def do_upgrade(): """Upgrade recipe. Adds two new columns (password_salt and password_scheme) and migrates emails to password salt. """ op.add_column('user', db.Column('password_salt', db.String(length=255), nullable=True)) op.add_column('user', db.Column('password_scheme', db.String(length=50), nullable=False)) # Temporary column needed for data migration op.add_column('user', db.Column('new_password', db.String(length=255))) # Migrate emails to password_salt m = db.MetaData(bind=db.engine) m.reflect() u = m.tables['user'] conn = db.engine.connect() conn.execute(u.update().values(, password_scheme='invenio_aes_encrypted_email' )) # Migrate password blob to password varchar. for row in conn.execute(select([u])): # NOTE: Empty string passwords were stored as empty strings # instead of a hashed version, hence they must be treated differently. legacy_pw = row[u.c.password] or mysql_aes_encrypt(row[], "") stmt = u.update().where( == row[] ).values( new_password=hashlib.sha256(legacy_pw).hexdigest() ) conn.execute(stmt) # Create index op.create_index( op.f('ix_user_password_scheme'), 'user', ['password_scheme'], unique=False ) # Drop old database column and rename new. op.drop_column('user', 'password') op.alter_column( 'user', 'new_password', new_column_name='password', existing_type=mysql.VARCHAR(255), existing_nullable=True, )
def do_upgrade(): """Implement your upgrades here.""" try: op.drop_index('ix_usergroup_name', table_name='usergroup') except OperationalError: pass try: op.drop_index('name', table_name='usergroup') except OperationalError: pass op.create_index(op.f('ix_usergroup_name'), 'usergroup', ['name'], unique=True)
def do_upgrade(): """Upgrade recipe. Adds two new columns (password_salt and password_scheme) and migrates emails to password salt. """ op.add_column( 'user', db.Column('password_salt', db.String(length=255), nullable=True)) op.add_column( 'user', db.Column('password_scheme', db.String(length=50), nullable=False)) # Temporary column needed for data migration op.add_column('user', db.Column('new_password', db.String(length=255))) # Migrate emails to password_salt m = db.MetaData(bind=db.engine) m.reflect() u = m.tables['user'] conn = db.engine.connect() conn.execute( u.update().values(, password_scheme='invenio_aes_encrypted_email')) # Migrate password blob to password varchar. for row in conn.execute(select([u])): # NOTE: Empty string passwords were stored as empty strings # instead of a hashed version, hence they must be treated differently. legacy_pw = row[u.c.password] or mysql_aes_encrypt(row[], "") stmt = u.update().where( == row[]).values( new_password=hashlib.sha256(legacy_pw).hexdigest()) conn.execute(stmt) # Create index op.create_index(op.f('ix_user_password_scheme'), 'user', ['password_scheme'], unique=False) # Drop old database column and rename new. op.drop_column('user', 'password') op.alter_column( 'user', 'new_password', new_column_name='password', existing_type=mysql.VARCHAR(255), existing_nullable=True, )
def do_upgrade(): """Implement your upgrades here.""" # table sbmFORMATEXTENSION # add "id" column op.add_column('sbmFORMATEXTENSION', db.Column('id', db.Integer(), nullable=False)) # set all ids records = run_sql("""SELECT FILE_FORMAT, FILE_EXTENSION FROM """ """sbmFORMATEXTENSION AS sbm """ """ORDER BY sbm.FILE_FORMAT, sbm.FILE_EXTENSION""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql( """UPDATE sbmFORMATEXTENSION """ """SET id = %s """ """ WHERE FILE_FORMAT = %s AND """ """ FILE_EXTENSION = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # remove primary key try: op.drop_constraint(None, 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmFORMATEXTENSION """ """table has been already dropped.""") # set id as new primary key op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmFORMATEXTENSION_id', 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmFORMATEXTENSION', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # create indices op.create_index('sbmformatextension_file_extension_idx', 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', columns=['FILE_EXTENSION'], unique=False, mysql_length=10) op.create_index('sbmformatextension_file_format_idx', 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', columns=['FILE_FORMAT'], unique=False, mysql_length=50) # table sbmGFILERESULT # add "id" column op.add_column('sbmGFILERESULT', db.Column('id', db.Integer(), nullable=False)) # set all ids records = run_sql("""SELECT FORMAT, RESULT FROM """ """sbmGFILERESULT AS sbm """ """ORDER BY sbm.FORMAT, sbm.RESULT""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql( """UPDATE sbmGFILERESULT """ """SET id = %s """ """ WHERE FORMAT = %s AND """ """ RESULT = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # remove primary key try: op.drop_constraint(None, 'sbmGFILERESULT', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmGFILERESULT """ """table has been already dropped.""") # set id as new primary key op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmGFILERESULT_id', 'sbmGFILERESULT', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmGFILERESULT', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # create indices op.create_index('sbmgfileresult_format_idx', 'sbmGFILERESULT', columns=['FORMAT'], unique=False, mysql_length=50) op.create_index('sbmgfileresult_result_idx', 'sbmGFILERESULT', columns=['RESULT'], unique=False, mysql_length=50)
def do_upgrade(): """Implement your upgrades here.""" op.create_index('ik_last_updated', 'inspire_prod_records', ['last_updated']) op.create_index('ik_successful', 'inspire_prod_records', ['successful'])
def do_upgrade(): """Implement your upgrades here.""" # table sbmFORMATEXTENSION # add "id" column op.add_column('sbmFORMATEXTENSION', db.Column('id', db.Integer(), nullable=False)) # set all ids records = run_sql("""SELECT FILE_FORMAT, FILE_EXTENSION FROM """ """sbmFORMATEXTENSION AS sbm """ """ORDER BY sbm.FILE_FORMAT, sbm.FILE_EXTENSION""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql("""UPDATE sbmFORMATEXTENSION """ """SET id = %s """ """ WHERE FILE_FORMAT = %s AND """ """ FILE_EXTENSION = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # remove primary key try: op.drop_constraint(None, 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmFORMATEXTENSION """ """table has been already dropped.""") # set id as new primary key op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmFORMATEXTENSION_id', 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmFORMATEXTENSION', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # create indices op.create_index('sbmformatextension_file_extension_idx', 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', columns=['FILE_EXTENSION'], unique=False, mysql_length=10) op.create_index('sbmformatextension_file_format_idx', 'sbmFORMATEXTENSION', columns=['FILE_FORMAT'], unique=False, mysql_length=50) # table sbmGFILERESULT # add "id" column op.add_column('sbmGFILERESULT', db.Column('id', db.Integer(), nullable=False)) # set all ids records = run_sql("""SELECT FORMAT, RESULT FROM """ """sbmGFILERESULT AS sbm """ """ORDER BY sbm.FORMAT, sbm.RESULT""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql("""UPDATE sbmGFILERESULT """ """SET id = %s """ """ WHERE FORMAT = %s AND """ """ RESULT = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # remove primary key try: op.drop_constraint(None, 'sbmGFILERESULT', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmGFILERESULT """ """table has been already dropped.""") # set id as new primary key op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmGFILERESULT_id', 'sbmGFILERESULT', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmGFILERESULT', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # create indices op.create_index('sbmgfileresult_format_idx', 'sbmGFILERESULT', columns=['FORMAT'], unique=False, mysql_length=50) op.create_index('sbmgfileresult_result_idx', 'sbmGFILERESULT', columns=['RESULT'], unique=False, mysql_length=50)
def do_upgrade(): """Implement your upgrades here.""" # Table sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION # add column "id" in the table op.add_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', db.Column('id', db.Integer(11), nullable=False)) # set all new ids records = run_sql("""SELECT id_father, id_son FROM """ """sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION AS ssc """ """ORDER BY ssc.id_father, ssc.id_son""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql("""UPDATE sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION SET id = %s WHERE id_father = %s AND id_son = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # drop primary keys try: op.drop_constraint(None, 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION """ """table has been already dropped.""") # create new primary key with id op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION_id', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(11), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # fix columns id_father and id_son op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', 'id_father', existing_type=db.Integer(11), nullable=True, server_default=None) op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', 'id_son', existing_type=db.Integer(11), nullable=False, server_default=None) op.create_index('id_father', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', columns=['id_father']) # Table sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE # add column "id" in the table op.add_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', db.Column('id', db.Integer(11), nullable=False)) # set all new ids records = run_sql("""SELECT id_father, id_son FROM sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE AS ssd ORDER BY ssd.id_father, ssd.id_son""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql("""UPDATE sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE SET id = %s WHERE id_father = %s AND id_son = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # drop primary keys try: op.drop_constraint('id_father', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE """ """table has been already dropped.""") # create new primary key with id op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE_id', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(11), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # fix columns id_father and id_son op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', 'id_father', existing_type=db.Integer(11), nullable=True, server_default=None) op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', 'id_son', existing_type=db.Char(10), nullable=False, server_default=None) op.create_index('id_father', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', columns=['id_father'])
def do_upgrade(): """Implement your upgrades here.""" # Table sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION # add column "id" in the table op.add_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', db.Column('id', db.Integer(11), nullable=False)) # set all new ids records = run_sql("""SELECT id_father, id_son FROM """ """sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION AS ssc """ """ORDER BY ssc.id_father, ssc.id_son""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql( """UPDATE sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION SET id = %s WHERE id_father = %s AND id_son = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # drop primary keys try: op.drop_constraint(None, 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION """ """table has been already dropped.""") # create new primary key with id op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION_id', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(11), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # fix columns id_father and id_son op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', 'id_father', existing_type=db.Integer(11), nullable=True, server_default=None) op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', 'id_son', existing_type=db.Integer(11), nullable=False, server_default=None) op.create_index('id_father', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmCOLLECTION', columns=['id_father']) # Table sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE # add column "id" in the table op.add_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', db.Column('id', db.Integer(11), nullable=False)) # set all new ids records = run_sql("""SELECT id_father, id_son FROM sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE AS ssd ORDER BY ssd.id_father, ssd.id_son""") for index, rec in enumerate(records): run_sql( """UPDATE sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE SET id = %s WHERE id_father = %s AND id_son = %s """, (index + 1, rec[0], rec[1])) # drop primary keys try: op.drop_constraint('id_father', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', type_='primary') except OperationalError: # the primary key is already dropped warnings.warn("""Primary key of sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE """ """table has been already dropped.""") # create new primary key with id op.create_primary_key('pk_sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE_id', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', ['id']) # set id as autoincrement op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', 'id', existing_type=db.Integer(11), existing_nullable=False, autoincrement=True) # fix columns id_father and id_son op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', 'id_father', existing_type=db.Integer(11), nullable=True, server_default=None) op.alter_column('sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', 'id_son', existing_type=db.Char(10), nullable=False, server_default=None) op.create_index('id_father', 'sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE', columns=['id_father'])