Пример #1
	def chooseAi(self, playerId):
		validAnswer = False
		ifAi = interfaceAi.interfaceAi()
		while not validAnswer:
			aiList = ifAi.getAiList()
			print "choose AI for", self.getPlayerName(playerId)
			itemCount = 0
			for aiItem in ifAi.getAiList():
				itemCount += 1
				print str(itemCount) + ") " + aiItem

			choice = raw_input("choice:")
			if choice.isdigit():
				choiceInt = int(choice) - 1
				if len(aiList) >= choiceInt and choiceInt >= 0:
					return choiceInt
Пример #2
from interfaceAi import interfaceAi

players = ["placeholder", ]
aiInstances = ["placeholder", None, None]

gl = gameLogic()
ic = console()


for playerId in range(len(players)):
	if players[playerId] == "ai":
		pickedAiId = ic.chooseAi(playerId)
		aiInstances[playerId] = interfaceAi()
		aiInstances[playerId].initAi(pickedAiId, playerId)

aiGameRounds = 0
drawGameField = True
if players[1] == "ai" and players[2] == "ai":
	aiGameRounds = ic.chooseAiGameRounds()
	drawGameField = False

startTime = time.time()
keepPlaying = True
while keepPlaying:
	if gl.isGameOver():

		# tell the AIs what happened
		if players[1] == "ai":