Пример #1
def test_log_long_key(logger_warning):
    Verify the conversion table is logged with proper
    spacing, wrapping, and unconverted specs are not logged
    rm_conf = {
        'commands': [
            "/usr/bin/find /etc/origin/node /etc/origin/master /etc/pki /etc/ipa -type f -exec /usr/bin/openssl x509 -noout -enddate -in '{}' \\; -exec echo 'FileName= {}' \\;",
            "/usr/bin/md5sum /etc/pki/product/69.pem"
        'files': [
            "/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-cisco-openh264.repo", "krb5_conf_d"
    map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
        "- /usr/bin/find /etc/origin/node                   => certificates_enddate\n  /etc/origin/master /etc/pki /etc/ipa -type f\n  -exec /usr/bin/openssl x509 -noout -enddate -in\n  '{}' \\; -exec echo 'FileName= {}' \\;"
        "- /usr/bin/md5sum /etc/pki/product/69.pem          => md5chk_files")
        "- /etc/sysconfig/virt-who                          => sysconfig_virt_who"
        "- krb5_conf_d                                      => krb5")
Пример #2
def test_log_short_key(logger_warning):
    Verify the conversion table is logged without wrapping or spacing when key
    is short
    rm_conf = {'commands': ["ss_tupna"]}
    logger_warning.assert_any_call("If possible, commands and files specified in the blacklist configuration will be converted to Insights component specs that will be disabled as needed.")
Пример #3
def test_map_rm_conf_to_components_sym_names():
    Verify that all symbolic names in uploader.json result as
    components in the output
    # commands
    for cmd in uploader_json['commands']:
        # run each possible command through the function
        sym_name = cmd['symbolic_name']
        rm_conf = {'commands': [sym_name]}
        # figure out the destination name should be
        spec_name = _get_component_by_symbolic_name(sym_name)
        new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
        # commands should be empty, components should have 1 item
        assert len(new_rm_conf['commands']) == 0
        assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 1
        assert new_rm_conf['components'][0] == spec_name

    # files
    for fil in uploader_json['files']:
        # run each possible file through the function
        sym_name = fil['symbolic_name']
        rm_conf = {'files': [sym_name]}
        # figure out the destination name should be
        spec_name = _get_component_by_symbolic_name(sym_name)
        new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
        # files should be empty, components should have 1 item
        # except for these which cannot be mapped to specs.
        # in which case, components empty and these remain in files
        if sym_name in [
                'grub2_efi_grubenv', 'grub2_grubenv',
            assert len(new_rm_conf['files']) == 1
            assert new_rm_conf['files'][0] == sym_name
            assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 0
            assert len(new_rm_conf['files']) == 0
            assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 1
            assert new_rm_conf['components'][0] == spec_name

    # globs
    for glb in uploader_json['globs']:
        # run each possible glob through the function
        sym_name = glb['symbolic_name']
        rm_conf = {'files': [sym_name]}
        # figure out the destination name should be
        spec_name = _get_component_by_symbolic_name(sym_name)
        new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
        # files should be empty, components should have 1 item
        assert len(new_rm_conf['files']) == 0
        assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 1
        assert new_rm_conf['components'][0] == spec_name
Пример #4
def test_rm_conf_empty(_search_uploader_json):
    Verify the function returns rm_conf unchanged if called
    with an empty dict or None
    rm_conf = {}
    new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
    assert new_rm_conf == {}

    rm_conf = None
    new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
    assert new_rm_conf is None
Пример #5
def test_map_rm_conf_to_components_invalid():
    Verify that matching commands/files are mapped to components
    rm_conf = {'commands': ['random', 'value'], 'files': ['other', 'invalid', 'data']}
    new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf)
    # rm_conf should be unchanged
    assert len(new_rm_conf['commands']) == 2
    assert len(new_rm_conf['files']) == 3
    assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 0
    assert new_rm_conf['commands'] == rm_conf['commands']
    assert new_rm_conf['files'] == rm_conf['files']
Пример #6
def test_map_rm_conf_to_components_raw_cmds_files():
    Verify that all raw files/commands in uploader.json result as
    components in the output
    # commands
    for cmd in uploader_json['commands']:
        # run each possible command through the function
        rm_conf = {'commands': [cmd['command']]}
        sym_name = cmd['symbolic_name']
        # figure out the destination name should be
        spec_name = _get_component_by_symbolic_name(sym_name)
        new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
        # commands should be empty, components should have 1 item
        assert len(new_rm_conf['commands']) == 0
        assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 1
        assert new_rm_conf['components'][0] == spec_name

    # files
    for fil in uploader_json['files']:
        # run each possible file through the function
        rm_conf = {'files': [fil['file']]}
        sym_name = fil['symbolic_name']
        # figure out the destination name should be
        spec_name = _get_component_by_symbolic_name(sym_name)
        new_rm_conf = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)
        # files should be empty, components should have 1 item
        # except for these which cannot be mapped to specs.
        # in which case, components empty and these remain in files
        if fil['file'] in [
                '/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grubenv', '/boot/grub2/grubenv',
            assert len(new_rm_conf['files']) == 1
            assert new_rm_conf['files'][0] == fil['file']
            assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 0
            assert len(new_rm_conf['files']) == 0
            assert len(new_rm_conf['components']) == 1
            assert new_rm_conf['components'][0] == spec_name
def test_components_added():
    Verify that the resulting component list is
    an aggregation of the current list and the conversion results
    with no duplicates.
    rm_conf = {'commands': ["/usr/bin/md5sum /etc/pki/product/69.pem"],
               'components': ["insights.specs.default.DefaultSpecs.sysconfig_virt_who"]}
    results = map_rm_conf_to_components(rm_conf, uploader_json)

    assert results == {'commands': [],
                       'files': [],
                       'components': ["insights.specs.default.DefaultSpecs.sysconfig_virt_who",