import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from input_file import inputfile
inputfile(fluid,reservoir,numerical,BC,IC)     #uploading all input properties 

def analytical(time,blocks):
    tol = 0.0001
    x = np.arange(blocks)*dx + dx/2
    P1 = 500-((D-reservoir.length*np.sin(dip*np.pi/180))*(rho/144))- 14.7; #based on boundary 500 psi at L P1 at pooint n check
    P0 = 0
    alpha = 6.33E-3*k/(phi*u*ct)
    n = 0
    SUM = 0
    for i in range(10000000):
        new = (-1)**(n+1)*np.cos((n+1/2)*np.pi*x/Length)*np.exp(-(2*n+1)**2/Length**2*alpha*np.pi**2*time/4)/(2*n+1)
        SUM = 4/np.pi*(P1-P0)*new + SUM
        if error > tol:
            n = n +1

    P = SUM + p + P1
    return P;

#fluid, reservoir and simulation parameters
def post_process(P_plot, xc, time, nmax):
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.Bw  = []
class reservoir:
    def __init__(self):
        self.dt = [] 
class grid:
    def __init__(self):
        self.xmin = []
class BC:
    def __init__(self):
        self.xmin = []
class IC:
    def __init__(self):
        self.xmin = []

inputfile(fluid,reservoir,numerical,BC,IC)     #uploading all input properties          

#Calculating the arrays
[T, B, Q, G] = myarrays(fluid,reservoir,numerical,BC,IC)

# time marching initialization
time = 0     #initializing time
n    = 0     #time step initialization
nmax = int(numerical.tfinal / numerical.dt)   #total number of time steps
time = np.zeros((nmax+1))                     #initializing time vector
P_plot      = np.zeros((numerical.N, nmax+1)) #matrix to save pressure 
P           = (IC.P).copy()                   #initializing iterable current pressure
P_plot[:,n] = P[:,0]                          #saving initial pressure

start = timer.clock()  
# time marching
Пример #3
#import inbuilt libraries
import numpy as np

#importing personal libraries
from input_file import inputfile
from rel_perm import rel_perm
from petroplots import petroplots
from cap_press import cap_press

#making petrophysics class
class petro:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Sor = []

inputfile(petro)     #uploading petrophysical properties           

Sw = np.transpose([np.linspace(0,1,10000)]) #initializing water saturation as a column vector
#Sw_actual = np.transpose([np.linspace(petro.Swr,1-petro.Sor,10000)]) #initializing water saturation

krw = np.zeros((len(Sw),1)) #allocating column vector for relative permeability (water)
kro = np.zeros((len(Sw),1)) #allocating column vector for relative permeability (oil)
Pci = np.zeros((len(Sw),1)) #allocating column vector for imbibition capillary pressure [psi]
Pcd = np.zeros((len(Sw),1)) #allocating column vector for drainage capillary pressure  [psi]

#evaluating relative permeabilities using Corey-Brooks model
for j in range(0, len(Sw)):
    [krw[j], kro[j]] = rel_perm(petro,Sw[j,0])   
    [Pci[j], Pcd[j]] = cap_press(petro,Sw[j,0]) 
