def tick(self, surface, delta, fontmap): scr = None # Paint the background surface.fill(pygame.color.Color("#222222")) # Paint the title ttl = fontmap["title"].render(Constants.TITLE, True, pygame.color.Color("#FFFFFF")) (w, h) = fontmap["title"].size(Constants.TITLE) surface.blit(ttl, (Constants.WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, Constants.HEIGHT // 4 + h // 2)) # Paint the options msel = -1 for i, option in enumerate(MainMenu.options): # Get the bounding box (w, h) = fontmap["option"].size(option) (x, y) = (Constants.WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, Constants.HEIGHT // 2 + i * h * 2) # Determine if the option is highlighted or if the mouse is hovering over it m = Mouse.getX() in xrange(x, x + w) and Mouse.getY() in xrange(y, y + h) msel = i if m else msel s = self.sel == i or m # Paint the option txt = fontmap["option"].render(option, True, pygame.color.Color("#00FF00" if s else "#CCCCCC")) surface.blit(txt, (x, y)) # Check for input if len(MainMenu.options) > 0: if Keyboard.released(pygame.K_DOWN): # If not at bottom, move the selection down'menumove') self.sel = min(self.sel + 1, len(MainMenu.options) - 1) elif Keyboard.released(pygame.K_UP): # If not at top, move the selection up'menumove') self.sel = max(0, self.sel - 1) elif Keyboard.released(pygame.K_RETURN): # Select the highlighted option'menuselect') scr = MainMenu.screens[self.sel] elif msel >= 0 and Mouse.leftReleased(): # Select the option that mouse is hovering over'menuselect') scr = MainMenu.screens[msel] return scr
def tick(self, surface, delta, fontmap): scr = None # Paint the background surface.fill(pygame.color.Color("#222222")) # Paint the title ttl = fontmap["title"].render("Settings", True, pygame.color.Color("#FFFFFF")) (w, h) = fontmap["title"].size("Settings") surface.blit(ttl, (Constants.WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, Constants.HEIGHT // 4 + h // 2)) # Paint the options mcb = None yoff = 0 for i, key in enumerate(sorted(self.options.keys())): # Get the bounding box (w, h) = fontmap["msgtitle"].size(key.replace("~", "")) (x, y) = (Constants.WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, Constants.HEIGHT // 2 + yoff) # Paint the option txt = fontmap["msgtitle"].render(key.replace("~", ""), True, pygame.color.Color("#CCCCCC")) surface.blit(txt, (x, y)) yoff += h + 2 for j, (txt, val, cb) in enumerate(self.options[key]): # Get the bounding box (w, h) = fontmap["msgbody"].size(txt) (x, y) = (Constants.WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, Constants.HEIGHT // 2 + yoff) # Determine if the option is highlighted or if the mouse is hovering over it m = Mouse.getX() in xrange(x, x + w) and Mouse.getY() in xrange(y, y + h) mcb = cb if m else mcb s = self.sel == (i, j) or m # Paint the option col = "#008800" if val() else "#CCCCCC" txt = fontmap["msgbody"].render(txt, True, pygame.color.Color("#00FF00" if s else col)) surface.blit(txt, (x, y)) yoff += h + 2 yoff += 20 # Check for input if len(MainMenu.options) > 0: if Keyboard.released(pygame.K_DOWN): # If not at bottom, move the selection down if self.sel[1] < len(self.options[sorted(self.options.keys())[self.sel[0]]]) - 1: self.sel = (self.sel[0], self.sel[1] + 1)'menumove') elif self.sel[0] < len(self.options.keys()) - 1: self.sel = (self.sel[0] + 1, 0)'menumove') elif Keyboard.released(pygame.K_UP): # If not at top, move the selection up if self.sel[1] > 0: self.sel = (self.sel[0], self.sel[1] - 1)'menumove') elif self.sel[0] > 0: self.sel = (self.sel[0] - 1, len(self.options[sorted(self.options.keys())[self.sel[0] - 1]]) - 1)'menumove') elif Keyboard.released(pygame.K_RETURN): # Select the highlighted option scr = self.options[sorted(self.options.keys())[self.sel[0]]][self.sel[1]][2]()'menuselect') elif mcb is not None and Mouse.leftReleased(): # Select the option that mouse is hovering over scr = mcb()'menuselect') return scr