Пример #1
 def test_vphaser_one_sample(self):
     # Files here were created as follows:
     # - in.bam was copied from input directory for TestVPhaser2; see notes
     #   there on how it was created.
     # - ref.fasta was created by making two identical chromosomes, chr1
     #   and chr2, with the sequence from West Nile virus isolate
     #   WNV-1/US/BID-V7821/2011. That genome is a guess for the reference
     #   of the V-Phaser 2 test file because BLAST matches the reads to
     #   West Nile virus and that isolate has the size reported in the bam file.
     #   Note that ref.fasta is not exactly the consensus of the reads in in.bam;
     #   for example, pos 660 is C in ref.fasta, but more reads have T there
     #   than C in in.bam. So we are actually testing the case that
     #   V-Phaser 2 consensus != our consensus.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)
Пример #2
 def test_vphaser_one_sample_2libs(self):
     # in.2libs.bam was created by "manually" editing in.bam and moving about
     # 1/3 of the reads to ReadGroup2.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.2libs.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=6, maxBias=3)
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_2libs_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)
Пример #3
 def test_vphaser_one_sample_2libs(self):
     # in.2libs.bam was created by "manually" editing in.bam and moving about
     # 1/3 of the reads to ReadGroup2.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.2libs.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=6, maxBias=3)
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_2libs_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)
Пример #4
 def test_vphaser_one_sample_one_mate_unpaired(self):
     # Files here were created as follows:
     # ref.indels.fasta is Seed-stock-137_S2_L001_001.fasta
     # in.oneunmapped.bam was created from in.indels.bam, with flag 0->89, 16->73:
     # When removing doubly mapped reads, doing so can result in all reads
     # being removed in the case of low-quality runs with few reads
     # This tests that when v-phaser2 input is empty, a blank
     # file is created as output.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.oneunmapped.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.indels.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=0, removeDoublyMappedReads=True)
     assert os.path.getsize(outTab) == 0
Пример #5
 def test_vphaser_one_sample_3libs_and_chi2(self):
     # In addition to testing that we can handle 3 libraries, this is testing
     #    the chi2_contingency approximation to fisher_exact. The 4th, 5th,
     #    and 6th rows have large enough minor allele count that their
     #    p-values are calculated using the chi2 approximation. The other
     #    rows are testing the 2 x 3 case of fisher_exact.
     # in.3libs.bam was created by "manually" editing in.2libs.bam and moving
     # about 1/2 of the reads in ReadGroup2 to ReadGroup3.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.3libs.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=6, maxBias=3)
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_3libs_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)
Пример #6
 def test_vphaser_one_sample_3libs_and_chi2(self):
     # In addition to testing that we can handle 3 libraries, this is testing
     #    the chi2_contingency approximation to fisher_exact. The 4th, 5th,
     #    and 6th rows have large enough minor allele count that their
     #    p-values are calculated using the chi2 approximation. The other
     #    rows are testing the 2 x 3 case of fisher_exact.
     # in.3libs.bam was created by "manually" editing in.2libs.bam and moving
     # about 1/2 of the reads in ReadGroup2 to ReadGroup3.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.3libs.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=6, maxBias=3)
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_3libs_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)
Пример #7
 def test_vphaser_one_sample_indels(self):
     # Files here were created as follows:
     # ref.indels.fasta is Seed-stock-137_S2_L001_001.fasta
     # in.indels.bam was created from Seed-stock-137_S2_L001_001.mapped.bam
     #     as follows:
     # Created two .sam files using samtools view, restricting to ranges
     # 6811-7011 and 13081-13281, respectively. Paired reads were removed
     # from those files by throwing out the second occurence of any read name
     # and anding the flag fields with 16. Then, a random 90% of reads were
     # removed, except that any reads containing the indel variants at
     # 6911 and 13181 were kept. Then the resulting 2 files were combined.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.indels.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.indels.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=0)
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_indels_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)
Пример #8
 def test_vphaser_one_sample_indels(self):
     # Files here were created as follows:
     # ref.indels.fasta is Seed-stock-137_S2_L001_001.fasta
     # in.indels.bam was created from Seed-stock-137_S2_L001_001.mapped.bam
     #     as follows:
     # Created two .sam files using samtools view, restricting to ranges
     # 6811-7011 and 13081-13281, respectively. Paired reads were removed
     # from those files by throwing out the second occurence of any read name
     # and anding the flag fields with 16. Then, a random 90% of reads were
     # removed, except that any reads containing the indel variants at
     # 6911 and 13181 were kept. Then the resulting 2 files were combined.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.indels.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.indels.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=0)
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_indels_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)
Пример #9
 def test_vphaser_one_sample(self):
     # Files here were created as follows:
     # - in.bam was copied from input directory for TestVPhaser2; see notes
     #   there on how it was created.
     # - ref.fasta was created by making two identical chromosomes, chr1
     #   and chr2, with the sequence from West Nile virus isolate
     #   WNV-1/US/BID-V7821/2011. That genome is a guess for the reference
     #   of the V-Phaser 2 test file because BLAST matches the reads to
     #   West Nile virus and that isolate has the size reported in the bam file.
     #   Note that ref.fasta is not exactly the consensus of the reads in in.bam;
     #   for example, pos 660 is C in ref.fasta, but more reads have T there
     #   than C in in.bam. So we are actually testing the case that
     #   V-Phaser 2 consensus != our consensus.
     myInputDir = util.file.get_test_input_path(self)
     inBam = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'in.bam')
     refFasta = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'ref.fasta')
     outTab = util.file.mkstempfname('.txt')
     intrahost.vphaser_one_sample(inBam, refFasta, outTab, vphaserNumThreads=4, minReadsEach=6, maxBias=3)
     expected = os.path.join(myInputDir, 'vphaser_one_sample_expected.txt')
     self.assertEqualContents(outTab, expected)