Пример #1
def encode_video(input_file, output_file,
                 acodec=None, vcodec=None,
                 abitrate=None, vbitrate=None,
                 special=None, specialfirst=None, specialsecond=None,
                 width=None, height=None, aspect=None,
    """ Starts an ffmpeg encoding process based on the given parameters.
    The encoding is run as a subprocess. The progress of the subprocess is
    continiously written to the given messaging functions. In a normale case,
    these should be the ones of BibTask.

    @param input_file: Path to the input video.
    @type input_file: string

    @param output_file: Path to the output file. If no other parameters are giv
    than input and output files, FFmpeg tries to auto-discover the right codecs
    for the given file extension. In this case, every other aspect like
    resolution and bitrates will be the same as in the input video.
    @type output_file: string

    @param acodec: The audio codec to use. This must be an available codec of
    libavcodec within FFmpeg.
    @type acodec: string

    @param vcodec: The video codec to use. This must be an available codec of
    libavcodec within FFmpeg.
    @type vcodec: string

    @param abitrate: Bitrate of the audio stream. In bit/s.
    @type abitrate: int

    @param vbitrate: Bitrate of the video stream. In bit/s.
    @type vbitrate: int

    @param resolution: Fixed size of the frames in the transcoded video.
    FFmpeg notation: 'WxH' or preset like 'vga'. See also 'width'

    @param passes: Number of encoding passes. Either 1 or 2.
    @type passes: int

    @param special: Additional FFmpeg parameters.
    @type special: string

    @param specialfirst: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the first pass.
    The 'special' parameter is ignored if this ist not 'None'
    @type specialfirst: string

    @param specialsecond: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the second pass.
    The 'special' parameter is ignored if this is not 'None'
    @type specialsecond: string

    @param metadata: Metadata that should be added to the transcoded video.
    This must be a dictionary. As with as metadata in FFmpeg, there is no
    guarantee that the metadata specified in the dictionary will really be added
    to the file, because it will largelydepend on the container format and its
    supported fields.
    @type metadata: dict

    @param width: Instead of giving a fixed resolution, you can use width and
    height as dimensional constrains. The algorithm will try to preserve the
    original aspect and fit the new frame size into the given dimensions.
    @type width: int

    @param height: see 'width'
    @type height: int

    @param aspect: A float representing the aspect ratio of the video:
    4:3 equals 1.33 and 16:9 equals 1.77.
    This is a fallback in case the algorithm fails to determine the real aspect
    ratio from the video. See also 'width'
    @type aspect: float or "4:3" like string

    @param profile: A profile to use. The priority is on the parameters
    directly given to the function.
    @type profile: string

    @param update_fnc: A function called to display or log an the encoding
    status. This function must accept a string.
    @type update_fnc: function

    @param message_fnc: A function to log important messages or errors.
    This function must accept a string.
    @type message_fnc: function

    @return: True if the encoding was successful, False if not
    @rtype: boolean

    def encode(command):
        """ Subfunction to run the acutal encoding
        ## Start process
        process = subprocess.Popen(command,
        ## While the process is running
        while process.poll() is None:
            # Update the status in bibsched
        ## If the process was terminated
        if process.poll() == -15:
            # Encoding was terminated by system
            message_fnc("FFMPEG was terminated")
            update_fnc("  FFMPEG was terminated")
            return 0
        ## If there was an error during encoding
        if process.poll() == 1:
            update_fnc("  An FFMPEG error has appeared, see log")
            message_fnc("An FFMPEG error has appeared encoding %s" % output_file)
            message_fnc("Command was: %s" % ' '.join(command))
            message_fnc("Last lines of the FFmpeg log:")
            ## open the logfile again an retrieve the size
            log_file_handle2 = open(log_file_name, 'rb')
            size = os.fstat(log_file_handle2.fileno())[6]
            ## Read the last lines
            log_file_handle2.seek(-min(size, 10000), 2)
            lastlines = log_file_handle2.read().splitlines()[-5:]
            for line in lastlines:
            return 0
        ## If everything went fine
        if process.poll() == 0:
            message_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file)
            update_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file)
            return 1

    def build_command(nofpass=1):
        """ Builds the ffmpeg command according to the function params
        def insert(key, value):
            """ Shortcut for inserting parameters into the arg list
            base_args.insert(-1, key)
            base_args.insert(-1, value)

        ## Determine base command arguments from the pass to run
        base_args = None
        if passes == 1:
            base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, output_file]
        elif passes == 2:
            if nofpass == 1:
                base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file,
                             '-pass', '1', '-passlogfile', pass_log_file,
                             '-an', '-f', 'rawvideo', '/dev/null']
            elif nofpass == 2:
                base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file,
                             '-pass', '2', '-passlogfile',
                             pass_log_file, output_file]
        ## Insert additional arguments
        if acodec is not None:
            insert('-acodec', acodec)
        if vcodec is not None:
            insert('-vcodec', vcodec)
        if abitrate is not None:
            insert('-b:a', str(abitrate))
        if vbitrate is not None:
            insert('-b:v', str(vbitrate))

        ## If a resolution is given
        if resolution:
            insert('-s', resolution)
        ## If not, you can give width and height and generate the resolution
            ## Use our new function to get the size of the input
            nresolution = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect(input_file,
            insert('-s', nresolution)
        ## Metadata additions
        if type(metadata) is type(dict()):
            ## build metadata arguments for ffmpeg
            for key, value in iteritems(metadata):
                if value is not None:
                    meta_arg = (
                        CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_METADATA_ARGUMENT % (key, value)
                    insert("-metadata", meta_arg)
        ## Special argument additions
        if passes == 1:
            if passes == 1 and special is not None:
                for val in special.split():
                    base_args.insert(-1, val)
        elif passes == 2:
            if nofpass == 1:
                if specialfirst is not None:
                    for val in specialfirst.split():
                        base_args.insert(-1, val)
            if nofpass == 2:
                if specialsecond is not None:
                    for val in specialsecond.split():
                        base_args.insert(-1, val)
        return base_args

    def update_status():
        """ Parses the encoding status and updates the task in bibsched

        def graphical(value):
            """ Converts a percentage value to a nice graphical representation
            ## If the given value is a valid precentage
            if value >= 0 and value <= 100:
                ## This is to get nice, aligned output in bibsched
                oval = str(value).zfill(3)
                return (
                    "[" + "#"*(value/10) + " "*(10-(value/10)) +
                    "][%d/%d] %s%%" % (nofpass, passes, oval)
                ## Sometimes the parsed values from FFMPEG are totaly off.
                ## Or maybe nneeded values are not avail. for the given video.
                ## In this case there is no estimate.
                return "[  no est. ][%d/%d]     " % (nofpass, passes)

        ## init variables
        time_string = '0.0'
        percentage_done = -1
        ## try to read the encoding log
            filehandle = open(log_file_name, 'rb')
        except IOError:
            message_fnc("Error opening %s" % log_file_name)
            update_fnc("Could not open encoding log")
        ## Check the size of the file before reading from the end
        size = os.path.getsize(log_file_name)
        if not size:
        ## Go to the end of the log
        filehandle.seek(-min(10000, size), 2)
        chunk = filehandle.read()
        lines = chunk.splitlines()

        ## try to parse the status
        for line in reversed(lines):
            if CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODE_TIME.match(line):
                time_string = (
            percentage_done = int(timecode_to_seconds(time_string) / total_seconds * 100)
            precentage_done = -1
        ## Now update the bibsched progress
        opath, ofile = os.path.split(output_file)
        if len(opath) > 8:
            opath = "..." + opath[-8:]
        ohint = opath + '/' + ofile
        update_fnc(graphical(percentage_done) + " > " + ohint)


    if profile:
        profile = get_encoding_profile(profile)
        acodec = chose(acodec, 'audiocodec', profile)
        vcodec = chose(vcodec, 'videocodec', profile)
        abitrate = chose(abitrate, 'audiobitrate', profile)
        vbitrate = chose(vbitrate, 'videobitrate', profile)
        resolution = chose(resolution, 'resolution', profile)
        passes = getval(profile, 'passes', 1)
        special = chose(special, 'special', profile)
        specialfirst = chose(specialfirst, 'special_firstpass', profile)
        specialsecond = chose(specialsecond, 'special_secondpass', profile)
        metadata = chose(metadata, 'metadata', profile)
        width = chose(width, 'width', profile)
        height = chose(height, 'height', profile)
        aspect = chose(aspect, 'aspect', profile)

    # ENCODING #

    ## Mark Task as stoppable
    # task_sleep_now_if_required()

    tech_metadata = ffprobe_metadata(input_file)
        total_seconds = float(tech_metadata['format']['duration'])
        total_seconds = 0.0

    ## Run the encoding
    no_error = True
    ## For every encoding pass to do
    for apass in range(0, passes):
        nofpass = apass + 1
        if no_error:
            ## Create Logfiles
            log_file_name = _filename_log(output_file, nofpass)
                log_file_handle = open(log_file_name, 'w')
            except IOError:
                message_fnc("Error creating %s" % log_file_name)
                update_fnc("Error creating logfile")
                return 0
            ## Build command for FFMPEG
            command = build_command(nofpass)
            ## Start encoding, result will define to continue or not to
            no_error = encode(command)
    ## !!! Status Update
    return no_error
Пример #2
def encode_video(input_file,
    """ Starts an ffmpeg encoding process based on the given parameters.
    The encoding is run as a subprocess. The progress of the subprocess is
    continiously written to the given messaging functions. In a normale case,
    these should be the ones of BibTask.

    @param input_file: Path to the input video.
    @type input_file: string

    @param output_file: Path to the output file. If no other parameters are giv
    than input and output files, FFmpeg tries to auto-discover the right codecs
    for the given file extension. In this case, every other aspect like
    resolution and bitrates will be the same as in the input video.
    @type output_file: string

    @param acodec: The audio codec to use. This must be an available codec of
    libavcodec within FFmpeg.
    @type acodec: string

    @param vcodec: The video codec to use. This must be an available codec of
    libavcodec within FFmpeg.
    @type vcodec: string

    @param abitrate: Bitrate of the audio stream. In bit/s.
    @type abitrate: int

    @param vbitrate: Bitrate of the video stream. In bit/s.
    @type vbitrate: int

    @param resolution: Fixed size of the frames in the transcoded video.
    FFmpeg notation: 'WxH' or preset like 'vga'. See also 'width'

    @param passes: Number of encoding passes. Either 1 or 2.
    @type passes: int

    @param special: Additional FFmpeg parameters.
    @type special: string

    @param specialfirst: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the first pass.
    The 'special' parameter is ignored if this ist not 'None'
    @type specialfirst: string

    @param specialsecond: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the second pass.
    The 'special' parameter is ignored if this is not 'None'
    @type specialsecond: string

    @param metadata: Metadata that should be added to the transcoded video.
    This must be a dictionary. As with as metadata in FFmpeg, there is no
    guarantee that the metadata specified in the dictionary will really be added
    to the file, because it will largelydepend on the container format and its
    supported fields.
    @type metadata: dict

    @param width: Instead of giving a fixed resolution, you can use width and
    height as dimensional constrains. The algorithm will try to preserve the
    original aspect and fit the new frame size into the given dimensions.
    @type width: int

    @param height: see 'width'
    @type height: int

    @param aspect: A float representing the aspect ratio of the video:
    4:3 equals 1.33 and 16:9 equals 1.77.
    This is a fallback in case the algorithm fails to determine the real aspect
    ratio from the video. See also 'width'
    @type aspect: float or "4:3" like string

    @param profile: A profile to use. The priority is on the parameters
    directly given to the function.
    @type profile: string

    @param update_fnc: A function called to display or log an the encoding
    status. This function must accept a string.
    @type update_fnc: function

    @param message_fnc: A function to log important messages or errors.
    This function must accept a string.
    @type message_fnc: function

    @return: True if the encoding was successful, False if not
    @rtype: boolean
    def encode(command):
        """ Subfunction to run the acutal encoding
        ## Start process
        process = subprocess.Popen(command,
        ## While the process is running
        while process.poll() is None:
            # Update the status in bibsched
        ## If the process was terminated
        if process.poll() == -15:
            # Encoding was terminated by system
            message_fnc("FFMPEG was terminated")
            update_fnc("  FFMPEG was terminated")
            return 0
        ## If there was an error during encoding
        if process.poll() == 1:
            update_fnc("  An FFMPEG error has appeared, see log")
            message_fnc("An FFMPEG error has appeared encoding %s" %
            message_fnc("Command was: %s" % ' '.join(command))
            message_fnc("Last lines of the FFmpeg log:")
            ## open the logfile again an retrieve the size
            log_file_handle2 = open(log_file_name, 'rb')
            size = os.fstat(log_file_handle2.fileno())[6]
            ## Read the last lines
            log_file_handle2.seek(-min(size, 10000), 2)
            lastlines = log_file_handle2.read().splitlines()[-5:]
            for line in lastlines:
            return 0
        ## If everything went fine
        if process.poll() == 0:
            message_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file)
            update_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file)
            return 1

    def build_command(nofpass=1):
        """ Builds the ffmpeg command according to the function params
        def insert(key, value):
            """ Shortcut for inserting parameters into the arg list
            base_args.insert(-1, key)
            base_args.insert(-1, value)

        ## Determine base command arguments from the pass to run
        base_args = None
        if passes == 1:
            base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, output_file]
        elif passes == 2:
            if nofpass == 1:
                base_args = [
                    CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, '-pass', '1',
                    '-passlogfile', pass_log_file, '-an', '-f', 'rawvideo',
            elif nofpass == 2:
                base_args = [
                    CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, '-pass', '2',
                    '-passlogfile', pass_log_file, output_file
        ## Insert additional arguments
        if acodec is not None:
            insert('-acodec', acodec)
        if vcodec is not None:
            insert('-vcodec', vcodec)
        if abitrate is not None:
            insert('-b:a', str(abitrate))
        if vbitrate is not None:
            insert('-b:v', str(vbitrate))

        ## If a resolution is given
        if resolution:
            insert('-s', resolution)
        ## If not, you can give width and height and generate the resolution
            ## Use our new function to get the size of the input
            nresolution = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect(
                input_file, width, height, aspect)
            insert('-s', nresolution)
        ## Metadata additions
        if type(metadata) is type(dict()):
            ## build metadata arguments for ffmpeg
            for key, value in iteritems(metadata):
                if value is not None:
                    meta_arg = (CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_METADATA_ARGUMENT %
                                (key, value))
                    insert("-metadata", meta_arg)
        ## Special argument additions
        if passes == 1:
            if passes == 1 and special is not None:
                for val in special.split():
                    base_args.insert(-1, val)
        elif passes == 2:
            if nofpass == 1:
                if specialfirst is not None:
                    for val in specialfirst.split():
                        base_args.insert(-1, val)
            if nofpass == 2:
                if specialsecond is not None:
                    for val in specialsecond.split():
                        base_args.insert(-1, val)
        return base_args

    def update_status():
        """ Parses the encoding status and updates the task in bibsched
        def graphical(value):
            """ Converts a percentage value to a nice graphical representation
            ## If the given value is a valid precentage
            if value >= 0 and value <= 100:
                ## This is to get nice, aligned output in bibsched
                oval = str(value).zfill(3)
                return ("[" + "#" * (value / 10) + " " * (10 - (value / 10)) +
                        "][%d/%d] %s%%" % (nofpass, passes, oval))
                ## Sometimes the parsed values from FFMPEG are totaly off.
                ## Or maybe nneeded values are not avail. for the given video.
                ## In this case there is no estimate.
                return "[  no est. ][%d/%d]     " % (nofpass, passes)

        ## init variables
        time_string = '0.0'
        percentage_done = -1
        ## try to read the encoding log
            filehandle = open(log_file_name, 'rb')
        except IOError:
            message_fnc("Error opening %s" % log_file_name)
            update_fnc("Could not open encoding log")
        ## Check the size of the file before reading from the end
        size = os.path.getsize(log_file_name)
        if not size:
        ## Go to the end of the log
        filehandle.seek(-min(10000, size), 2)
        chunk = filehandle.read()
        lines = chunk.splitlines()

        ## try to parse the status
        for line in reversed(lines):
            if CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODE_TIME.match(line):
                time_string = (
            percentage_done = int(
                timecode_to_seconds(time_string) / total_seconds * 100)
            precentage_done = -1
        ## Now update the bibsched progress
        opath, ofile = os.path.split(output_file)
        if len(opath) > 8:
            opath = "..." + opath[-8:]
        ohint = opath + '/' + ofile
        update_fnc(graphical(percentage_done) + " > " + ohint)


    if profile:
        profile = get_encoding_profile(profile)
        acodec = chose(acodec, 'audiocodec', profile)
        vcodec = chose(vcodec, 'videocodec', profile)
        abitrate = chose(abitrate, 'audiobitrate', profile)
        vbitrate = chose(vbitrate, 'videobitrate', profile)
        resolution = chose(resolution, 'resolution', profile)
        passes = getval(profile, 'passes', 1)
        special = chose(special, 'special', profile)
        specialfirst = chose(specialfirst, 'special_firstpass', profile)
        specialsecond = chose(specialsecond, 'special_secondpass', profile)
        metadata = chose(metadata, 'metadata', profile)
        width = chose(width, 'width', profile)
        height = chose(height, 'height', profile)
        aspect = chose(aspect, 'aspect', profile)

    # ENCODING #

    ## Mark Task as stoppable
    # task_sleep_now_if_required()

    tech_metadata = ffprobe_metadata(input_file)
        total_seconds = float(tech_metadata['format']['duration'])
        total_seconds = 0.0

    ## Run the encoding
        os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_file)[1])[0], str(uuid.uuid4()))
    no_error = True
    ## For every encoding pass to do
    for apass in range(0, passes):
        nofpass = apass + 1
        if no_error:
            ## Create Logfiles
            log_file_name = _filename_log(output_file, nofpass)
                log_file_handle = open(log_file_name, 'w')
            except IOError:
                message_fnc("Error creating %s" % log_file_name)
                update_fnc("Error creating logfile")
                return 0
            ## Build command for FFMPEG
            command = build_command(nofpass)
            ## Start encoding, result will define to continue or not to
            no_error = encode(command)
    ## !!! Status Update
    return no_error
Пример #3
def extract_frames(input_file, output_file=None, size=None, positions=None,
                   numberof=None, extension='jpg',
                   width=None, height=None, aspect=None, profile=None,
    """ Extracts frames from a given video using ffmpeg based on the given
    parameters. Starts a subprocess. The status of the process is continously
    written to the given messaging functions.

    @param input_file: Full path to the input video.
    @type input_file: String

    @param output_file: Full path to the output file, in case of multiple outs,
                   there will be squential numbers appended to the file's name
                   automatically. If this parameter is not given, the
                   output filename will be generated from the input file
                   The output can be substituted with information.
                   Valid substrings for substitution are:
                          %(input)s for the input filename
                          %(timecode)s for the timecode
                          %(size)s for the frame size
                          %(number)d for sequential numbers

                  Everything else that could be a python substitution substring
                  should be escaped accordingly.
                  !!! Warnning !!! FFmpeg will also try to substitude if there
                  are any '%' left. This will likely screw up the extraction.
    @type output_file: string

    @param size: The size of the frames. Format is WxH
    @type size: string

    @param positions: A list of positions within the video where the frames
                      should be shot. Percentual values between 0 and 100 or
                      HH:MM:SS.ss are accepted.
    @type positions: string

    @param numberof: In case you don't want to give positions but just a fixed
                number of frames to extract.
    @type numberof: nt

    @param extension: If no output filename is given, construct the name with
                      this extension
    @type extension: string

    @param width: The width of the extracted frame.
    @type width: int

    @param height: The height of the extracted frame
    @type height: int

    @param aspect: A float representing the aspect ratio of the video.
                   4:3 equals 1.33 and 16:9 equals 1.77. See also 'width'
    @type aspect: float or "4:3" like string

    @param profile: A profile to use. The priority is on the parameters directly
               given to the function.
    @type profile: string

    @param update_fnc: A function called to display or log an the encoding
                  status. This function must accept a string.
    @type update_fnc: function

    @param message_fnc: A function to log important messages or errors.
                   This function must accept a string.
    @type message_fnc: function

    @return: 1 if the extraction was successful, 0 if not
    @rtype: bool

    # PROFILE #

    ## Takes parameters from the profile if they are not directly given
    if profile:
        profile = get_extract_profile(profile)
        size = chose(size, 'size', profile)
        positions = chose(positions, 'positions', profile)
        numberof = chose(numberof, 'numberof', profile)
        extension = chose(extension, 'extension', profile)
        width = chose(width, 'width', profile)
        height = chose(height, 'height', profile)

    # Check and fix #

    ## If neither positions nor a number of shots are given
    if not positions and not numberof:
        raise ValueError("Either argument \'positions\' xor argument \'numberof\' must be given")
    ## If both are given
    if positions and numberof:
        raise ValueError("Arguments \'positions\' and \'numberof\' exclude each other")
    ## If just a number of shots to take is given by 'numberof'
    if numberof and not positions:
        ## Parse the duration from the input
        info = ffprobe_metadata(input_file)
        if info is None:
            message_fnc("An error occured while receiving the video log")
            return 0
        duration = float(info['format']['duration'])
        if duration is None:
            message_fnc("Could not extract by \'numberof\' because video duration is unknown.")
            return 0
        positions = []
        for pos in range(numberof):
            ## Calculate the position for every shot and append it to the list
            position = pos * (duration / numberof)
    ## If specific positions are given
    elif positions and not numberof:
        ## Check if correct timecodes or seconds are given
        i = 0
        for pos in positions:
            if not (is_seconds(pos) or is_timecode(pos)):
                raise ValueError("The given position \'%s\' is neither a value in seconds nor a timecode!" % str(pos))
            ## if a timecode is given, convert it to seconds
            if is_timecode(pos):
                positions[i] = timecode_to_seconds(pos)
            i += 1
    ## If no output filename is given, use input filename and append jpg
    if output_file is None:
        ipath = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0]
        if not extension.startswith("."):
            extension = "." + extension
        output_file = ipath + extension
    ## If no explizit size for the frames is given
    if not size:
        size = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect(input_file, width, height, aspect)

    # Extraction #

    counter = 1
    for position in positions:

        # Generate output file name #

        number_substituted = False
        if '%(number)' in  output_file:
            number_substituted = True

        ## If the output filename should be stubstituted
            output_filename = output_file % {
                                'input': os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_file)[1])[0],
                                'timecode': seconds_to_timecode(position),
                                'size': size,
                                'number': counter
        except KeyError:
        ## In case that more than one shot is taken and you don't want to substitute
        if not number_substituted:
            if len(positions) > 1:
                path, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file)
                output_filename = path + str(counter).zfill(len(str(len(positions)))) + ext
            ## If you dont want to substitute and only one file is selected,
            ## it will just take the output or input name without altering it
                output_filename = output_file

        # Run process #

        ## Build the command for ffmpeg
            position, input_file, size, output_filename
        ## Start subprocess and poll the output until it finishes
        process = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        stderr = []
        while process.poll() is None:
            ## We want to keep the last lines of output in case of an error
            stderr += process.communicate()[1].splitlines()
            stderr = stderr[-5:]
        ## If something went wrong, print the last lines of the log
        if process.poll() != 0:
            msg = ("Error while extracting frame %d of %d" % (counter, len(positions)))
            ## Print the end of the log
            message_fnc("Last lines of the FFmpeg log:")
            for line in stderr:
            return 0
            update_fnc("Frame %d of %d extracted" % (counter, len(positions)))
        counter += 1

    ## Everything should be fine if this position is reached
    message_fnc("Extraction of frames was successful")
    return 1
Пример #4
def extract_frames(input_file,
    """ Extracts frames from a given video using ffmpeg based on the given
    parameters. Starts a subprocess. The status of the process is continously
    written to the given messaging functions.

    @param input_file: Full path to the input video.
    @type input_file: String

    @param output_file: Full path to the output file, in case of multiple outs,
                   there will be squential numbers appended to the file's name
                   automatically. If this parameter is not given, the
                   output filename will be generated from the input file
                   The output can be substituted with information.
                   Valid substrings for substitution are:
                          %(input)s for the input filename
                          %(timecode)s for the timecode
                          %(size)s for the frame size
                          %(number)d for sequential numbers

                  Everything else that could be a python substitution substring
                  should be escaped accordingly.
                  !!! Warnning !!! FFmpeg will also try to substitude if there
                  are any '%' left. This will likely screw up the extraction.
    @type output_file: string

    @param size: The size of the frames. Format is WxH
    @type size: string

    @param positions: A list of positions within the video where the frames
                      should be shot. Percentual values between 0 and 100 or
                      HH:MM:SS.ss are accepted.
    @type positions: string

    @param numberof: In case you don't want to give positions but just a fixed
                number of frames to extract.
    @type numberof: nt

    @param extension: If no output filename is given, construct the name with
                      this extension
    @type extension: string

    @param width: The width of the extracted frame.
    @type width: int

    @param height: The height of the extracted frame
    @type height: int

    @param aspect: A float representing the aspect ratio of the video.
                   4:3 equals 1.33 and 16:9 equals 1.77. See also 'width'
    @type aspect: float or "4:3" like string

    @param profile: A profile to use. The priority is on the parameters directly
               given to the function.
    @type profile: string

    @param update_fnc: A function called to display or log an the encoding
                  status. This function must accept a string.
    @type update_fnc: function

    @param message_fnc: A function to log important messages or errors.
                   This function must accept a string.
    @type message_fnc: function

    @return: 1 if the extraction was successful, 0 if not
    @rtype: bool

    # PROFILE #

    ## Takes parameters from the profile if they are not directly given
    if profile:
        profile = get_extract_profile(profile)
        size = chose(size, 'size', profile)
        positions = chose(positions, 'positions', profile)
        numberof = chose(numberof, 'numberof', profile)
        extension = chose(extension, 'extension', profile)
        width = chose(width, 'width', profile)
        height = chose(height, 'height', profile)

    # Check and fix #

    ## If neither positions nor a number of shots are given
    if not positions and not numberof:
        raise ValueError(
            "Either argument \'positions\' xor argument \'numberof\' must be given"
    ## If both are given
    if positions and numberof:
        raise ValueError(
            "Arguments \'positions\' and \'numberof\' exclude each other")
    ## If just a number of shots to take is given by 'numberof'
    if numberof and not positions:
        ## Parse the duration from the input
        info = ffprobe_metadata(input_file)
        if info is None:
            message_fnc("An error occured while receiving the video log")
            return 0
        duration = float(info['format']['duration'])
        if duration is None:
                "Could not extract by \'numberof\' because video duration is unknown."
            return 0
        positions = []
        for pos in range(numberof):
            ## Calculate the position for every shot and append it to the list
            position = pos * (duration / numberof)
    ## If specific positions are given
    elif positions and not numberof:
        ## Check if correct timecodes or seconds are given
        i = 0
        for pos in positions:
            if not (is_seconds(pos) or is_timecode(pos)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The given position \'%s\' is neither a value in seconds nor a timecode!"
                    % str(pos))
            ## if a timecode is given, convert it to seconds
            if is_timecode(pos):
                positions[i] = timecode_to_seconds(pos)
            i += 1
    ## If no output filename is given, use input filename and append jpg
    if output_file is None:
        ipath = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0]
        if not extension.startswith("."):
            extension = "." + extension
        output_file = ipath + extension
    ## If no explizit size for the frames is given
    if not size:
        size = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect(input_file, width,
                                                      height, aspect)

    # Extraction #

    counter = 1
    for position in positions:

        # Generate output file name #

        number_substituted = False
        if '%(number)' in output_file:
            number_substituted = True

        ## If the output filename should be stubstituted
            output_filename = output_file % {
                'input': os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_file)[1])[0],
                'timecode': seconds_to_timecode(position),
                'size': size,
                'number': counter
        except KeyError:
        ## In case that more than one shot is taken and you don't want to substitute
        if not number_substituted:
            if len(positions) > 1:
                path, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file)
                output_filename = path + str(counter).zfill(
                    len(str(len(positions)))) + ext
            ## If you dont want to substitute and only one file is selected,
            ## it will just take the output or input name without altering it
                output_filename = output_file

        # Run process #

        ## Build the command for ffmpeg
                   (position, input_file, size, output_filename)).split()
        ## Start subprocess and poll the output until it finishes
        process = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        stderr = []
        while process.poll() is None:
            ## We want to keep the last lines of output in case of an error
            stderr += process.communicate()[1].splitlines()
            stderr = stderr[-5:]
        ## If something went wrong, print the last lines of the log
        if process.poll() != 0:
            msg = ("Error while extracting frame %d of %d" %
                   (counter, len(positions)))
            ## Print the end of the log
            message_fnc("Last lines of the FFmpeg log:")
            for line in stderr:
            return 0
            update_fnc("Frame %d of %d extracted" % (counter, len(positions)))
        counter += 1

    ## Everything should be fine if this position is reached
    message_fnc("Extraction of frames was successful")
    return 1