def index(req, c=CFG_SITE_NAME, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """Approval web Interface. GET params: """ uid = getUid(req) (auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(uid, 'submit') if auth_code > 0 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", navmenuid='yourapprovals', text=auth_message) ln = wash_language(ln) _ = gettext_set_language(ln) args = wash_urlargd(req.form, {'access': (str, '')}) if args['access'] == "": return warning_page( _(" cannot determine document reference"), req, ln) url_params = get_approval_url_parameters(args['access']) if not url_params: return warning_page(_(" cannot find document in database"), req, ln) url_params['ln'] = ln url = "%s/submit/direct?%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, urllib.urlencode(url_params)) redirect_to_url(req, url)
def direct(self, req, form): """Directly redirected to an initialized submission.""" args = wash_urlargd(form, {'sub': (str, ''), 'access' : (str, '')}) sub = args['sub'] access = args['access'] ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "direct", navmenuid='submit') myQuery = req.args if not sub: return warning_page(_("Sorry, 'sub' parameter missing..."), req, ln=ln) res = run_sql("SELECT docname,actname FROM sbmIMPLEMENT WHERE subname=%s", (sub,)) if not res: return warning_page(_("Sorry. Cannot analyse parameter"), req, ln=ln) else: # get document type doctype = res[0][0] # get action name action = res[0][1] # retrieve other parameter values params = dict(form) # find existing access number if not access: # create 'unique' access number pid = os.getpid() now = time.time() access = "%i_%s" % (now, pid) # retrieve 'dir' value res = run_sql ("SELECT dir FROM sbmACTION WHERE sactname=%s", (action,)) dir = res[0][0] mainmenu = req.headers_in.get('referer') params['access'] = access params['act'] = action params['doctype'] = doctype params['startPg'] = '1' params['mainmenu'] = mainmenu params['ln'] = ln params['indir'] = dir url = "%s/submit?%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, urlencode(params)) redirect_to_url(req, url)
def sub(self, req, form): """DEPRECATED: /submit/sub is deprecated now, so raise email to the admin (but allow submission to continue anyway)""" args = wash_urlargd(form, {'password': (str, '')}) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../sub/", navmenuid='submit') try: raise DeprecationWarning, 'submit/sub handler has been used. Please use submit/direct. e.g. "submit/sub?RN=123@SBIFOO" -> "submit/direct?RN=123&sub=SBIFOO"' except DeprecationWarning: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) #DEMOBOO_RN=DEMO-BOOK-2008-001&ln=en&password=1223993532.26572%40APPDEMOBOO params = dict(form) password = args['password'] if password: del params['password'] if "@" in password: params['access'], params['sub'] = password.split('@', 1) else: params['sub'] = password else: args = str(req.args).split('@') if len(args) > 1: params = {'sub': args[-1]} args = '@'.join(args[:-1]) params.update(cgi.parse_qs(args)) else: return warning_page(_("Sorry, invalid URL..."), req, ln=ln) url = "%s/submit/direct?%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, urlencode(params, doseq=True)) redirect_to_url(req, url)
def sub(self, req, form): """DEPRECATED: /submit/sub is deprecated now, so raise email to the admin (but allow submission to continue anyway)""" args = wash_urlargd(form, {'password': (str, '')}) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../sub/", navmenuid='submit') try: raise DeprecationWarning, 'submit/sub handler has been used. Please use submit/direct. e.g. "submit/sub?RN=123@SBIFOO" -> "submit/direct?RN=123&sub=SBIFOO"' except DeprecationWarning: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) #DEMOBOO_RN=DEMO-BOOK-2008-001&ln=en&password=1223993532.26572%40APPDEMOBOO params = dict(form) password = args['password'] if password: del params['password'] if "@" in password: params['access'], params['sub'] = password.split('@', 1) else: params['sub'] = password else: args = str(req.args).split('@') if len(args) > 1: params = {'sub' : args[-1]} args = '@'.join(args[:-1]) params.update(cgi.parse_qs(args)) else: return warning_page(_("Sorry, invalid URL..."), req, ln=ln) url = "%s/submit/direct?%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, urlencode(params, doseq=True)) redirect_to_url(req, url)
def summary(self, req, form): args = wash_urlargd( form, { 'doctype': (str, ''), 'act': (str, ''), 'access': (str, ''), 'indir': (str, '') }) ln = args['ln'] uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../summary", navmenuid='submit') t = "" curdir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, args['indir'], args['doctype'], args['access']) try: assert (curdir == os.path.abspath(curdir)) except AssertionError: register_exception( req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix= 'Possible cracking tentative: indir="%s", doctype="%s", access="%s"' % (args['indir'], args['doctype'], args['access'])) return warning_page("Invalid parameters", req, ln) subname = "%s%s" % (args['act'], args['doctype']) res = run_sql( "select sdesc,fidesc,pagenb,level from sbmFIELD where subname=%s " "order by pagenb,fieldnb", (subname, )) nbFields = 0 values = [] for arr in res: if arr[0] != "": val = { 'mandatory': (arr[3] == 'M'), 'value': '', 'page': arr[2], 'name': arr[0], } if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, curdir, arr[1])): fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, arr[1]), "r") value = fd.close() value = value.replace("\n", " ") value = value.replace("Select:", "") else: value = "" val['value'] = value values.append(val) return websubmit_templates.tmpl_submit_summary( ln=args['ln'], values=values, )
def _getfile_py(req, recid=0, docid=0, version="", name="", docformat="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): if not recid: ## Let's obtain the recid from the docid if docid: try: bibdoc = BibDoc(docid=docid) recid = bibdoc.bibrec_links[0]["recid"] except InvenioBibDocFileError: return warning_page( _("An error has happened in trying to retrieve the requested file." ), req, ln) else: return warning_page( _('Not enough information to retrieve the document'), req, ln) else: brd = BibRecDocs(recid) if not name and docid: ## Let's obtain the name from the docid try: name = brd.get_docname(docid) except InvenioBibDocFileError: return warning_page( _("An error has happened in trying to retrieving the requested file." ), req, ln) docformat = normalize_format(docformat) redirect_to_url( req, '%s/%s/%s/files/%s%s?ln=%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, recid, name, docformat, ln, version and 'version=%s' % version or ''), apache.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
def summary(self, req, form): args = wash_urlargd(form, { 'doctype': (str, ''), 'act': (str, ''), 'access': (str, ''), 'indir': (str, '')}) ln = args['ln'] uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../summary", navmenuid='submit') t = "" curdir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, args['indir'], args['doctype'], args['access']) try: assert(curdir == os.path.abspath(curdir)) except AssertionError: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix='Possible cracking tentative: indir="%s", doctype="%s", access="%s"' % (args['indir'], args['doctype'], args['access'])) return warning_page("Invalid parameters", req, ln) subname = "%s%s" % (args['act'], args['doctype']) res = run_sql("select sdesc,fidesc,pagenb,level from sbmFIELD where subname=%s " "order by pagenb,fieldnb", (subname,)) nbFields = 0 values = [] for arr in res: if arr[0] != "": val = { 'mandatory' : (arr[3] == 'M'), 'value' : '', 'page' : arr[2], 'name' : arr[0], } if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, curdir, arr[1])): fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, arr[1]),"r") value = fd.close() value = value.replace("\n"," ") value = value.replace("Select:","") else: value = "" val['value'] = value values.append(val) return websubmit_templates.tmpl_submit_summary( ln = args['ln'], values = values, )
def index(req, c=CFG_SITE_NAME, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """Approval web Interface. GET params: """ uid = getUid(req) (auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(uid, 'submit') if auth_code > 0 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", navmenuid='yourapprovals', text=auth_message) ln = wash_language(ln) _ = gettext_set_language(ln) args = wash_urlargd(req.form, {'access': (str, '')}) if args['access'] == "": return warning_page(_(" cannot determine document reference"), req, ln) url_params = get_approval_url_parameters(args['access']) if not url_params: return warning_page(_(" cannot find document in database"), req, ln) url_params['ln'] = ln url = "%s/submit/direct?%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, urllib.urlencode(url_params)) redirect_to_url(req, url)
def _getfile_py(req, recid=0, docid=0, version="", name="", docformat="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): if not recid: ## Let's obtain the recid from the docid if docid: try: bibdoc = BibDoc(docid=docid) recid = bibdoc.bibrec_links[0]["recid"] except InvenioBibDocFileError: return warning_page(_("An error has happened in trying to retrieve the requested file."), req, ln) else: return warning_page(_('Not enough information to retrieve the document'), req, ln) else: brd = BibRecDocs(recid) if not name and docid: ## Let's obtain the name from the docid try: name = brd.get_docname(docid) except InvenioBibDocFileError: return warning_page(_("An error has happened in trying to retrieving the requested file."), req, ln) docformat = normalize_format(docformat) redirect_to_url(req, '%s/%s/%s/files/%s%s?ln=%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, recid, name, docformat, ln, version and 'version=%s' % version or ''), apache.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
def continue_(self, req, form): """ Continue an interrupted submission. """ args = wash_urlargd(form, {'access': (str, ''), 'doctype': (str, '')}) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) access = args['access'] doctype = args['doctype'] if not access or not doctype: return warning_page(_("Sorry, invalid arguments"), req=req, ln=ln) user_info = collect_user_info(req) email = user_info['email'] res = run_sql( "SELECT action, status FROM sbmSUBMISSIONS WHERE id=%s AND email=%s and doctype=%s", (access, email, doctype)) if res: action, status = res[0] if status == 'finished': return warning_page(_( "Note: the requested submission has already been completed" ), req=req, ln=ln) redirect_to_url( req, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/submit/direct?' + urlencode({ 'sub': action + doctype, 'access': access })) return warning_page(_( "Sorry, you don't seem to have initiated a submission with the provided access number" ), req=req, ln=ln)
def continue_(self, req, form): """ Continue an interrupted submission. """ args = wash_urlargd(form, {'access': (str, ''), 'doctype': (str, '')}) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) access = args['access'] doctype = args['doctype'] if not access or not doctype: return warning_page(_("Sorry, invalid arguments"), req=req, ln=ln) user_info = collect_user_info(req) email = user_info['email'] res = run_sql("SELECT action, status FROM sbmSUBMISSIONS WHERE id=%s AND email=%s and doctype=%s", (access, email, doctype)) if res: action, status = res[0] if status == 'finished': return warning_page(_("Note: the requested submission has already been completed"), req=req, ln=ln) redirect_to_url(req, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/submit/direct?' + urlencode({ 'sub': action + doctype, 'access': access})) return warning_page(_("Sorry, you don't seem to have initiated a submission with the provided access number"), req=req, ln=ln)
def direct(self, req, form): """Directly redirected to an initialized submission.""" args = wash_urlargd(form, {'sub': (str, ''), 'access': (str, '')}) sub = args['sub'] access = args['access'] ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) uid = getUid(req) if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "direct", navmenuid='submit', text=_("Submissions are not available")) myQuery = req.args if not sub: return warning_page(_("Sorry, 'sub' parameter missing..."), req, ln=ln) res = run_sql( "SELECT docname,actname FROM sbmIMPLEMENT WHERE subname=%s", (sub, )) if not res: return warning_page(_("Sorry. Cannot analyse parameter"), req, ln=ln) else: # get document type doctype = res[0][0] # get action name action = res[0][1] # get category categ = req.form.get('combo%s' % doctype, '*') # retrieve other parameter values params = dict(form) # Check if user is authorized, based on doctype/action/categ, # in order to give guest users a chance to log in if needed: (auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action( req, 'submit', authorized_if_no_roles=not isGuestUser(uid), verbose=0, doctype=doctype, act=action, categ=categ) if not auth_code == 0 and isGuestUser(uid): # Propose to login redirection_params = params redirection_params[ 'referer'] = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + req.unparsed_uri return redirect_to_url( req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(redirection_params, {})), norobot=True) # else: continue, and let main interface control the access # find existing access number if not access: # create 'unique' access number pid = os.getpid() now = time.time() access = "%i_%s" % (now, pid) # retrieve 'dir' value res = run_sql("SELECT dir FROM sbmACTION WHERE sactname=%s", (action, )) dir = res[0][0] mainmenu = req.headers_in.get('referer') params['access'] = access params['act'] = action params['doctype'] = doctype params['startPg'] = '1' params['mainmenu'] = mainmenu params['ln'] = ln params['indir'] = dir url = "%s/submit?%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, urlencode(params)) redirect_to_url(req, url)
def getfile(req, form): args = wash_urlargd(form, bibdocfile_templates.files_default_urlargd) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) uid = getUid(req) user_info = collect_user_info(req) verbose = args['verbose'] if verbose >= 1 and not isUserSuperAdmin(user_info): # Only SuperUser can see all the details! verbose = 0 if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE > 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "/%s/%s" % (CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid), navmenuid='submit') if record_exists(self.recid) < 1: msg = "<p>%s</p>" % _("Requested record does not seem to exist.") return warning_page(msg, req, ln) if record_empty(get_record(self.recid).legacy_create_recstruct()): msg = "<p>%s</p>" % _("Requested record does not seem to have been integrated.") return warning_page(msg, req, ln) (auth_code, auth_message) = check_user_can_view_record(user_info, self.recid) if auth_code and user_info['email'] == 'guest': cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action(VIEWRESTRCOLL, {'collection' : guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid)}) target = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/youraccount/login' + \ make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : ln, 'referer' : \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {}) return redirect_to_url(req, target, norobot=True) elif auth_code: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = auth_message) readonly = CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 1 # From now on: either the user provided a specific file # name (and a possible version), or we return a list of # all the available files. In no case are the docids # visible. try: bibarchive = BibRecDocs(self.recid) except InvenioBibDocFileError: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) msg = "<p>%s</p><p>%s</p>" % ( _("The system has encountered an error in retrieving the list of files for this document."), _("The error has been logged and will be taken in consideration as soon as possible.")) return warning_page(msg, req, ln) if bibarchive.deleted_p(): req.status = apache.HTTP_GONE return warning_page(_("Requested record does not seem to exist."), req, ln) docname = '' docformat = '' version = '' warn = '' if filename: # We know the complete file name, guess which docid it # refers to ## TODO: Change the extension system according to from setlink ## and have a uniform extension mechanism... docname = file_strip_ext(filename) docformat = filename[len(docname):] if docformat and docformat[0] != '.': docformat = '.' + docformat if args['subformat']: docformat += ';%s' % args['subformat'] else: docname = args['docname'] if not docformat: docformat = args['format'] if args['subformat']: docformat += ';%s' % args['subformat'] if not version: version = args['version'] ## Download as attachment is_download = False if args['download']: is_download = True # version could be either empty, or all or an integer try: int(version) except ValueError: if version != 'all': version = '' display_hidden = isUserSuperAdmin(user_info) if version != 'all': # search this filename in the complete list of files for doc in bibarchive.list_bibdocs(): if docname == bibarchive.get_docname( try: try: docfile = doc.get_file(docformat, version) except InvenioBibDocFileError as msg: req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND if not CFG_INSPIRE_SITE and req.headers_in.get('referer'): ## There must be a broken link somewhere. ## Maybe it's good to alert the admin register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) warn += write_warning(_("The format %(x_form)s does not exist for the given version: %(x_vers)s", x_form=cgi.escape(docformat), x_vers=cgi.escape(str(msg)))) break (auth_code, auth_message) = docfile.is_restricted(user_info) if auth_code != 0 and not is_user_owner_of_record(user_info, self.recid): if CFG_BIBDOCFILE_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE.match(get_subformat_from_format(docformat)): return stream_restricted_icon(req) if user_info['email'] == 'guest': cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action('viewrestrdoc', {'status' : docfile.get_status()}) target = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/youraccount/login' + \ make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : ln, 'referer' : \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {}) redirect_to_url(req, target) else: req.status = apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED warn += write_warning(_("This file is restricted: ") + str(auth_message)) break if not docfile.hidden_p(): if not readonly: ip = str(req.remote_ip) doc.register_download(ip, docfile.get_version(), docformat, uid, self.recid) try: return, download=is_download) except InvenioBibDocFileError as msg: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) req.status = apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR warn += write_warning(_("An error has happened in trying to stream the request file.")) else: req.status = apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED warn += write_warning(_("The requested file is hidden and can not be accessed.")) except InvenioBibDocFileError as msg: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) if docname and docformat and not warn: req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND warn += write_warning(_("Requested file does not seem to exist.")) # filelist = bibarchive.display("", version, ln=ln, verbose=verbose, display_hidden=display_hidden) filelist = bibdocfile_templates.tmpl_display_bibrecdocs(bibarchive, "", version, ln=ln, verbose=verbose, display_hidden=display_hidden) t = warn + bibdocfile_templates.tmpl_filelist( ln=ln, filelist=filelist) cc = guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid) cc_id = Collection.query.filter_by(name=cc).value('id') unordered_tabs = None # get_detailed_page_tabs(cc_id, self.recid, ln) ordered_tabs_id = [(tab_id, values['order']) for (tab_id, values) in iteritems(unordered_tabs)] ordered_tabs_id.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) link_ln = '' if ln != CFG_SITE_LANG: link_ln = '?ln=%s' % ln tabs = [(unordered_tabs[tab_id]['label'], '%s/%s/%s/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid, tab_id, link_ln), tab_id == 'files', unordered_tabs[tab_id]['enabled']) for (tab_id, dummy_order) in ordered_tabs_id if unordered_tabs[tab_id]['visible'] is True] tabs_counts = {} # get_detailed_page_tabs_counts(self.recid) top = webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_top(self.recid, tabs, args['ln'], citationnum=tabs_counts['Citations'], referencenum=tabs_counts['References'], discussionnum=tabs_counts['Discussions']) bottom = webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_bottom(self.recid, tabs, args['ln']) title, description, keywords = websearch_templates.tmpl_record_page_header_content(req, self.recid, args['ln']) return pageheaderonly(title=title, navtrail=create_navtrail_links(cc=cc, aas=0, ln=ln) + \ ''' > <a class="navtrail" href="%s/%s/%s">%s</a> > %s''' % \ (CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid, title, _("Access to Fulltext")), description=description, keywords=keywords, uid=uid, language=ln, req=req, navmenuid='search', navtrail_append_title_p=0) + \ websearch_templates.tmpl_search_pagestart(ln) + \ top + t + bottom + \ websearch_templates.tmpl_search_pageend(ln) + \ pagefooteronly(language=ln, req=req)
def getfile(req, form): args = wash_urlargd(form, bibdocfile_templates.files_default_urlargd) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) uid = getUid(req) user_info = collect_user_info(req) verbose = args['verbose'] if verbose >= 1 and not isUserSuperAdmin(user_info): # Only SuperUser can see all the details! verbose = 0 if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE > 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "/%s/%s" % (CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid), navmenuid='submit') if record_exists(self.recid) < 1: msg = "<p>%s</p>" % _( "Requested record does not seem to exist.") return warning_page(msg, req, ln) if record_empty(self.recid): msg = "<p>%s</p>" % _( "Requested record does not seem to have been integrated.") return warning_page(msg, req, ln) (auth_code, auth_message) = check_user_can_view_record(user_info, self.recid) if auth_code and user_info['email'] == 'guest': if webjournal_utils.is_recid_in_released_issue(self.recid): # We can serve the file pass else: cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action( VIEWRESTRCOLL, { 'collection': guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid) }) target = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/youraccount/login' + \ make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : ln, 'referer' : \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {}) return redirect_to_url(req, target, norobot=True) elif auth_code: if webjournal_utils.is_recid_in_released_issue(self.recid): # We can serve the file pass else: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = auth_message) readonly = CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 1 # From now on: either the user provided a specific file # name (and a possible version), or we return a list of # all the available files. In no case are the docids # visible. try: bibarchive = BibRecDocs(self.recid) except InvenioBibDocFileError: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) msg = "<p>%s</p><p>%s</p>" % ( _("The system has encountered an error in retrieving the list of files for this document." ), _("The error has been logged and will be taken in consideration as soon as possible." )) return warning_page(msg, req, ln) if bibarchive.deleted_p(): req.status = apache.HTTP_GONE return warning_page( _("Requested record does not seem to exist."), req, ln) docname = '' docformat = '' version = '' warn = '' if filename: # We know the complete file name, guess which docid it # refers to ## TODO: Change the extension system according to from setlink ## and have a uniform extension mechanism... docname = file_strip_ext(filename) docformat = filename[len(docname):] if docformat and docformat[0] != '.': docformat = '.' + docformat if args['subformat']: docformat += ';%s' % args['subformat'] else: docname = args['docname'] if not docformat: docformat = args['format'] if args['subformat']: docformat += ';%s' % args['subformat'] if not version: version = args['version'] ## Download as attachment is_download = False if args['download']: is_download = True # version could be either empty, or all or an integer try: int(version) except ValueError: if version != 'all': version = '' display_hidden = isUserSuperAdmin(user_info) if version != 'all': # search this filename in the complete list of files for doc in bibarchive.list_bibdocs(): if docname == bibarchive.get_docname( try: try: docfile = doc.get_file(docformat, version) except InvenioBibDocFileError as msg: req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND if not CFG_INSPIRE_SITE and req.headers_in.get( 'referer'): ## There must be a broken link somewhere. ## Maybe it's good to alert the admin register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) warn += write_warning( _("The format %(x_form)s does not exist for the given version: %(x_vers)s", x_form=cgi.escape(docformat), x_vers=cgi.escape(str(msg)))) break (auth_code, auth_message) = docfile.is_restricted(user_info) if auth_code != 0 and not is_user_owner_of_record( user_info, self.recid): if CFG_BIBDOCFILE_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE.match( get_subformat_from_format(docformat)): return stream_restricted_icon(req) if user_info['email'] == 'guest': cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action( 'viewrestrdoc', {'status': docfile.get_status()}) target = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/youraccount/login' + \ make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : ln, 'referer' : \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {}) redirect_to_url(req, target) else: req.status = apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED warn += write_warning( _("This file is restricted: ") + str(auth_message)) break if not docfile.hidden_p(): if not readonly: ip = str(req.remote_ip) doc.register_download( ip, docfile.get_version(), docformat, uid, self.recid) try: return, download=is_download) except InvenioBibDocFileError as msg: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) req.status = apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR warn += write_warning( _("An error has happened in trying to stream the request file." )) else: req.status = apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED warn += write_warning( _("The requested file is hidden and can not be accessed." )) except InvenioBibDocFileError as msg: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) # Prevent leaking of restricted file names req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND return if docname and docformat and not warn: req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND warn += write_warning( _("Requested file does not seem to exist.")) # filelist = bibarchive.display("", version, ln=ln, verbose=verbose, display_hidden=display_hidden) filelist = bibdocfile_templates.tmpl_display_bibrecdocs( bibarchive, "", version, ln=ln, verbose=verbose, display_hidden=display_hidden) t = warn + bibdocfile_templates.tmpl_filelist(ln=ln, filelist=filelist) cc = guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid) unordered_tabs = get_detailed_page_tabs(get_colID(cc), self.recid, ln) ordered_tabs_id = [(tab_id, values['order']) for (tab_id, values) in iteritems(unordered_tabs)] ordered_tabs_id.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) link_ln = '' if ln != CFG_SITE_LANG: link_ln = '?ln=%s' % ln tabs = [ (unordered_tabs[tab_id]['label'], '%s/%s/%s/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid, tab_id, link_ln), tab_id == 'files', unordered_tabs[tab_id]['enabled']) for (tab_id, dummy_order) in ordered_tabs_id if unordered_tabs[tab_id]['visible'] is True ] tabs_counts = get_detailed_page_tabs_counts(self.recid) top = webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_top( self.recid, tabs, args['ln'], citationnum=tabs_counts['Citations'], referencenum=tabs_counts['References'], discussionnum=tabs_counts['Discussions']) bottom = webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_bottom( self.recid, tabs, args['ln']) title, description, keywords = websearch_templates.tmpl_record_page_header_content( req, self.recid, args['ln']) return pageheaderonly(title=title, navtrail=create_navtrail_links(cc=cc, aas=0, ln=ln) + \ ''' > <a class="navtrail" href="%s/%s/%s">%s</a> > %s''' % \ (CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, self.recid, title, _("Access to Fulltext")), description=description, keywords=keywords, uid=uid, language=ln, req=req, navmenuid='search', navtrail_append_title_p=0) + \ websearch_templates.tmpl_search_pagestart(ln) + \ top + t + bottom + \ websearch_templates.tmpl_search_pageend(ln) + \ pagefooteronly(language=ln, req=req)
def direct(self, req, form): """Directly redirected to an initialized submission.""" args = wash_urlargd(form, {'sub': (str, ''), 'access' : (str, '')}) sub = args['sub'] access = args['access'] ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) uid = getUid(req) if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "direct", navmenuid='submit', text=_("Submissions are not available")) myQuery = req.args if not sub: return warning_page(_("Sorry, 'sub' parameter missing..."), req, ln=ln) res = run_sql("SELECT docname,actname FROM sbmIMPLEMENT WHERE subname=%s", (sub,)) if not res: return warning_page(_("Sorry. Cannot analyse parameter"), req, ln=ln) else: # get document type doctype = res[0][0] # get action name action = res[0][1] # get category categ = req.form.get('combo%s' % doctype, '*') # retrieve other parameter values params = dict(form) # Check if user is authorized, based on doctype/action/categ, # in order to give guest users a chance to log in if needed: (auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(req, 'submit', authorized_if_no_roles=not isGuestUser(uid), verbose=0, doctype=doctype, act=action, categ=categ) if not auth_code == 0 and isGuestUser(uid): # Propose to login redirection_params = params redirection_params['referer'] = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + req.unparsed_uri return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(redirection_params, {})), norobot=True) # else: continue, and let main interface control the access # find existing access number if not access: # create 'unique' access number pid = os.getpid() now = time.time() access = "%i_%s" % (now, pid) # retrieve 'dir' value res = run_sql ("SELECT dir FROM sbmACTION WHERE sactname=%s", (action,)) dir = res[0][0] mainmenu = req.headers_in.get('referer') params['access'] = access params['act'] = action params['doctype'] = doctype params['startPg'] = '1' params['mainmenu'] = mainmenu params['ln'] = ln params['indir'] = dir url = "%s/submit?%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, urlencode(params)) redirect_to_url(req, url)