def post(self): rows = self.session.query('cid', 'cname', 'uid', 'uemail', 'date', 'time').from_statement(""" SELECT as cid, as cname, as uid, as uemail, date_trunc('month', as date, SUM(t.time) as time FROM time_entry t, project p, client c, "user" u WHERE t.project_id = AND p.client_id = AND t.user_id = AND t.deleted = false GROUP BY,,,, date_trunc('month', ORDER BY date_trunc('month', """).all() monthly = h.groupby(rows, lambda row: (row[2], row[-2]), lambda row: row[5]) rows = [( row[1], row[3], row[5], row[4].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), sum(monthly[row[2], row[-2]]), ) for row in rows] stream = self._to_excel(rows) response = Response( content_type='application/', app_iter=stream, ) response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename="report-%s.xls"' % ).strftime('%d-%m-%Y--%H-%M-%S') return response
def _get_data(self): entries = DBSession.query('user_id', 'email', 'month', 'time').from_statement(""" SELECT as "email", as "user_id", date_trunc('month', as "month", COALESCE(SUM(t.time), 0) as "time" FROM time_entry t, "user" u WHERE t.user_id = AND t.deleted = FALSE AND NOT ( u.groups @> '{"freelancer"}' ) AND u.is_active = true AND (u.start_full_time_work IS NOT NULL AND >= u.start_full_time_work AND >= :date_start) AND <= :date_end GROUP BY,, date_trunc('month', ORDER BY "month", "email" """).params(date_start=self.start, date_end=self.end) # entries: # (user_id, user_email) -> [(month, hours_worked), (month, hours_worked), (month, hours), ...] entries = h.groupby( entries, lambda row: (row[0], row[1]), lambda row: (row[2], row[3]), ) first_day_of_work = self._get_first_day_of_work() undertime_users = {} expected_users = {} users = [] for (user_id, user), hours in entries.iteritems(): months = [time for month, time in hours] empty_months = len(self.months) - len(months) months = [0] * empty_months + months quarters = sum(months[0:3]), sum(months[3:]) expected_q, expected_m = self._get_expected( first_day_of_work[user]) if expected_q[0] > quarters[0] or expected_q[1] > quarters[1]: if user not in (config['MANAGER_EMAIL'], ): users.append((user_id, user)) undertime_users[user] = quarters, months expected_users[user] = expected_q, expected_m users = sorted(users, key=lambda u: u[1]) return dict( users=users, data=undertime_users, expected=expected_users, )
def post(self): args = self.request.json year = int(args.pop('year')) if 1999 > year > 2099: return dict(status='nok', reason='Zły rok %s' % year) leaves = Leave.query.filter(Leave.year==year).all() leaves = groupby(leaves, lambda l: l.user_id) for user_id, (mandated, remarks) in args.iteritems(): user_id = int(user_id) try: mandated = int(mandated) except Exception: user = User.query.get(user_id) return dict( status='nok', reason=self._(u'Wrong hours format: ${hours} for user ${name}', hours=mandated, ) if 0 > mandated or mandated > 99: user = User.query.get(user_id) return dict( status='nok', reason=self._(u'Wrong hours number: ${hours} for user ${name}', hours=mandated, ) leave_obj = leaves.get(user_id) if not leave_obj: leave_obj = Leave(user_id=user_id, year=year) else: leave_obj = leave_obj[0] leave_obj.number = mandated leave_obj.remarks = remarks self.session.add(leave_obj) return dict(status='ok')
def _get_data(self): entries = self.session.query('user_id', 'email', 'month', 'time').from_statement(""" SELECT as "email", as "user_id", date_trunc('month', as "month", COALESCE(SUM(t.time), 0) as "time" FROM time_entry t, "user" u WHERE t.user_id = AND t.deleted = FALSE AND NOT ( 'freelancer' = ANY(u.groups) ) AND u.is_active = true AND ( (u.start_full_time_work IS NOT NULL AND >= u.start_full_time_work AND >= :date_start) OR (u.start_full_time_work IS NULL AND >= :date_start) ) AND <= :date_end GROUP BY,, date_trunc('month', ORDER BY "month", "email" """).params(date_start=self.start, date_end=self.end) # entries: # (user_id, user_email) -> [(month, hours_worked), (month, hours_worked), (month, hours), ...] entries = h.groupby( entries, lambda row: (row[0], row[1]), lambda row: (row[2], row[3]), ) first_day_of_work = self._get_first_day_of_work() undertime_users = {} expected_users = {} users = [] for (user_id, user), hours in entries.iteritems(): months = [ time for month, time in hours ] empty_months = len(self.months) - len(months) months = [0] * empty_months + months quarters = sum(months[0:3]), sum(months[3:]) expected_q, expected_m = self._get_expected(first_day_of_work[user]) if expected_q[0] > quarters[0] or expected_q[1] > quarters[1]: if user not in (config['MANAGER_EMAIL'],): users.append((user_id, user)) undertime_users[user] = quarters, months expected_users[user] = expected_q, expected_m users = sorted(users, key=lambda u: u[1]) return dict( users=users, data=undertime_users, expected=expected_users, )
def post(self): rows = self.session.query('cid', 'cname', 'uid', 'uname', 'date', 'time').from_statement(""" SELECT as cid, as cname, as uid, as uname, date_trunc('month', as date, SUM(t.time) as time FROM time_entry t, project p, client c, "user" u WHERE t.project_id = AND p.client_id = AND t.user_id = AND t.deleted = false GROUP BY,,,, date_trunc('month', ORDER BY date_trunc('month', """).all() monthly = h.groupby(rows, lambda row: (row[2], row[-2]), lambda row: row[5]) rows = [( row[1], row[3], row[5], row[4].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), sum(monthly[row[2], row[-2]]), ) for row in rows] stream = self._to_excel(rows) response = Response( content_type='application/', app_iter=stream, ) response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename="report-%s.xls"' %'%d-%m-%Y--%H-%M-%S') return response
def get_all(self, resolved, all_projects=True): bugs = Bugs(self.request).get_all(resolved) people = m.User.query.order_by(m.User.is_freelancer(),\ .filter(m.User.is_not_client())\ .filter(m.User.is_active==True) people = people.all() entries = DBSession.query(m.Client, m.Project)\ .filter( == m.Project.client_id)\ .filter(m.Project.tracker_id ==\ .order_by(, grouped = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) client_sums = defaultdict(lambda: 0) project_sums = defaultdict(lambda: 0) people_sums = defaultdict(lambda: 0) total = 0 for bug in bugs: project = if bug.project else None client = bug.project.client_id if bug.project else None user = bug.reporter if resolved else bug.owner if not user or not client: continue client_sums[client] += 1 project_sums[project] += 1 people_sums[] += 1 grouped[project][] += 1 total += 1 def client_filter(client, project): """ Filter out projects that don't belongs to client and filter out projects without bugs unless all_project is set to True/1 """ if self.request.is_user_in_group('client'): if == return project if project_sums[] or all_projects else None else: return project if project_sums[] or all_projects else None clients = h.groupby(entries, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: client_filter(x[0], x[1])) all_people = not self.request.is_user_in_group('client') ## for client show only employees with bugs people = [ person for person in people if people_sums[] or all_people ] return bugs, grouped, people, people_sums, client_sums, project_sums, total, clients
def post(self): tickets_id = self.request.POST.get('tickets_id').split(',') trackers_id = self.request.POST.get('trackers_id').split(',') if not tickets_id: return dict() tickets_id = [ int(ticket_id) for ticket_id in tickets_id if ticket_id.isdigit()] trackers_id = [ int(tracker_id) for tracker_id in trackers_id if tracker_id.isdigit()] data = zip(trackers_id, tickets_id) data = groupby(data, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1]) titles = self._fetch_bugs_titles(data) return titles
def _fetch_bugs_titles(self, tracker_ticket): query = self.session.query config_obj = ApplicationConfig.get_current_config() user = query(User).filter( == config_obj.hours_ticket_user_id).first() tracker_creds = query(, Tracker, TrackerCredentials)\ .filter(\ .filter(\ .filter( tracker_creds = groupby(tracker_creds, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1:]) fetchers = {} for tracker_id, ticket_ids in tracker_ticket.iteritems(): ticket_ids = [ticket_id for ticket_id in ticket_ids if ticket_id] if not tracker_id in tracker_creds: continue tracker, creds = tracker_creds[tracker_id][0] mapping = {creds.login.lower(): user} for i, portion in enumerate( partition(ticket_ids, MAX_TICKETS_PER_REQUEST)): fetcher = get_fetcher(tracker, creds, mapping) fetcher.fetch_bug_titles_and_depends_on(portion) fetchers[(, i)] = fetcher ticket_titles = {} start = time() while len(fetchers): for key, fetcher in fetchers.iteritems(): if fetcher.isReady(): if fetcher.error: ERROR(u"Fetcher for tracker %s failed with %r" % (key[0], fetcher.error)) del fetchers[key] break # continue ignoring exception - titles and depends_on will be empty #raise fetcher.error for bug_id, bug in fetcher.bugs.iteritems(): if type(bug['title']) == str: ticket_titles['%s_%s' % (, bug_id )] = bug['title'].decode('utf-8') else: ticket_titles['%s_%s' % (, bug_id)] = bug['title'] del fetchers[key] break else: # no fetcher is ready yet if time() - start > MAX_TIMEOUT: ERROR(u'%s requests timed-out' % len(fetchers)) break # continue without exception - titles and depends_on will be empty # raise FetchException(u'%s requests timed-out for tracker %s' % (len(fetchers), else: sleep(0.1) return ticket_titles
def get_all(self, resolved, all_projects=True): bugs = Bugs(self.request).get_all(resolved) people = m.User.query.order_by(m.User.is_freelancer(),\ .filter(m.User.is_not_client())\ .filter(m.User.is_active==True) people = people.all() entries = DBSession.query(m.Client, m.Project)\ .filter( == m.Project.client_id)\ .filter(m.Project.tracker_id ==\ .order_by(, grouped = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) client_sums = defaultdict(lambda: 0) project_sums = defaultdict(lambda: 0) people_sums = defaultdict(lambda: 0) total = 0 for bug in bugs: project = if bug.project else None client = bug.project.client_id if bug.project else None user = bug.reporter if resolved else bug.owner if not user or not client: continue client_sums[client] += 1 project_sums[project] += 1 people_sums[] += 1 grouped[project][] += 1 total += 1 def client_filter(client, project): """ Filter out projects that don't belongs to client and filter out projects without bugs unless all_project is set to True/1 """ if self.request.is_user_in_group('client'): if == return project if project_sums[] or all_projects else None else: return project if project_sums[] or all_projects else None clients = h.groupby(entries, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: client_filter(x[0], x[1])) all_people = not self.request.is_user_in_group('client') ## for client show only employees with bugs people = [ person for person in people if people_sums[] or all_people ] return bugs, grouped, people, people_sums, client_sums, project_sums, total, clients
def _fetch_bugs_titles(self, tracker_ticket): query = self.session.query config_obj = ApplicationConfig.get_current_config() user = query(User).filter( == config_obj.hours_ticket_user_id).first() tracker_creds = ( query(, Tracker, TrackerCredentials) .filter(TrackerCredentials.tracker_id == .filter(TrackerCredentials.user_id == .filter( == config_obj.hours_ticket_user_id) ) tracker_creds = groupby(tracker_creds, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1:]) fetchers = {} for tracker_id, ticket_ids in tracker_ticket.iteritems(): ticket_ids = [ticket_id for ticket_id in ticket_ids if ticket_id] if not tracker_id in tracker_creds: continue tracker, creds = tracker_creds[tracker_id][0] mapping = {creds.login.lower(): user} for i, portion in enumerate(partition(ticket_ids, MAX_TICKETS_PER_REQUEST)): fetcher = get_fetcher(tracker, creds, mapping) fetcher.fetch_bug_titles_and_depends_on(portion) fetchers[(, i)] = fetcher ticket_titles = {} start = time() while len(fetchers): for key, fetcher in fetchers.iteritems(): if fetcher.isReady(): if fetcher.error: ERROR(u"Fetcher for tracker %s failed with %r" % (key[0], fetcher.error)) del fetchers[key] break # continue ignoring exception - titles and depends_on will be empty # raise fetcher.error for bug_id, bug in fetcher.bugs.iteritems(): if type(bug["title"]) == str: ticket_titles["%s_%s" % (, bug_id)] = bug["title"].decode("utf-8") else: ticket_titles["%s_%s" % (, bug_id)] = bug["title"] del fetchers[key] break else: # no fetcher is ready yet if time() - start > MAX_TIMEOUT: ERROR(u"%s requests timed-out" % len(fetchers)) break # continue without exception - titles and depends_on will be empty # raise FetchException(u'%s requests timed-out for tracker %s' % (len(fetchers), else: sleep(0.1) return ticket_titles
def post(self): tickets_id = self.request.POST.get('tickets_id').split(',') trackers_id = self.request.POST.get('trackers_id').split(',') if not tickets_id: return dict() tickets_id = [ int(ticket_id) for ticket_id in tickets_id if ticket_id.isdigit() ] trackers_id = [ int(tracker_id) for tracker_id in trackers_id if tracker_id.isdigit() ] data = zip(trackers_id, tickets_id) data = groupby(data, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1]) titles = self._fetch_bugs_titles(data) return titles
def get(self): active_projects_only = self.request.GET.get('active_projects_only', '1') clients = DBSession.query(Client, Project)\ .outerjoin(Project, if active_projects_only == '1': clients = clients.filter( clients = groupby(clients, keyfunc=lambda x: x[0], part=lambda x: x[1]).items() clients = sorted(clients, key=lambda x: x[0].name) return dict( clients=clients, active_projects_only=active_projects_only, counter=Counter() )
def get(self): active_projects_only = self.request.GET.get('active_projects_only', '1') clients = self.session.query(Client, Project)\ .filter( if active_projects_only == '1': clients = clients.filter( == True) clients = groupby(clients, keyfunc=lambda x: x[0], part=lambda x: x[1]).items() clients = sorted(clients, key=lambda x: x[0].name) return dict(clients=clients, active_projects_only=active_projects_only, counter=Counter())
def get_lates(self, start, end): lates = self.session.query(Late.user_id,, Late.explanation) lates = lates.filter(>=start) \ .filter(<=end) lates = h.groupby( lates, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1:], ) lates_groupped = {} for user_id, lates in lates.iteritems(): if not user_id in lates_groupped: lates_groupped[user_id] = {} for date, explanation in lates: date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') lates_groupped[user_id][date] = explanation return lates_groupped
def get_lates(self, start, end): lates = DBSession.query(Late.user_id,, Late.explanation) lates = lates.filter(>=start) \ .filter(<=end) lates = h.groupby( lates, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1:], ) lates_groupped = {} for user_id, lates in lates.iteritems(): if not user_id in lates_groupped: lates_groupped[user_id] = {} for date, explanation in lates: date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') lates_groupped[user_id][date] = explanation return lates_groupped
def post(self): args = self.request.json year = int(args.pop('year')) if 1999 > year > 2099: return dict(status='nok', reason='Zły rok %s' % year) leaves = Leave.query.filter(Leave.year == year).all() leaves = groupby(leaves, lambda l: l.user_id) for user_id, (mandated, remarks) in args.iteritems(): user_id = int(user_id) try: mandated = int(mandated) except Exception: user = User.query.get(user_id) return dict( status='nok', reason=self._( u'Wrong hours format: ${hours} for user ${name}', hours=mandated, if 0 > mandated or mandated > 99: user = User.query.get(user_id) return dict( status='nok', reason=self._( u'Wrong hours number: ${hours} for user ${name}', hours=mandated, leave_obj = leaves.get(user_id) if not leave_obj: leave_obj = Leave(user_id=user_id, year=year) else: leave_obj = leave_obj[0] leave_obj.number = mandated leave_obj.remarks = remarks self.session.add(leave_obj) return dict(status='ok')
def get_absences(self, start, end, users): holidays = Holiday.query \ .filter( >= start) \ .filter( <= end) \ .all() holidays = [ for i in holidays] absences = DBSession.query( Absence.user_id, Absence.date_start, Absence.date_end, Absence.type, Absence.remarks, ) absences = absences.filter(Absence.date_start>=start)\ .filter(Absence.date_start<=end) absences = h.groupby( absences, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1:], ) months = {i: 0 for i in range(1,13)} absences_groupped = {int(u['id']): {} for u in users} td = datetime.timedelta for user_id, absences in absences.iteritems(): # We don't want users that aren't being shown if not user_id in absences_groupped: continue for start, end, type_, remarks in absences: if end < start: # what is this I don't even continue if type_ == 'l4': # no illness leaves continue month = start.month tmp_start = start while month <= end.month: # tmp_end is last day of current month tmp_end = start.year, month, monthrange(start.year, month)[1] ) if month < end.month: # is it the last month of absence? length = (tmp_end-tmp_start).days + 1 else: # or is it not? length = (end-tmp_start).days + 1 # Remove all holidays (weekends + holidays) while tmp_start <= tmp_end and tmp_start <= end: if (tmp_start.isoformat() in holidays or tmp_start.isoweekday() > 5): length -= 1 tmp_start += td(days=1) months[month] += length month += 1 # To the next month! if month <= 12: # But only if there are any months left! tmp_start = tmp_start.replace(month=month, day=1) length = (end-start).days + 1 start = start.isoformat() absences_groupped[user_id][start] = (length, type_, remarks) return absences_groupped, months
def get(self): def get_worked_hours(startDate, endDate, projects_ids): worked_hours = DBSession.query( TimeEntry.project_id, func.sum(TimeEntry.time) ) return worked_hours\ .filter(TimeEntry.project_id.in_(projects_ids))\ .filter( >= startDate)\ .filter( <= endDate)\ .group_by(TimeEntry.project_id) def get_project_worked_hours(project_id, worked_hours): worked_hours = filter(lambda x: x[0] == project_id, worked_hours) return worked_hours[0][1] if worked_hours else 0.0 tickets_end_date = tickets_start_date = tickets_end_date.replace(day=1) tickets_end_date = tickets_end_date.replace(day=1) tickets_end_date += relativedelta(months=1) tickets_end_date -= relativedelta(days=1) tickets_last_month_end_date = tickets_start_date - timedelta(days=1) tickets_last_month_start_date = tickets_last_month_end_date.replace( day=1) teams = DBSession.query(Team_m, TeamMember.user_id)\ .outerjoin(TeamMember) team_to_project = DBSession.query(, Project, Client)\ .filter(\ .filter(\ .filter(\ .order_by(Sprint.end.desc()) teams = h.groupby( teams, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1] ) team_to_project = h.groupby( team_to_project, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1:] ) projects_ids = [] for value in team_to_project.values(): for projectAndClient in value: projects_ids.append(projectAndClient[0].id) this_month_worked_hours = get_worked_hours( tickets_start_date, tickets_end_date, projects_ids) last_month_worked_hours = get_worked_hours( tickets_last_month_start_date, tickets_start_date, projects_ids) result = [] for team, members in teams.iteritems(): team = team.to_dict() team['users'] = members projects = team_to_project.get(team['id'], []) team['projects'] = [ dict(,, client=dict(,, ), this_month_worked_hours= get_project_worked_hours(, this_month_worked_hours), last_month_worked_hours= get_project_worked_hours(, last_month_worked_hours) ) for project, client in projects ] result.append(team) return dict( teams=result )
def get_absences(self, start, end, users): holidays = Holiday.query \ .filter( >= start) \ .filter( <= end) \ .all() holidays = [ for i in holidays] absences = self.session.query( Absence.user_id, Absence.date_start, Absence.date_end, Absence.type, Absence.remarks, ) absences = absences.filter(Absence.date_start>=start)\ .filter(Absence.date_start<=end) absences = h.groupby( absences, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1:], ) months = {i: 0 for i in range(1, 13)} absences_groupped = {int(u['id']): {} for u in users} td = datetime.timedelta for user_id, absences in absences.iteritems(): # We don't want users that aren't being shown if not user_id in absences_groupped: continue for start, end, type_, remarks in absences: if end < start: # what is this I don't even continue if type_ == 'l4': # no illness leaves continue month = start.month tmp_start = start while month <= end.month: # tmp_end is last day of current month tmp_end =, month, monthrange(start.year, month)[1]) if month < end.month: # is it the last month of absence? length = (tmp_end - tmp_start).days + 1 else: # or is it not? length = (end - tmp_start).days + 1 # Remove all holidays (weekends + holidays) while tmp_start <= tmp_end and tmp_start <= end: if (tmp_start.isoformat() in holidays or tmp_start.isoweekday() > 5): length -= 1 tmp_start += td(days=1) months[month] += length month += 1 # To the next month! if month <= 12: # But only if there are any months left! tmp_start = tmp_start.replace(month=month, day=1) length = (end - start).days + 1 start = start.isoformat() absences_groupped[user_id][start] = (length, type_, remarks) return absences_groupped, months