Пример #1
def my_content(environ):
    # gets current logged in user
    current_user = users.user_from_cookie(db, environ)
    image_list = interface.list_images_for_user(db, current_user)
    result = []
    for index in range(len(image_list)):
        comments = interface.list_comments(db, image_list[index][0])
        new_row = image_list[index] + (comments,)
    image_list = result
    # html form for image upload
    item = (
        """<div class="well uploadform">
    <form id="uploadform" method="post" action="/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <fieldset class="form-group">
      <legend>Upload New Image</legend>
       <input class="form-control" type="file" name="file">
       <input type="hidden" name="user" value="""
        + current_user
        + """>
       <br><div class="text-center"><input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Upload File"></div>
    # constructs html for each image div
    for index in range(len(image_list)):
        comments = "<ul>"
        item += '<div class="flowtow">'
        item += '<span class="date"> ' + image_list[index][1] + "</span>"
        item += '<span class="name"> ' + image_list[index][2] + "</span>"
        item += '<img src="/static/images/' + image_list[index][0] + '">'
        for comment in range(len(image_list[index][3])):
            comments = comments + "<li>" + image_list[index][3][comment] + "</li>"
        item += '<div class="comments">' + comments + "</ul></div>"
        # creates a form for commenting
        item += (
            """<form method="post" action="/add_comment"> 
                        <input type="hidden" name="image" value="""
            + image_list[index][0]
            + """>
                        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="comment" id="comment" placeholder="Enter your comment here"><br>
                        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Submit">
    return item
Пример #2
    def test_list_images_user(self):
        """Test that list_images_for_user returns the right list of images for a user"""

        for user in self.users:
            email = user[0]

            # get the four most recent image entries
            image_list = interface.list_images_for_user(self.db, email)

            # and all entries are three elements long
            self.assertTrue(all([len(i) == 3 for i in image_list]))

            refimages = [i for i in self.images if i[2] == email]

            # check that the images are in the right order
            self.assertListEqual([img[0] for img in refimages], [img[0] for img in image_list])

            # and the dates are right
            self.assertListEqual([img[1] for img in refimages], [img[1] for img in image_list])

            # and the owners
            self.assertListEqual([img[2] for img in refimages], [img[2] for img in image_list])
Пример #3
def page_my_images(environ, start_response):
    logged_user = user_from_cookie(db, environ)
    if logged_user:
        template_mapping = dict(image_list_for_user=render_image_list(list_images_for_user(db, logged_user)))
        return render_page(environ, 'my_images.html', 'Flowtow - My Images', template_mapping)
    return page_404(start_response)