Пример #1
def add_acl(target_name, acl):
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No Target Specified')
        if not acl:
            raise Exception('No ACL specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')

        acls = target['acl']

        # First remove ALL from the ACL list
        if acls and 'ALL' in acls:
            cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op unbind --tid %d -I ALL' % target['tid']
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if rc != 0:
                err = ''
                tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = ','.join(tl)
                tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = err + ','.join(tl)
                raise Exception('Error removind wildcard ACL : %s' % err)

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op bind --tid %d -I %s' % (
            target['tid'], acl)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error adding ACL: %s' % str(e)
Пример #2
def add_acl(target_name, acl):
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No Target Specified')
        if not acl:
            raise Exception('No ACL specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')

        acls = target['acl']

        # First remove ALL from the ACL list
        if acls and 'ALL' in acls:
            cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op unbind --tid %d -I ALL' % target['tid']
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if rc != 0:
                err = ''
                tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = ','.join(tl)
                tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = err + ','.join(tl)
                raise Exception('Error removind wildcard ACL : %s' % err)

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op bind --tid %d -I %s' % (
            target['tid'], acl)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error adding ACL: %s' % str(e)
def change_password(userid, pswd):
    """Change the password for  a local user account in samba. 

    userid -- The username of the account
    pswd -- The password for the username

        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(
            r'smbpasswd -s %s' % (userid), "%s\n%s" % (pswd, pswd))
        if rc == 0:
            lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error changing local users password :%s' % str(e)
def volume_start_stop(vol_name, operation):
        cmd = 'gluster volume %s %s' % (operation, vol_name)
        print cmd

        if operation == 'stop':
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(cmd)
            if rc == 0:
                lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                err = ''
                tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = ''.join(tl)
                tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = err + ''.join(tl)
                raise Exception(err)
            lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
            # print 'a', ret, err
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
        if lines:
            print '\n'.join(lines)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error performing volume %s : %s' % (operation, e)
def change_password(userid, pswd):
    """Change the password for  a local user account in samba. 

    userid -- The username of the account
    pswd -- The password for the username

        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(
            r'smbpasswd -s %s' % (userid), "%s\n%s" % (pswd, pswd))
        if rc == 0:
            lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error changing local users password :%s' % str(e)
def get_services_status():
    """The status of various services."""
    s = {}
        platform, err = config.get_platform()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if platform == 'gridcell':
            # Commenting out ctdb for now as we wont use it for this release!
            #services = ['smb', 'winbind', 'ctdb', 'glusterd']
            services = ['smb', 'winbind', 'glusterd']
            for service_name in services:
                stat, err = command.get_command_output(
                    '/sbin/service %s status' % service_name)
                ret = None
                rc = -1
                tup, err = command.execute_with_rc('/sbin/service %s status' %
                if tup:
                    (ret, rc) = tup
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
                if rc == 0:
                    lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    s[service_name] = [0, ','.join(lines)]
                    err = ''
                    tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    if tl:
                        err = ','.join(tl)
                    tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    if tl:
                        err = err + ','.join(tl)
                    s[service_name] = [-1, err]
            service_dict, err = services_management.get_sysd_services_status()
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            for service_name, service_info in service_dict.items():
                if service_info['info']['status']['status_str'] in [
                        'Failed', 'Unknown State'
                    s[service_name] = [
                        -1, service_info['info']['status']['output_str']
                    s[service_name] = [
                        0, service_info['info']['status']['output_str']
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error retrieving services status: %s' % str(e)
def get_services_status():
    """The status of various services."""
    s = {}
        platform, err = config.get_platform()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if platform == 'gridcell':
            # Commenting out ctdb for now as we wont use it for this release!
            #services = ['smb', 'winbind', 'ctdb', 'glusterd']
            services = ['smb', 'winbind', 'glusterd']
            for service_name in services:
                stat, err = command.get_command_output(
                    '/sbin/service %s status' % service_name)
                ret = None
                rc = -1
                tup, err = command.execute_with_rc(
                    '/sbin/service %s status' % service_name)
                if tup:
                    (ret, rc) = tup
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
                if rc == 0:
                    lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    s[service_name] = [0, ','.join(lines)]
                    err = ''
                    tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    if tl:
                        err = ','.join(tl)
                    tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    if tl:
                        err = err + ','.join(tl)
                    s[service_name] = [-1, err]
            service_dict, err = services_management.get_sysd_services_status()
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            for service_name, service_info in service_dict.items():
                if service_info['info']['status']['status_str'] in ['Failed', 'Unknown State']:
                    s[service_name] = [-1, service_info['info']
                    s[service_name] = [
                        0, service_info['info']['status']['output_str']]
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error retrieving services status: %s' % str(e)
def get_heal_count(cmd, type):
    # Gets the number of files healed so far
    rl = []
        batch_files_path, err = config.get_batch_files_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        r = None
        if type:
            cmd = cmd + " " + type
        r, err = command.execute(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        lines = []
        if r:
            lines, err = command.get_output_list(r)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

        if lines:
            for line in lines:
                m = re.search("Number of entries:[\s]*([\d]+)", line)
                # print m
                if m:
                    found = True
                    # print line
                        count = int(m.groups()[0])
                    except Exception, e:
                        return rl
        # print rl
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error getting heal count : %s' % str(e)
Пример #9
def get_all_disks_by_name():
    """Get all disks by their sd* names

    Returns a list of all disks by name (sda/sbd, etc) in the sytem
    dl = []
        cmd_dl = "/usr/sbin/smartctl --scan"
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd_dl)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        disk_list, err = command.get_output_list(ret)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if ret:
            # Regex to capture "/dev/sdX"
            reg_exp_dl = re.compile("(/dev/[a-z]+)")

            for line in disk_list:
                d = {}
                if reg_exp_dl.search(line):
                    result_dl = re.search(r'/dev/sd[a-z]+', line)
                    result_dl1 = re.search(r'/dev/(sd[a-z]+)', line)
                    if result_dl:
                        d["full_path"] = result_dl.group()
                        dname = result_dl1.groups()[0]
                        r = re.match('^sd[a-z]+', dname)
                        d["name"] = r.group()
        # print "disk list info: ", dl
    except Exception, e:
        return None, "Error retrieving disks by name : %s" % str(e)
Пример #10
def get_all_disks_by_name():
    """Get all disks by their sd* names

    Returns a list of all disks by name (sda/sbd, etc) in the sytem
    dl = []
        cmd_dl = "/usr/sbin/smartctl --scan"
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd_dl)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        disk_list, err = command.get_output_list(ret)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if ret:
            # Regex to capture "/dev/sdX"
            reg_exp_dl = re.compile("(/dev/[a-z]+)")

            for line in disk_list:
                d = {}
                if reg_exp_dl.search(line):
                    result_dl = re.search(r'/dev/sd[a-z]+', line)
                    result_dl1 = re.search(r'/dev/(sd[a-z]+)', line)
                    if result_dl:
                        d["full_path"] = result_dl.group()
                        dname = result_dl1.groups()[0]
                        r = re.match('^sd[a-z]+', dname)
                        d["name"] = r.group()
        # print "disk list info: ", dl
    except Exception, e:
        return None, "Error retrieving disks by name : %s" % str(e)
Пример #11
def create_target(name):
        targets, err = get_targets()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        highest_tid = 0
        if targets:
            for t in targets:
                if int(t['tid']) > highest_tid:
                    highest_tid = int(t['tid'])
        new_tid = highest_tid + 1
        target_name = 'com.integralstor.integralstor-gridcell:%s' % name
        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op new --tid %d -T %s' % (
            new_tid, target_name)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating target : %s' % str(e)
Пример #12
def get_heal_count(cmd, type):
    # Gets the number of files healed so far
    rl = []
        batch_files_path, err = config.get_batch_files_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        r = None
        if type:
            cmd = cmd + " " + type
        r, err = command.execute(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        lines = []
        if r:
            lines, err = command.get_output_list(r)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

        if lines:
            for line in lines:
                m = re.search("Number of entries:[\s]*([\d]+)", line)
                # print m
                if m:
                    found = True
                    # print line
                        count = int(m.groups()[0])
                    except Exception, e:
                        return rl
        # print rl
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error getting heal count : %s' % str(e)
def delete_target(name):
        target, err = get_target(name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')
        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op delete --tid %d' % target[
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error deleting target : %s' % str(e)
Пример #14
def delete_target(name):
        target, err = get_target(name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')
        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op delete --tid %d' % target['tid']
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error deleting target : %s' % str(e)
def create_target(name):
        targets, err = get_targets()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        highest_tid = 0
        if targets:
            for t in targets:
                if int(t['tid']) > highest_tid:
                    highest_tid = int(t['tid'])
        new_tid = highest_tid + 1
        target_name = 'com.integralstor.integralstor-gridcell:%s' % name
        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op new --tid %d -T %s' % (
            new_tid, target_name)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating target : %s' % str(e)
Пример #16
def change_password(username, pswd):
        if not username:
            raise Exception('No username specified')
        d, err = get_local_user(username)
        if not d:
            if err:
                raise Exception('Error locating user : %s' % err)
                raise Exception('Error locating user')
        lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'echo %s:%s|chpasswd' %
                                                (username, pswd),
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if 'smb_user' in d and d['smb_user']:
            #lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'smbpasswd -s %s'%(username), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd))
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(
                r'smbpasswd -s %s' % (username), "%s\n%s" % (pswd, pswd))
            if rc == 0:
                lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                err = ''
                tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = ','.join(tl)
                tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = err + ','.join(tl)
                raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error changing local user password : %s' % str(e)
Пример #17
def delete_lun(target_name, backing_store):


        if not target_name:
            raise ('No target name specified')
        if not backing_store:
            raise ('No backing store path specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found.')

        luns = target['luns']
        if not luns:
            raise Exception('Specified target does not have any LUNs.')
        print luns
        lun = None
        for tl in luns:
            if tl['path'] == backing_store:
                lun = tl

        if not lun:
            raise Exception('Specified LUN not found.')

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode logicalunit --op delete --tid %d --lun %d' % (
            target['tid'], lun['id'])
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error Deleting Logical Unit: %s' % str(e)
def create_lun(target_name, backing_store):
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No Target Specified')
        if not backing_store:
            raise Exception('No backing storage volume specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')

        luns = target['luns']
        if not luns:
            raise Exception('Error retrieving LUN list')

        highest_lun_id = 0
        for lun in luns:
            if lun['id'] > highest_lun_id:
                highest_lun_id = lun['id']

        new_lun_id = highest_lun_id + 1

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode logicalunit --op new --tid %d --lun %d --backing-store %s' % (
            int(target['tid']), new_lun_id, backing_store)
        print cmd
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd, True)
        print ret, rc, err
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating LUN : %s' % str(e)
def delete_lun(target_name, backing_store):


        if not target_name:
            raise ('No target name specified')
        if not backing_store:
            raise ('No backing store path specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found.')

        luns = target['luns']
        if not luns:
            raise Exception('Specified target does not have any LUNs.')
        print luns
        lun = None
        for tl in luns:
            if tl['path'] == backing_store:
                lun = tl

        if not lun:
            raise Exception('Specified LUN not found.')

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode logicalunit --op delete --tid %d --lun %d' % (
            target['tid'], lun['id'])
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error Deleting Logical Unit: %s' % str(e)
Пример #20
def create_lun(target_name, backing_store):
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No Target Specified')
        if not backing_store:
            raise Exception('No backing storage volume specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')

        luns = target['luns']
        if not luns:
            raise Exception('Error retrieving LUN list')

        highest_lun_id = 0
        for lun in luns:
            if lun['id'] > highest_lun_id:
                highest_lun_id = lun['id']

        new_lun_id = highest_lun_id + 1

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode logicalunit --op new --tid %d --lun %d --backing-store %s' % (
            int(target['tid']), new_lun_id, backing_store)
        print cmd
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd, True)
        print ret, rc, err
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating LUN : %s' % str(e)
def remove_acl(target_name, acl):
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No Target Specified')
        if not acl:
            raise Exception('No ACL specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')

        acls = target['acl']
        if not acls:
            raise Exception('No ACLs found')

        if acl not in acls:
            raise Exception('Specified ACL not found')

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op unbind --tid %d -I %s' % (
            target['tid'], acl)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            # Could be an initiator name so try this..
            cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op unbind --tid %d --initiator-name %s' % (
                target['tid'], acl)
            ret, rc = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
            if rc != 0:
                err = ''
                tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = ','.join(tl)
                tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = err + ','.join(tl)
                raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error removing ACL: %s' % str(e)
Пример #22
def remove_acl(target_name, acl):
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No Target Specified')
        if not acl:
            raise Exception('No ACL specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found')

        acls = target['acl']
        if not acls:
            raise Exception('No ACLs found')

        if acl not in acls:
            raise Exception('Specified ACL not found')

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op unbind --tid %d -I %s' % (
            target['tid'], acl)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            # Could be an initiator name so try this..
            cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op unbind --tid %d --initiator-name %s' % (
                target['tid'], acl)
            ret, rc = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
            if rc != 0:
                err = ''
                tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = ','.join(tl)
                tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = err + ','.join(tl)
                raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error removing ACL: %s' % str(e)
Пример #23
def remove_user_authentication(target_name, username, authentication_type):
        if not target_name:
            raise "Target Not Specified"
        if not username:
            raise "Username Not Specified"

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found.')

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op unbind --tid %d --user %s' % (
            target['tid'], username)
        if authentication_type == 'outgoing':
            cmd += ' --outgoing'
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error removing user autentication: %s' % str(e)
def remove_user_authentication(target_name, username, authentication_type):
        if not target_name:
            raise "Target Not Specified"
        if not username:
            raise "Username Not Specified"

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found.')

        cmd = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op unbind --tid %d --user %s' % (
            target['tid'], username)
        if authentication_type == 'outgoing':
            cmd += ' --outgoing'
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error removing user autentication: %s' % str(e)
Пример #25
def run_command_get_xml_output_tree(cmd):
    """Run a command that is expected to generate an XML output and return the XML tree

    cmd -- The command to run
    tree = None
        r, err = command.execute(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        el, err = command.get_error_list(r)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if el:
            raise Exception('\n'.join(el))
        # No errors so proceed
        st = '\n'.join(l)
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(st)
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error obtaining XML tree from command output : %s' % str(e)
def run_command_get_xml_output_tree(cmd):
    """Run a command that is expected to generate an XML output and return the XML tree

    cmd -- The command to run
    tree = None
        r, err = command.execute(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        el, err = command.get_error_list(r)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if el:
            raise Exception('\n'.join(el))
        # No errors so proceed
        st = '\n'.join(l)
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(st)
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error obtaining XML tree from command output : %s' % str(
Пример #27
                    # Stop executing more commands!

                # Commands that have valid XML outputs
                temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
                    print cd["command"]
                    r, err = command.execute(cd["command"])
                    if err:
                        raise Exception("Error executing %s" % cd["command"])
                    # print r
                    if r:
                        # print "command = %s"%cd["command"]
                        l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
                        if err:
                            raise Exception(err)
                        for line in l:
                        tree = ElementTree.parse(temp)
                        raise Exception("Error executing %s" % cd["command"])

                    op_status = {}

                    # Mark it as in progress
                    cd["status_code"] = 1

                    root = tree.getroot()
Пример #28
def display_status():

        hostname = socket.gethostname()
        use_salt, err = config.use_salt()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if use_salt:
            print "Salt master service status :",
             rc), err = command.execute_with_rc('service salt-master status')
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if l:
                print '\n'.join(l)
                l, err = command.get_error_list(r)
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
                if l:
                    print '\n'.join(l)
            print "Salt minion service status :",
             rc), err = command.execute_with_rc('service salt-minion status')
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if l:
                print '\n'.join(l)
                l, err = command.get_error_list(r)
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
                print l
                if l:
                    print '\n'.join(l)
        print "Samba service status :",
        (r, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc('service smb status')
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if l:
            print '\n'.join(l)
            l, err = command.get_error_list(r)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if l:
                print '\n'.join(l)
        print "Winbind service status :",
        (r, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc('service winbind status')
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if l:
            print '\n'.join(l)
            l, err = command.get_error_list(r)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            if l:
                print '\n'.join(l)
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error displaying system status : %s" % e
        return -1
Пример #29
def create_local_user(userid, name, pswd):
    """Create a local user account in the linux system as well as in samba. This account cannot be used to ssh/login as the system pswd is not whats provided.

    userid -- The username of the account
    name -- The real world name associated with the account
    pswd -- The password for the username

        error_list = []

        # First check if samba user exists. if so kick out
        ul, err = get_local_users()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if ul:
            for ud in ul:
                if ud["userid"] == userid:
                    raise Exception(
                        "The user \"%s\" already exists. " % userid)

        # Now check if system user exists. If not create..
        create_system_user = False
        except KeyError:
            create_system_user = True

        if create_system_user:
            # Set a standard system password - not the one given by the user as
            # the user should not have access to the system
            enc_pswd = crypt.crypt("integralstor_pswd_%s" % userid, "28")

            client = salt.client.LocalClient()
            rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.add', [userid, None, 1000])

            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error creating the userid on GRIDCell %s" % hostname)
            if error_list:
                raise Exception(','.join(error_list))

            rc = client.cmd('*', 'shadow.set_password', [userid, enc_pswd])
            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error setting the password for userid on GRIDCell %s" % hostname)
            if error_list:
                raise Exception(','.join(error_list))

            rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.chfullname',
                            [userid, "integralstor_user_%s" % name])
            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error setting the name for userid on GRIDCell %s" % hostname)

        # Now all set to create samba user
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(
            r'/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s' % (userid, name), "%s\n%s" % (pswd, pswd))
        if rc == 0:
            lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating local user :%s' % str(e)
Пример #30
def process_batch(d, file, logger=None):
    # Process each batch file

        batch_files_path, err = config.get_batch_files_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not d:
            raise Exception("Error: No JSON info in %s/%s" %
                            (batch_files_path, file))

        # if not d["process"] in ["replace_sled", "volume_rebalance", "factory_defaults_reset"]:
        #  raise Exception("Error! Unknown process in %s/%s"%(batch_files_path, file))

        if not "start_time" in d:
            # Update when this process was started
            d["start_time"] = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",

        if d["status"] != "In progress":
            d["status"] = "In progress"


        # Not committed so process the file
        for cd in d["command_list"]:

            # Remove old err_msg because we are reprocessing
            cd.pop("err_msg", None)

            # Status codes explanation -
            # 3 - complete
            # 0 - not yet run
            # 1 - in progress
            # -1 - error executing command

            if cd["status_code"] == 3:
                # Completed so skip to next command

            # Else failed or not done so do it

            if cd["type"] == "volume_heal_full":
                # No XML output so do some dirty text processing.
                    r = None
                    r, err = command.execute(cd["command"])
                    if err:
                        raise Exception(err)
                    lines = []
                    if r:
                        lines, err = command.get_output_list(r)
                        if err:
                            raise Exception(err)
                        raise Exception('')

                    # Now start processing output of command
                    if lines:
                        for line in lines:
                            # print line
                            m = re.search("has been successful", line)
                            # print m
                            if m:
                                # print 'success'
                                # Successfully executed
                                ret, err = audit.audit(cd["type"], cd["desc"],
                                                       'Batch job')
                                cd["status_code"] = 3
                        if cd["status_code"] != 3:
                            # Stop executing more commands!
                            raise Exception("Got : %s" % line)
                        # No output from command execution so flag error
                        raise Exception(
                            "Volume heal did not seem to kick off properly. Please make sure the volume is started."
                except Exception, e:
                    cd["status_code"] = -1
                    cd["err_msg"] = "Error executing volume heal command : %s" % str(
                    # Stop executing more commands!

            elif cd["type"] == "brick_delete":
                # Need to execute a shell command to remotely delete a brick.
                    (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cd["command"])
                    if rc == 0:
                        cd["status_code"] = 3
                        raise Exception(
                            "Error deleting the volume brick : %s %s" %
                            (ret[0], ret[1]))
                except Exception, e:
                    cd["status_code"] = -1
                    cd["err_msg"] = "Error executing brick delete command : %s" % str(
                    # Stop executing more commands!
Пример #31
def _generate_targets_conf(new_user=None):
        targets, err = get_targets()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        config_targets, err = _load_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        with open('/tmp/targets.conf', 'w') as f:
            f.write('default-driver iscsi\n')
            for target in targets:
                f.write('\n<target %s>\n' % target['iqn'])
                for lun in target['luns']:
                    if lun['path'] and lun['path'] != 'None':
                        f.write('  backing-store %s\n' % lun['path'])
                for acl in target['acl']:
                    if acl != 'ALL':
                        f.write('  initiator-address %s\n' % acl)
                config_target = None
                # First process new users if any
                if new_user and new_user['iqn'] == target['iqn']:
                    if new_user['type'] == 'incoming':
                        f.write('  incominguser %s %s\n' %
                                (new_user['username'], new_user['pswd']))
                        f.write('  outgoinguser %s %s\n' %
                                (new_user['username'], new_user['pswd']))
                for account in target['accounts']:
                    # Now process existing users. Take the list from tgtadm,
                    # get pswds from existing config file and write it out
                    # again
                    for ct in config_targets:
                        if ct['iqn'] == target['iqn']:
                            config_target = ct
                    if account['type'] == 'incoming':
                        for ctiu in config_target['incoming_users']:
                            if ctiu['username'] == account['user']:
                                f.write('  incominguser %s %s\n' %
                                        (account['user'], ctiu['pswd']))
                        for ctiu in config_target['outgoing_users']:
                            if ctiu['username'] == account['user']:
                                f.write('  outgoinguser %s %s\n' %
                                        (account['user'], ctiu['pswd']))
        shutil.move('/tmp/targets.conf', '/etc/tgt/targets.conf')
        cmd = 'tgt-admin -e'
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error generating ISCSI config file: %s' % str(e)
                    # Stop executing more commands!

                # Commands that have valid XML outputs
                temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
                    print cd["command"]
                    r, err = command.execute(cd["command"])
                    if err:
                        raise Exception("Error executing %s" % cd["command"])
                    # print r
                    if r:
                        # print "command = %s"%cd["command"]
                        l, err = command.get_output_list(r)
                        if err:
                            raise Exception(err)
                        for line in l:
                        tree = ElementTree.parse(temp)
                        raise Exception("Error executing %s" % cd["command"])

                    op_status = {}

                    # Mark it as in progress
                    cd["status_code"] = 1

                    root = tree.getroot()
def create_local_user(userid, name, pswd):
    """Create a local user account in the linux system as well as in samba. This account cannot be used to ssh/login as the system pswd is not whats provided.

    userid -- The username of the account
    name -- The real world name associated with the account
    pswd -- The password for the username

        error_list = []

        # First check if samba user exists. if so kick out
        ul, err = get_local_users()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if ul:
            for ud in ul:
                if ud["userid"] == userid:
                    raise Exception("The user \"%s\" already exists. " %

        # Now check if system user exists. If not create..
        create_system_user = False
        except KeyError:
            create_system_user = True

        if create_system_user:
            # Set a standard system password - not the one given by the user as
            # the user should not have access to the system
            enc_pswd = crypt.crypt("integralstor_pswd_%s" % userid, "28")

            client = salt.client.LocalClient()
            rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.add', [userid, None, 1000])

            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error creating the userid on GRIDCell %s" % hostname)
            if error_list:
                raise Exception(','.join(error_list))

            rc = client.cmd('*', 'shadow.set_password', [userid, enc_pswd])
            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error setting the password for userid on GRIDCell %s"
                        % hostname)
            if error_list:
                raise Exception(','.join(error_list))

            rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.chfullname',
                            [userid, "integralstor_user_%s" % name])
            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error setting the name for userid on GRIDCell %s" %

        # Now all set to create samba user
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(
            r'/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s' % (userid, name),
            "%s\n%s" % (pswd, pswd))
        if rc == 0:
            lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating local user :%s' % str(e)
def process_batch(d, file, logger=None):
    # Process each batch file

        batch_files_path, err = config.get_batch_files_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not d:
            raise Exception("Error: No JSON info in %s/%s" %
                            (batch_files_path, file))

        # if not d["process"] in ["replace_sled", "volume_rebalance", "factory_defaults_reset"]:
        #  raise Exception("Error! Unknown process in %s/%s"%(batch_files_path, file))

        if not "start_time" in d:
            # Update when this process was started
            d["start_time"] = time.strftime(
                "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", time.localtime())

        if d["status"] != "In progress":
            d["status"] = "In progress"


        # Not committed so process the file
        for cd in d["command_list"]:

            # Remove old err_msg because we are reprocessing
            cd.pop("err_msg", None)

            # Status codes explanation -
            # 3 - complete
            # 0 - not yet run
            # 1 - in progress
            # -1 - error executing command

            if cd["status_code"] == 3:
                # Completed so skip to next command

            # Else failed or not done so do it

            if cd["type"] == "volume_heal_full":
                # No XML output so do some dirty text processing.
                    r = None
                    r, err = command.execute(cd["command"])
                    if err:
                        raise Exception(err)
                    lines = []
                    if r:
                        lines, err = command.get_output_list(r)
                        if err:
                            raise Exception(err)
                        raise Exception('')

                    # Now start processing output of command
                    if lines:
                        for line in lines:
                            # print line
                            m = re.search("has been successful", line)
                            # print m
                            if m:
                                # print 'success'
                                # Successfully executed
                                ret, err = audit.audit(
                                    cd["type"], cd["desc"], 'Batch job')
                                cd["status_code"] = 3
                        if cd["status_code"] != 3:
                            # Stop executing more commands!
                            raise Exception("Got : %s" % line)
                        # No output from command execution so flag error
                        raise Exception(
                            "Volume heal did not seem to kick off properly. Please make sure the volume is started.")
                except Exception, e:
                    cd["status_code"] = -1
                    cd["err_msg"] = "Error executing volume heal command : %s" % str(
                    # Stop executing more commands!

            elif cd["type"] == "brick_delete":
                # Need to execute a shell command to remotely delete a brick.
                    (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cd["command"])
                    if rc == 0:
                        cd["status_code"] = 3
                        raise Exception(
                            "Error deleting the volume brick : %s %s" % (ret[0], ret[1]))
                except Exception, e:
                    cd["status_code"] = -1
                    cd["err_msg"] = "Error executing brick delete command : %s" % str(
                    # Stop executing more commands!
Пример #35
def add_user_authentication(target_name, authentication_type, username, password):
        tid = -1
        if not authentication_type:
            raise Exception('No authentication type specified')
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No target specified')
        if not username:
            raise Exception('No username specified')
        if not password:
            raise Exception('No password specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found.')

        cmd1 = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op new --user %s --password %s' % (
            username, password)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd1)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)

        cmd2 = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op bind --tid %d --user %s' % (
            target['tid'], username)
        if authentication_type == 'outgoing':
            cmd2 += ' --outgoing'

        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd2)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        new_user_dict = {}
        new_user_dict['iqn'] = target['iqn']
        new_user_dict['username'] = username
        new_user_dict['type'] = authentication_type
        new_user_dict['pswd'] = password
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf(new_user_dict)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error Adding User: %s' % str(e)
Пример #36
def create_local_user(username, name, pswd, gid=None, smb_user=True):


        # First check if user exists. if so kick out
        ul, err = get_local_users()
        if ul:
            for ud in ul:
                if ud["username"] == username:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Error creating user. The user \"%s\" already exists. "
                        % username)
        elif err:
            raise Exception("Error retrieving user list : %s" % err)

        enc_pswd = crypt.crypt(pswd, "28")
        use_salt, err = config.use_salt()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if use_salt:
            import salt.client
            client = salt.client.LocalClient()
            if gid:
                rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.add', [username, None, gid])
                rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.add', [username])
            # print rc
            if not rc:
                error_list.append("Error creating the username")
            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                    error_list.append("Error creating the username on node" %
            rc = client.cmd('*', 'shadow.set_password', [username, enc_pswd])
            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error setting the password for username on GRIDCell %s"
                        % hostname)
            rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.chfullname',
                            [username, "integralstor_user_%s" % name])
            for hostname, status in rc.items():
                if not status:
                        "Error setting the name for username on node %s" %
            # print '1'
            if gid:
                cmd_to_run = 'useradd -g %s -p %s -c integralstor_user_%s %s' % (
                    gid, enc_pswd, name, username)
                cmd_to_run = 'useradd  -p %s -c integralstor_user_%s %s' % (
                    enc_pswd, name, username)
            lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
            # print '2'
            # print lines, err
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)

        if smb_user:
            # print '/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s'%(username, name), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd)
            # Now all set to create samba user
            # print '3'
            #lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s'%(username, name), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd))
            (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(
                r'/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s' %
                (username, name), "%s\n%s" % (pswd, pswd))
            if rc == 0:
                lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                err = ''
                tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = ','.join(tl)
                tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                if er:
                    raise Exception(er)
                if tl:
                    err = err + ','.join(tl)
                raise Exception(err)
            # print '4'
            # print lines, err
    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating local user : %s' % str(e)
def add_user_authentication(target_name, authentication_type, username,
        tid = -1
        if not authentication_type:
            raise Exception('No authentication type specified')
        if not target_name:
            raise Exception('No target specified')
        if not username:
            raise Exception('No username specified')
        if not password:
            raise Exception('No password specified')

        target, err = get_target(target_name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not target:
            raise Exception('Specified target not found.')

        cmd1 = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op new --user %s --password %s' % (
            username, password)
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd1)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)

        cmd2 = 'tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op bind --tid %d --user %s' % (
            target['tid'], username)
        if authentication_type == 'outgoing':
            cmd2 += ' --outgoing'

        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd2)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)
        new_user_dict = {}
        new_user_dict['iqn'] = target['iqn']
        new_user_dict['username'] = username
        new_user_dict['type'] = authentication_type
        new_user_dict['pswd'] = password
        conf, err = _generate_targets_conf(new_user_dict)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error Adding User: %s' % str(e)
def _generate_targets_conf(new_user=None):
        targets, err = get_targets()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        config_targets, err = _load_targets_conf()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        with open('/tmp/targets.conf', 'w') as f:
            f.write('default-driver iscsi\n')
            for target in targets:
                f.write('\n<target %s>\n' % target['iqn'])
                for lun in target['luns']:
                    if lun['path'] and lun['path'] != 'None':
                        f.write('  backing-store %s\n' % lun['path'])
                for acl in target['acl']:
                    if acl != 'ALL':
                        f.write('  initiator-address %s\n' % acl)
                config_target = None
                # First process new users if any
                if new_user and new_user['iqn'] == target['iqn']:
                    if new_user['type'] == 'incoming':
                        f.write('  incominguser %s %s\n' %
                                (new_user['username'], new_user['pswd']))
                        f.write('  outgoinguser %s %s\n' %
                                (new_user['username'], new_user['pswd']))
                for account in target['accounts']:
                    # Now process existing users. Take the list from tgtadm,
                    # get pswds from existing config file and write it out
                    # again
                    for ct in config_targets:
                        if ct['iqn'] == target['iqn']:
                            config_target = ct
                    if account['type'] == 'incoming':
                        for ctiu in config_target['incoming_users']:
                            if ctiu['username'] == account['user']:
                                f.write('  incominguser %s %s\n' %
                                        (account['user'], ctiu['pswd']))
                        for ctiu in config_target['outgoing_users']:
                            if ctiu['username'] == account['user']:
                                f.write('  outgoinguser %s %s\n' %
                                        (account['user'], ctiu['pswd']))
        shutil.move('/tmp/targets.conf', '/etc/tgt/targets.conf')
        cmd = 'tgt-admin -e'
        (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if rc != 0:
            err = ''
            tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = ','.join(tl)
            tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
            if er:
                raise Exception(er)
            if tl:
                err = err + ','.join(tl)
            raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error generating ISCSI config file: %s' % str(e)