Пример #1
def count_onsets_in_bin_joint(I, tbin):
    """for non-disjoint time bin, returns 
        - AS/Bout(I) time in bin, strict sense (intersected with bin)
        - counts, onset-based
        - I effective times in bin, onset-based
        - I effective endpoints in bin, onset-based
    # time in AS/Bout, strictly inside bin
    _I = Intervals(I).intersect(Intervals(tbin)).intervals
    I_times = np.diff(_I).T[0] if len(_I) > 0 else np.array([])

    # effective time in AS/Bout, onset-sensitive
    I_times_eff = []     
    bin_start, bin_end = tbin    
    cnt = 0             # onsets
    for start, end in I:
        if (start > bin_start and start < bin_end):
            I_times_eff.append(end - start)
            if cnt < 1:
                I_start = start
            I_end = end
            cnt +=1
    if cnt == 0: 
        np.testing.assert_allclose(np.array(I_times_eff).sum(), 0, rtol=1e-5) 
        return I_times, 0, np.array([]), np.array([])

    tbin_eff = np.array([[I_start, I_end]])     # I endpoints in bin

    return I_times, cnt, np.array(I_times_eff), tbin_eff
Пример #2
def count_onsets_in_bin_disjoint(I, tbins):
    """same for disjoint bin, e.g. LC
    # time in AS/Bout, strictly
    _I = Intervals(I).intersect(Intervals(tbins)).intervals
    I_times = np.diff(_I).T[0] if len(_I) > 0 else np.array([])
    # time in AS/Bout, onset-based
    I_times_eff = []   
    cnt = 0            # counts, onset-based
    I_endpoints = []    # I endpoints in bin, onset-based
    for tbin in tbins:
        _, _cnt, _I_times_eff, _tbin_eff = count_onsets_in_bin_joint(I, tbin)
        cnt += _cnt
        if _cnt > 0: 
    if cnt == 0:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(I_times, 0, rtol=1e-5)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(I_times_eff, 0, rtol=1e-5)
        return np.array([]), 0, np.array([]), np.array([])
    if len(I_endpoints) == 1:
        tbin_eff = I_endpoints[0]      # np.array
    elif len(I_endpoints) == 2:
        tbin_eff = np.vstack([I_endpoints[0], I_endpoints[1]])
    return I_times, cnt, np.array(I_times_eff), tbin_eff
Пример #3
def check_ingestion_bouts_overlap(fbouts, dbouts):
    overlap = Intervals(fbouts).intersect(Intervals(dbouts))
    # fdur, ddur = np.diff(f_bouts).T[0], np.diff(d_bouts).T[0]
    if not overlap.is_empty():
        overlap_diff = np.diff(overlap.intervals).T[0]
        for n in xrange(len(overlap_diff)):
            logger.error("feeding and drinking bouts: found overlap at CT{} for {:02.3f}sec".format(
                hcm_time_to_ct_string_float(overlap.intervals[n, 0]), overlap_diff[n]))
Пример #4
    def build_boxes(self):

        intervals = Intervals()
        intervals.interval_type = self.interval_type
        intervals.x = self.x
        intervals.start = self.start
        intervals.finish = self.finish
        intervals.resolution = self.resolution
        intervals.week_start = self.week_start

        box = Rectangle()
        box.y = self.y
        box.height = self.height
        box.border_rounding = self.box_rounding
        box.border_color = self.box_border_color
        box.border_width = self.box_border_width

        boxes = str()

        for i in intervals.get_intervals():
            box.x = i[0]
            box.width = i[1]
            if i[4] is False:
                box.fill_color = self.ends
                box.fill_color = self.box_fill
            boxes += box.svg

        return boxes
Пример #5
    def build_grid(self):

        intervals = Intervals()
        intervals.interval_type = self.interval_type
        intervals.x = self.x
        intervals.start = self.start
        intervals.finish = self.finish
        intervals.resolution = self.resolution
        intervals.week_start = self.week_start

        line = Line()
        line.y = self.y
        line.dy = self.y + self.height
        line.stroke_color = self.line_color
        line.stroke_width = self.line_width
        line.stroke_dasharray = self.line_dashing

        lines = str()

        for i in intervals.get_intervals():
            line.x = i[0]
            line.dx = line.x
            lines += line.svg

        last_line = self.x + ((self.finish - self.start) * self.resolution)
        line.x = last_line
        line.dx = last_line
        lines += line.svg

        return lines
Пример #6
def get_timebin_in_recording_time(timebin, rec, ass):
    arr = None
    if timebin == '24H':
        arr = rec
    elif timebin in ['DC', 'LC']:
        arr = Intervals(get_timebins(timebin)[0]).intersect(Intervals(rec)).intervals
    elif timebin == 'AS24H':
        arr = ass
    elif timebin in ['ASDC', 'ASLC']:
        arr = Intervals(ass).intersect(Intervals(get_timebins(timebin[-2:])[0])).intervals
    return arr, np.diff(arr).sum()
Пример #7
def index_ingestion_bout_and_homebase_timestamps(t, idx, fbouts, dbouts):
    """returns a mask which excludes timestamps indexes corresponding to ingestion bouts
        and position at homebase
    i_fdb = Intervals(fbouts).union(Intervals(dbouts))
    mask = np.ones(t.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    for timestamp in xrange(t.shape[0]):
        if i_fdb.contains(t[timestamp]):
            mask[timestamp] = False

    mask = mask & idx
    log_text = "locomotion: flagged {} events occurring at homebase and/or during ingestion bouts".format(
        mask.shape[0] - mask.sum())
    return mask, log_text
Пример #8
   def make_mode(self, n, mode):
      '''Re-arranges the intervals of this scale into a new scale'''

      # get the key distance to adjust all others by
      key_dist = self.intervals[mode - 1].distance
      adj_dist = []

      # build a list of distances
      for i in range(len(self.intervals)):
         # find the interval index for this iteration with
         # respect to the requested mode
         step_idx = (i + (mode - 1)) % len(self.intervals)

         # pull out the distance for the interval and adjust
         # it by the distance of the mother-key's step
         step_dist = self.intervals[step_idx].distance - key_dist

         # constrain the distance to within the chromatic scale
         if step_dist < 0:
            step_dist += 12

         # get the interval and add it to the list

      # create the scale and send it out
      return Scale(n, adj_dist)
Пример #9
    def build_labels(self):

        intervals = Intervals()
        intervals.interval_type = self.interval_type
        intervals.x = self.x
        intervals.start = self.start
        intervals.finish = self.finish
        intervals.resolution = self.resolution
        intervals.week_start = self.week_start

        date = Date()
        date.week_start = self.week_start
        date.separator = self.separator
        date.date_format = self.date_format

        label = Text()
        label.text_y = self.y
        label.text_translate_y = self.text_y
        label.text_translate_x = self.text_x
        label.font_fill_color = self.font_fill
        label.font_size = self.font_size
        label.font_weight = self.font_weight
        label.font_family = self.font_family
        label.font_style = self.font_style

        labels = str()

        if self.label_type == 'hidden':
            label.text_visibility = 'hidden'

        for i in intervals.get_intervals():
            label.text_x = i[0]
            if i[1] < self.min_label_width:
                label.text = str(
                )  # you could set visibility to hidden but more verbose
            elif self.label_type == 'count' and i[3] == 0:
                label.text = str(
                )  # you could set visibility to hidden but more verbose
            elif self.label_type == 'date':
                date.ordinal_date = i[2]
                label.text = date.get_date()
                label.text = i[3]  # references count in intervals entry
            labels += label.svg

        return labels
Пример #10
def get_timebin_category(tbins, bin_type):
    """ assigns timebin to a category based on start and end times
        each time of day is coded with a number:
        - cat_code1, primary
        - 1 : LC, CT06-12 union CT24-06
        - 2 : DC, CT12-18
        - cat_code2, secondary
        - 1 : CT06-12, or last part of LC, or LC2
        - 2 : CT12-18, or first part of DC, or DC1
        - 3 : CT18-24, or second part of DC, or DC2
        - 4 : CT24-06, or first part of LC, or LC1
        categories are formed by pairing numbers for start and end.
        categories '13' (primary) and '14' (secondary) ought to be rare
        returns cateogry code, descriptions and proportion of time spent in DC and LC
    # seconds after midnight
    dc_start = 19 * 3600.  # CT12
    dc_mid = 25 * 3600.  # CT18
    dc_end = 31 * 3600.  # CT24
    starts, ends = np.array(tbins).T

    # primary, DC and LC
    bins = [0, dc_start, dc_end, 1000000]
    inds1 = np.array([np.digitize(x, bins) for x in [starts, ends]]).T
    inds1 = recode_indices1(inds1, bin_type)
    cat_code1 = [''.join(str(i) for i in ind) for ind in inds1]

    # secondary, day divided in 4 bins
    bins = [0, dc_start, dc_mid, dc_end, 1000000]
    inds2 = np.array([np.digitize(x, bins) for x in [starts, ends]]).T
    if not bin_type.startswith('AS'):
        inds2 = recode_inds2(inds2, bin_type)
    cat_code2 = [''.join(str(i) for i in ind) for ind in inds2]

    # proportions in LC and DC
    dc, lc = [Intervals(get_timebins('3cycles')[x]) for x in [1, 2]]

    return cat_code1, [AS_code_lookup['1'][x] for x in cat_code1], cat_code2, [AS_code_lookup['2'][x] for x in
                                                                               cat_code2], [
               Intervals(x).intersect(dc).measure() / Intervals(x).measure() for x in tbins], [
               Intervals(x).intersect(lc).measure() / Intervals(x).measure() for x in tbins]
Пример #11
 def plus(self, element):
     if element.key == "!%s" % self.key or self.key == "!%s" % element.key:
         return Element([(Intervals({}), Formula(sympy.S(1.0)))], "t")
     if (self.key == "f"):
         key = element.key
     elif element.key == "f":
         key = self.key
         key = "(%s + %s)" % (self.key, element.key)
     combined = Element(self.list + element.list, key)
     # print self, " + ", element, " = ", sum
     return combined
Пример #12
def check_ingestion_position_concurrency(tset_raw, tset_at_loc, loc='F'):
    """ check device events and position at device concurrency
        returns array with corrected events and errors removed
        this function is not used starting May 8th, 2018
    i_raw = Intervals(tset_raw)
    i_at_device = Intervals(tset_at_loc)
    i_true = i_raw.intersect(i_at_device)
    tset_errors = (i_raw - i_true).intervals  # photobeam firing when mouse not at device
                                   np.diff(tset_errors).sum() + np.diff(i_true.intervals).sum(), decimal=2)
    num_errors = len(tset_errors)
    tot = i_raw.intervals.shape[0]
    err_time = np.diff(tset_errors).sum() / 60.
    error_msg = ""
    if num_errors:
        # todo: check this is working. plot on rasters
        tset = i_true.intervals
        error_msg = "{}: {}/{} events removed, device firing while mouse not at device " \
                    "(total time involved={:.2f} min)".format(act_to_actlabel[loc], num_errors, tot, err_time)
        tset = tset_raw
    return tset, tset_errors, error_msg
Пример #13
# Tecott Lab HCM Data
# working with AS/IS, IS Duration Thresholds (ISDT)
# using class intervals objects
# C. Hillar, Jan 2016
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
import numpy as np
from intervals import Intervals

Events = Intervals([[-2, -1], [0, 1], [3, 5], [8, 11]])

ISDT = 2  # IST Threshold

ECG = Events.copy().connect_gaps(ISDT)  # connect gaps <= ISDT
ETm = Events.copy().trim(ISDT)  # trim inteversl <= ISDT

print("Events (%d intervals):" % Events.num(), Events)
# print ("Events connected gaps <= %1.3f:" % ISDT,
#        Events.copy().connect_gaps(ISDT))
print("Events trim intervals <= %1.3f:" % ISDT, Events.copy().trim(ISDT))

print("IS/AS computation version 1")
IS1 = Events.complement().trim(ISDT)  # complement is new object
AS1 = IS1.complement()
print("IS (%d):" % IS1.num(), IS1)
print("AS (%d):" % AS1.num(), AS1)

print("IS/AS computation version 2 (mathematically equivalent)")
AS2 = Events.copy().connect_gaps(ISDT)  # trim alters object
IS2 = AS2.complement()
print("AS2 (%d):" % AS2.num(), AS2)
print("IS2 (%d):" % IS2.num(), IS2)
Пример #14
from intervals import Intervals
from notes import Notes

# read intervals out for reference
peru = Intervals.by_distance(0)
min2 = Intervals.by_distance(1)
maj2 = Intervals.by_distance(2)
min3 = Intervals.by_distance(3)
maj3 = Intervals.by_distance(4)
per4 = Intervals.by_distance(5)
trit = Intervals.by_distance(6)
per5 = Intervals.by_distance(7)
min6 = Intervals.by_distance(8)
maj6 = Intervals.by_distance(9)
min7 = Intervals.by_distance(10)
maj7 = Intervals.by_distance(11)

class Scale(object):
   '''Defines a collection of intervals'''

   def __init__(self, n, inters):
      '''Creates a scale instance'''
      self.name = n
      self.intervals = inters

   def voice(self, key):
      '''Voices this scale in a particular key'''
      # get a chromatic list of notes
      chromatic = Scales.make_chromatic(key)
      steps = []
Пример #15
# Tecott Lab HCM Data
# working with AS/IS, IS Duration Thresholds (ISDT)
# using class intervals objects
# C. Hillar, Jan 2016
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
import numpy as np
from intervals import Intervals

Events = Intervals([[-2, -1], [0, 1], [3, 5], [8, 11]])

ISDT = 2  # IST Threshold

ECG = Events.copy().connect_gaps(ISDT)  # connect gaps <= ISDT
ETm = Events.copy().trim(ISDT)  # trim inteversl <= ISDT

print("Events (%d intervals):" % Events.num(), Events)
# print ("Events connected gaps <= %1.3f:" % ISDT,
#        Events.copy().connect_gaps(ISDT))
print("Events trim intervals <= %1.3f:" % ISDT, Events.copy().trim(ISDT))

print("IS/AS computation version 1")
IS1 = Events.complement().trim(ISDT)  # complement is new object
AS1 = IS1.complement()
print("IS (%d):" % IS1.num(), IS1)
print("AS (%d):" % AS1.num(), AS1)

print("IS/AS computation version 2 (mathematically equivalent)")
AS2 = Events.copy().connect_gaps(ISDT)  # trim alters object
IS2 = AS2.complement()
print("AS2 (%d):" % AS2.num(), AS2)
Пример #16
def intersect_arrays(arr1, arr2):
    return Intervals(arr1).intersect(Intervals(arr2)).intervals
Пример #17
def wipe_data_outside_CT6_30(I):
    bin_24h = get_CT_bins(bin_type='24H') 
    return Intervals(I).intersect(Intervals(bin_24h)).intervals     
Пример #18
 def zero(self):
     return Element([(Intervals({}), Formula(self.neutral))],
                    "f")  # TODO empty intervals?
Пример #19
 def one(self):
     return Element([(Intervals({}), Formula(sympy.S(1.0)))], "t")
Пример #20
 def pos_value(self, a, key=None):
     m = re.search(r"w\((.*),.*,(.*)\)", str(a))
     return Element(
         [(Intervals.create(m.group(2)), Formula.create(m.group(1)))], key)
Пример #21
def intersect_timeset_with_timebin(tset, tbin):
    return Intervals(tset).intersect(
        Intervals(tbin)).intervals  # todo: try: Intervals(tset).intersect_with_interval(tbin[0], tbin[1]  # faster
Пример #22
 def neg_value(self, a, key=None):
     m = re.search(r"w\(.*,(.*),(.*)\)", str(a))  # TODO: aanpassing
     return Element([(Intervals({}), Formula.create(m.group(1)))],
                    "!" + str(key))
Пример #23
        for day in range(mice[mouse]):
            arr = np.load('data/intervals/%s/%s_strain%d_mouse%d_day%d.npy' %
                          (event, event, i, mouse, day))
            mices[mouse][day] = arr

    strain_intervals[i] = mices

fmfs = first_mouse_first_strain = strain_intervals[0][0]
nd = nday_this_mouse = len(fmfs)

# number of AS (& time) are there on avg for this mouse per day
cnts = np.zeros(nd)
ttimesec = np.zeros(nd)
for c, md in enumerate(fmfs):
    cnts[c] = md.shape[0]
    ttimesec[c] = Intervals(md).measure()  # some Intervals functionality
# print "%1.3f Active States (AS) (%1.3f sec on avg) per its %d days " %
# (cnts.mean(), ttimesec.mean(), nd)

# Turn this set of ASs into binary sequence
bin_AS = binary_from_intervals(Intervals(fmfs[0]))
plt.ylim([-.1, 1.1])
plt.xlabel('Time step from first AS [sec]')
plt.ylabel('Active State (1) / Inactive State (0)')
plt.title('Active States as binary sequence')

# (3) Make position density first mouse first day