def get_craters(lroc_csv_path, head_csv_path, sub_cdim, R_km): sys.path.append('../../DeepMoon/') import input_data_gen as igen craters = igen.ReadLROCHeadCombinedCraterCSV(filelroc=lroc_csv_path, filehead=head_csv_path) craters = igen.ResampleCraters(craters, sub_cdim, None, arad=R_km) return craters
def test_resamplecraters(self, llbd, minpix): ctr_xlim = ((self.craters['Long'] >= llbd[0]) & (self.craters['Long'] <= llbd[1])) ctr_ylim = ((self.craters['Lat'] >= llbd[2]) & (self.craters['Lat'] <= llbd[3])) ctr_sub = self.craters.loc[ctr_xlim & ctr_ylim, :] imgheight = int(3000. * (llbd[3] - llbd[2]) / 180.) pixperkm = trf.km2pix(imgheight, llbd[3] - llbd[2]) minkm = minpix / pixperkm ctr_sub = ctr_sub[ctr_sub['Diameter (km)'] >= minkm] ctr_sub.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) ctr_rs = igen.ResampleCraters(self.craters, llbd, imgheight, minpix=minpix) assert np.all(ctr_rs == ctr_sub)
size = comm.Get_size() print("Thread {0} of {1}".format(rank, size)) istart = rank * amt else: istart = 0 # Read source image and crater catalogs. img ="L") craters = igen.ReadLROCHeadCombinedCraterCSV(filehead=head_csv_path) # Sample subset of image. Co-opt igen.ResampleCraters to remove all # craters beyond cdim (either sub or source). if sub_cdim != source_cdim: img = igen.InitialImageCut(img, source_cdim, sub_cdim) # This always works, since sub_cdim < source_cdim. craters = igen.ResampleCraters(craters, sub_cdim, None, arad=R_km) # Generate input images. igen.GenDataset(img, craters, outhead, rawlen_range=rawlen_range, rawlen_dist=rawlen_dist, ilen=ilen, cdim=sub_cdim, arad=R_km, minpix=minpix, tglen=tglen, binary=True, rings=True, ringwidth=ringwidth,
def GenDataset(box_list, img, craters, outhead, arad, cdim): truncate = True ringwidth = 1 rings = True binary = True minpix = 1. tglen = 256 ilen = 256 amt = len(box_list) origin = "upper" # Get craters. igen.AddPlateCarree_XY(craters, list(img.size), cdim=cdim, origin=origin) iglobe = ccrs.Globe(semimajor_axis=arad * 1000., semiminor_axis=arad * 1000., ellipse=None) # Initialize output hdf5s. [ imgs_h5, imgs_h5_inputs, imgs_h5_tgts, imgs_h5_llbd, imgs_h5_box, imgs_h5_dc, imgs_h5_cll, craters_h5 ] = init_files(outhead, amt, ilen, tglen) for i in range(amt): # Current image number. img_number = "img_{:05d}".format(i) # Determine image size to crop. box = box_list[i] #print("Generating {} current crop: ({})".format(img_number,box)) # Load necessary because crop may be a lazy operation; im.load() should # copy it. See < # reference/Image.html>. im = img.crop(box) im.load() # Obtain long/lat bounds for coordinate transform. ix = box[::2] iy = box[1::2] llong, llat = trf.pix2coord(ix, iy, cdim, list(img.size), origin=origin) llbd = np.r_[llong, llat[::-1]] # Downsample image. im = im.resize([ilen, ilen], resample=Image.NEAREST) # Remove all craters that are too small to be seen in image. ctr_sub = igen.ResampleCraters(craters, llbd, im.size[1], arad=arad, minpix=minpix) # Convert Plate Carree to Orthographic. [imgo, ctr_xy, distortion_coefficient, clonglat_xy] = (igen.PlateCarree_to_Orthographic(im, llbd, ctr_sub, iglobe=iglobe, ctr_sub=True, arad=arad, origin=origin, rgcoeff=1.2, slivercut=0.5)) if imgo is None: print("Discarding narrow image") continue imgo_arr = np.asanyarray(imgo) assert imgo_arr.sum() > 0, ("Sum of imgo is zero! There likely was " "an error in projecting the cropped " "image.") # Make target mask. Used Image.BILINEAR resampling because # Image.NEAREST creates artifacts. Try Image.LANZCOS if BILINEAR still # leaves artifacts). tgt = np.asanyarray( imgo.resize((tglen, tglen), resample=Image.BILINEAR)) mask = igen.make_mask(ctr_xy, tgt, binary=binary, rings=rings, ringwidth=ringwidth, truncate=truncate) # Output everything to file. output_to_file(img_number, i, imgs_h5_inputs, imgo_arr, imgs_h5_tgts, mask, imgs_h5_box, box, imgs_h5_llbd, llbd, imgs_h5_dc, distortion_coefficient, imgs_h5_cll, clonglat_xy, craters_h5, ctr_xy, imgs_h5) imgs_h5.close() craters_h5.close()
def test_gendataset(self, tmpdir, ringwidth): amt = 10 zeropad = 2 outhead = str(tmpdir.join('gentest')) igen.GenDataset(self.img, self.craters, outhead, rawlen_range=[300, 1000], rawlen_dist='log', ilen=self.imlen, tglen=self.imlen, cdim=self.cdim, minpix=1, ringwidth=ringwidth, amt=amt, istart=0, seed=self.seed) imgs_h5 = h5py.File(outhead + '_images.hdf5', 'r') craters_h5 = pd.HDFStore(outhead + '_craters.hdf5', 'r') for i in range(amt): # Find image number. img_number = "img_{i:0{zp}d}".format(i=i, zp=zeropad) # Load box. box = np.array(imgs_h5['pix_bounds'][img_number][...]) im = self.img.crop(box) im.load() # Obtain long/lat bounds for coordinate transform. ix = box[::2] iy = box[1::2] llong, llat = trf.pix2coord(ix, iy, self.cdim, list(self.img.size), origin='upper') llbd = np.r_[llong, llat[::-1]] # Downsample image. im = im.resize([self.imlen, self.imlen], resample=Image.NEAREST) # Remove all craters that are too small to be seen in image. ctr_sub = igen.ResampleCraters(self.craters, llbd, im.size[1], minpix=1) # Convert Plate Carree to Orthographic. [imgo, ctr_xy, distortion_coefficient, clonglat_xy] = ( igen.PlateCarree_to_Orthographic( im, llbd, ctr_sub, iglobe=self.iglobe, ctr_sub=True, slivercut=0.5)) imgo_arr = np.asanyarray(imgo) # Make target mask. tgt = np.asanyarray(imgo.resize((self.imlen, self.imlen), resample=Image.BILINEAR)) mask = igen.make_mask(ctr_xy, tgt, binary=True, rings=True, ringwidth=ringwidth, truncate=True) assert np.all(imgo_arr == imgs_h5['input_images'][i, ...]) assert np.all(mask == imgs_h5['target_masks'][i, ...]) assert np.all(llbd == imgs_h5['longlat_bounds'][img_number][...]) assert (distortion_coefficient == imgs_h5['pix_distortion_coefficient'][img_number][0]) assert np.all(clonglat_xy[["x", "y"]] == imgs_h5['cll_xy'][img_number][...]) assert np.all(ctr_xy == craters_h5[img_number]) imgs_h5.close() craters_h5.close()