Пример #1
def test_sysctl_d_conf():
    r = sysctl.SysctlDConfEtc(context_wrap(SYSCTL_CONF_TEST))
    assert keys_in(['kernel.domainname', 'kernel.modprobe'], r)
    assert r['kernel.domainname'] == 'example.com'
    assert r['kernel.modprobe'] == '/sbin/mod probe'
    assert 'kernel.domainname.invalid' not in r

    r = sysctl.SysctlDConfUsr(context_wrap(SYSCTL_CONF_TEST))
    assert keys_in(['kernel.domainname', 'kernel.modprobe'], r)
    assert r['kernel.domainname'] == 'example.com'
    assert r['kernel.modprobe'] == '/sbin/mod probe'
    assert 'kernel.domainname.invalid' not in r
Пример #2
def test_ip_data_Link():
    link_info = ip.IpLinkInfo(context_wrap(IP_S_LINK))
    link_info_all = ip.IpLinkInfo(context_wrap(IP_S_LINK_ALL))
    link_info_all_2 = ip.IpLinkInfo(context_wrap(IP_S_LINK_ALL_2))
    link_info_all_3 = ip.IpLinkInfo(context_wrap(IP_S_LINK_ALL_3))
    if_list_all_3 = link_info_all_3.active
    assert sorted(if_list_all_3) == sorted(['lo', 'eth0_1', 'eth0_2', 'vxlan_sys_4789', 'gre1'])
    eth0_1 = link_info_all_3["eth0_1"]
    assert eth0_1["mac"] == "00:90:fa:8d:36:1e"
    assert eth0_1["rx_packets"] == 15139642734
    assert eth0_1["rx_bytes"] == 16809815066893
    if_list_all_2 = link_info_all_2.active
    if_list_all = link_info_all.active
    if_list = link_info.active
    assert len(if_list) == 4
    assert keys_in(["lo", "enp0s3", "enp0s8", "enp0s9"], if_list)
    assert keys_in(['ppp0', 'lo', 'tun0', 'enp0s25', 'vnet0', 'virbr0'], if_list_all)
    assert keys_in(['lo', 'eno1', 'eno2', 'ovs-system', 'br-ex', 'vxlan_sys_4789'], if_list_all_2)

    assert sorted(link_info.active) == sorted(['lo', 'enp0s3', 'enp0s8', 'enp0s9'])

    lo = link_info["lo"]
    assert lo["mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:00"
    assert lo["flags"] == ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert lo["type"] == "loopback"
    assert lo["mtu"] == 65536
    assert lo["rx_packets"] == 98
    assert lo["tx_packets"] == 10
    assert lo["index"] == 2

    enp0s3 = link_info["enp0s3"]
    assert enp0s3["mac"] == "08:00:27:4a:c5:ef"
    assert enp0s3["flags"] == ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert enp0s3["type"] == "ether"
    assert enp0s3["mtu"] == 1500
    assert enp0s3["rx_packets"] == 2244
    assert enp0s3["tx_packets"] == 1407
    assert enp0s3["index"] == 1

    enp0s25 = link_info_all["enp0s25"]
    assert enp0s25["mac"] == "1c:75:08:a5:7e:25"
    assert enp0s25["flags"] == ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert enp0s25["type"] == "ether"
    assert enp0s25["mtu"] == 1500
    assert enp0s25["rx_packets"] == 1492476
    assert enp0s25["tx_packets"] == 969514
    assert enp0s25["index"] == 2

    vxlan_sys_4789 = link_info_all_2["vxlan_sys_4789"]
    assert sorted(vxlan_sys_4789["vxlan"]) == sorted(['vxlan', 'id', '0', 'srcport', '0', '0', 'dstport', '4789', 'nolearning', 'ageing', '300', 'noudpcsum', 'noudp6zerocsumtx', 'udp6zerocsumrx', 'external'])
    ovs = link_info_all_2["ovs-system"]
    assert sorted(ovs["openvswitch"]) == sorted(['openvswitch', 'addrgenmode', 'eui64', 'numtxqueues', '1', 'numrxqueues', '1', 'gso_max_size', '65536', 'gso_max_segs', '65535'])
Пример #3
def test_ifcfg():
    context = context_wrap(IFCFG_TEST)
    context.path = CONTEXT_PATH

    r = IfCFG(context)
    assert keys_in(["iface", "TYPE", "BOOTPROTO",
                    "IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL", "NAME"], r)
    assert not keys_in(["ONBOOT"], r)
    assert r["TYPE"] == "Ethernet"
    assert r["BOOTPROTO"] == "dhcp"
    assert r["IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL"] == "no"
    assert r["NAME"] == "enp0s25"
    assert r["iface"] == "enp0s25"
    assert r.ifname == r['iface']
    assert r.bonding_mode is None
Пример #4
def test_ps_auxww_from_auxcww():
    # test with input from `ps auxcww`
    p = ps.PsAuxww(context_wrap(PsAuxcww_TEST))
    d = p.data
    assert all('COMMAND' in row for row in d)
    assert keys_in([
        "USER", "PID", "%CPU", "%MEM", "VSZ", "RSS", "TTY", "STAT", "START",
        "TIME", "COMMAND"
    ], d[0])
    assert d[0] == {
        '%MEM': '0.0', 'TTY': '?', 'VSZ': '19356', 'PID': '1', '%CPU': '0.0',
        'START': 'May31', 'COMMAND': 'init', 'COMMAND_NAME': 'init', 'USER': '******', 'STAT': 'Ss',
        'TIME': '0:01', 'RSS': '1544', 'ARGS': '',
    assert d[2]["COMMAND"] == 'irqbalance'
    assert d[-2]["COMMAND"] == 'qemu-kvm'
    assert p.fuzzy_match('irqbal')
    assert p.number_occurences("bash") == 3
    assert p.number_occurences("qemu-kvm") != 2
    assert 'dhclient' in p
    assert 'sshd' not in p
    assert not p.fuzzy_match("sshd")
    assert p.cpu_usage('dhclient') == '0.0'
    assert p.cpu_usage('java') is None

    assert p.users('bash') == {'user1': ['20160'], 'user2': ['20161', '20164']}
Пример #5
def test_ip_data_Link():
    link_info = IpLinkInfo(context_wrap(IP_S_LINK))
    if_list = link_info.active

    assert len(if_list) == 4
    assert keys_in(["lo", "enp0s3", "enp0s8", "enp0s9"], if_list)

    assert sorted(link_info.active) == sorted(
        ['lo', 'enp0s3', 'enp0s8', 'enp0s9'])

    lo = link_info["lo"]
    assert lo["mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:00"
    assert lo["flags"] == ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert lo["type"] == "loopback"
    assert lo["mtu"] == 65536
    assert lo["rx_packets"] == 98
    assert lo["tx_packets"] == 100
    assert lo["index"] == 2

    enp0s3 = link_info["enp0s3"]
    assert enp0s3["mac"] == "08:00:27:4a:c5:ef"
    assert enp0s3["flags"] == ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert enp0s3["type"] == "ether"
    assert enp0s3["mtu"] == 1500
    assert enp0s3["rx_packets"] == 2244
    assert enp0s3["tx_packets"] == 1407
    assert enp0s3["index"] == 1
Пример #6
def test_ps_auxcww_from_auxwwwm():
    p = ps.PsAuxcww(context_wrap(PS_AUXWWWM))
    d = p.data

    assert all('COMMAND' in row for row in d)
    assert keys_in([
        "USER", "PID", "%CPU", "%MEM", "VSZ", "RSS", "TTY", "STAT", "START",
        "TIME", "COMMAND"
    ], d[0])
    assert d[0] == {
        'USER': '******',
        'PID': '1503',
        '%CPU': '0.0',
        '%MEM': '0.0',
        'VSZ': '11932',
        'RSS': '6152',
        'TTY': '?',
        'STAT': 'Ss',
        'START': '05:22',
        'TIME': '0:00',
        'COMMAND': '/usr/sbin/smartd -n -q never --capabilities',
        'COMMAND_NAME': 'smartd',
        'ARGS': '-n -q never --capabilities',
        'threads': 1,
    assert '/usr/sbin/chronyd' in p
    assert 'sshd' not in p
    assert 'kthread' not in p
    assert not p.fuzzy_match("sshd")
    assert p.number_occurences("abrtd") == 1
    assert p.number_occurences("sshd") != 2
    assert p.fuzzy_match('chronyd')

    assert p.pid_info["1514"]['threads'] == 5
    assert p.pid_info["1621"]['threads'] == 1
Пример #7
def test_ps_auxww_from_auxwww():
    # test with input from `ps auxwww`
    p = ps.PsAuxww(context_wrap(PS_AUXWWW))
    d = p.data
    assert all('COMMAND' in row for row in d)
    assert keys_in([
        "USER", "PID", "%CPU", "%MEM", "VSZ", "RSS", "TTY", "STAT", "START",
        "TIME", "COMMAND"
    ], d[0])
    assert d[0] == {
        'USER': '******', 'PID': '1', '%CPU': '0.0', '%MEM': '0.0',
        'VSZ': '21452', 'RSS': '1536', 'TTY': '?', 'STAT': 'Ss',
        'START': 'Mar09', 'TIME': '0:01', 'COMMAND': '/sbin/init',
        'COMMAND_NAME': 'init', 'ARGS': '',
    assert p.fuzzy_match('kthread')
    assert '-bash' in p
    assert '/sbin/init' in p
    assert 'sshd' not in p
    assert 'kthread' not in p
    assert not p.fuzzy_match("sshd")
    assert p.number_occurences("python") == 1
    assert p.number_occurences("sshd") != 2
    assert p.fuzzy_match('python')

    assert p.search() == []
    assert p.search(COMMAND__contains='rsyslogd') == [p.data[3]]
    assert p.search(USER='******', COMMAND__contains='kthread') == [p.data[1]]
    assert p.search(TTY='tty1') == [p.data[7], p.data[8]]
    assert p.search(STAT__contains='Z') == []
Пример #8
def test_ps_auxww_from_aux():
    # test with input from `ps aux`
    p = ps.PsAuxww(context_wrap(PsAux_TEST))
    d = p.data
    assert all('COMMAND' in row for row in d)
    assert keys_in([
        "USER", "PID", "%CPU", "%MEM", "VSZ", "RSS", "TTY", "STAT", "START",
        "TIME", "COMMAND"
    ], d[0])
    assert d[0] == {
        '%MEM': '0.0', 'TTY': '?', 'VSZ': '19356', 'PID': '1', '%CPU': '0.0',
        'START': 'May31', 'COMMAND': '/sbin/init', 'COMMAND_NAME': 'init', 'USER': '******',
        'STAT': 'Ss', 'TIME': '0:01', 'RSS': '1544', 'ARGS': ''
    assert p.fuzzy_match('irqbal')
    assert 'bash' in p
    assert '/sbin/init' in p
    assert 'sshd' not in p
    assert 'kondemand' not in p
    assert not p.fuzzy_match("sshd")
    assert p.number_occurences("systemd") != 2
    assert p.number_occurences("bash") == 1
    assert p.fuzzy_match('kondemand')

    assert p.search() == []
    assert p.search(COMMAND__contains='java') == [p.data[6]]
    assert p.search(USER='******', COMMAND__contains='kondemand') == [p.data[1]]
    assert p.search(TTY='pts/3') == [p.data[3]]
    assert p.search(STAT__contains='Z') == []
Пример #9
def test_ps_ef_from_ef():
    # test with input from `ps -ef`
    p = ps.PsEf(context_wrap(PsEf_TEST))
    d = p.data
    assert all('CMD' in row for row in d)
    assert keys_in([
        "UID", "PID", "PPID", "C", "STIME", "TTY", "TIME", "CMD"
    ], d[0])
    assert d[0] == {
        'UID': 'root', 'TTY': '?', 'PID': '1', 'PPID': '0',
        'TIME': '00:00:06', 'STIME': '03:53', 'C': '0',
        'CMD': '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 15',
        'COMMAND_NAME': 'systemd', 'ARGS': '--system --deserialize 15',
    assert d[4]["CMD"] == '/usr/libexec/docker/rhel-push-plugin'
    assert d[-5] == {
        'TTY': '?', 'ARGS': '', 'UID': 'root',
        'CMD': '/usr/libexec/docker/rhel-push-plugin',
        'PID': '1995', 'C': '0', 'STIME': '03:54', 'TIME': '00:02:06',
        'PPID': '1', 'COMMAND_NAME': 'rhel-push-plugin'
    assert p.fuzzy_match('kthreadd')
    assert p.number_occurences("systemd") != 2
    assert p.number_occurences("openshift") == 2
    assert p.parent_pid("111435") == ["111434", "nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf"]
    assert '[kthreadd]' in p
    assert 'sshd' not in p
    assert not p.fuzzy_match("sshd")
    assert p.running_pids() == ['1', '2', '1803', '1969', '1995', '2078', '7201', '111434', '111435']
    assert p.users("nginx: worker process") == {'nginx': ['111435']}
Пример #10
def test_ifcfg_master():
    context = context_wrap(IFCFG_TEST_MASTER)
    context.path = CONTEXT_PATH_DEVICE

    r = IfCFG(context)
    assert keys_in(["DEVICE", "iface", "ONBOOT", "BOOTPROTO", "MASTER"], r)
    assert r["MASTER"] == 'bond0'
Пример #11
def test_ifcfg_space_v2():
    context = context_wrap(IFCFG_TEST_SPACE_V2)
    context.path = CONTEXT_PATH_DEVICE

    r = IfCFG(context)
    assert keys_in(["DEVICE", "iface", "ONBOOT", "BOOTPROTO",
                    "IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL"], r)
    assert r["DEVICE"] == '\"\"badName2\"  \"'
Пример #12
def test_ip_addr():
    d = ip.IpAddr(context_wrap(IP_ADDR_TEST))

    assert len(d) == 6
    assert keys_in(["lo", "eth7", "tunl0", "tunl1", "bond1.57", "ip.tun2"], d)

    assert sorted(d.active) == sorted(['lo', 'eth7', 'bond1.57', 'ip.tun2'])

    lo = d["lo"]
    assert len(lo) == 2
    assert lo["mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:00"
    assert lo["flags"] == ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert lo["type"] == "loopback"
    assert lo["mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:00"
    assert lo["mtu"] == 16436
    assert lo.addrs(4) == [""]
    assert lo.addrs(6) == ["::1"]

    eth7 = d["eth7"]
    assert len(eth7) == 0
    assert eth7["mac"] == "00:11:3f:e2:f5:9f"
    assert eth7["flags"] == [
    assert eth7["master"] == "bond1"
    assert eth7["qlen"] == 1000
    assert eth7["mtu"] == 1500
    assert len(eth7["addr"]) == 0

    tunl0 = d["tunl0"]
    assert tunl0["type"] == "ipip"

    tunl1 = d["tunl1"]
    assert tunl1["type"] == "[65534]"
    assert tunl1.addrs() == [""]  # P2P links use the remote IP

    bond1Addr = d["bond1.57"]
    assert len(bond1Addr) == 3
    assert bond1Addr.addrs(4) == [""]
    assert bond1Addr.addrs(6) == [
        "fe80::211:3fff:fee2:f59e", "2001::211:3fff:fee2:f59e"

    tun2 = d["ip.tun2"]
    assert tun2["mtu"] == 80
    assert tun2["type"] == "ipip"
    assert tun2["peer"] == ""
    assert tun2["peer_ip"] == ""
    assert tun2.addrs(4) == [""]

    # Tests of __cmp__
    assert eth7 != tunl0
    assert tunl0 != tunl1
    assert tunl1 == d['tunl1']

    # Tests of __iter__ and __getitem__
    for iface in d:
        assert iface is not None
Пример #13
def test_ps_auxww_from_auxww():
    # test with input from `ps auxww`
    p = ps.PsAuxww(context_wrap(PsAuxww_TEST))
    d = p.data
    assert all('COMMAND' in row for row in d)
    assert keys_in([
        "USER", "PID", "%CPU", "%MEM", "VSZ", "RSS", "TTY", "STAT", "START",
        "TIME", "COMMAND"
    ], d[0])
    assert d[0] == {
        '%MEM': '0.0',
        'TTY': '?',
        'VSZ': '193892',
        'PID': '1',
        '%CPU': '0.0',
        'START': 'Oct23',
        'USER': '******',
        'STAT': 'Ss',
        'TIME': '1:40',
        'RSS': '5000',
        '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 22',
        'COMMAND_NAME': 'systemd',
        'ARGS': '--switched-root --system --deserialize 22',
    assert d[2]["COMMAND"] == '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald'
    assert d[-2] == {
        'USER': '******',
        'PID': '2713',
        '%CPU': '2.4',
        '%MEM': '19.2',
        'VSZ': '12508144',
        'RSS': '3077224',
        'TTY': '?',
        'STAT': 'Sl',
        'START': 'Nov21',
        'TIME': '533:33',
        'COMMAND': '/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox',
        'COMMAND_NAME': 'firefox',
        'ARGS': '',
    assert p.fuzzy_match('kthreadd')
    assert '[kthreadd]' in p
    assert 'sshd' not in p
    assert not p.fuzzy_match("sshd")
    assert p.number_occurences("systemd") == 2
    assert p.number_occurences("openshift") != 2
    assert p.cpu_usage('/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox') == '2.4'
    assert p.cpu_usage('firefox') is None
    assert p.cpu_usage('dhclient') is None
    assert p.cpu_usage('java') is None
    assert p.running_pids() == [
        '1', '2', '781', '1111', '1112', '2713', '8257'

    # Test __iter__
    assert 13718356 == sum(int(proc['VSZ']) for proc in p)
Пример #14
def test_ifcfg_space_v1():
    context = context_wrap(IFCFG_TEST_SPACE_V1)
    context.path = CONTEXT_PATH_DEVICE

    r = IfCFG(context)
    assert keys_in([
    ], r)
    assert r["DEVICE"] != '\'"badName1"  \''
    assert r["raw_device_value"] == '\'"badName1"  \''
    assert r["DEVICE"] == 'badName1'
Пример #15
def test_ip_data_Link():
    link_info = ip.IpLinkInfo(context_wrap(IP_S_LINK))
    link_info_all = ip.IpLinkInfo(context_wrap(IP_S_LINK_ALL))
    if_list_all = link_info_all.active
    if_list = link_info.active
    assert len(if_list) == 4
    assert keys_in(["lo", "enp0s3", "enp0s8", "enp0s9"], if_list)
    assert keys_in(['ppp0', 'lo', 'tun0', 'enp0s25', 'vnet0', 'virbr0'],

    assert sorted(link_info.active) == sorted(
        ['lo', 'enp0s3', 'enp0s8', 'enp0s9'])

    lo = link_info["lo"]
    assert lo["mac"] == "00:00:00:00:00:00"
    assert lo["flags"] == ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert lo["type"] == "loopback"
    assert lo["mtu"] == 65536
    assert lo["rx_packets"] == 98
    assert lo["tx_packets"] == 10
    assert lo["index"] == 2

    enp0s3 = link_info["enp0s3"]
    assert enp0s3["mac"] == "08:00:27:4a:c5:ef"
    assert enp0s3["flags"] == ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert enp0s3["type"] == "ether"
    assert enp0s3["mtu"] == 1500
    assert enp0s3["rx_packets"] == 2244
    assert enp0s3["tx_packets"] == 1407
    assert enp0s3["index"] == 1

    enp0s25 = link_info_all["enp0s25"]
    assert enp0s25["mac"] == "1c:75:08:a5:7e:25"
    assert enp0s25["flags"] == ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
    assert enp0s25["type"] == "ether"
    assert enp0s25["mtu"] == 1500
    assert enp0s25["rx_packets"] == 1492476
    assert enp0s25["tx_packets"] == 969514
    assert enp0s25["index"] == 2
Пример #16
def test_get_ethtool_c():
    context = context_wrap(TEST_ETHTOOL_C)
    context.path = TEST_ETHTOOL_C_PATH
    result = ethtool.CoalescingInfo(context)
    assert keys_in(["adaptive-rx", "adaptive-tx", "pkt-rate-high",
                    "tx-usecs-irq", "tx-frame-low", "tx-usecs-high", "tx-frame-high"], result.data)
    assert result.ifname == "eth2"
    assert not result.adaptive_rx
    assert not result.adaptive_tx
    assert result.pkt_rate_high == 10
    assert result.tx_usecs_irq == 0
    assert result.tx_frame_low == 25
    assert result.tx_usecs_high == 0
    assert result.tx_frame_high == 0
Пример #17
def test_ethtool_g():
    context = context_wrap(TEST_ETHTOOL_G)
    context.path = TEST_ETHTOOL_G_PATH
    result = ethtool.Ring(context)
    assert keys_in(["max", "current"], result.data)

    assert result.ifname == "eth2"
    assert result.data['max'].rx == 2047
    assert result.data['max'].rx_mini == 0
    assert result.data['max'].rx_jumbo == 0
    assert result.data['max'].tx == 511
    assert result.max.rx == 2047
    assert result.max.rx_mini == 0
    assert result.max.rx_jumbo == 0
    assert result.max.tx == 511
    assert result.current.rx == 200
    assert result.current.rx_mini == 0
    assert result.current.rx_jumbo == 0
    assert result.current.tx == 511
Пример #18
def test_lssap_netweaver():
    sap = lssap.Lssap(context_wrap(Lssap_nw_TEST))
    data = sap.data
    assert keys_in(
        ["SID", "Nr", "Instance", "SAPLOCALHOST", "Version", "DIR_EXECUTABLE"],
    assert data[0] == {
        "SID": "HA2",
        "Nr": "16",
        "Instance": "D16",
        "SAPLOCALHOST": "lu0417",
        "Version": "749, patch 10, changelist 1698137",
        "DIR_EXECUTABLE": "/usr/sap/HA2/D16/exe"
    assert data[2]["Instance"] == "D50"
    assert data[-1]["SAPLOCALHOST"] == "lu0417"
    assert sap.is_netweaver() is True
    assert sap.is_hana() is False
    assert sap.is_ascs() is False
Пример #19
def test_sysctl():
    r = sysctl.Sysctl(context_wrap(SYSCTL_TEST))
    assert keys_in(["a", "b", "c"], r.data)
    assert r.data["a"] == "1"
    assert r.data["b"] == "2"
    assert r.data["c"] == "include an = sign"
Пример #20
def test_sysctl_conf():
    r = sysctl.SysctlConf(context_wrap(SYSCTL_CONF_TEST))
    assert keys_in(['kernel.domainname', 'kernel.modprobe'], r.data)
    assert r.data['kernel.domainname'] == 'example.com'
    assert r.data['kernel.modprobe'] == '/sbin/mod probe'