Пример #1
class Repository(object):
    Repository class

    def is_repository_name(name):
        return re.match("^[-_\w]+$", name) is not None

    def check_repository_name(name):
        Raise exception is repository name is invalid
        if not Repository.is_repository_name(name):
            raise ISError(u"Invalid repository name %s" % name)
        return name

    def split_image_path(path):
        Split an image path (repo/image:version)
        in a tuple (repo, image, version)
        x = re.match(u"^(?:([^/:]+)/)?([^/:]+)?(?::v?([^/:]+)?)?$", path)
        if x is None:
            raise ISError(u"invalid image path: %s" % path)
        return x.group(1, 2, 3)

    def split_repository_list(repolist, filter=None):
        Return a list of repository from a comma/spaces separated names of repo
        if filter is None:
            filter = Repository.is_repository_name
        return [r for r in  re.split("[ ,\n\t\v]+", repolist) if filter(r)]

    def diff(cls, repo1, repo2):
        Compute a diff between two repositories
        arrow(u"Diff between repositories #y#%s#R# and #g#%s#R#" % (repo1.config.name,
        # Get info from databases
        i_dict1 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in repo1.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name, version FROM image").fetchall())
        i_set1 = set(i_dict1.keys())
        i_dict2 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in repo2.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name, version FROM image").fetchall())
        i_set2 = set(i_dict2.keys())
        p_dict1 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in  repo1.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name FROM payload").fetchall())
        p_set1 = set(p_dict1.keys())
        p_dict2 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in repo2.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name FROM payload").fetchall())
        p_set2 = set(p_dict2.keys())
        # computing diff
        i_only1 = i_set1 - i_set2
        i_only2 = i_set2 - i_set1
        p_only1 = p_set1 - p_set2
        p_only2 = p_set2 - p_set1
        # printing functions
        pimg = lambda r,c,m,d,: out("#%s#Image only in repository %s: %s v%s (%s)#R#" %
                                    (c, r.config.name, d[m][0], d[m][1], m))
        ppay = lambda r,c,m,d,: out("#%s#Payload only in repository %s: %s (%s)#R#" %
                                    (c, r.config.name, d[m][0], m))
        # printing image diff
        for md5 in i_only1: pimg(repo1, "y", md5, i_dict1)
        for md5 in p_only1: ppay(repo1, "y", md5, p_dict1)
        for md5 in i_only2: pimg(repo2, "g", md5, i_dict2)
        for md5 in p_only2: ppay(repo2, "g", md5, p_dict2)

    def __init__(self, config, db=None):
        self.config = config
        self.local = istools.isfile(self.config.path)
        self.db = db

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        Raise an error if repository is unavailable
        Unavailable can be caused because db is not accessible or
        because repository is not initialized
        config = object.__getattribute__(self, "config")
        # config, init, local and upgrade are always accessible
        if name in ("init", "config", "local", "upgrade"):
            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
        # if no db (not init or not accessible) raise error
        if config.offline:
            raise ISError(u"Repository %s is offline" % config.name)
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)

    def version(self):
        Return repository version
        return self.db.version

    def uuid(self):
        Return repository UUID
        return self.db.ask("SELECT uuid from repository").fetchone()[0]

    def init(self):
        Initialize an empty base repository
        config = self.config
        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise ISError(u"Repository creation must be local")
        # create base directories
        arrow("Creating base directories")
        # creating local directory
            if os.path.exists(config.path):
                arrow(u"%s already exists" % config.path)
                istools.mkdir(config.path, config.uid, config.gid, config.dmod)
                arrow(u"%s directory created" % config.path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to create directory %s" % config.path, e)
        # create database
        d = Database.create(config.dbpath)
        istools.chrights(config.dbpath, uid=config.uid,
                         gid=config.gid, mode=config.fmod)
        # load database
        self.db = Database(config.dbpath)
        # mark repo as not offline
        self.config.offline = False
        # create/update last file

    def update_last(self):
        Update last file to current time
        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise ISError(u"Repository must be local")
            arrow("Updating last file")
            last_path = os.path.join(self.config.path, self.config.lastname)
            open(last_path, "w").write("%s\n" % int(time.time()))
            istools.chrights(last_path, self.config.uid, self.config.gid, self.config.fmod)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Update last file failed", e)

    def last(self, name):
        Return last version of name in repo or None if not found
        r = self.db.ask("SELECT version FROM image WHERE name = ?", (name,)).fetchall()
        # no row => no way
        if r is None:
            return None
        f = lambda x,y: x[0] if istools.compare_versions(x[0], y[0]) > 0 else y[0]
        # return last
        return reduce(f, r)

    def _add(self, image):
        Add description to db
        arrow("Adding metadata")
        # insert image information
        arrow("Image", 1)
        self.db.ask("INSERT INTO image values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
        # insert data information
        arrow("Payloads", 1)
        for name, obj in image.payload.items():
            self.db.ask("INSERT INTO payload values (?,?,?,?,?)",
        # on commit
        # update last file

    def add(self, image, delete=False):
        Add a packaged image to repository
        if delete is true, remove original files
        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise ISError(u"Repository addition must be local")
        # cannot add already existant image
        if self.has(image.name, image.version):
            raise ISError(u"Image already in database, delete first!")
        # adding file to repository
        arrow("Copying images and payload")
        for obj in [ image ] + image.payload.values():
            dest = os.path.join(self.config.path, obj.md5)
            basesrc = os.path.basename(obj.path)
            if os.path.exists(dest):
                arrow(u"Skipping %s: already exists" % basesrc, 1)
                arrow(u"Adding %s (%s)" % (basesrc, obj.md5), 1)
                dfo = open(dest, "wb")
                sfo = PipeFile(obj.path, "r", progressbar=True)
                istools.chrights(dest, self.config.uid,
                                 self.config.gid, self.config.fmod)
        # copy is done. create a image inside repo
        r_image = PackageImage(os.path.join(self.config.path, image.md5),
        # checking must be done with original md5
        r_image.md5 = image.md5
        # checking image and payload after copy
        r_image.check("Check image and payload")
        # removing orginal files
        if delete:
            arrow("Removing original files")
            for obj in [ image ] + image.payload.values():
                arrow(os.path.basename(obj.path), 1)

    def getallmd5(self):
        Get list of all md5 in DB
        res = self.db.ask("SELECT md5 FROM image UNION SELECT md5 FROM payload").fetchall()
        return [ md5[0] for md5 in res ]

    def check(self):
        Check repository for unreferenced and missing files
        # Check if the repo is local
        if not self.local:
            raise ISError(u"Repository must be local")
        local_files = set(os.listdir(self.config.path))
        db_files = set(self.getallmd5())
        # check missing files
        arrow("Checking missing files")
        missing_files = db_files - local_files
        if len(missing_files) > 0:
        # check unreferenced files
        arrow("Checking unreferenced files")
        unref_files = local_files - db_files
        if len(unref_files) > 0:
        # check corruption of local files
        arrow("Checking corrupted files")
        for f in local_files:
            fo = PipeFile(os.path.join(self.config.path, f))
            if fo.md5 != f:

    def clean(self, force=False):
        Clean the repository's content
        # Check if the repo is local
        if not self.local:
            raise ISError(u"Repository must be local")
        allmd5 = set(self.getallmd5())
        repofiles = set(os.listdir(self.config.path)) - set([self.config.dbname, self.config.lastname])
        dirtyfiles = repofiles - allmd5
        if len(dirtyfiles) > 0:
            # print dirty files
            arrow("Dirty files:")
            for f in dirtyfiles:
                arrow(f, 1)
            # ask confirmation
            if not force and not confirm("Remove dirty files? (yes) "):
                raise ISError(u"Aborted!")
            # start cleaning
            for f in dirtyfiles:
                p = os.path.join(self.config.path, f)
                arrow(u"Removing %s" % p, 1)
                    if os.path.isdir(p):
                    warn(u"Removing %s failed" % p)
            arrow("Nothing to clean")

    def delete(self, name, version, payloads=True):
        Delete an image from repository
        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise ISError(u"Repository deletion must be local")
        # get md5 of files related to images (exception is raised if not exists
        md5s = self.getmd5(name, version)
        # cleaning db (must be done before cleaning)
        arrow("Cleaning database")
        arrow("Remove payloads from database", 1)
        for md5 in md5s[1:]:
            self.db.ask("DELETE FROM payload WHERE md5 = ? AND image_md5 = ?",
                        (md5, md5s[0])).fetchone()
        arrow("Remove image from database", 1)
        self.db.ask("DELETE FROM image WHERE md5 = ?",
        # Removing files
        arrow("Removing files from pool")
        # if asked don't remove payloads
        if not payloads:
            md5s = [ md5s[0] ]
        for md5 in md5s:
        # update last file

    def images(self):
        Return a dict of information on images
        db_images = self.db.ask("SELECT md5, name, version, date, author, \
                           description, size, is_min_version, format \
                           FROM image ORDER BY name, version").fetchall()

        images = []
        field = ("md5", "name", "version", "date", "author", "description",
                 "size", "is_min_version", "format")
        for info in db_images:
            d = dict(zip(field, info))
            d["repo"] = self.config.name
            d["url"] = os.path.join(self.config.path, d["md5"])
        return images

    def payloads(self):
        Return a dict of information on payloads
        db_payloads = self.db.ask("SELECT payload.md5,payload.size,payload.isdir,image.name,image.version,payload.name FROM payload inner join image on payload.image_md5 = image.md5").fetchall()
        res = {}
        for payload in db_payloads:
            md5 = payload[0]
            # create entry if not exists
            if md5 not in res:
                res[md5] = {"size": payload[1], "isdir": payload[2], "images": {}}
            # add image to list
            imgpath = u"%s/%s:%s" % (self.config.name, payload[3], payload[4])
            res[md5]["images"][imgpath] = {"repo": self.config.name,
                                           "imgname": payload[3],
                                           "imgver": payload[4],
                                           "payname": payload[5]}
        return res

    def search(self, pattern):
        Search pattern in a repository
        images = self.db.ask("SELECT name, version, author, description\
                              FROM image\
                              WHERE name LIKE ? OR\
                              description LIKE ? OR\
                              author LIKE ?",
                             tuple( [u"%%%s%%" % pattern ] * 3)
        for name, version, author, description in images:
            arrow(u"%s v%s" % (name, version), 1)
            out(u"   #yellow#Author:#reset# %s" % author)
            out(u"   #yellow#Description:#reset# %s" % description)

    def _remove_file(self, filename):
        Remove a filename from pool. Check if it's not needed by db before
        # check existance in table image
        have = False
        for table in ("image", "payload"):
            have = have or  self.db.ask(u"SELECT md5 FROM %s WHERE md5 = ? LIMIT 1" % table,
                                        (filename,)).fetchone() is not None
        # if no reference, delete!
        if not have:
            arrow(u"%s, deleted" % filename)
            os.unlink(os.path.join(self.config.path, filename))
            arrow(u"%s, skipped" % filename)

    def has(self, name, version):
        Return the existance of a package
        return self.db.ask("SELECT name,version FROM image WHERE name = ? AND version = ? LIMIT 1", (name,version)).fetchone() is not None

    def get(self, name, version=None):
        Return an image from a name and version
        # is no version take the last
        if version is None:
            version = self.last(name)
            if version is None:
                raise ISError(u"Unable to find image %s in %s" % (name,
        # get file md5 from db
        r = self.db.ask("select md5 from image where name = ? and version = ? limit 1",
                        (name, version)).fetchone()
        if r is None:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to find image %s v%s in %s" % (name, version,
        path = os.path.join(self.config.path, r[0])
        # getting the file
        arrow(u"Loading image %s v%s from repository %s" % (name,
        memfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
            fo = PipeFile(path, "r")
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Loading image %s v%s failed" % (name, version), e)
        pkg = PackageImage(path, fileobj=memfile, md5name=True)
        if pkg.md5 != r[0]:
            raise ISError(u"Image MD5 verification failure")
        return pkg

    def getmd5(self, name, version):
        Return an image md5 and payload md5 from name and version. Order matter !
        Image md5 will still be the first
        # get file md5 from db
        a = self.db.ask("SELECT md5 FROM image WHERE name = ? AND version = ? LIMIT 1",
        if a is None:
            raise ISError(u"No such image %s version %s" % (name, version))
        b = self.db.ask("SELECT md5 FROM payload WHERE image_md5 = ?",
        return [ a[0] ] + [ x[0] for x in b ]

    def upgrade(self):
        if self.version == Database.version:
            info("Repository already up-to-date (%s)" % self.version)
            arrow("Start repository upgrade")
            # Create dummy repository
            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
                repoconf = RepositoryConfig("tmp_migrate_repo", path=tmpdir)
                dstrepo = Repository(repoconf)
                # Symlink content from repository into dummy repo
                for file in os.listdir(self.config.path):
                    os.symlink(os.path.join(self.config.path, file),
                               os.path.join(tmpdir, file))
                old_verbosity = installsystems.verbosity
                arrow("Initialize new database")
                # Disable unwanted message during upgrade
                installsystems.verbosity = 0
                # Restore verbosity
                installsystems.verbosity = old_verbosity
                md5s = self.db.ask("SELECT md5 FROM image").fetchall()
                # Copy images to dummy repository (fill new database)
                arrow("Fill database with images")
                installsystems.verbosity = 0
                for img in [PackageImage(os.path.join(self.config.path, md5[0]),
                                         md5name=True) for md5 in md5s]:
                    installsystems.verbosity = old_verbosity
                    arrow("%s v%s" % (img.name, img.version))
                    installsystems.verbosity = 0
                installsystems.verbosity = old_verbosity
                arrow("Backup old database")
                            os.path.join("%s.bak" % self.config.dbpath))
                # Replace old db with the new from dummy repository
                shutil.move(repoconf.dbpath, self.config.dbpath)
                arrow("Repository upgrade complete")
                # Remove dummy repository
    def motd(self):
        Return repository message of the day
        motd = self.db.ask("SELECT motd FROM repository").fetchone()[0]
        return None if len(motd) == 0 else motd

    def setmotd(self, value=""):
        Set repository message of the day
        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise ISError(u"Repository must be local")
        arrow("Updating motd")
        self.db.ask("UPDATE repository SET motd = ?", (value,))