Пример #1
	def retrieve_data(self, projdb):

		cds_len = self.load_cds_len(self.paths.data_ensembl_gene_transcripts_path())
		data = {}

		self.logger.info("Retrieving gene alterations for OncodriveCLUST ...")

		for csq in projdb.consequences(join_samples=True,
									   filters={ProjectDb.CSQ_CTYPES : so.ONCODRIVECLUST | so.SYNONYMOUS}):

			if csq.transcript not in cds_len:

			transcript_len = cds_len[csq.transcript]

			if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.ONCODRIVECLUST):
				cls = NON_SYN
			elif so.match(csq.ctypes, so.SYNONYMOUS):
				cls = SYN

			for sample in csq.var.samples:
				key = (cls, csq.gene, sample.name)
				if key not in data:
					data[key] = (csq.transcript, transcript_len, csq.protein_pos)
					transcript, tlen, protein_pos = data[key]
					if transcript_len > tlen:
						data[key] = (csq.transcript, transcript_len, csq.protein_pos)

		return data
Пример #2
def retrieve_data(projdb, cds_len):
	data = {}

	for csq in projdb.consequences(join_samples=True,
								   filters={ProjectDb.CSQ_CTYPES : so.PROTEIN_AFFECTING | so.SYNONYMOUS}):

		if csq.transcript not in cds_len:

		transcript_len = cds_len[csq.transcript]

		if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.PROTEIN_AFFECTING):
			cls = NON_SYN
		elif so.match(csq.ctypes, so.SYNONYMOUS):
			cls = SYN

		for sample in csq.var.samples:
			key = (cls, csq.gene, sample.name)
			if key not in data:
				data[key] = (csq.transcript, transcript_len, csq.protein_pos)
				transcript, tlen, protein_pos = data[key]
				if transcript_len > tlen:
					data[key] = (csq.transcript, transcript_len, csq.protein_pos)

	return data
Пример #3
def ma_run(partition):
	log = task.logger
	conf = task.conf

	results_port = task.ports("results")

	project = partition["project"]

	log.info("--- [{0} @ {1}] --------------------------------------------".format(project["id"], partition["index"]))

	offline = conf["offline"]

	if offline == "yes":
		log.info("Running Mutation assessor in local mode.")

		ma = MaLocal(conf["ma_cache_path"])
		log.info("Running Mutation assessor using web services.")

		ma = MaService(project["assembly"], cache_path=os.path.join(conf["cache_path"], "ma.db"))

	results_path = os.path.join(partition["base_path"], "{0:08d}.ma".format(partition["index"]))

	if not os.path.exists(results_path) or conf.get("consequences_overwrite", True):

		log.info("Querying Mutation assessor for 'missense_variant' consequences ...")

		projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])

		missense_variants = set()

		with open(partition["vep_path"], "r") as f:
			for line in f:
				fields = line.rstrip().split("\t")
				var_id = int(fields[0])
				ctypes = fields[3].split(",")
				if so.match(ctypes, so.NON_SYNONYMOUS):

		with open(results_path, "w") as mf:
			for var_id in missense_variants:
				var = projdb.get_variant(var_id)

				start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)

				r = ma.get(var.chr, var.strand, start, ref, alt, var_id)
				if r is not None:
					tsv.write_line(mf, var_id, r.uniprot, r.fi_score, null_value="-")


		log.warn("Skipping MA, results already exist.")
		log.debug("MA results: {0}".format(results_path))


	# Send results to the next module
	partition["ma_path"] = results_path
Пример #4
def oncodriveclust(project):
    log = task.logger
    conf = task.conf

    log.info("--- [{0}] --------------------------------------------".format(project["id"]))

    source_genes = {}
    syn_genes = set()
    selected_genes = set()
    filter_genes = set()
    threshold_genes = set()

    source_samples = {}
    selected_samples = set()
    filter_samples = set()
    threshold_samples = set()

    selected_gene_sample_count = {}  # number of samples for each selected gene
    filter_gene_sample_count = {}  # number of samples per each gene passing the filter

    # get configuration

    samples_threshold, genes_filter_enabled, genes_filter, filt = get_oncodriveclust_configuration(log, conf, project)

    log.info("Retrieving gene alterations ...")

    projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])

    data = set()

    for csq in projdb.consequences(join_samples=True):
        # filters={ProjectDb.CSQ_CTYPES : so.PROTEIN_AFFECTING | so.SYNONYMOUS}):

        is_selected = so.match(csq.ctypes, so.PROTEIN_AFFECTING)
        is_synonymous = so.match(csq.ctypes, so.SYNONYMOUS)

        if csq.gene not in source_genes:
            source_genes[csq.gene] = gene_index = len(source_genes)

        if is_selected:

        if is_synonymous:

        for sample in csq.var.samples:
            if sample.name not in source_samples:
                source_samples[sample.name] = sample_index = len(source_samples)

            if is_selected:
                data.add((csq.gene, sample_index))


    log.info("Counting selected, filtered and threshold ...")

    # calculate selected and filter counts

    data2 = set()

    for gene, sample_index in data:
        gene_index = source_genes[gene]
        if gene_index not in selected_gene_sample_count:
            selected_gene_sample_count[gene_index] = 1
            selected_gene_sample_count[gene_index] += 1

        if filt.valid(gene):
            data2.add((gene_index, sample_index))
            if gene_index not in filter_gene_sample_count:
                filter_gene_sample_count[gene_index] = 1
                filter_gene_sample_count[gene_index] += 1

                # calculate threshold counts

    for gene_index, sample_index in data2:
        if selected_gene_sample_count[gene_index] >= samples_threshold:

    log.info("Counting significant genes ...")

    # significance of q-values

    projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])
    sig_thresholds = [0.0, 0.001, 0.005] + [i / 100.0 for i in range(1, 11)] + [1.0]
    sig_count = [0] * len(sig_thresholds)
    for gene in projdb.genes():
        if gene.id in source_genes and source_genes[gene.id] in threshold_genes:
            i = 0
            while i < len(sig_thresholds) and gene.fm_qvalue > sig_thresholds[i]:
                i += 1

            for j in range(i, len(sig_count)):
                sig_count[j] += 1


    source_genes_count = len(source_genes)
    syn_genes_count = len(syn_genes)
    selected_genes_count = len(selected_genes)
    filter_genes_count = len(filter_genes)
    threshold_genes_count = len(threshold_genes)

    source_samples_count = len(source_samples)
    selected_samples_count = len(selected_samples)
    filter_samples_count = len(filter_samples)
    threshold_samples_count = len(threshold_samples)

    sorted_filter_genes = sorted(filter_genes, reverse=True, key=lambda gi: filter_gene_sample_count[gi])

    qc_data = dict(
            genes=sorted(source_genes.keys(), key=lambda k: source_genes[k]),
            genes_lost_count=max(0, source_genes_count - syn_genes_count - threshold_genes_count),
            samples=sorted(source_samples.keys(), key=lambda k: source_samples[k]),
        samples_lost_count=max(0, source_samples_count - threshold_samples_count),
            ratio=(float(syn_genes_count) / selected_genes_count) if selected_genes_count > 0 else 0,
            genes_lost=sorted(set(source_genes.values()) - syn_genes - selected_genes),
            genes_lost_count=max(0, source_genes_count - syn_genes_count - selected_genes_count),
            samples_lost=sorted(set(source_samples.values()) - selected_samples),
            samples_lost_count=max(0, source_samples_count - selected_samples_count),
            genes_lost=sorted(selected_genes - filter_genes),
            genes_lost_count=max(0, selected_genes_count - filter_genes_count),
            genes_sample_count=[filter_gene_sample_count[gene_index] for gene_index in sorted_filter_genes],
            samples_lost=sorted(selected_samples - filter_samples),
            samples_lost_count=max(0, selected_samples_count - filter_samples_count),
            genes_lost=sorted(filter_genes - threshold_genes),
            genes_lost_count=max(0, filter_genes_count - threshold_genes_count),
            samples_lost=sorted(filter_samples - threshold_samples),
            samples_lost_count=max(0, filter_samples_count - threshold_samples_count),
        results=dict(sig_thresholds=sig_thresholds[1:], sig_count=sig_count[1:]),

    project_results = ProjectResults(project)
    project_results.save_quality_control("oncodriveclust", qc_data)
Пример #5
def pack_datasets(project):
	log = task.logger

	config = GlobalConfig(task.conf)

	project_id = project["id"]

	log.info("--- [{0}] --------------------------------------------".format(project_id))

	if not config.results.create_zip:
		log.info("Creation of the results compressed file is deactivated. Skipped.")

	project_path = project["path"]
	temp_path = project["temp_path"]

	dest_path = os.path.join(project_path, "results.zip")

	sigdb = SigDb(config.sigdb_path)

	projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])

	projres = ProjectResults(project)

	gene_sym = projdb.get_gene_symbols()

	total_samples = projdb.get_total_affected_samples()

	log.info("Compressing files ...")

	arc = None
		arc = Archive(dest_path, mode="w", fmt="zip")

		log.info("  Variant genes ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "variant_genes", "w") as vf:
			write_line(vf, "PROJECT_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE",

			for afg in projdb.affected_genes(join_variant=True, join_xrefs=True, join_rec=True):
				var = afg.var
				rec = afg.rec

				start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)

				xrefs = [xref for xref in var.xrefs]
				if sigdb.exists_variant(var.chr, start):
					xrefs += ["I:1"]
				xrefs = ",".join(xrefs)

				intogen_driver = 1 if sigdb.exists_gene(afg.gene_id) else 0

				write_line(vf, project_id, var.chr, var.strand, start, "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt),
								afg.gene_id, gene_sym.get(afg.gene_id),
								afg.impact, TransFIC.class_name(afg.impact),
								rec.sample_freq or 0, total_samples, rec.sample_prop or 0,
								afg.coding_region, afg.prot_changes, intogen_driver, xrefs)

		log.info("  Variant samples ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "variant_samples", "w") as vf:
			write_line(vf, "PROJECT_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE", "SAMPLES")

			for var in projdb.variants(join_samples=True):
				start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)
				write_line(vf, project_id, var.chr, var.strand, start, "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt),
						   ",".join([s.name for s in var.samples]))

		log.info("  Consequences ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "consequences", "w") as cf:
			write_line(cf, "PROJECT_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE", "TRANSCRIPT_ID", "CT",

			for csq in projdb.consequences(join_variant=True):
				var = csq.var
				start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)
				allele = "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt)

				uniprot = protein = protein_pos = aa_change = None
				sift_score = sift_tfic = sift_tfic_class = None
				pph2_score = pph2_tfic = pph2_tfic_class = None
				ma_score = ma_tfic = ma_tfic_class = None
				if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.ONCODRIVEFM):
					uniprot, protein = csq.uniprot, csq.protein
				if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.NON_SYNONYMOUS):
					protein_pos, aa_change = csq.protein_pos, csq.aa_change
					sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class = csq.sift_score, csq.sift_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.sift_tfic_class)
					pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class = csq.pph2_score, csq.pph2_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.pph2_tfic_class)
					ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class = csq.ma_score, csq.ma_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.ma_tfic_class)

				write_line(cf, project_id, var.chr, var.strand, start, allele, csq.transcript,
							",".join(csq.ctypes), csq.gene, gene_sym.get(csq.gene),
							uniprot, protein, protein_pos, aa_change,
							sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class,
							pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class,
							ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class,
							csq.impact, TransFIC.class_name(csq.impact))

		log.info("  Genes ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "genes", "w") as gf:
			write_line(gf, "PROJECT_ID", "GENE_ID", "SYMBOL", "FM_PVALUE", "FM_QVALUE", "FM_EXC_CAUSE",

			for gene in projdb.genes(join_xrefs=True, join_rec=True):
				if gene.rec.sample_freq is not None and gene.rec.sample_freq > 0:
					intogen_driver = 1 if sigdb.exists_gene(gene.id) else 0
					write_line(gf, project_id, gene.id, gene.symbol, gene.fm_pvalue, gene.fm_qvalue, gene.fm_exc_cause,
									gene.rec.sample_freq, total_samples, gene.rec.sample_prop or 0,
									gene.clust_zscore, gene.clust_pvalue, gene.clust_qvalue, gene.clust_exc_cause,
									gene.clust_coords, intogen_driver, ",".join(gene.xrefs))

		log.info("  Pathways ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "pathways", "w") as pf:

			for pathway in projdb.pathways(join_rec=True):
				if pathway.rec.sample_freq is not None and pathway.rec.sample_freq > 0:
					write_line(pf, project_id, pathway.id, pathway.gene_count, pathway.fm_zscore, pathway.fm_pvalue, pathway.fm_qvalue,
									pathway.rec.sample_freq or 0, total_samples, pathway.rec.sample_prop or 0,
									pathway.rec.gene_freq or 0, pathway.gene_count, pathway.rec.gene_prop or 0)

		if not config.skip_oncodrivefm:

			log.info("  Genes per sample functional impact ...")

			with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "fimpact.gitools.tdm", "w") as f:
				write_line(f, "SAMPLE", "GENE_ID",
				for fields in projdb.sample_gene_fimpacts():
					(gene, sample,
						 sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class,
						 pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class,
						 ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class) = fields
					write_line(f, sample, gene,
							   sift_score, sift_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(sift_tfic_class),
							   pph2_score, pph2_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(pph2_tfic_class),
							   ma_score, ma_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(ma_tfic_class))

		log.info("Saving project configuration ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "project", "w") as f:
			values = [project_id, project["assembly"], total_samples]
			names, values = projres.get_annotations_to_save(config.project.annotations, project["annotations"], names=names, values=values)
			tsv.write_line(f, *names)
			tsv.write_line(f, *values, null_value="-")
		if arc is not None:
Пример #6
def quality_control(log, conf, project, filt):

	data = {}

	projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])

	for csq in projdb.consequences(join_samples=True, join_ctypes=True):#,
								   #filters={ProjectDb.CSQ_CTYPES : so.ONCODRIVEFM}):
		is_selected = so.match(csq.ctypes, so.ONCODRIVEFM)
		var = csq.var
		for sample in var.samples:
			key = (sample.id, csq.gene)
			if key not in data:
				data[key] = is_selected
				data[key] = data[key] or is_selected


	source_genes = {}

	selected_genes = set()
	filter_genes = set()
	threshold_genes = set()

	selected_gene_sample_count = {} # number of samples for each selected gene
	filter_gene_sample_count = {} # number of samples per gene

	source_samples = {}
	selected_samples = set()
	filter_samples = set()
	threshold_samples = set()

	for (sample, gene), is_selected in data.items():
		if sample in source_samples:
			sample_index = source_samples[sample]
			source_samples[sample] = sample_index = len(source_samples)

		if is_selected:

			increment(selected_gene_sample_count, gene)

	samples_threshold = get_threshold(log, conf, project,
									"oncodrivefm.genes.threshold", ONCODRIVEFM_GENES_THRESHOLD, len(selected_samples))

	for (sample, gene), is_selected in data.items():
		if gene not in source_genes:
			source_genes[gene] = len(source_genes)

		gi = source_genes[gene]
		sample_index = source_samples[sample]

		if is_selected:
			if filt is None or filt.valid(gene):

				increment(filter_gene_sample_count, gi)

				if selected_gene_sample_count[gene] >= samples_threshold:

	for gene, sample_count in selected_gene_sample_count.items():
		gi = source_genes[gene]


		if filt is None or filt.valid(gene):

			if sample_count >= samples_threshold:

	# significance of q-values

	projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])
	sig_thresholds = [0.0, 0.001, 0.005] + [i / 100.0 for i in range(1, 11)] + [1.0]
	sig_count = [0] * len(sig_thresholds)
	for gene in projdb.genes():
		if gene.id in source_genes and source_genes[gene.id] in threshold_genes:
			i = 0
			while i < len(sig_thresholds) and gene.fm_qvalue > sig_thresholds[i]:
				i += 1

			for j in range(i, len(sig_count)):
				sig_count[j] += 1


	source_samples_count = len(source_samples)
	selected_samples_count = len(selected_samples)
	filter_samples_count = len(filter_samples)
	threshold_samples_count = len(threshold_samples)
	source_genes_count = len(source_genes)
	selected_genes_count = len(selected_genes)
	filter_genes_count = len(filter_genes)
	threshold_genes_count = len(threshold_genes)

	sorted_filter_genes = sorted(filter_genes, reverse=True, key=lambda gi: filter_gene_sample_count[gi])

	qc_data = dict(
				genes=sorted(source_genes.keys(), key=lambda k: source_genes[k]),
				genes_lost_count=max(0, source_genes_count - threshold_genes_count),
				samples=sorted(source_samples.keys(), key=lambda k: source_samples[k]),
				samples_lost_count=max(0, source_samples_count - threshold_samples_count),
				genes_lost=sorted(set(source_genes.values()) - selected_genes),
				genes_lost_count=max(0, source_genes_count - selected_genes_count),
				samples_lost=sorted(set(source_samples.values()) - selected_samples),
				samples_lost_count=max(0, source_samples_count - selected_samples_count)),
				genes_lost=sorted(selected_genes - filter_genes),
				genes_lost_count=max(0, selected_genes_count - filter_genes_count),
				genes_sample_count=[filter_gene_sample_count[gi] for gi in sorted_filter_genes],
				samples_lost=sorted(selected_samples - filter_samples),
				samples_lost_count=max(0, selected_samples_count - filter_samples_count)),
				genes_lost=sorted(filter_genes - threshold_genes),
				genes_lost_count=max(0, filter_genes_count - threshold_genes_count),
				samples_lost=sorted(filter_samples - threshold_samples),
				samples_lost_count=max(0, filter_samples_count - threshold_samples_count)),

	return qc_data
Пример #7
def create_datasets(project):
	log = task.logger

	config = GlobalConfig(task.conf)
	paths = PathsConfig(config)

	project_id = project["id"]

	log.info("--- [{0}] --------------------------------------------".format(project_id))

	project_path = project["path"]
	temp_path = project["temp_path"]

	datasets_path = paths.project_results_path(project_path)

	sigdb = SigDb(config.sigdb_path)

	projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])

	gene_sym = projdb.get_gene_symbols()

	total_samples = projdb.get_total_affected_samples()

	log.info("Exporting variant genes ...")

	vf = open_dataset(project_id, project_path, datasets_path, "variant_gene", "w", log)
	tsv.write_param(vf, "SAMPLE_TOTAL", total_samples)
	tsv.write_line(vf, "VAR_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE",

	sf = open_dataset(project_id, project_path, datasets_path, "variant-samples", "w", log)
	tsv.write_line(sf, "VAR_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE", "SAMPLE")

	count = 0
	for afg in projdb.affected_genes(join_variant=True, join_samples=True, join_xrefs=True, join_rec=True):
		var = afg.var
		rec = afg.rec

		start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)

		allele = "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt)

		xrefs = [xref for xref in var.xrefs]
		if sigdb.exists_variant(var.chr, start):
			xrefs += ["I:1"]
		xrefs = ",".join(xrefs)

		intogen_driver = 1 if sigdb.exists_gene(afg.gene_id) else 0

		tsv.write_line(vf, var.id, var.chr, var.strand, start, allele,
						afg.gene_id, afg.impact, TransFIC.class_name(afg.impact),
						rec.sample_freq, rec.sample_prop,
						afg.coding_region, afg.prot_changes, intogen_driver, xrefs, null_value="\N")

		for sample in var.samples:
			tsv.write_line(sf, var.id, var.chr, var.strand, start, allele, sample.name, null_value="\N")

		count += 1


	log.info("  {0} variant genes".format(count))

	log.info("Exporting consequences ...")

	cf = open_dataset(project_id, project_path, datasets_path, "consequence", "w", log)
	tsv.write_line(cf, "VAR_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE", "TRANSCRIPT_ID",

	count = 0
	for csq in projdb.consequences(join_variant=True):
		var = csq.var
		start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)

		allele = "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt)

		uniprot = protein = protein_pos = aa_change = None
		sift_score = sift_tfic = sift_tfic_class = None
		pph2_score = pph2_tfic = pph2_tfic_class = None
		ma_score = ma_tfic = ma_tfic_class = None

		if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.ONCODRIVEFM):
			uniprot, protein = csq.uniprot, csq.protein

		if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.NON_SYNONYMOUS):
			protein_pos, aa_change = csq.protein_pos, csq.aa_change
			sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class = csq.sift_score, csq.sift_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.sift_tfic_class)
			pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class = csq.pph2_score, csq.pph2_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.pph2_tfic_class)
			ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class = csq.ma_score, csq.ma_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.ma_tfic_class)

		tsv.write_line(cf, var.id, var.chr, var.strand, start, allele, csq.transcript,
						",".join(csq.ctypes), csq.gene, gene_sym.get(csq.gene),
						uniprot, protein, protein_pos, aa_change,
						sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class,
						pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class,
						ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class,
						csq.impact, TransFIC.class_name(csq.impact), null_value="\N")
		count += 1


	log.info("  {0} consequences".format(count))

	log.info("Exporting genes ...")

	gf = open_dataset(project_id, project_path, datasets_path, "gene", "w", log)
	tsv.write_param(gf, "SAMPLE_TOTAL", total_samples)
	tsv.write_line(gf, "GENE_ID", "FM_PVALUE", "FM_QVALUE", "FM_EXC_CAUSE",

	for gene in projdb.genes(join_rec=True):
		rec = gene.rec

		if rec.sample_freq is None or rec.sample_freq == 0:

		intogen_driver = 1 if sigdb.exists_gene(gene.id) else 0

		tsv.write_line(gf, gene.id, gene.fm_pvalue, gene.fm_qvalue, gene.fm_exc_cause,
					   gene.clust_zscore, gene.clust_pvalue, gene.clust_qvalue, gene.clust_exc_cause, gene.clust_coords,
					   rec.sample_freq or 0, rec.sample_prop or 0,
					   intogen_driver, null_value="\N")


	log.info("Exporting pathways ...")

	pf = open_dataset(project_id, project_path, datasets_path, "pathway", "w", log)
	tsv.write_param(pf, "SAMPLE_TOTAL", total_samples)
	tsv.write_line(pf, "PATHWAY_ID", "GENE_COUNT", "FM_ZSCORE", "FM_PVALUE", "FM_QVALUE",

	for pathway in projdb.pathways(join_rec=True):
		rec = pathway.rec

		if rec.sample_freq is None or rec.sample_freq == 0:

		tsv.write_line(pf, pathway.id, pathway.gene_count, pathway.fm_zscore, pathway.fm_pvalue, pathway.fm_qvalue,
						rec.sample_freq or 0, rec.sample_prop or 0, rec.gene_freq or 0, pathway.gene_count, rec.gene_prop or 0, null_value="\N")


	if not config.skip_oncodrivefm:

		log.info("Exporting genes per sample functional impact ...")

		with open_dataset(project_id, project_path, datasets_path, "gene_sample-fimpact", "w", log) as f:
			tsv.write_line(f, "GENE_ID", "SAMPLE",

			for fields in projdb.sample_gene_fimpacts():
				(gene, sample,
					sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class,
					pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class,
					ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class) = fields
				tsv.write_line(f, gene, sample,
						   sift_score, sift_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(sift_tfic_class),
						   pph2_score, pph2_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(pph2_tfic_class),
						   ma_score, ma_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(ma_tfic_class), null_value="\N")



	log.info("Saving project configuration ...")

	projres = ProjectResults(project)

	with open_dataset(project_id, project_path, datasets_path, "project.tsv", "w", log) as f:
		values = [project["assembly"], total_samples]
		names, values = projres.get_annotations_to_save(config.project.annotations, project["annotations"], names=names, values=values)
		tsv.write_line(f, *names)
		tsv.write_line(f, *values, null_value="\N")

	projects_port = task.ports("projects_out")
Пример #8
def fimpact_run(partition):
	log = task.logger

	config = GlobalConfig(task.conf)
	paths = PathsConfig(config)

	results_port = task.ports("results")

	project = partition["project"]

	log.info("--- [{0} @ {1}] --------------------------------------------".format(project["id"], partition["index"]))

	log.info("Reading MA scores ...")

	ma_uniprot = {}
	ma_scores = {}

	with open(partition["ma_path"], "r") as f:
		for var_id, uniprot, fi_score in tsv.lines(f, (int, str, float), null_value="-"):
			ma_uniprot[var_id] = uniprot
			ma_scores[var_id] = fi_score

	log.info("Reading VEP results and calculating functional impact ...")

	tfic = TransFIC(data_path=paths.data_transfic_path())

	tfi_path = os.path.join(partition["base_path"], "{0:08d}.tfi".format(partition["index"]))
	cf = open(tfi_path, "w")

	with open(partition["vep_path"], "r") as f:
		for fields in tsv.lines(f, (int, str, str, str, str, str, str, float, float), null_value="-"):
			(var_id, gene, transcript, ct,
				protein_pos, aa_change, protein,
				sift_score, pph2_score) = fields

			ct = (ct or "").split(",")

			# Invert sift score
			if sift_score is not None:
				sift_score = 1.0 - sift_score

			ma_score = None

			uniprot = ma_uniprot.get(var_id)

			sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = None # TransFIC.UNKNOWN_IMPACT_CLASS

			coding_region = 1 if so.match(ct, so.CODING_REGION) else 0

			sift_tfic, sift_class, pph2_tfic, pph2_class, ma_tfic, ma_class = (None, None, None, None, None, None)

			ct_type = None
			if so.match(ct, so.NON_SYNONYMOUS):       # missense
				ct_type = TransFIC.CT_NON_SYNONYMOUS
				ma_score = ma_scores.get(var_id)

				(sift_tfic, sift_class,
				 pph2_tfic, pph2_class,
				 ma_tfic, ma_class) = tfic.calculate("gosmf", gene, ct_type, sift_score, pph2_score, ma_score)

				sift_impact = sift_class if sift_class in IMPACT_CLASSES else sift_impact
				pph2_impact = pph2_class if pph2_class in IMPACT_CLASSES else pph2_impact
				ma_impact = ma_class if ma_class in IMPACT_CLASSES else ma_impact
			elif so.match(ct, so.STOP):               # stop
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.HIGH_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 1.0
				ma_score = 3.5
			elif so.match(ct, so.FRAMESHIFT):         # frameshift
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.HIGH_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 1.0
				ma_score = 3.5
			elif so.match(ct, so.SPLICE_JUNCTION):    # splice junction
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.HIGH_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 1.0
				ma_score = 3.5
			elif so.match(ct, so.SPLICE_REGION):      # splice region
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.UNKNOWN_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 1.0
				ma_score = 3.5
			elif so.match(ct, so.SYNONYMOUS):         # synonymous
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.NONE_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 0.0
				ma_score = -2
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.NONE_IMPACT_CLASS

			aff_gene = (var_id, gene)

			# try to follow the convention http://www.hgvs.org/mutnomen/recs-prot.html
			prot_change = None
			if ct_type == TransFIC.CT_FRAMESHIFT:
				if protein_pos is None:
					prot_change = "fs"
					prot_change = "fs {0}".format(protein_pos)
				#log.debug("FRAMESHIFT: gene={}, protein={}, pos={}, change={}".format(gene, protein, protein_pos, aa_change))
			elif ct_type == "splice":
				prot_change = "r.spl?"
				#log.debug("SPLICE: gene={}, protein={}, pos={}, change={}".format(gene, protein, protein_pos, aa_change))
			elif protein_pos is not None and aa_change is not None:
				rc = ReContext()
				if rc.match(SIMPLE_AA_CHANGE_RE, aa_change):
					prot_change = "{ref}{pos}{alt}".format(pos=protein_pos, ref=rc.group(1), alt=rc.group(2) or "=")
				elif rc.match(COMPLEX_AA_CHANGE_RE, aa_change):
					prot_change = "{0} {1}".format(aa_change, protein_pos)
					log.warn("Unmatched aa change: gene={}, protein={}, pos={}, change={}, ct=[{}]".format(
													gene, protein, protein_pos, aa_change, ", ".join(ct)))

			tr_impact = ma_impact or pph2_impact or sift_impact or TransFIC.UNKNOWN_IMPACT_CLASS

			tsv.write_line(cf, var_id, transcript, gene, uniprot, prot_change, coding_region, tr_impact,
						   sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_class, sift_impact,
						   pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_class, pph2_impact,
						   ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_class, ma_impact,


	# Send results to the next module
	partition["tfi_path"] = tfi_path
Пример #9
def fimpact_run(partition):
	log = task.logger
	conf = task.conf

	results_port = task.ports("results")

	project = partition["project"]

	log.info("--- [{0} @ {1}] --------------------------------------------".format(project["id"], partition["index"]))

	log.info("Reading MA scores ...")

	ma_uniprot = {}
	ma_scores = {}

	with open(partition["ma_path"], "r") as f:
		for var_id, uniprot, fi_score in tsv.lines(f, (int, str, float), null_value="-"):
			ma_uniprot[var_id] = uniprot
			ma_scores[var_id] = fi_score

	log.info("Reading VEP results and calculating functional impact ...")

	tfic = TransFIC(data_path=os.path.join(conf["data_path"], "TransFIC"))

	tfi_path = os.path.join(partition["base_path"], "{0:08d}.tfi".format(partition["index"]))
	cf = open(tfi_path, "w")

	aff_gene_attrs = {}

	with open(partition["vep_path"], "r") as f:
		for fields in tsv.lines(f, (int, str, str, str, str, str, str, float, float), null_value="-"):
			(var_id, gene, transcript, ct,
				protein_pos, aa_change, protein,
				sift_score, pph2_score) = fields

			if ct is not None:
				ct = ct.split(",")
				ct = []

			# Invert sift score
			if sift_score is not None:
				sift_score = 1.0 - sift_score

			ma_score = None

			uniprot = ma_uniprot[var_id] if var_id in ma_uniprot else None

			sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = None # TransFIC.UNKNOWN_IMPACT_CLASS

			coding_region = so.match(ct, so.CODING_REGION)

			calculate_transfic = True

			ct_type = None
			if so.match(ct, so.NON_SYNONYMOUS):       # missense
				ct_type = TransFIC.CT_NON_SYNONYMOUS
				ma_score = ma_scores[var_id] if var_id in ma_scores else None
			elif so.match(ct, so.STOP):               # stop
				ct_type = TransFIC.CT_STOP
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.HIGH_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 1.0
				ma_score = 3.5
			elif so.match(ct, so.FRAMESHIFT):         # frameshift
				ct_type = TransFIC.CT_FRAMESHIFT
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.HIGH_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 1.0
				ma_score = 3.5
			elif so.match(ct, so.SPLICE):             # splice
				ct_type = "splice"
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.HIGH_IMPACT_CLASS if so.match(ct, so.SPLICE_JUNCTION) else TransFIC.UNKNOWN_IMPACT_CLASS
				calculate_transfic = False
			elif so.match(ct, so.SYNONYMOUS):         # synonymous
				ct_type = TransFIC.CT_SYNONYMOUS
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.NONE_IMPACT_CLASS
				sift_score = pph2_score = 0.0
				ma_score = -2
				sift_impact = pph2_impact = ma_impact = TransFIC.NONE_IMPACT_CLASS
				calculate_transfic = False

			if calculate_transfic:
				(sift_tfic, sift_class,
				 pph2_tfic, pph2_class,
				 ma_tfic, ma_class) = tfic.calculate("gosmf", gene, ct_type, sift_score, pph2_score, ma_score)

				# if the impact was not preassigned get it from the transFIC calculated class
				sift_impact = sift_class if sift_impact is None and sift_class in IMPACT_CLASSES else sift_impact
				pph2_impact = pph2_class if pph2_impact is None and pph2_class in IMPACT_CLASSES else pph2_impact
				ma_impact = ma_class if ma_impact is None and ma_class in IMPACT_CLASSES else ma_impact
				sift_tfic, sift_class, pph2_tfic, pph2_class, ma_tfic, ma_class = (None, None, None, None, None, None)

			aff_gene = (var_id, gene)

			# update aggregated impact for all the predictors
			update_attr(aff_gene_attrs, aff_gene, "sift_impact", sift_impact, update=TransFIC.higher_impact)
			update_attr(aff_gene_attrs, aff_gene, "pph2_impact", pph2_impact, update=TransFIC.higher_impact)
			update_attr(aff_gene_attrs, aff_gene, "ma_impact", ma_impact, update=TransFIC.higher_impact)

			# update whether the affected gene is a coding region or not
			update_attr(aff_gene_attrs, aff_gene, "coding_region", coding_region,
						update=lambda prev_value, value: prev_value or value)

			# aggregate protein changes per affected_gene
			# try to follow the convention http://www.hgvs.org/mutnomen/recs-prot.html
			prot_change = None
			if ct_type == TransFIC.CT_FRAMESHIFT:
				if protein_pos is None:
					prot_change = "fs"
					prot_change = "fs {0}".format(protein_pos)
				#log.debug("FRAMESHIFT: gene={}, protein={}, pos={}, change={}".format(gene, protein, protein_pos, aa_change))
			elif ct_type == "splice":
				prot_change = "r.spl?"
				#log.debug("SPLICE: gene={}, protein={}, pos={}, change={}".format(gene, protein, protein_pos, aa_change))
			elif protein_pos is not None and aa_change is not None:
				rc = ReContext()
				if rc.match(SIMPLE_AA_CHANGE_RE, aa_change):
					prot_change = "{ref}{pos}{alt}".format(pos=protein_pos, ref=rc.group(1), alt=rc.group(2) or "=")
				elif rc.match(COMPLEX_AA_CHANGE_RE, aa_change):
					prot_change = "{0} {1}".format(aa_change, protein_pos)
					log.warn("Unmatched aa change: gene={}, protein={}, pos={}, change={}, ct=[{}]".format(
													gene, protein, protein_pos, aa_change, ", ".join(ct)))

			if prot_change is not None:
				update_attr(aff_gene_attrs, aff_gene, "prot_changes", prot_change,
								 new=lambda value: set([value]),
								 update=lambda prev_value, value: prev_value | set([value]))

			impact = ma_impact or pph2_impact or sift_impact or TransFIC.UNKNOWN_IMPACT_CLASS

			tsv.write_line(cf, var_id, transcript, uniprot,
						   sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_class,
						   pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_class,
						   ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_class,
						   impact, null_value="-")


	log.info("Saving variant impacts ...")

	gfi_path = os.path.join(partition["base_path"], "{0:08d}.gfi".format(partition["index"]))
	vf = open(gfi_path, "w")
	for aff_gene, attrs in aff_gene_attrs.items():
		var_id, gene = aff_gene
		# get the impact by trust priority: ma, pph2, sift
		impact = attrs.get("ma_impact") or attrs.get("pph2_impact") or attrs.get("sift_impact") or TransFIC.UNKNOWN_IMPACT_CLASS
		coding_region = attrs.get("coding_region", False)
		coding_region = 1 if coding_region else 0
		prot_changes = attrs.get("prot_changes")
		prot_changes = ",".join(prot_changes) if prot_changes is not None else None

		tsv.write_line(vf, var_id, gene, impact, coding_region, prot_changes, null_value="-")

	# Send results to the next module
	partition["tfi_path"] = tfi_path
	partition["gfi_path"] = gfi_path