Пример #1
    def georeference_with_gcp(self,
        if not io.file_exists(output_coords_file) or not io.file_exists(
                output_gcp_file) or rerun:
            gcp = GCPFile(gcp_file)
            if gcp.exists():
                # Create coords file, we'll be using this later
                # during georeferencing
                with open(output_coords_file, 'w') as f:
                    coords_header = gcp.wgs84_utm_zone()
                    f.write(coords_header + "\n")
                    log.ODM_DEBUG("Generated coords file from GCP: %s" %

                # Convert GCP file to a UTM projection since the rest of the pipeline
                # does not handle other SRS well.
                rejected_entries = []
                utm_gcp = GCPFile(
                        filenames=[p.filename for p in self.photos],

                if not utm_gcp.exists():
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Could not project GCP file to UTM. Please double check your GCP file for mistakes."

                for re in rejected_entries:
                    log.ODM_WARNING("GCP line ignored (image not found): %s" %

                if utm_gcp.entries_count() > 0:
                        "%s GCP points will be used for georeferencing" %
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "A GCP file was provided, but no valid GCP entries could be used. Note that the GCP file is case sensitive (\".JPG\" is not the same as \".jpg\")."

                self.gcp = utm_gcp
                log.ODM_WARNING("GCP file does not exist: %s" % gcp_file)
            log.ODM_INFO("Coordinates file already exist: %s" %
            log.ODM_INFO("GCP file already exist: %s" % output_gcp_file)
            self.gcp = GCPFile(output_gcp_file)

        self.georef = ODM_GeoRef.FromCoordsFile(output_coords_file)
        return self.georef
Пример #2
    def convert_to_dem(self, _file, _file_out, pdalJSON, sample_radius,
                       gdal_res, gdal_radius):
        # Check if exists f_in
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('LAS file does not exist')
            return False

        kwargs = {
            'bin': context.pdal_path,
            'f_in': _file,
            'sample_radius': sample_radius,
            'gdal_res': gdal_res,
            'gdal_radius': gdal_radius,
            'f_out': _file_out,
            'json': pdalJSON

        pipelineJSON = '{{' \
                       '    "pipeline":[' \
                       '        "input.las",' \
                       '    {{' \
                       '        "type":"filters.sample",' \
                       '        "radius":"{sample_radius}"' \
                       '    }},' \
                       '    {{' \
                       '        "type":"filters.pmf"' \
                       '    }},' \
                       '    {{' \
                       '      "type":"filters.range",' \
                       '      "limits":"Classification[2:2]"' \
                       '    }},' \
                       '    {{' \
                       '        "resolution": {gdal_res},' \
                       '        "radius": {gdal_radius},' \
                       '        "output_type":"idw",' \
                       '        "filename":"outputfile.tif"' \
                       '    }}' \
                       '    ]' \

        with open(pdalJSON, 'w') as f:

        system.run('{bin}/pdal pipeline {json} --readers.las.filename={f_in} '

        if io.file_exists(kwargs['f_out']):
            return True
            return False
Пример #3
def restore_session(url):
    hostname = urlrewrite.get_hostname(url)
    filename = urlrewrite.hostname_to_filename(hostname)
    q, wb = None, None
    if (io.file_exists(filename + ".web", dir=io.LOGDIR)):
        io.write_err("Restoring web from %s ..." %
             shcolor.color(shcolor.YELLOW, filename+".web"))
        wb = io.deserialize(filename + ".web", dir=io.LOGDIR)
        io.write_err(shcolor.color(shcolor.GREEN, "done\n"))
    if (io.file_exists(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)):
        io.write_err("Restoring session from %s ..." %
             shcolor.color(shcolor.YELLOW, filename+".session"))
        q = io.deserialize(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)
        q = recipe.overrule_records(q)
        io.write_err(shcolor.color(shcolor.GREEN, "done\n"))
    return q, wb
Пример #4
def restore_session(url):
    hostname = urlrewrite.get_hostname(url)
    filename = urlrewrite.hostname_to_filename(hostname)
    q, wb = None, None
    if (io.file_exists(filename + ".web", dir=io.LOGDIR)):
        io.write_err("Restoring web from %s ..." %
                     shcolor.color(shcolor.YELLOW, filename + ".web"))
        wb = io.deserialize(filename + ".web", dir=io.LOGDIR)
        io.write_err(shcolor.color(shcolor.GREEN, "done\n"))
    if (io.file_exists(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)):
        io.write_err("Restoring session from %s ..." %
                     shcolor.color(shcolor.YELLOW, filename + ".session"))
        q = io.deserialize(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)
        q = recipe.overrule_records(q)
        io.write_err(shcolor.color(shcolor.GREEN, "done\n"))
    return q, wb
Пример #5
    def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
        """Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
            line = f.readline().rstrip()
            log.ODM_DEBUG('Line: %s' % line)
            ref = line.split(' ')
            # match_wgs_utm = re.search('WGS84 UTM (\d{1,2})(N|S)', line, re.I)
            if ref[0] == 'WGS84' and ref[1] == 'UTM':  # match_wgs_utm:
                datum = ref[0]
                utm_pole = ref[2][len(ref[2]) - 1]
                utm_zone = int(ref[2][:len(ref[2]) - 1])

                return Proj(proj="utm", zone=utm_zone, datum=datum, no_defs=True)
            elif '+proj' in line:
                return Proj(line.strip('\''))
            elif 'epsg' in line.lower():
                return Proj(init=line)
                raise log.ODM_ERROR('Could not parse coordinates. Bad CRS supplied: %s' % line)
Пример #6
    def convert_to_dem(self, _file, _file_out, pdalJSON, sample_radius, gdal_res, gdal_radius):
        # Check if exists f_in
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('LAS file does not exist')
            return False

        kwargs = {
            'bin': context.pdal_path,
            'f_in': _file,
            'sample_radius': sample_radius,
            'gdal_res': gdal_res,
            'gdal_radius': gdal_radius,
            'f_out': _file_out,
            'json': pdalJSON

        pipelineJSON = '{{' \
                       '    "pipeline":[' \
                       '        "input.las",' \
                       '    {{' \
                       '        "type":"filters.sample",' \
                       '        "radius":"{sample_radius}"' \
                       '    }},' \
                       '    {{' \
                       '        "type":"filters.pmf",' \
                       '        "extract":"true"' \
                       '    }},' \
                       '    {{' \
                       '        "resolution": {gdal_res},' \
                       '        "radius": {gdal_radius},' \
                       '        "output_type":"idw",' \
                       '        "filename":"outputfile.tif"' \
                       '    }}' \
                       '    ]' \

        with open(pdalJSON, 'w') as f:

        system.run('{bin}/pdal pipeline {json} --readers.las.filename={f_in} '

        if io.file_exists(kwargs['f_out']):
            return True
            return False
Пример #7
    def extract_offsets(self, _file):
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            offsets = f.readlines()[1].split(' ')
            self.utm_east_offset = float(offsets[0])
            self.utm_north_offset = float(offsets[1])
Пример #8
    def extract_offsets(self, _file):
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            offsets = f.readlines()[1].split(' ')
            self.utm_east_offset = float(offsets[0])
            self.utm_north_offset = float(offsets[1])
Пример #9
def save_session(wb, queue=None):
    hostname = urlrewrite.get_hostname(wb.root.url)
    filename = urlrewrite.hostname_to_filename(hostname)
    io.write_err("Saving session to %s ..." %
         shcolor.color(shcolor.YELLOW, filename+".{web,session}"))
    io.serialize(wb, filename + ".web", dir=io.LOGDIR)
    if queue: 
        io.serialize(queue, filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)
    # only web being saved, ie. spidering complete, remove old session
    elif io.file_exists(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR):
        io.delete(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)
    io.write_err(shcolor.color(shcolor.GREEN, "done\n"))
Пример #10
def save_session(wb, queue=None):
    hostname = urlrewrite.get_hostname(wb.root.url)
    filename = urlrewrite.hostname_to_filename(hostname)
    io.write_err("Saving session to %s ..." %
                 shcolor.color(shcolor.YELLOW, filename + ".{web,session}"))
    io.serialize(wb, filename + ".web", dir=io.LOGDIR)
    if queue:
        io.serialize(queue, filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)
    # only web being saved, ie. spidering complete, remove old session
    elif io.file_exists(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR):
        io.delete(filename + ".session", dir=io.LOGDIR)
    io.write_err(shcolor.color(shcolor.GREEN, "done\n"))
Пример #11
    def parse_transformation_matrix(self, _file):
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        # Create a nested list for the transformation matrix
        with open(_file) as f:
            for line in f:
                self.transform += [[float(i) for i in line.split()]]

        self.utm_east_offset = self.transform[0][3]
        self.utm_north_offset = self.transform[1][3]
Пример #12
    def georeference_with_gps(self, images_path, output_coords_file, rerun=False):
            if not io.file_exists(output_coords_file) or rerun:
                location.extract_utm_coords(self.photos, images_path, output_coords_file)
                log.ODM_INFO("Coordinates file already exist: %s" % output_coords_file)
            self.georef = ODM_GeoRef.FromCoordsFile(output_coords_file)
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not generate coordinates file. The orthophoto will not be georeferenced.')

        self.gcp = GCPFile(None)
        return self.georef
Пример #13
    def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
        """Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
            line = f.readline().rstrip()
            log.ODM_DEBUG('Line: %s' % line)
            ref = line.split(' ')
            # match_wgs_utm = re.search('WGS84 UTM (\d{1,2})(N|S)', line, re.I)
                if ref[0] == 'WGS84' and ref[1] == 'UTM':  # match_wgs_utm:
                    datum = ref[0]
                    utm_pole = (ref[2][len(ref[2]) - 1]).upper()
                    utm_zone = int(ref[2][:len(ref[2]) - 1])

                    proj_args = {
                        'proj': "utm",
                        'zone': utm_zone,
                        'datum': datum,
                        'no_defs': True
                    if utm_pole == 'S':
                        proj_args['south'] = True

                    return Proj(**proj_args)
                elif '+proj' in line:
                    return Proj(line.strip('\''))
                elif 'epsg' in line.lower():
                    return Proj(init=line)
                        'Could not parse coordinates. Bad CRS supplied: %s' %
            except RuntimeError as e:
                    'Uh oh! There seems to be a problem with your GCP file.\n\n'
                    'The line: %s\n\n'
                    'Is not valid. Projections that are valid include:\n'
                    ' - EPSG:*****\n'
                    ' - WGS84 UTM **(N|S)\n'
                    ' - Any valid proj4 string (for example, +proj=utm +zone=32 +north +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs)\n\n'
                    'Modify your GCP file and try again.' % line)
                raise RuntimeError(e)
Пример #14
    def parse_transformation_matrix(self, _file):
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        # Create a nested list for the transformation matrix
        with open(_file) as f:
            for line in f:
                # Handle matrix formats that either
                # have leading or trailing brakets or just plain numbers.
                line = re.sub(r"[\[\],]", "", line).strip()
                self.transform += [[float(i) for i in line.split()]]

        self.utm_east_offset = self.transform[0][3]
        self.utm_north_offset = self.transform[1][3]
Пример #15
    def parse_transformation_matrix(self, _file):
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        # Create a nested list for the transformation matrix
        with open(_file) as f:
            for line in f:
                # Handle matrix formats that either
                # have leading or trailing brakets or just plain numbers.
                line = re.sub(r"[\[\],]", "", line).strip()
                self.transform += [[float(i) for i in line.split()]]

        self.utm_east_offset = self.transform[0][3]
        self.utm_north_offset = self.transform[1][3]
Пример #16
    def FromCoordsFile(coords_file):
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(coords_file):
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % coords_file)

        srs = None

        with open(coords_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
            line = f.readline().rstrip()
            srs = location.parse_srs_header(line)

        return ODM_GeoRef(srs)
Пример #17
    def create_gcps(self, _file):
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # parse coordinates
            lines = f.readlines()[2:]
            for l in lines:
                xyz = l.split(' ')
                if len(xyz) == 3:
                    x, y, z = xyz[:3]
                elif len(xyz) == 2:
                    x, y = xyz[:2]
                    z = 0
                self.gcps.append(ODM_GCPoint(float(x), float(y), float(z)))
Пример #18
    def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
        """Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N'
            line = f.readline()
            log.ODM_DEBUG('Line: %s' % line)
            ref = line.split(' ')
            # match_wgs_utm = re.search('WGS84 UTM (\d{1,2})(N|S)', line, re.I)
            if ref[0] == 'WGS84' and ref[1] == 'UTM':  # match_wgs_utm:
                self.datum = ref[0]
                self.utm_pole = ref[2][len(ref) - 1]
                self.utm_zone = int(ref[2][:len(ref) - 1])
                # extract east and west offsets from second line.
                # We will assume the following format:
                # '440143 4588391'
                # update EPSG
                self.epsg = self.calculate_EPSG(self.utm_zone, self.utm_pole)
            # If the first line looks like "EPSG:n" or "epsg:n"
            elif ref[0].split(':')[0].lower() == 'epsg':
                self.epsg = line.split(':')[1]
                    'Could not parse coordinates. Bad CRS supplied: %s' % line)

            offsets = f.readline().split(' ')
            self.utm_east_offset = int(offsets[0])
            self.utm_north_offset = int(offsets[1])

            # parse coordinates
            lines = f.readlines()
            for l in lines:
                xyz = l.split(' ')
                if len(xyz) == 3:
                    x, y, z = xyz[:3]
                elif len(xyz) == 2:
                    x, y = xyz[:2]
                    z = 0
                self.gcps.append(ODM_GCPoint(float(x), float(y), float(z)))
Пример #19
    def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
        """Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
            line = f.readline().rstrip()
            log.ODM_DEBUG('Line: %s' % line)
            ref = line.split(' ')
            # match_wgs_utm = re.search('WGS84 UTM (\d{1,2})(N|S)', line, re.I)
                if ref[0] == 'WGS84' and ref[1] == 'UTM':  # match_wgs_utm:
                    datum = ref[0]
                    utm_pole = (ref[2][len(ref[2]) - 1]).upper()
                    utm_zone = int(ref[2][:len(ref[2]) - 1])

                    proj_args = {
                        'proj': "utm", 
                        'zone': utm_zone, 
                        'datum': datum,
                        'no_defs': True
                    if utm_pole == 'S':
                        proj_args['south'] = True

                    return Proj(**proj_args)
                elif '+proj' in line:
                    return Proj(line.strip('\''))
                elif 'epsg' in line.lower():
                    return Proj(init=line)
                    log.ODM_ERROR('Could not parse coordinates. Bad CRS supplied: %s' % line)
            except RuntimeError as e:
                log.ODM_ERROR('Uh oh! There seems to be a problem with your GCP file.\n\n'
                                    'The line: %s\n\n'
                                    'Is not valid. Projections that are valid include:\n'
                                    ' - EPSG:*****\n'
                                    ' - WGS84 UTM **(N|S)\n'
                                    ' - Any valid proj4 string (for example, +proj=utm +zone=32 +north +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs)\n\n'
                                    'Modify your GCP file and try again.' % line)
                raise RuntimeError(e)
Пример #20
    def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
        """Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N'
            line = f.readline()
            log.ODM_DEBUG('Line: %s' % line)
            ref = line.split(' ')
            # match_wgs_utm = re.search('WGS84 UTM (\d{1,2})(N|S)', line, re.I)
            if ref[0] == 'WGS84' and ref[1] == 'UTM': # match_wgs_utm:
                self.datum = ref[0]
                self.utm_pole = ref[2][len(ref) - 1]
                self.utm_zone = int(ref[2][:len(ref) - 1])
                # extract east and west offsets from second line.
                # We will assume the following format:
                # '440143 4588391'
                # update EPSG
                self.epsg = self.calculate_EPSG(self.utm_zone, self.utm_pole)
            # If the first line looks like "EPSG:n" or "epsg:n"
            elif ref[0].split(':')[0].lower() == 'epsg':
                self.epsg = line.split(':')[1]
                log.ODM_ERROR('Could not parse coordinates. Bad CRS supplied: %s' % line)

            offsets = f.readline().split(' ')
            self.utm_east_offset = int(offsets[0])
            self.utm_north_offset = int(offsets[1])

            # parse coordinates
            lines = f.readlines()
            for l in lines:
                xyz = l.split(' ')
                if len(xyz) == 3:
                    x, y, z = xyz[:3]
                elif len(xyz) == 2:
                    x, y = xyz[:2]
                    z = 0
                self.gcps.append(ODM_GCPoint(float(x), float(y), float(z)))