isinstance(elem, TextPath): inkex.errormsg( "Text on path isn't supported. First remove text from path." ) break elif not isinstance(elem, (FlowPara, Tspan)): continue text = TextElement(**node.attrib) # handling flowed text nodes if isinstance(node, FlowRoot): fontsize ="font-size", "12px") fs = self.svg.unittouu(fontsize) # selects the flowRegion's child (svg:rect) to get @X and @Y flowref = node.findone('svg:flowRegion')[0] if isinstance(flowref, Rectangle): text.set("x", flowref.get("x")) text.set("y", str(float(flowref.get("y")) + fs * count)) count += 1 else: inkex.debug( "This type of text element isn't supported. First unflow text." ) break # now let's convert flowPara into tspan tspan = Tspan() tspan.set("sodipodi:role", "line") tspan.text = elem.text text.append(tspan) else: from copy import copy x = elem.get("x") or node.get("x") y = elem.get("y") or node.get("y") text.set("x", x) text.set("y", y) text.append(copy(elem)) lines.append(text) return lines
def create_month(self, m): txt_atts = { 'transform': 'translate(' + str(self.year_margin + (self.month_w + self.month_margin) * self.month_x_pos) + ',' + str((self.day_h * 4) + (self.month_h * self.month_y_pos)) + ')', 'id': 'month_' + str(m) + '_' + str(self.options.year)} g = self.year_g.add(inkex.Group(**txt_atts)) self.write_month_header(g, m) gdays = g.add(inkex.Group()) gdays_secondary = g.add(inkex.Group()) if self.options.primary_calendar == "hijri": cal = hijri_monthcalendar(self.options.year, m, self.options.adjust_hijri_date) cal_secondary = self.generate_gregorian(cal, self.options.year, m, self.options.adjust_hijri_date) else: cal = calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m) cal_secondary = self.generate_hijri(cal, self.options.year, m) if self.options.enable_secondary_date: gmonths_secondary = g.add(inkex.Group()) self.write_month_header_secondary(gmonths_secondary, cal_secondary) if m == 1: if self.options.year > 1: tmp_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year - 1, 12) if self.options.primary_calendar == "hijri": tmp_cal = hijri_monthcalendar(self.options.year - 1, 12, self.options.adjust_hijri_date) before_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) before_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_gregorian(tmp_cal, self.options.year - 1, 12, self.options.adjust_hijri_date)) else: before_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) before_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_hijri(tmp_cal, self.options.year - 1, 12)) else: if self.options.primary_calendar == "hijri": tmp_cal = hijri_monthcalendar(self.options.year, m - 1, self.options.adjust_hijri_date) before_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) before_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_gregorian(tmp_cal, self.options.year, m - 1, self.options.adjust_hijri_date)) else: tmp_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m - 1) before_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) before_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_hijri(tmp_cal, self.options.year, m - 1)) if m == 12: tmp_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year + 1, 1) if self.options.primary_calendar == "hijri": tmp_cal = hijri_monthcalendar(self.options.year + 1, 1, self.options.adjust_hijri_date) next_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) next_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_gregorian(tmp_cal, self.options.year + 1, 1, self.options.adjust_hijri_date)) else: next_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) next_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_hijri(tmp_cal, self.options.year + 1, 1)) else: tmp_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m + 1) if self.options.primary_calendar == "hijri": tmp_cal = hijri_monthcalendar(self.options.year, m + 1, self.options.adjust_hijri_date) next_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) next_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_gregorian(tmp_cal, self.options.year, m + 1, self.options.adjust_hijri_date)) else: next_month = self.in_line_month(tmp_cal) next_month_secondary = \ self.in_line_month(self.generate_hijri(tmp_cal, self.options.year, m + 1)) if len(cal) < 6: # add a line after the last week cal.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) cal_secondary.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) if len(cal) < 6: # add a line before the first week (Feb 2009) cal.reverse() cal.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) cal.reverse() # add a line before the first week (Feb 2009) cal_secondary.reverse() cal_secondary.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) cal_secondary.reverse() # How mutch before month days will be showed: bmd = cal[0].count(0) + cal[1].count(0) bmd_secondary = cal_secondary[0].count(0) + cal_secondary[1].count(0) before = True week_y = 0 for w_idx,week in enumerate(cal): if (self.weeknr != 0 and ((self.options.start_day == 'mon' and week[0] != 0) or (self.options.start_day == 'sun' and week[1] != 0))) or \ (self.weeknr == 0 and ((self.options.start_day == 'mon' and week[3] > 0) or (self.options.start_day == 'sun' and week[4] > 0))): self.weeknr += 1 week_x = 0 if self.options.show_weeknr: # Remove leap week (starting previous year) and empty weeks if self.weeknr != 0 and not (week[0] == 0 and week[6] == 0): style = self.style_weeknr txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'x': str(self.day_w * week_x), 'y': str(self.day_h * (week_y + 2))} gdays.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = str(self.weeknr) week_x += 1 else: week_x += 1 for d_idx,day in enumerate(week): style = self.style_day style_hijri = self.style_day_hijri if self.is_weekend(week_x - self.cols_before): style = self.style_weekend style_hijri = self.style_weekend_hijri if day == 0: style = self.style_nmd txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'x': str(self.day_w * (week_x)), 'y': str(self.day_h * (week_y + 2))} txt_atts_hijri = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style_hijri)), 'x': str((self.day_w * week_x) + 2), 'y': str((self.day_h * (week_y + 2)) + 2)} text = None text_secondary = None if day == 0 and not self.options.fill_edb: pass # draw nothing elif day == 0: if before: text = str(before_month[-bmd]) bmd -= 1 text_secondary = str(before_month_secondary[-bmd_secondary][2]) bmd_secondary -= 1 else: text = str(next_month[bmd]) bmd += 1 text_secondary = str(next_month_secondary[bmd_secondary][2]) bmd_secondary += 1 else: text = str(day) text_secondary = str(cal_secondary[w_idx][d_idx][2]) before = False if text: if self.options.use_farsi_day != "second": text = to_farsi(text) gdays.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = text if self.options.enable_secondary_date and text_secondary: if self.options.use_farsi_day != "primer": text_secondary = to_farsi(text_secondary) gdays_secondary.add(TextElement(**txt_atts_hijri)).text = text_secondary week_x += 1 week_y += 1 self.month_x_pos += 1 if self.month_x_pos >= self.months_per_line: self.month_x_pos = 0 self.month_y_pos += 1
def effect(self): if len(self.svg.selection) != 1: raise AbortExtension(_("Debe seleccionar un objeto")) scale = self.svg.unittouu('1mm') # convert to document units patternSize = self.options.patternSize fromSize = self.options.fromSize toSize = self.options.toSize if not (fromSize <= patternSize <= toSize): raise AbortExtension( _("La talla del patrón debe estar dentro de desde y hasta")) downerSizesCount = patternSize - fromSize upperSizesCount = toSize - patternSize pattern = self.svg.selection.first() parent = pattern.getparent() bbox = pattern.shape_box() scaleX = 10 * scale # scale width 10mm scaleY = 23.21 * scale # scale height 23.21mm width = bbox.width * scale height = bbox.height * scale for i, size in enumerate( range(patternSize + upperSizesCount, patternSize, -1)): copy = pattern.duplicate() size_text = TextElement() proportionX = 1 + (1 - ((width - (scaleX * (upperSizesCount - i))) / width)) proportionY = 1 + (1 - ((height - (scaleY * (upperSizesCount - i))) / height)) transform = Transform() transform.add_scale(proportionX, proportionY) copy.transform = transform size_text.text = str(size) size_text.set( 'style', "font-size:8px;shape-inside:url(#{});".format(copy.get('id'))) group = Group() group.append(copy) group.append(size_text) parent.append(group) group.set( 'transform', "translate(-{},-{})".format(copy.shape_box().left, copy.shape_box().top)) for i, size in enumerate( range(patternSize - 1, patternSize - downerSizesCount - 1, -1), 1): copy = pattern.duplicate() size_text = TextElement() proportionX = (width - (scaleX * i)) / width proportionY = (height - (scaleY * i)) / height transform = Transform() transform.add_scale(proportionX, proportionY) copy.transform = transform size_text.text = str(size) size_text.set( 'style', "font-size:8px;shape-inside:url(#{});".format(copy.get('id'))) group = Group() group.append(copy) group.append(size_text) parent.append(group) group.set( 'transform', "translate(-{},-{})".format(copy.shape_box().left, copy.shape_box().top)) patternGroup = Group() pattern_size_text = TextElement() pattern_size_text.text = str(patternSize) pattern_size_text.set( 'style', "font-size:8px;shape-inside:url(#{});".format(pattern.get('id'))) patternGroup.append(pattern) patternGroup.append(pattern_size_text) parent.append(patternGroup)