Пример #1
def diomira_cwf_blr(ffile, n_evt=10, plot=False):
    """ 1) Reads the RWF and BLR waveforms in the RWF file produced by the previous cell
        2) Computes CWF files passing a blr algorithm.
        3) Returns the differences (in area) between CWF and BLR
    e40rwf= tb.open_file(ffile,'r+')
    pmtrwf = e40rwf.root.RD.pmtrwf
    pmtblr = e40rwf.root.RD.pmtblr
    DataPMT = load_db.DataPMT(0)
    coeff_c = DataPMT.coeff_c.values.astype(np.double)
    coeff_blr = DataPMT.coeff_blr.values.astype(np.double)
    DIFF = []
    for event in range(n_evt):
        if plot == True:
            mpl.plot_waveforms(pmtrwf[event], zoom=True, window_size=600)
            # input('Raw waveforms: return to continue')
            mpl.plot_waveforms(pmtblr[event], zoom=True, window_size=600)
            # input('BLR waveforms: return to continue')
        BLR = pmtblr[event]
        CWF = blr.deconv_pmt(pmtrwf[event], coeff_c, coeff_blr,
                     n_baseline=28000, thr_trigger=5)
        if plot == True:
            mpl.plot_blr_cwf(pmtblr[event], CWF, zoom=True, window_size=600)
            #input('BLR vs CWF waveforms: return to continue')
        for i, _ in enumerate(CWF):
            diff = abs(np.sum(BLR[i][5000:5100]) - np.sum(CWF[i][5000:5100]))
            diff = 100. * diff/np.sum(BLR[i])
    return np.array(DIFF)
Пример #2
def load_sensors(file_names : List[str],
                 db_file    :      str ,
                 run_no     :      int ) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]:

    pmt_ids  = DB.DataPMT (db_file, run_no).SensorID
    sipm_ids = DB.DataSiPM(db_file, run_no).SensorID

    for file_name in file_names:

        (all_evt    ,
         pmt_binwid ,
         all_wf     ) = load_mcsensor_response_df(file_name, db_file, run_no)

        with tb.open_file(file_name, 'r') as h5in:

            mc_info = tbl.get_mc_info(h5in)

            timestamps = event_timestamp(h5in)

            for evt in all_evt:

                pmt_wfs  = all_wf.loc[evt].loc[ pmt_ids]
                sipm_wfs = all_wf.loc[evt].loc[sipm_ids]

                yield dict(evt         = evt         ,
                           mc          = mc_info     ,
                           timestamp   = timestamps(),
                           pmt_binwid  = pmt_binwid  ,
                           sipm_binwid = sipm_binwid ,
                           pmt_wfs     = pmt_wfs     ,
                           sipm_wfs    = sipm_wfs    )
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):
        super(NEW_meta, self).__init__()

        # Load the database objects
        self._det_geo = load_db.DetectorGeo()
        self._pmt_data = load_db.DataPMT()
        self._sipm_data = load_db.DataSiPM()

Пример #4
 def __init__(self):
     super(io_manager, self).__init__()
     # Load the database objects
     self._det_geo   = load_db.DetectorGeo()
     self._pmt_data  = load_db.DataPMT()
     self._sipm_data = load_db.DataSiPM()
     self._events = []
     self._entry = 0
     self._max_entry = 0
     self._run = 5
Пример #5
def relative_coordinates(detector_db: str, run_number: int) -> Callable:
    pmt_xyphi = DB.DataPMT(detector_db, run_number)[['X', 'Y']]
    pmt_xyphi['phi'] = np.arctan2(pmt_xyphi.loc[:, 'Y'], pmt_xyphi.loc[:, 'X'])

    def get_relative_coords(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple:

        rel_r = np.sqrt((x - pmt_xyphi.X)**2 + (y - pmt_xyphi.Y)**2)

        rel_phi = np.abs(np.arctan2(y, x) - pmt_xyphi.phi)
        rel_phi[rel_phi > np.pi] = 2 * np.pi - rel_phi
        return rel_r, rel_phi

    return get_relative_coords
Пример #6
def main():
    """ version of fft_tests.py stripped down and adapted for MC wf """

    ## Filter definition
    fSample = 40E6
    freqLPF = 100E3
    freqLPFd = 2 * freqLPF / fSample
    b, a = signal.butter(1, freqLPFd, 'low', analog=False)

    DataPMT = load_db.DataPMT(4821)

    defsDone = False
    with load_input(sys.argv[1]) as file0:

        npmt = len(DataPMT.ChannelID)
        if not defsDone:
            wf_len = get_wf_len(file0)
            meanAbs = [
                np.zeros(int(wf_len / 2 + 1), np.float64) for i in range(npmt)
            frq_plot = np.empty(int(wf_len / 2 + 1))
            defsDone = True

        for i in range(npmt):
            for ievt in range(len(file0.root.RD.pmtrwf)):

                sg = file0.root.RD.pmtrwf[ievt][i]
                sg = sg - np.mean(sg)
                ## Filter wf
                sg = signal.lfilter(b, a, sg)

                ft = np.fft.rfft(sg)
                if i == 0 and ievt == 0:
                    frq_plot = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(sg), d=25E-9)
                meanAbs[i] += np.abs(ft)

            meanAbs[i] /= len(file0.root.RD.pmtrwf)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3, figsize=(20, 6))
    for i, (ax, row) in enumerate(zip(axes.flatten(), meanAbs)):
        ax.plot(frq_plot, row)
        ax.set_title('Mean FFT magnitude, Eid ' + str(DataPMT.ChannelID[i]) +
                     ', Sensor ' + DataPMT.PmtID[i])
        ax.set_xlim(300, 25000)

    input('happy with plots?')
Пример #7
def load_sensors(file_names: List[str], db_file: str,
                 run_no: int) -> Generator:
    Loads the nexus MC sensor information into
    a pandas DataFrame using the IC function
    Returns info event by event in as a
    generator in the structure expected by
    the dataflow.

    file_names : List of strings
                 List of input file names to be read
    db_file    : string
                 Name of detector database to be used
    run_no     : int
                 Run number for database

    pmt_ids = DB.DataPMT(db_file, run_no).SensorID
    sipm_ids = DB.DataSiPM(db_file, run_no).SensorID

    for file_name in file_names:

        (all_evt, pmt_binwid, sipm_binwid,
         all_wf) = load_mcsensor_response_df(file_name, db_file, run_no)

        with tb.open_file(file_name, 'r') as h5in:

            mc_info = tbl.get_mc_info(h5in)

            timestamps = event_timestamp(h5in)

            for evt in all_evt:

                pmt_wfs = all_wf.loc[evt].loc[pmt_ids]
                sipm_wfs = all_wf.loc[evt].loc[sipm_ids]

                yield dict(evt=evt,
Пример #8
def plot_cwf_blr(ffile, event, pmt, xi=4900, xf=5200):
    """Draw CWF and BLR waveform togethers for selected event and pmt %.
    e40rwf= tb.open_file(ffile,'r+')
    pmtrwf = e40rwf.root.RD.pmtrwf
    pmtblr = e40rwf.root.RD.pmtblr
    DataPMT = load_db.DataPMT(0)
    coeff_c = DataPMT.coeff_c.values.astype(np.double)
    coeff_blr = DataPMT.coeff_blr.values.astype(np.double)
    CWF = blr.deconv_pmt(pmtrwf[event], coeff_c, coeff_blr,
                     n_baseline=28000, thr_trigger=5)
Пример #9
def s2_peak():
    times = np.arange(20) * units.mus
    bin_widths = np.full_like(times, units.mus)

    pmt_ids = DB.DataPMT('new', 6400).SensorID.values
    sipm_ids = DB.DataSiPM('new', 6400).index.values

    pmts = PMTResponses(pmt_ids,
                        np.random.uniform(0, 100, (len(pmt_ids), len(times))))

    sipms = SiPMResponses(
        sipm_ids, np.random.uniform(0, 10, (len(sipm_ids), len(times))))

    ## Values for comparison in tests
    chan_slice = slice(3, 9)
    raw_arr = [
            7.51759755, 5.60509619, 6.42950506, 9.20429423, 9.70312128,
            7.05972334, 2.22846472, 5.46749176, 7.31111882, 3.40960906,
            6.70472842, 3.59272265, 5.16309049, 1.56536978, 9.81538459,
            4.15689334, 3.41990664, 5.79051761, 0.81210519, 1.0304272,
        [4.73786661, 0.6207543, 1.6485871, 2.52693314, 8.91532864, 1.52840296],
            5.92994762, 3.13080909, 2.56228467, 3.18354286, 1.55118873,
            3.51052921, 6.40861592, 4.52017217, 1.08859183, 5.93003437,
            8.57725314, 5.32329684, 4.3160815, 6.77629621, 7.49288644,
        [8.0475847, 6.4163836, 3.62396899, 5.04696816, 8.86944591, 0.08356193],
        [3.0936211, 3.95499815, 5.96360799, 0.6605126, 3.86466816, 9.6719478],
            1.96541611, 5.36489548, 3.70399066, 1.12084339, 7.96734339,
        [6.14385189, 1.83113282, 2.0741162, 4.83746891, 3.2362641, 0.17227037],
            1.67604863, 5.59126381, 2.09007632, 5.46945561, 9.71342408,
            9.61221953, 5.27643349, 2.7304223, 7.30143289, 2.37011787,
            9.90983548, 5.79429284, 3.23532663, 9.17294685, 5.97553658,
            0.35683435, 4.30303963, 1.90266857, 4.17023551, 4.06186979,
        [0.83376644, 9.7300586, 6.05654181, 5.09992868, 8.97882656, 4.6280693],
            8.48222031, 0.12398542, 7.06665329, 7.90802805, 8.97576213,
        [0.45055814, 9.90187098, 0.7664873, 4.74533329, 8.9772245, 6.48808184],
            0.88080893, 5.19986295, 6.27365681, 4.46247949, 4.42179112,
    sn_arr = [[
        2.55346379, 2.1727307, 2.35093766, 2.86042287, 2.97285019, 1.15426079
    ], [
        2.46390195, 1.23075187, 2.14164701, 2.51344824, 1.6329798, 1.92597048
    ], [
        2.3922998, 1.6673905, 2.07136149, 0.94995374, 2.99152438, 2.43278461
    ], [
        1.80446599, 1.61757723, 2.21397598, 0.57976386, 0.73221374, 0.33431018
    ], [
        1.95255757, 0.48024565, 1.00356077, 1.31780419, 2.83845215, 0.95183676
    ], [
        2.22861903, 1.5311806, 1.34814435, 1.52928755, 0.98082474, 0.47157412
    ], [
        1.62612892, 2.34657869, 1.91522882, 0.72757474, 2.26079876, 2.54277753
    ], [
        2.75012934, 2.10862141, 1.86320656, 2.40689549, 2.57871696, 2.88240738
    ], [
        2.65355845, 2.34820047, 1.67626069, 2.02740696, 2.83043378, 0.07848485
    ], [
        1.50175408, 1.76784557, 2.25184422, 0.49088564, 1.76128254, 2.95377289
    ], [
        1.11351605, 2.11819761, 1.69879401, 0.74379173, 2.66806122, 1.56651489
    ], [
        2.27489977, 1.07879322, 1.17346325, 1.97695394, 1.58172378, 0.15582134
    ], [
        0.99700377, 2.16962471, 1.17948397, 2.1258517, 2.97456874, 0.99432725
    ], [
        2.93003466, 2.09778509, 1.40429925, 2.51155634, 1.30074808, 2.62807274
    ], [
        2.97983427, 2.21480833, 1.56288192, 2.85500604, 2.27064999, 1.89628347
    ], [
        0.29069255, 1.859838, 1.10727576, 1.80798637, 1.81437105, 1.42590517
    ], [
        0.59196924, 2.96349975, 2.27193322, 2.03998311, 2.84951285, 1.94222486
    ], [
        2.73304224, 0.11442983, 2.48042035, 2.62755231, 2.84898002, 1.13831482
    ], [0.35613537, 2.99207933, 0.56870727, 1.95439588, 2.8492343, 2.36312065],
                  0.61808354, 2.07996798, 2.3182313, 1.8836441, 1.90782557,
    expected_array = {
        SiPMCharge.raw: raw_arr,
        SiPMCharge.signal_to_noise: sn_arr
    expected_single = {
        [99.6473, 93.8179, 81.3852, 92.4639, 125.2603, 75.8990],
        [9.6651, 9.3927, 8.7087, 9.3396, 10.9941, 8.4203]

    return (S2(times, bin_widths, pmts,
               sipms), chan_slice, expected_single, expected_array)
Пример #10
def pmt_ids():
    return DB.DataPMT('new', 6400).SensorID.values
Пример #11
    def __init__(
            detector: str = 'new',  # detector name in data-base
            run_number: int = -1,  # run number -1 for MC
            krmap_filename: str = '',  # KrMap file name to generate PMT-PSF
        str = '',  # PSF-SiPM file name to generate SiPM-PSF

        self.ws = 60.0 * units.eV
        self.wi = 22.4 * units.eV
        self.fano_factor = 0.15
        self.conde_policarpo_factor = 0.10

        self.drift_velocity = 1.00 * units.mm / units.mus
        self.lifetime = 7.00 * units.ms

        self.transverse_diffusion = 1.00 * units.mm / units.cm**0.5
        self.longitudinal_diffusion = 0.30 * units.mm / units.cm**0.5
        self.voxel_sizes = np.array(
            (2.00 * units.mm, 2.00 * units.mm, 0.2 * units.mm), dtype=float)

        self.el_gain = 1e3

        self.wf_buffer_time = 1300 * units.mus
        self.wf_pmt_bin_time = 25 * units.ns
        self.wf_sipm_bin_time = 1 * units.mus

        self.EP_z = 632 * units.mm
        self.EL_dz = 5 * units.mm
        self.TP_z = -self.EL_dz
        self.EL_dtime = self.EL_dz / self.drift_velocity
        self.EL_pmt_time_sample = self.wf_pmt_bin_time
        self.EL_sipm_time_sample = self.wf_sipm_bin_time

        self.s1_dtime = 200 * units.ns

        db_pmts = db.DataPMT(detector, run_number)
        self.x_pmts = db_pmts['X'].values
        self.y_pmts = db_pmts['Y'].values
        self.adc_to_pes_pmts = db_pmts['adc_to_pes'].values
        self.npmts = len(self.x_pmts)

        db_sipms = db.DataSiPM(detector, run_number)
        self.x_sipms = db_sipms['X'].values
        self.y_sipms = db_sipms['Y'].values
        self.adc_to_pes_sipms = db_sipms['adc_to_pes'].values
        self.nsipms = len(self.x_sipms)

        ## TODO
        nphotons = (41.5 * units.keV / self.wi) * self.el_gain * self.npmts
        if (krmap_filename != ''):
            print('load psf pmt  from file : ', krmap_filename)
        if (psfsipm_filename != ''):
            print('load psf sipm from file : ', psfsipm_filename)
        psf_pmt = partial(_psf, dz=self.EP_z, factor=25e3)
        psf_sipm = partial(_psf, dz=self.TP_z, factor=0.15)
        psf_s1 = partial(_psf, factor=1e3)
        factor = 1. / nphotons
        self.psf_pmt = psf_pmt if krmap_filename == '' else get_psf_pmt_from_krmap(
            krmap_filename, factor)
        self.psf_sipm = psf_sipm if psfsipm_filename == '' else get_psf_sipm_from_file(
            psfsipm_filename, factor / 0.7e-4)
        self.psf_s1 = psf_s1

Пример #12
def relative_pmt_response():
    Script which uses pmaps (will be generalised in future to check XY dependence)
    to look at the relative response of the PMTs in Kr events and
    compares to the results on Poisson mu from calibrations

    pmap_file_base = sys.argv[1]
    dst_file_base = sys.argv[2]

    run_number = pmap_file_base.split('/')[2][1:]

    pmt_dats = DB.DataPMT(int(run_number))

    s1hists = {x: [] for x in range(12)}
    s2hists = {x: [] for x in range(12)}
    s1sumh = []
    s2sumh = []
    hitPMTdist = {x: [] for x in range(12)}
    hitPMTZpos = {x: [] for x in range(12)}

    pmap_sorter = sorter_func(pmap_file_base)
    pmap_file_list = sorted(glob(pmap_file_base + '*.h5'), key=pmap_sorter)

    dst_sorter = sorter_func(dst_file_base)
    dst_file_list = sorted(glob(dst_file_base + '*.h5'), key=dst_sorter)

    ## dst_frame = load_dsts(dst_file_list, 'DST', 'Events')
    dst_frame = load_dsts(dst_file_list, 'RECO', 'Events')

    dst_evt_list = dst_frame['event'].unique()

    #for fn in iglob(pmap_file_base + '*.h5'):
    for fn in pmap_file_list:

        ## This version just using pmt databases
        s1df, s2df, _, s1pmtdf, s2pmtdf = load_pmaps_as_df(fn)

        common_evts = np.intersect1d(s1pmtdf['event'].unique(), dst_evt_list)

        for evt in common_evts:
            #for evt in s1pmtdf['event'].unique():
            #evt    = dst_evt_iter[0]
            s1evt = s1pmtdf[s1pmtdf['event'] == evt]
            s2evt = s2pmtdf[s2pmtdf['event'] == evt]
            s1sevt = s1df[s1df['event'] == evt]
            s2sevt = s2df[s2df['event'] == evt]
            hit_evt = dst_frame[dst_frame['event'] == evt]
            ## if hit_evt['nS2'].iloc[0] == 1 and len(s2evt['peak'].unique()) == 1 and len(s1evt['peak'].unique()) == 1:
            if hit_evt['npeak'].nunique() == 1 and len(
                    s2evt['peak'].unique()) == 1 and len(
                        s1evt['peak'].unique()) == 1:
                ## Not well defined for multi-S2 events
                hit_x = hit_evt['X'].iloc[0]
                hit_y = hit_evt['Y'].iloc[0]
                hit_z = hit_evt['Z'].iloc[0]
                for peak in s1evt['peak'].unique():
                    s1peak = s1evt[s1evt['peak'] == peak]
                    s1sumh.append(s1sevt[s1sevt['peak'] == peak]['ene'].sum())
                    pmt1Q = s1peak[s1peak['npmt'] == 1]['ene'].sum()
                    for pmt in s1peak['npmt'].unique():
                                    hit_x - pmt_dats[pmt_dats['SensorID'] ==
                                                     pmt].X.values, 2) +
                                    hit_y - pmt_dats[pmt_dats['SensorID'] ==
                                                     pmt].Y.values, 2)))
                        if pmt != 1:
                                s1peak[s1peak['npmt'] == pmt]['ene'].sum() /

                for peak in s2evt['peak'].unique():
                    s2peak = s2evt[s2evt['peak'] == peak]
                    s2sumh.append(s2sevt[s2sevt['peak'] == peak]['ene'].sum())
                    if s2sumh[-1] > 4000:  # and s2sumh[-1] < 12000:
                        ## pmt1Q = s2peak[s2peak['npmt'] == 1]['ene'].values[5:-5]
                        pmt1Q = s2peak[s2peak['npmt'] == 1]['ene'].sum()
                        for pmt in s2peak['npmt'].unique():
                            if pmt != 1:
                                ## s2hists[pmt].append(s2peak[s2peak['npmt'] == pmt]['ene'].values[5:-5]/pmt1Q)
                                    s2peak[s2peak['npmt'] == pmt]['ene'].sum()
                                    / pmt1Q)


    ## Make the plots
    s1sumh = np.array(s1sumh)
    s2sumh = np.array(s2sumh)
    figs0, axes0 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)
    axes0[0].set_title('PMT sum S1 distribution')
    axes0[1].set_title('PMT sum S2 distribution')
    figs0.savefig('SumChargescharge_R' + run_number + '.png')
    figs1, axess1 = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=4, figsize=(20, 6))
    s1pmt1 = np.array(s1hists[1])
    s1bins = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)
    s2bins = np.arange(0.4, 1.1, 0.005)
    s1select = (s1sumh > 2) & (s1sumh < 150)
    for (key, val), ax in zip(s1hists.items(), axess1.flatten()):
        if key == 1:
            ax.hist(np.array(val)[s1select], bins=100)
            #ax.scatter(s1sumh[s1select], np.array(val)[s1select])
            ## ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[s1select], np.array(val)[s1select])
            #ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select], np.array(val)[s1select])
            ax.set_title('PMT 1 S1 charge')
            #ax.set_xlabel('integrated charge in PMT sum (pe)')
            #ax.set_xlabel('z pos.')
            #ax.set_ylabel('integrated charge in PMT1 (pe)')
            ax.set_xlabel('integrated charge in PMT1 (pe)')
            sh_hits = np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select].shape
            sh_val = np.array(val)[s1select].shape
            covar = np.cov(
                np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select].reshape(1, sh_hits[0]),
                np.array(val)[s1select].reshape(1, sh_val[0]))[0, 1]
            corr_coef = covar / (
                np.std(np.array(val)[s1select], ddof=1) *
                np.std(np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select], ddof=1))
            print('Sensor ', key, ' correlation coefficient = ', corr_coef)
            vals, bins, _ = ax.hist(np.array(val)[s1select], bins=s1bins)
            ## ax.scatter(s1pmt1[np.abs(val) < 10], np.array(val)[np.abs(val) < 10])
            #ax.scatter(s1sumh[s1select], np.array(val)[s1select])
            ## ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[s1select & (np.abs(val) < 10)], np.array(val)[s1select & (np.abs(val) < 10)])
            #ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select & (np.abs(val) < 10)], np.array(val)[s1select & (np.abs(val) < 10)])
            ax.set_title('PMT ' + str(key) + ' S1 relative charge')
            #ax.set_xlabel('integrated charge in PMT sum (pe)')
            ## ax.set_xlabel('PMT-hit dist. (mm)')
            #ax.set_xlabel('hit Z pos')
            #ax.set_ylabel('pmt q / pmt1 q')
            ax.set_xlabel('pmt q / pmt1 q')
            ## sh_hits = np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select].shape
            ## sh_val = np.array(val)[s1select].shape
            ## covar = np.cov(np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select].reshape(1, sh_hits[0]), np.array(val)[s1select].reshape(1, sh_val[0]))[0, 1]
            ## corr_coef = covar / (np.std(np.array(val)[s1select], ddof=1)*np.std(np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[s1select], ddof=1))
            s1select2 = s1select & (np.array(val) > 0) & (np.array(val) <= 2)
            print('Sensor ', key, ' mean = ',
            useful_bins = np.argwhere(vals >= 100)
            b1 = useful_bins[0][0]
            b2 = useful_bins[-1][0]
            errs = np.sqrt(vals[b1:b2])
            fvals = fitf.fit(fitf.gauss,
                             seed=(vals.sum(), bins[vals.argmax()], 0.1),
            print('Fit S1 ' + str(key), fvals.values, fvals.errors, fvals.chi2)
    figs1.savefig('s1relativechargeThzoom_R' + run_number + '.png')

    fitVals = {}
    figs2, axess2 = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=4, figsize=(20, 6))
    s2pmt1 = np.array(s2hists[1])
    for (key, val), ax in zip(s2hists.items(), axess2.flatten()):
        if key == 1:
            ## ax.set_title('PMT 1 S2 charge')
            ax.set_title('PMT 1 S2 charge vs s2 sum charge')
            ax.set_xlabel('S2pmt sum charge (pe)')
            #ax.set_xlabel('integrated charge in PMT sum (pe)')
            #ax.set_xlabel('z pos')
            ax.set_ylabel('integrated charge in PMT1 (pe)')
            ax.set_xlabel('integrated charge in PMT1 (pe)')
            ## ax.hist(np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], bins=100)
            ##ax.hist(np.concatenate(val), bins=100)
            ## ax.hist(np.array(val)[s2sumh>4000], bins=100)
            ax.scatter(s2sumh[s2sumh > 4000], np.array(val)[s2sumh > 4000])
            #ax.scatter(s2sumh[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)])
            ## ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)])
            #ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)])
            ## sh_hits = np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].shape
            ## sh_val = np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].shape
            ## covar = np.cov(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].reshape(1, sh_hits[0]), np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].reshape(1, sh_val[0]))[0, 1]
            ## corr_coef = covar / (np.std(np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], ddof=1)*np.std(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], ddof=1))
            ## print('Sensor ', key, ' correlation coefficient = ', corr_coef)
            ## ax.set_title('PMT '+str(key)+' S2 relative charge')
            ax.set_title('PMT ' + str(key) + ' S2 relative charge vs pmt sum')
            ax.set_ylabel('pmt q / pmt1 q')
            ax.set_xlabel('integrated charge in PMT sum (pe)')
            #ax.set_xlabel('pmt q / pmt1 q')
            #ax.scatter(s2pmt1[np.abs(val) < 10], np.array(val)[np.abs(val) < 10])
            #ax.scatter(s2sumh[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)])
            ## vals, bins, _ = ax.hist(np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], bins=s2bins)
            ## vals, bins, _ = ax.hist(np.concatenate(val), bins=s2bins)
            ## vals, bins, _ = ax.hist(np.array(val)[s2sumh>4000], bins=s2bins)
            ax.scatter(s2sumh[s2sumh > 4000], np.array(val)[s2sumh > 4000])
            ## ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)])
            #ax.scatter(np.array(hitPMTZpos[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)])
            sh_sum = s2sumh[s2sumh > 4000].shape
            sh_vals = np.array(val)[s2sumh > 4000].shape
            covar = np.cov(s2sumh[s2sumh > 4000].reshape(1, sh_sum[0]),
                           np.array(val)[s2sumh > 4000].reshape(1,
            corr_coef = covar / (np.std(np.array(val)[s2sumh > 4000], ddof=1) *
                                 np.std(s2sumh[s2sumh > 4000], ddof=1))
            ## sh_hits = np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].shape
            ## sh_val = np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].shape
            ## covar = np.cov(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].reshape(1, sh_hits[0]), np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)].reshape(1, sh_val[0]))[0, 1]
            ## corr_coef = covar / (np.std(np.array(val)[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], ddof=1)*np.std(np.array(hitPMTdist[key])[(s2sumh>4000) & (s2sumh<12000)], ddof=1))
            print('Sensor ', key, ' correlation coefficient = ', corr_coef)
            ## limit fit to region with stat error <= 10% Poisson
            ## useful_bins = np.argwhere(vals>=200)
            ## b1 = useful_bins[0][0]
            ## b2 = useful_bins[-1][0]
            ## errs = np.sqrt(vals[b1:b2])
            ## print('Seed check: ', (vals.sum(), bins[vals.argmax()], 0.02))
            ## fvals = fitf.fit(fitf.gauss, shift_to_bin_centers(bins)[b1:b2], vals[b1:b2],
            ##                  seed=(vals.sum(), bins[vals.argmax()], 0.02),
            ##                  sigma=errs, bounds=[(0, 0, 0.00001), (1e10, 2, 3)])
            ## ax.plot(shift_to_bin_centers(bins),
            ##         fitf.gauss(shift_to_bin_centers(bins), *fvals.values))
            ## fitVals[key] = (fvals.values[1], fvals.values[2])
            ## print('Fit PMT '+str(key), fvals.values, fvals.errors, fvals.chi2)
    figs2.savefig('s2relativechargeThvsSum_R' + run_number + '.png')

    ## figcal, axcal = plt.subplots()
    ## axcal.errorbar(list(fitVals.keys()),
    ##                np.fromiter((x[0] for x in fitVals.values()), np.float),
    ##                yerr=np.fromiter((x[1] for x in fitVals.values()), np.float),
    ##                label='Average response of PMTs to Kr relative to PMT 1')
    ## ## Get the calibration info for comparison.
    ## cal_files = [ fname for fname in sys.argv[3:] ]
    ## read_params = partial(spr, table_name='FIT_pmt_scaled_dark_pedestal',
    ##                       param_names=['poisson_mu'])
    ## ## Assumes ordering, ok?
    ## for i, fn in enumerate(cal_files):
    ##     cal_run = fn.split('_')[1]
    ##     with tb.open_file(fn) as cal_in:
    ##         pmt1Val = 0
    ##         pmt1Err = 0
    ##         cVals = []
    ##         cErrs = []
    ##         for sens, (pars, errs) in read_params(cal_in):
    ##             if sens != 1:
    ##                 cVals.append(pars['poisson_mu'])
    ##                 cErrs.append(errs['poisson_mu'])
    ##             else:
    ##                 pmt1Val = pars['poisson_mu']
    ##                 pmt1Err = errs['poisson_mu']
    ##         normVals = np.array(cVals) / pmt1Val
    ##         normErrs = normVals * np.sqrt(np.power(np.array(cErrs)/np.array(cVals), 2) +
    ##                                       np.power(pmt1Err/pmt1Val, 2))
    ##         axcal.errorbar(list(fitVals.keys()), normVals,
    ##                        yerr=normErrs, label='Calibration '+cal_run)
    ## axcal.legend()
    ## axcal.set_xlabel('PMT sensor ID')
    ## axcal.set_ylabel('Response relative to that of PMT 1')
    ## figcal.show()
    ## figcal.savefig('calPoisKrRelCompStatsFILT.png')
    input('plots good?')
Пример #13
import invisible_cities.sierpe.fee as FE

# In[6]:

from invisible_cities.cities.diomira import Diomira

# In[7]:

import invisible_cities.sierpe.blr as blr

# In[8]:

DataPMT = load_db.DataPMT()

# ## Run example configuration

# ### Configuration file

# In[9]:


# Below an example of configuration file for Diomira. The main variables to set are the input file path and name list (in the example a single file), the output path and file, print frequency, number of events to run and the noise cut (in pes) for the SiPMs. 
# The noise cut is discussed later in the NB
# set_input_files