Пример #1
	def script_end_combKeys(self, gesture):
		_tmpGesture = {
			'up': 'uparrow',
			'down': 'downarrow',
			'left': 'leftarrow',
			'right': 'rightarrow',
		for g in configBE.iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands']:
			if isinstance(
				for h in range(
						'br(' + configBE.curBD + '):', '')] = g.replace('kb:', '')
			elif ('kb:' in g and g not in ['kb:alt', 'kb:ctrl', 'kb:windows', 'kb:control', 'kb:applications'] and 'br(' + configBE.curBD + '):' in str(configBE.iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g])):
					'br(' + configBE.curBD + '):', '')] = g.replace('kb:', '')
			gId = inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(
				'br(' + configBE.curBD + '):' + str(gesture.id)).replace('br(' + configBE.curBD + '):', '')
		sht = self.getActualModifiers(False) + _tmpGesture[gId]
		if gId not in _tmpGesture:
			return ui.message("Unknown " + gId)
		return self.sendComb(sht, gesture)
Пример #2
def initGestures():
	global gesturesFileExists, iniGestures
	if profileFileExists and gesturesBDPath() != '?':
		log.debug('Main gestures map found')
		confGen = gesturesBDPath()
		confspec = ConfigObj(StringIO(""""""), encoding="UTF-8", list_values=False)
		iniGestures = ConfigObj(confGen, configspec=confspec, indent_type="\t", encoding="UTF-8")
		result = iniGestures.validate(Validator())
		if result is not True:
			log.exception('Malformed configuration file')
			gesturesFileExists = False
			gesturesFileExists = True
		log.warn('No main gestures map (%s) found' % gesturesBDPath(1))
		gesturesFileExists = False
	if gesturesFileExists:
		for g in iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands']:
			if isinstance(
				for h in range(
						str(iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g][h]))] = g
			elif ('kb:' in g and g not in ['kb:alt', 'kb:control', 'kb:windows', 'kb:control', 'kb:applications'] and 'br(' + curBD + '):' in str(iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g])):
					iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g])).replace('br(' + curBD + '):', '')] = g
	return gesturesFileExists, iniGestures
Пример #3
	def initialize(self):
		if not hasattr(self, 'scriptTable'):
			self.scriptTable = {}
			for qn, (searchType, scriptMaker) in self.QUICK_NAV_SCRIPT_INFO.items():
				gestureId = normalizeGestureIdentifier('kb:' + qn)
				self.scriptTable[gestureId] = 'script_moveToNext{st}'.format(st=searchType)
				gestureId = normalizeGestureIdentifier('kb:shift+' + qn)
				self.scriptTable[gestureId] = 'script_moveToPrevious{st}'.format(st=searchType)
			self.scriptTable['kb:c'] = 'script_openSourceFile'
Пример #4
def getGestureLabel(gesture):
	source, main = inputCore.getDisplayTextForGestureIdentifier(
	if gesture.startswith("kb:"):
		return main
	return u"{main} ({source})".format(source=source, main=main)
Пример #5
	def removeGestureBinding(self,gestureIdentifier):
		Removes the binding for the given gesture identifier if a binding exists.
		@param gestureIdentifier: The identifier of the input gesture.
		@type gestureIdentifier: str
		@raise LookupError: If there is no binding for this gesture 
		# Import late to avoid circular import.
		import inputCore
		del self._gestureMap[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(gestureIdentifier)]
Пример #6
	def removeGestureBinding(self,gestureIdentifier):
		Removes the binding for the given gesture identifier if a binding exists.
		@param gestureIdentifier: The identifier of the input gesture.
		@type gestureIdentifier: str
		@raise LookupError: If there is no binding for this gesture 
		# Import late to avoid circular import.
		import inputCore
		del self._gestureMap[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(gestureIdentifier)]
Пример #7
    def _setNVDANavMode(self):
        # A setMode() helper method, to put the numpad back in NVDA mode.
        # Overview: for each numpad gesture, check whether:
        # - There is a script for it; and
        # - Whether it is our script, which will be an emulated gesture or None.
        # If so, remove it.
        # If not (meaning it has been reassigned by the user or an add-on), leave it alone.
        checkThese = {}  #: Mungible dict of gestures we use
        # Build the checkables
        for gFrag, action in self.numpadGestures.items():
            checkThese[normalizeGestureIdentifier("kb(desktop):" +
                                                  gFrag)] = action
            checkThese[normalizeGestureIdentifier("kb(laptop):" +
                                                  gFrag)] = action
            # For these, the script should be None
            checkThese[normalizeGestureIdentifier("kb:" + gFrag)] = self.G(
                action.mod, action.cls, None)

        # For each user gesture, check:
        # - Whether it is the laptop or desktop or main version of one of ours; and
        # - if so, whether it is set as we set it (meaning it hasn't been remapped).
        # in which case we can delete it.
        for gest, action in self._getAllGesturesAsGDict().items():
                # If it matches, we delete the gesture.
                # We skip it if it doesn't match, or if there's a KeyError.
                if checkThese[gest] == action:
                    manager.userGestureMap.remove(gest, *action)
                    del checkThese[gest]
            except KeyError:
        # FixMe: integrate the below code into the above, so we only have to loop the list once.

        # For our next trick, we need to check whether all former user gestures got reset.
        # We do that by checking each one against currently set gestures, and setting any that are missing.
        # We don't overwrite any gesture that has been set in the meantime.
        #: A map of the currently set user gestures, after Windows nav commands have been removed
        currentGestures = self._getAllGesturesAsGDict()
        for gest, action in self.userGestures.items():
            # If the gesture isn't set, we need to put it back.
            if not gest in currentGestures:
                manager.userGestureMap.add(gest, *action, True)
Пример #8
	def initVLCGestures(self):
		printDebug("appModule VLC: initVLCGestures")
		self.vlcGestures = {}
		for (keyList, script) in self._keyListToScript:
			for name in keyList:
				key = self.vlcrcSettings.getKeyFromName(name)
				if key != "":
					self.vlcGestures["kb:%s" % key] = script
		self.jumpKeyToDelay = {}
		for keyName in jumpDelays:
			key = self.vlcrcSettings.getKeyFromName(keyName)
			if key != "":
				identifier = normalizeGestureIdentifier("kb:%s" % key)
				self.jumpKeyToDelay[identifier] = jumpDelays[keyName]
		printDebug("appModuleVLC: initVLCGestures: gestures = %s" % self.vlcGestures)
Пример #9
	def bindGesture(self, gestureIdentifier, scriptName):
		"""Bind an input gesture to a script.
		@param gestureIdentifier: The identifier of the input gesture.
		@type gestureIdentifier: str
		@param scriptName: The name of the script, which is the name of the method excluding the C{script_} prefix.
		@type scriptName: str
		@raise LookupError: If there is no script with the provided name.
		# Don't store the instance method, as this causes a circular reference
		# and instance methods are meant to be generated on retrieval anyway.
		func = getattr(self.__class__, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
		if not func:
			raise LookupError("No such script: %s" % func)
		# Import late to avoid circular import.
		import inputCore
		self._gestureMap[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(gestureIdentifier)] = func
Пример #10
	def bindGesture(self, gestureIdentifier, scriptName):
		"""Bind an input gesture to a script.
		@param gestureIdentifier: The identifier of the input gesture.
		@type gestureIdentifier: str
		@param scriptName: The name of the script, which is the name of the method excluding the C{script_} prefix.
		@type scriptName: str
		@raise LookupError: If there is no script with the provided name.
		# Don't store the instance method, as this causes a circular reference
		# and instance methods are meant to be generated on retrieval anyway.
		func = getattr(self.__class__, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
		if not func:
			raise LookupError("No such script: %s" % func)
		# Import late to avoid circular import.
		import inputCore
		self._gestureMap[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(gestureIdentifier)] = func
Пример #11
 def _get_identifiers(self):
     ids = super(DummyBrailleInputGesture, self)._get_identifiers()
     if isinstance(braille.handler.display, NoBrailleDisplayDriver):
         return ids
     answer = []
     for id in ids:
         if id.startswith("bk:"):
         physical_id = id.replace(self.source, braille.handler.display.name,
         if physical_id.startswith("br(freedomScientific):"
                                   ):  # Exception specific to this driver.
             physical_id = re.sub(r"(.*)space", r"\1brailleSpaceBar",
         if cmpNVDAver(2018, 3) < 0:
             id = "bk:" + id[id.find(":") + 1:]
         if configure.get("REL_PHYSICAL_DUMMY_BRLKB") == "consistent":
         elif configure.get(
                 "REL_PHYSICAL_DUMMY_BRLKB") == "former-precedence":
         elif configure.get(
                 "REL_PHYSICAL_DUMMY_BRLKB") == "latter-precedence":
         elif configure.get("REL_PHYSICAL_DUMMY_BRLKB") == "independent":
             log.error("Invalid REL_PHYSICAL_DUMMY_BRLKB value.",
     if cmpNVDAver(2018, 3) < 0:
         answer, old_answer, id_set = [], answer, set()
         for id in old_answer:
             n_id = inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(id)
             if n_id not in id_set:
     return answer
Пример #12
	def isAJumpOutOfMedia(self, gesture):
		mainWindow = self.appModule.mainWindow
		(layout, identifier) = gesture._get_identifiers()
		delay = self.appModule.jumpKeyToDelay[normalizeGestureIdentifier(identifier)]
		totalTime = mainWindow.getTotalTime()
		if totalTime is None:
			return False
		totalTimeList = getTimeList(totalTime)
		totalTimeInSec = int(totalTimeList[0])*3600 + int(totalTimeList[1])*60 + int(totalTimeList[2])  # noqa:E501
		currentTime = mainWindow.getCurrentTime()
		curTimeInSec = getTimeInSec(currentTime)
		# Translators: message to the user to say time jump is not possible.
		msg = _("Not available, jump is too big ")
		if delay > 0:
			diff = totalTimeInSec - curTimeInSec
			pause = True if ((diff <= 10) or (diff >= delay and diff - delay <= 10))\
				else False
			if pause:
				# to prevent vlc to stop media, we pause the media
				isPlaying = mainWindow.isPlaying()
				if isPlaying:
						queueHandler.eventQueue, speech.speakMessage, _("Pause"))
			if diff <= abs(delay):
				queueHandler.queueFunction(queueHandler.eventQueue, ui.message, msg)
					# Translators: message to the user to report media duration.
					_("Media duration %s") % formatTime(totalTime))
				return True
		elif delay < 0:
			if curTimeInSec < abs(delay):
				queueHandler.queueFunction(queueHandler.eventQueue, ui.message, msg)
				return True
		return False
Пример #13
class BrailleInputGesture(inputCore.InputGesture):
	"""Input (dots and/or space bar) from a braille keyboard.
	This could either be as part of a braille display or a stand-alone unit.
	L{dots} and L{space} should be set appropriately.

	#: Bitmask of pressed dots.
	#: @type: int
	dots = 0

	#: Whether the space bar is pressed.
	#: @type: bool
	space = False

	shouldPreventSystemIdle = True

	def _makeDotsId(self):
		items = ["dot%d" % (i+1) for i in range(8) if self.dots & (1 << i)]
		if self.space:
		return "bk:" + "+".join(items)

	#: The generic gesture identifier for space plus any dots.
	#: This could be used to bind many braille commands to a single script.
	GENERIC_ID_SPACE_DOTS = inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier("bk:space+dots")
	#: The generic gesture identifier for any dots.
	#: This is used to bind entry of braille text to a single script.
	GENERIC_ID_DOTS = inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier("bk:dots")

	def _get_identifiers(self):
		if self.space and self.dots:
			return (self._makeDotsId(), self.GENERIC_ID_SPACE_DOTS)
		elif self.dots in (DOT7, DOT8, DOT7 | DOT8):
			# Allow bindings to dots 7 and/or 8 by themselves.
			return (self._makeDotsId(), self.GENERIC_ID_DOTS)
		elif self.dots or self.space:
			return (self.GENERIC_ID_DOTS,)
			return ()

	def _makeDisplayText(cls, dots: int, space: bool):
		out = ""
		if space and dots:
			# Translators: Reported when braille space is pressed with dots in input help mode.
			out = _("space with dot")
		elif dots:
			# Translators: Reported when braille dots are pressed in input help mode.
			out = _("dot")
		elif space:
			# Translators: Reported when braille space is pressed in input help mode.
			out = _("space")
		if dots:
			out += " " + formatDotNumbers(dots)
		return out

	def _get_displayName(self):
		if not self.dots and not self.space:
			return None
		return self._makeDisplayText(self.dots, self.space)

	def getDisplayTextForIdentifier(cls, identifier: str):
		assert isinstance(identifier, str)
		# Translators: Used when describing keys on a braille keyboard.
		source = _("braille keyboard")
		if identifier == cls.GENERIC_ID_SPACE_DOTS:
			# Translators: Used to describe the press of space
			# along with any dots on a braille keyboard.
			return (source, _("space with any dots"))
		if identifier == cls.GENERIC_ID_DOTS:
			# Translators: Used to describe the press of any dots
			# on a braille keyboard.
			return (source, _("any dots"))
		# Example identifier: bk:space+dot1+dot2
		# Strip the bk: prefix.
		partsStr = identifier.split(":", 1)[1]
		parts = partsStr.split("+")
		dots = 0
		space = False
		for part in parts:
			if part == "space":
				space = True
				# Example part: "dot1"
				# Get the dot number and make it 0 based instead of 1 based.
				dot = int(part[3]) - 1
				# Update the dots bitmask.
				dots += 1 << dot
		return (source, cls._makeDisplayText(dots, space))
Пример #14
	def gesturesInit(self):
		# rotor gestures
		if 'rotor' in configBE.iniProfile.keys():
			for k in configBE.iniProfile["rotor"]:
				if isinstance(configBE.iniProfile["rotor"][k], list):
					for l in configBE.iniProfile["rotor"][k]:
						self.rotorGES['br(%s):%s' % (configBE.curBD, l)] = k
					self.rotorGES['br(%s):%s' %(configBE.curBD, configBE.iniProfile["rotor"][k])] = k
			log.debug('No rotor gestures for this profile')

		# keyboard layout gestures
		gK = OrderedDict()
			cK = configBE.iniProfile['keyboardLayouts'][configBE.conf['general']['keyboardLayout_%s' % configBE.curBD]] if configBE.conf['general']['keyboardLayout_%s' % configBE.curBD] and configBE.conf['general']['keyboardLayout_%s' % configBE.curBD] in configBE.iniProfile['keyboardLayouts'] is not None else configBE.iniProfile['keyboardLayouts'].keys()[0]
			for k in cK:
				if k in ['enter', 'backspace']:
					if isinstance(cK[k], list):
						for l in cK[k]:
							gK[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier('br(%s):%s' %(configBE.curBD, l))] = 'kb:%s' % k
						gK['kb:%s' % k] = inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier('br(%s):%s' % (configBE.curBD, cK[k]))
				elif k in ['braille_dots', 'braille_enter', 'braille_translate']:
					if isinstance(cK[k], list):
						for i in range(len(cK[k])):
							if ':' not in cK[k][i]:
								cK[k][i] = inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier('br(%s):%s' % (configBE.curBD, cK[k][i]))
						if ':' not in cK[k]:
							cK[k] = 'br(%s):%s' %(configBE.curBD, cK[k])
					gK[k] = cK[k]
			inputCore.manager.localeGestureMap.update({'globalCommands.GlobalCommands': gK})
			self.noKC = False
			log.debug('Keyboard conf found, loading layout `%s`' %configBE.conf['general']['keyboardLayout_' + configBE.curBD])
		except BaseException:
			log.debug('No keyboard conf found')
			self.noKC = True
		# Hack for NVDARemote
		if 'fr' in lang:
			nvdaremote_gestures = u"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789²)=^$ù*<,;:!"
			nvdaremote_gestures = u"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789`-=[];'\\,./"
		nvdaremote_gestures2 = ["escape","home","end","pageup","pagedown","backspace","leftarrow","rightarrow","uparrow","downarrow","enter","delete","space","ACCENT CIRCONFLEXE"]
		self._tGestures = {
			"bk:dots": "end_combKeysChar",
			"br(" + configBE.curBD + "):routing": "cancelShortcut",
			#: arrow keys
			"br(" + configBE.curBD + "):up": "end_combKeys",
			"br(" + configBE.curBD + "):down": "end_combKeys",
			"br(" + configBE.curBD + "):left": "end_combKeys",
			"br(" + configBE.curBD + "):right": "end_combKeys",
		for k in nvdaremote_gestures:
			self._tGestures['kb:%s' % k] = "end_combKeysChar"
		for k in range(0, 13):
			self._tGestures['kb:f%s' % k] = "end_combKeysChar"
		for k in nvdaremote_gestures2:
			self._tGestures['kb:%s' % k] = "end_combKeysChar"
		if configBE.gesturesFileExists:
			for g in configBE.iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands']:
				if isinstance(configBE.iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g], list):
					for h in range(len(configBE.iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g])):
						self._tGestures[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(configBE.iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g][h])] = "end_combKeys"
				elif ('kb:' in g and g.lower() not in ['kb:alt', 'kb:control', 'kb:windows', 'kb:control', 'kb:applications']):
					self._tGestures[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(configBE.iniGestures['globalCommands.GlobalCommands'][g])] = "end_combKeys"
			self._pGestures = OrderedDict()
			for k, v in (configBE.iniProfile["modifierKeys"].items() + [k for k in configBE.iniProfile["miscs"].items() if k[0] != 'defaultQuickLaunches']):
				if isinstance(v, list):
					for i, gesture in enumerate(v):
						if k != 'shortcutsOn':
							self._pGestures[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier('br(%s):%s' % (configBE.curBD, gesture))] = k
					self._pGestures[inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier('br(%s):%s' % (configBE.curBD, v))] = k
		self.bindGestures({'br(%s):%s' % (configBE.curBD, k): "quickLaunch" for k in configBE.quickLaunches.keys()})
Пример #15
	def sendCombKeysNVDA(self, sht, gesture):
		# to improve + not finished
		if 'kb:' not in sht: sht = 'kb:%s' % sht
		add = '+nvda' if 'nvda+' in sht else ''
		sht = '+'.join(sorted((inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(sht.replace('nvda+',
'')).replace('kb:','') + add).split('+')))

		# Gesture specific scriptable object (TODO).
		# Global plugin level
		shtPlugins = {p: eval('globalPlugins.%s.GlobalPlugin._GlobalPlugin__gestures' % p) for p in globalPlugins.__dict__.keys() if not p.startswith('_') and hasattr(eval('globalPlugins.%s.GlobalPlugin' % p), '_GlobalPlugin__gestures')}
		for k in shtPlugins:
			shtPlugins[k] = {re.sub(':(.+)$', lambda m: inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(m.group(0)), g.lower().replace(' ', '')): shtPlugins[k][g] for g in shtPlugins[k] if g.lower().startswith('kb:')}
		for p in shtPlugins.keys():
			if 'kb:' + sht in shtPlugins[p]:
				if self.callScript('globalPlugins.%s' % p, 'script_%s' % shtPlugins[p]['kb:' + sht], gesture):
					return True

		# App module level.
		focus = api.getFocusObject()
		app = focus.appModule
		for k in focus.appModule._gestureMap:
			if app and cls == 'AppModule' and module == app.__module__:
				func = getattr(app, "script_%s" % scriptName, None)
				if func:
					return True

		# Tree interceptor level.
			obj = api.getFocusObject()
			if obj.treeInterceptor is not None:
				obj = obj.treeInterceptor
				gesS = obj._CursorManager__gestures.values() + obj._BrowseModeDocumentTreeInterceptor__gestures.values() + obj._BrowseModeTreeInterceptor__gestures.values()
				gesO = [re.sub(':(.+)$', lambda m: m.group(0), g) for g in obj._CursorManager__gestures.keys() +
					obj._BrowseModeDocumentTreeInterceptor__gestures.keys() +
				gesN = [re.sub(':(.+)$', lambda m: inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(m.group(0)), g) for g in gesO]
				script = gesS[gesN.index('kb:' + sht)]
				eval('obj.script_' + script + '(gesture)')
				return True
				gesO = [re.sub(':(.+)$', lambda m: m.group(0), g) for g in cursorManager.CursorManager._CursorManager__gestures]
				gesN = [re.sub(':(.+)$', lambda m: inputCore.normalizeGestureIdentifier(m.group(0)), g) for g in cursorManager.CursorManager._CursorManager__gestures]
				if 'kb:' + sht in gesN:
					a = cursorManager.CursorManager()
					a.makeTextInfo = obj.makeTextInfo
					script = a._CursorManager__gestures[gesO[gesN.index(
						'kb:' + sht)]]
					eval('a.script_' + script + '(gesture)')
					return True
		except BaseException: pass
		# NVDAObject level (todo).
		# Global Commands level.
		layouts = ['(%s)' % config.conf["keyboard"]["keyboardLayout"], '', '(%s)' % ('desktop' if config.conf["keyboard"]["keyboardLayout"] == 'laptop' else 'desktop')]
		places = ['globalCommands.commands._gestureMap']
		for layout in layouts:
			for place in places:
					tSht = eval('scriptHandler.getScriptName(%s[\'kb%s:%s\'])' % (place, layout, sht))
					func = getattr(globalCommands.commands, "script_%s" % tSht, None)
					if func:
						return True
				except BaseException: pass
		return False