def format_element(bfo, newline=False, show_doi=False):
    """Print link to proceedings if the proceedings exist.

    @param newline: if True, add <br /> at the end
    @param show_doi: if True, show DOI of the proceeding in brackets
    cnum = str(bfo.field('111__g'))
    out = ""
    if not cnum:
        # something is wrong, return empty string
        return out
    search_result = perform_request_search(p="773__w:" + cnum + " and 980__a:proceedings")
    if search_result:
        if len(search_result) > 1:
            # multiple proceedings
            proceedings = []
            for i, recID in enumerate(search_result):
                # check for the DOI and put it in brackets in the output
                doi = get_fieldvalues(recID, '0247_a')
                if show_doi and doi:
                    proceedings.append('<a href="/record/%(ID)s">#%(number)s</a> (DOI: <a href="">%(doi)s</a>)'
                                       % {'ID': recID, 'number': i+1, 'doi': doi[0]})
                    proceedings.append('<a href="/record/%(ID)s">#%(number)s</a>' % {'ID': recID, 'number': i+1})
            out = 'Proceedings: '
            out += ', '.join(proceedings)
        elif len(search_result) == 1:
            # only one proceeding
            out += '<a href="/record/' + str(search_result[0]) + '">Proceedings</a>'
        if newline:
            out += '<br/>'
    return out
Пример #2
def get_record_year(recid):
    record_date = []
    for tag in DATE_TAGS:
        record_date = get_fieldvalues(recid, tag)
        if record_date:
    return record_date
Пример #3
 def _get_phrases_for_tokenizing(self, tag, recIDs):
     Gets phrases for later tokenization
     for a range of records and specific tag.
     @param tag: MARC tag
     @param recIDs: list of specific recIDs (not range)
     if len(recIDs) == 0:
         return ()
     bibXXx = "bib" + tag[0] + tag[1] + "x"
     bibrec_bibXXx = "bibrec_" + bibXXx
     query = """SELECT bb.id_bibrec,b.value FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb
                WHERE bb.id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s
                AND AND tag LIKE %%s""" % (bibXXx,
     phrases = run_sql(query, (self.first_recID, self.last_recID, tag))
     if tag == '8564_u':
         ## FIXME: Quick hack to be sure that hidden files are
         ## actually indexed.
         phrases = set(phrases)
         for recID in recIDs:
             for bibdocfile in BibRecDocs(recID).list_latest_files():
                 phrases.add((recID, bibdocfile.get_url()))
     #authority records
     pattern = tag.replace('%', '*')
     matches = fnmatch.filter(
     if not len(matches):
         return phrases
     phrases = set(phrases)
     for tag_match in matches:
         authority_tag = tag_match[0:3] + "__0"
         for recID in recIDs:
             control_nos = get_fieldvalues(recID, authority_tag)
             for control_no in control_nos:
                 new_strings = get_index_strings_by_control_no(control_no)
                 for string_value in new_strings:
                     phrases.add((recID, string_value))
     return phrases
Пример #4
 def _get_phrases_for_tokenizing(self, tag, recIDs):
     Gets phrases for later tokenization
     for a range of records and specific tag.
     @param tag: MARC tag
     @param recIDs: list of specific recIDs (not range)
     if len(recIDs) == 0:
         return ()
     bibXXx = "bib" + tag[0] + tag[1] + "x"
     bibrec_bibXXx = "bibrec_" + bibXXx
     query = """SELECT bb.id_bibrec,b.value FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb
                WHERE bb.id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s
                AND AND tag LIKE %%s""" % (bibXXx, bibrec_bibXXx)
     phrases = run_sql(query, (self.first_recID, self.last_recID, tag))
     if tag == '8564_u':
         ## FIXME: Quick hack to be sure that hidden files are
         ## actually indexed.
         phrases = set(phrases)
         for recID in recIDs:
             for bibdocfile in BibRecDocs(recID).list_latest_files():
                 phrases.add((recID, bibdocfile.get_url()))
     #authority records
     pattern = tag.replace('%', '*')
     matches = fnmatch.filter(CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_CONTROLLED_FIELDS_BIBLIOGRAPHIC.keys(), pattern)
     if not len(matches):
         return phrases
     phrases = set(phrases)
     for tag_match in matches:
         authority_tag = tag_match[0:3] + "__0"
         for recID in recIDs:
             control_nos = get_fieldvalues(recID, authority_tag)
             for control_no in control_nos:
                 new_strings = get_index_strings_by_control_no(control_no)
                 for string_value in new_strings:
                     phrases.add((recID, string_value))
     return phrases
Пример #5
 def get_tag_values(recid, tags):
     for tag in tags:
         for value in get_fieldvalues(recid, tag):
             yield value
Пример #6
 def get_tag_values(recid, tags):
     for tag in tags:
         for value in get_fieldvalues(recid, tag):
             yield value