Пример #1
def umls_semantic_type_word( umls_string_cache , sentence ):
    # Already cached?
    if False and umls_string_cache.has_key( sentence ):
        mapping = umls_string_cache.get_map( sentence )
        concepts = interface_umls.string_lookup( sentence )
        concepts = [  singleton[0]  for singleton  in set(concepts)  ]
        umls_string_cache.add_map(sentence , concepts)
        mapping = umls_string_cache.get_map(sentence)

    return mapping
Пример #2
    def span2concept(span):
        rawstring = ' '.join(sentence[span[0]:span[1]+1])

        # Already cached?
        if cache.has_key( rawstring ):
            return cache.get_map( rawstring )

            concept = interface_umls.string_lookup( rawstring )

            if concept:
                cache.add_map( rawstring , concept )
                cache.add_map( rawstring  , [] )

            return cache.get_map( rawstring )
Пример #3
def umls_semantic_context_of_words( umls_string_cache, sentence ):

    #Defines the largest string span for the sentence.

    # span of the umls concept of the largest substring
    umls_context_list = []

    # keys: tuple of (start,end) index of a substring
    concept_span_dict = {}

    # Each sublist functions as the mappings for each word.
    for i in sentence:
        umls_context_list.append( [] )

    # finds the span for each substring of length 1 to currentWindowSize.
    for currentWindowSize in range( 1 , WINDOW_SIZE ):
        for ti in range( 0 , ( len(sentence) - currentWindowSize ) + 1 ):
            rawstring = ""
            for tj in range( ti , ti + currentWindowSize):
                rawstring += ( sentence[tj] + " " )

            #Each string is of length 1 to currentWindowSize.
            rawstring = rawstring.strip()

            # Not in cache yet?
            if not( umls_string_cache.has_key( rawstring ) ):
                # returns a tuple if there is a result or None is there is not.
                concept = interface_umls.string_lookup( rawstring )

                if not concept:
                    umls_string_cache.add_map( rawstring, None )
                    umls_string_cache.add_map( rawstring, concept ) ;

            #Store the concept into concept_span_dict with its span as a key.
            concept_span_dict[(ti,ti+currentWindowSize-1)] = umls_string_cache.get_map( rawstring )

            # For each substring if there is a span, then
            #   assign the concept to every word that is within in the substring
            if umls_string_cache.get_map(rawstring):
                for i in range( ti , ti + currentWindowSize ):
                    if len( umls_context_list[i] ) == 0:

                        updated = 0
                        for j in umls_context_list[i]:
                            if j[0] >= ti and j[1] <= (ti+currentWindowSize-1):
                                j[0] = ti
                                j[1] = ( ti + currentWindowSize - 1 )
                                updated += 1
                        if not(updated):
                            val = [ti,ti+currentWindowSize-1]
                            if umls_context_list[i].count(val)== 0:

    #create a list of sublists
    #  each sublist represents the contexts for which the word appears
    mappings = []
    for i in umls_context_list:
        spans = i
        if len(spans) == 0:
            mappings.append( None )
            sub_mappings = []
            for j in spans:
                sub_mappings.append( concept_span_dict[tuple(j)])

            # FIXME - Decided to concat rather than append (not sure why)
            mappings += sub_mappings

    return mappings