Пример #1
def yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(vector, measured_bicycle_par,
    vector : np.matrix, shape(3, 1)
        A vector from the Yeadon origin to a point expressed in the Yeadon
        reference frame.
    measured_bicycle_par : dictionary
        The raw bicycle measurements.
    benchmark_bicycle_par : dictionary
        The Meijaard 2007 et. al parameters for this bicycle.

    vector_wrt_bike : np.matrix, shape(3, 1)
        The vector from the bicycle origin to the same point above expressed
        in the bicycle reference frame.


    # This is the rotation matrix that relates Yeadon's reference frame
    # to the bicycle reference frame.
    # vector_expressed_in_bike = rot_mat * vector_expressed_in_yeadon)
    rot_mat = np.matrix([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
                        [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]])

    # The relevant bicycle parameters:
    measuredPar = remove_uncertainties(measured_bicycle_par)
    benchmarkPar = remove_uncertainties(benchmark_bicycle_par)
    # bottom bracket height
    hbb = measuredPar['hbb']
    # chain stay length
    lcs = measuredPar['lcs']
    # rear wheel radius
    rR = benchmarkPar['rR']
    # seat post length
    lsp = measuredPar['lsp']
    # seat tube length
    lst = measuredPar['lst']
    # seat tube angle
    lambdast = measuredPar['lamst']

    # bicycle origin to yeadon origin expressed in bicycle frame
    yeadon_origin_in_bike_frame = \
        np.matrix([[np.sqrt(lcs**2 - (-hbb + rR)**2) + (-lsp - lst) * np.cos(lambdast)],  # bx
                   [-hbb + (-lsp - lst) * np.sin(lambdast)]])  # bz

    vector_wrt_bike =  yeadon_origin_in_bike_frame + rot_mat * vector

    return vector_wrt_bike
Пример #2
def yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(vector, measured_bicycle_par,
    vector : np.matrix, shape(3, 1)
        A vector from the Yeadon origin to a point expressed in the Yeadon
        reference frame.
    measured_bicycle_par : dictionary
        The raw bicycle measurements.
    benchmark_bicycle_par : dictionary
        The Meijaard 2007 et. al parameters for this bicycle.

    vector_wrt_bike : np.matrix, shape(3, 1)
        The vector from the bicycle origin to the same point above expressed
        in the bicycle reference frame.


    # This is the rotation matrix that relates Yeadon's reference frame
    # to the bicycle reference frame.
    # vector_expressed_in_bike = rot_mat * vector_expressed_in_yeadon)
    rot_mat = np.matrix([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]])

    # The relevant bicycle parameters:
    measuredPar = remove_uncertainties(measured_bicycle_par)
    benchmarkPar = remove_uncertainties(benchmark_bicycle_par)
    # bottom bracket height
    hbb = measuredPar['hbb']
    # chain stay length
    lcs = measuredPar['lcs']
    # rear wheel radius
    rR = benchmarkPar['rR']
    # seat post length
    lsp = measuredPar['lsp']
    # seat tube length
    lst = measuredPar['lst']
    # seat tube angle
    lambdast = measuredPar['lamst']

    # bicycle origin to yeadon origin expressed in bicycle frame
    yeadon_origin_in_bike_frame = \
        np.matrix([[np.sqrt(lcs**2 - (-hbb + rR)**2) + (-lsp - lst) * np.cos(lambdast)],  # bx
                   [-hbb + (-lsp - lst) * np.sin(lambdast)]])  # bz

    vector_wrt_bike = yeadon_origin_in_bike_frame + rot_mat * vector

    return vector_wrt_bike
Пример #3
    def eig(self, speeds):
        '''Returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Whipple bicycle
        model linearized about the nominal configuration.

        speeds : ndarray, shape (n,) or float
            The speed at which to calculate the eigenvalues.

        evals : ndarray, shape (n, 4)
        evecs : ndarray, shape (n, 4, 4)

        If you have a flywheel defined, body D, it will completely be ignored
        in these results. These results are strictly for the Whipple bicycle

        # this allows you to enter a float
        except AttributeError:
            speeds = np.array([speeds])

        par = io.remove_uncertainties(self.parameters['Benchmark'])

        M, C1, K0, K2 = bicycle.benchmark_par_to_canonical(par)

        m, n = 4, speeds.shape[0]
        evals = np.zeros((n, m), dtype='complex128')
        evecs = np.zeros((n, m, m), dtype='complex128')
        for i, speed in enumerate(speeds):
            A, B = bicycle.ab_matrix(M, C1, K0, K2, speed, par['g'])
            w, v = np.linalg.eig(A)
            evals[i] = w
            evecs[i] = v

        return evals, evecs
Пример #4
    def eig(self, speeds):
        '''Returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Whipple bicycle
        model linearized about the nominal configuration.

        speeds : ndarray, shape (n,) or float
            The speed at which to calculate the eigenvalues.

        evals : ndarray, shape (n, 4)
        evecs : ndarray, shape (n, 4, 4)

        If you have a flywheel defined, body D, it will completely be ignored
        in these results. These results are strictly for the Whipple bicycle

        # this allows you to enter a float
        except AttributeError:
            speeds = np.array([speeds])

        par = io.remove_uncertainties(self.parameters['Benchmark'])

        M, C1, K0, K2 = bicycle.benchmark_par_to_canonical(par)

        m, n = 4, speeds.shape[0]
        evals = np.zeros((n, m), dtype='complex128')
        evecs = np.zeros((n, m, m), dtype='complex128')
        for i, speed in enumerate(speeds):
            A, B = bicycle.ab_matrix(M, C1, K0, K2, speed, par['g'])
            w, v = np.linalg.eig(A)
            evals[i] = w
            evecs[i] = v

        return evals, evecs
Пример #5
    def plot_bicycle_geometry(self,
        '''Returns a figure showing the basic bicycle geometry, the centers of
        mass and the moments of inertia.

        If the flywheel is defined, it's center of mass corresponds to the
        front wheel and is not depicted in the plot.

        par = io.remove_uncertainties(self.parameters['Benchmark'])
        parts = get_parts_in_parameters(par)

            slopes = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['slopes'])
            intercepts = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['intercepts'])
            penInertias = io.remove_uncertainties(
        except AttributeError:
            pendulum = False

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.axes()

        # define some colors for the parts
        numColors = len(parts)
        cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        partColors = {}
        for i, part in enumerate(parts):
            partColors[part] = cmap(1. * i / numColors)

        if inertiaEllipse:
            # plot the principal moments of inertia
            for j, part in enumerate(parts):
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, part)
                Ip, C = inertia.principal_axes(I)
                if part == 'R':
                    center = np.array([0., par['rR']])
                elif part in 'FD':
                    center = np.array([par['w'], par['rF']])
                    center = np.array([par['x' + part], -par['z' + part]])
                # which row in C is the y vector
                uy = np.array([0., 1., 0.])
                for i, row in enumerate(C):
                    if np.abs(np.sum(row - uy)) < 1E-10:
                        yrow = i
                # remove the row for the y vector
                Ip2D = np.delete(Ip, yrow, 0)
                # remove the column and row associated with the y
                C2D = np.delete(np.delete(C, yrow, 0), 1, 1)
                # make an ellipse
                Imin = Ip2D[0]
                Imax = Ip2D[1]
                # get width and height of a ellipse with the major axis equal
                # to one
                unitWidth = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imin) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                unitHeight = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imax) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                # now scaled the width and height relative to the maximum
                # principal moment of inertia
                width = Imax * unitWidth
                height = Imax * unitHeight
                angle = -np.degrees(np.arccos(C2D[0, 0]))
                ellipse = Ellipse((center[0], center[1]),

        # plot the ground line
        x = np.array([-par['rR'], par['w'] + par['rF']])
        plt.plot(x, np.zeros_like(x), 'k')

        # plot the rear wheel
        c = plt.Circle((0., par['rR']), radius=par['rR'], fill=False)

        # plot the front wheel
        c = plt.Circle((par['w'], par['rF']), radius=par['rF'], fill=False)

        # plot the fundamental bike
        deex, deez = geometry.fundamental_geometry_plot_data(par)
        plt.plot(deex, -deez, 'k')

        # plot the steer axis
        dx3 = deex[2] + deez[2] * (deex[2] - deex[1]) / (deez[1] - deez[2])
        plt.plot([deex[2], dx3], [-deez[2], 0.], 'k--')

        # don't plot the pendulum lines if a rider has been added because the
        # inertia has changed
        if self.hasRider:
            pendulum = False

        if pendulum:
            # plot the pendulum axes for the measured parts
            for j, pair in enumerate(slopes.items()):
                part, slopeSet = pair
                xcom, zcom = par['x' + part], par['z' + part]
                for i, m in enumerate(slopeSet):
                    b = intercepts[part][i]
                    xPoint, zPoint = geometry.project_point_on_line(
                        (m, b), (xcom, zcom))
                    comLineLength = penInertias[part][i]
                    xPlus = comLineLength / 2. * np.cos(np.arctan(m))
                    x = np.array([xPoint - xPlus, xPoint + xPlus])
                    z = -m * x - b
                    plt.plot(x, z, color=partColors[part])
                    # label the pendulum lines with a number
                    plt.text(x[0], z[0], str(i + 1))

        if centerOfMass:
            # plot the center of mass location
            def com_symbol(ax, center, radius, color='b'):
                '''Returns axis with center of mass symbol.'''
                c = plt.Circle(center, radius=radius, fill=False)
                w1 = Wedge(center,
                w2 = Wedge(center,
                return ax

            # radius of the CoM symbol
            sRad = 0.03
            # front wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['w'], par['rF']),
            plt.text(par['w'] + sRad, par['rF'] + sRad, 'F')
            # rear wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (0., par['rR']), sRad, color=partColors['R'])
            plt.text(0. + sRad, par['rR'] + sRad, 'R')
            for j, part in enumerate([x for x in parts if x not in 'RFD']):
                xcom = par['x' + part]
                zcom = par['z' + part]
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (xcom, -zcom),
                plt.text(xcom + sRad, -zcom + sRad, part)
            if 'H' not in parts:
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['xH'], -par['zH']), sRad)
                plt.text(par['xH'] + sRad, -par['zH'] + sRad, 'H')

        plt.ylim((0., 1.))

        # if there is a rider on the bike, make a simple stick figure
        if self.human:
            human = self.human
            mpar = self.parameters['Measured']
            bpar = self.parameters['Benchmark']
            # K2: lower leg, tip of foot to knee
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K2.end_pos, mpar,
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # K1: upper leg, knee to hip
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # torso
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B1: upper arm
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B2: lower arm, elbow to tip of fingers
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B2.end_pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # C: chest/head
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.C.end_pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')

        if show:

        return fig
Пример #6
def rider_on_bike(benchmarkPar, measuredPar, yeadonMeas, yeadonCFG, drawrider):
    Returns a yeadon human configured to sit on a bicycle.

    benchmarkPar : dictionary
        A dictionary containing the benchmark bicycle parameters.
    measuredPar : dictionary
        A dictionary containing the raw geometric measurements of the bicycle.
    yeadonMeas : str
        Path to a text file that holds the 95 yeadon measurements. See
        `yeadon documentation`_.
    yeadonCFG : str
        Path to a text file that holds configuration variables. See `yeadon
        documentation`_. As of now, only 'somersalt' angle can be set as an
        input. The remaining variables are either zero or calculated in this
    drawrider : bool
        Switch to draw the rider, with vectors pointing to the desired
        position of the hands and feet of the rider (at the handles and
        bottom bracket). Requires python-visual.

    human : yeadon.Human
        Human object is returned with an updated configuration.
        The dictionary, taken from H.CFG, has the following key's values


    Requires that the bike object has a raw data text input file that contains
    the measurements necessary to situate a rider on the bike (i.e.
    ``<pathToData>/bicycles/<short name>/RawData/<short name>Measurements.txt``).

    .. _yeadon documentation : http://packages.python.org/yeadon


    # create human using input measurements and configuration files
    human = yeadon.Human(yeadonMeas, yeadonCFG)

    # The relevant human measurments:
    L_j3L = human.meas['Lj3L']
    L_j5L = human.meas['Lj5L']
    L_j6L = human.meas['Lj6L']
    L_s4L = human.meas['Ls4L']
    L_s4w = human.meas['Ls4w']
    L_a2L = human.meas['La2L']
    L_a4L = human.meas['La4L']
    L_a5L = human.meas['La5L']
    somersault = human.CFG['somersault']

    # The relevant bicycle parameters:
    measuredPar = remove_uncertainties(measuredPar)
    benchmarkPar = remove_uncertainties(benchmarkPar)
    # bottom bracket height
    h_bb = measuredPar['hbb']
    # chain stay length
    l_cs = measuredPar['lcs']
    # rear wheel radius
    r_R = benchmarkPar['rR']
    # front wheel radius
    r_F = benchmarkPar['rF']
    # seat post length
    l_sp = measuredPar['lsp']
    # seat tube length
    l_st = measuredPar['lst']
    # seat tube angle
    lambda_st = measuredPar['lamst']
    # handlebar width
    w_hb = measuredPar['whb']
    # distance from rear wheel hub to hand
    L_hbR = measuredPar['LhbR']
    # distance from front wheel hub to hand
    L_hbF = measuredPar['LhbF']
    # wheelbase
    w = benchmarkPar['w']

    def zero(unknowns):
        """For the derivation of these equations see:


        PJ1extension = unknowns[0]
        J1J2flexion = unknowns[1]
        CA1extension = unknowns[2]
        CA1adduction = unknowns[3]
        CA1rotation = unknowns[4]
        A1A2extension = unknowns[5]
        alpha_y = unknowns[6]
        alpha_z = unknowns[7]
        beta_y = unknowns[8]
        beta_z = unknowns[9]

        phi_J1 = PJ1extension
        phi_J2 = J1J2flexion
        phi_A1 = CA1extension
        theta_A1 = CA1adduction
        psi_A = CA1rotation
        phi_A2 = A1A2extension

        phi_P = somersault

        zero = np.zeros(10)

        zero[0] = (L_j3L *
                   (-sin(phi_J1) * cos(phi_P) - sin(phi_P) * cos(phi_J1)) +
                   (-l_sp - l_st) * cos(lambda_st) +
                   (-(-sin(phi_J1) * sin(phi_P) + cos(phi_J1) * cos(phi_P)) *
                    sin(phi_J2) +
                    (-sin(phi_J1) * cos(phi_P) - sin(phi_P) * cos(phi_J1)) *
                    cos(phi_J2)) * (-L_j3L + L_j5L + L_j6L))

        zero[1] = (L_j3L *
                   (-sin(phi_J1) * sin(phi_P) + cos(phi_J1) * cos(phi_P)) +
                   (-l_sp - l_st) * sin(lambda_st) +
                   ((-sin(phi_J1) * sin(phi_P) + cos(phi_J1) * cos(phi_P)) *
                    cos(phi_J2) -
                    (sin(phi_J1) * cos(phi_P) + sin(phi_P) * cos(phi_J1)) *
                    sin(phi_J2)) * (-L_j3L + L_j5L + L_j6L))

        zero[2] = -L_hbF + sqrt(alpha_y**2 + alpha_z**2 + 0.25 * w_hb**2)

        zero[3] = -L_hbR + sqrt(beta_y**2 + beta_z**2 + 0.25 * w_hb**2)

        zero[4] = alpha_y - beta_y - w

        zero[5] = alpha_z - beta_z + r_F - r_R

        zero[6] = (-L_a2L * sin(theta_A1) + L_s4w / 2 - 0.5 * w_hb +
                   (sin(phi_A2) * sin(psi_A) * cos(theta_A1) +
                    sin(theta_A1) * cos(phi_A2)) * (L_a2L - L_a4L - L_a5L))

        zero[7] = (
            -L_a2L * (-sin(phi_A1) * cos(phi_P) * cos(theta_A1) -
                      sin(phi_P) * cos(phi_A1) * cos(theta_A1)) -
            L_s4L * sin(phi_P) - beta_y - sqrt(l_cs**2 - (-h_bb + r_R)**2) -
            (-l_sp - l_st) * cos(lambda_st) +
            (-(-(sin(phi_A1) * cos(psi_A) +
                 sin(psi_A) * sin(theta_A1) * cos(phi_A1)) * sin(phi_P) +
               (-sin(phi_A1) * sin(psi_A) * sin(theta_A1) +
                cos(phi_A1) * cos(psi_A)) * cos(phi_P)) * sin(phi_A2) +
             (-sin(phi_A1) * cos(phi_P) * cos(theta_A1) -
              sin(phi_P) * cos(phi_A1) * cos(theta_A1)) * cos(phi_A2)) *
            (L_a2L - L_a4L - L_a5L))

        zero[8] = (-L_a2L * (-sin(phi_A1) * sin(phi_P) * cos(theta_A1) +
                             cos(phi_A1) * cos(phi_P) * cos(theta_A1)) +
                   L_s4L * cos(phi_P) - beta_z + h_bb - r_R -
                   (-l_sp - l_st) * sin(lambda_st) +
                   (-((sin(phi_A1) * cos(psi_A) +
                       sin(psi_A) * sin(theta_A1) * cos(phi_A1)) * cos(phi_P) +
                      (-sin(phi_A1) * sin(psi_A) * sin(theta_A1) +
                       cos(phi_A1) * cos(psi_A)) * sin(phi_P)) * sin(phi_A2) +
                    (-sin(phi_A1) * sin(phi_P) * cos(theta_A1) +
                     cos(phi_A1) * cos(phi_P) * cos(theta_A1)) * cos(phi_A2)) *
                   (L_a2L - L_a4L - L_a5L))

        zero[9] = ((sin(phi_A1) * sin(psi_A) -
                    sin(theta_A1) * cos(phi_A1) * cos(psi_A)) * cos(phi_P) +
                   (sin(phi_A1) * sin(theta_A1) * cos(psi_A) +
                    sin(psi_A) * cos(phi_A1)) * sin(phi_P))

        return zero

    g_PJ1extension = -np.deg2rad(90.0)
    g_J1J2flexion = np.deg2rad(75.0)
    g_CA1extension = -np.deg2rad(15.0)
    g_CA1adduction = np.deg2rad(2.0)
    g_CA1rotation = np.deg2rad(2.0)
    g_A1A2extension = -np.deg2rad(40.0)
    g_alpha_y = L_hbF * np.cos(np.deg2rad(45.0))
    g_alpha_z = L_hbF * np.sin(np.deg2rad(45.0))
    g_beta_y = -L_hbR * np.cos(np.deg2rad(30.0))
    g_beta_z = L_hbR * np.sin(np.deg2rad(30.0))

    guess = [
        g_PJ1extension, g_J1J2flexion, g_CA1extension, g_CA1adduction,
        g_CA1rotation, g_A1A2extension, g_alpha_y, g_alpha_z, g_beta_y,

    solution = fsolve(zero, guess)

    cfg_dict = human.CFG.copy()
    cfg_dict['PJ1extension'] = solution[0]
    cfg_dict['J1J2flexion'] = solution[1]
    cfg_dict['CA1extension'] = solution[2]
    cfg_dict['CA1adduction'] = solution[3]
    cfg_dict['CA1rotation'] = solution[4]
    cfg_dict['A1A2extension'] = solution[5]
    cfg_dict['somersault'] = somersault
    cfg_dict['PK1extension'] = cfg_dict['PJ1extension']
    cfg_dict['K1K2flexion'] = cfg_dict['J1J2flexion']
    cfg_dict['CB1extension'] = cfg_dict['CA1extension']
    cfg_dict['CB1abduction'] = -cfg_dict['CA1adduction']
    cfg_dict['CB1rotation'] = -cfg_dict['CA1rotation']
    cfg_dict['B1B2extension'] = cfg_dict['A1A2extension']

    # assign configuration to human and check that the solution worked

    # draw rider for fun, but possibly to check results aren't crazy
    if drawrider:

    return human
Пример #7
def rider_on_bike(benchmarkPar, measuredPar, yeadonMeas, yeadonCFG,
    Returns a yeadon human configured to sit on a bicycle.

    benchmarkPar : dictionary
        A dictionary containing the benchmark bicycle parameters.
    measuredPar : dictionary
        A dictionary containing the raw geometric measurements of the bicycle.
    yeadonMeas : str
        Path to a text file that holds the 95 yeadon measurements. See
        `yeadon documentation`_.
    yeadonCFG : str
        Path to a text file that holds configuration variables. See `yeadon
        documentation`_. As of now, only 'somersalt' angle can be set as an
        input. The remaining variables are either zero or calculated in this
    drawrider : bool
        Switch to draw the rider, with vectors pointing to the desired
        position of the hands and feet of the rider (at the handles and
        bottom bracket). Requires python-visual.

    human : yeadon.Human
        Human object is returned with an updated configuration.
        The dictionary, taken from H.CFG, has the following key's values


    Requires that the bike object has a raw data text input file that contains
    the measurements necessary to situate a rider on the bike (i.e.
    ``<pathToData>/bicycles/<short name>/RawData/<short name>Measurements.txt``).

    .. _yeadon documentation : http://packages.python.org/yeadon


    # create human using input measurements and configuration files
    human = yeadon.Human(yeadonMeas, yeadonCFG)

    # The relevant human measurments:
    L_j3L = human.meas['Lj3L']
    L_j5L = human.meas['Lj5L']
    L_j6L = human.meas['Lj6L']
    L_s4L = human.meas['Ls4L']
    L_s4w = human.meas['Ls4w']
    L_a2L = human.meas['La2L']
    L_a4L = human.meas['La4L']
    L_a5L = human.meas['La5L']
    somersault = human.CFG['somersault']

    # The relevant bicycle parameters:
    measuredPar = remove_uncertainties(measuredPar)
    benchmarkPar = remove_uncertainties(benchmarkPar)
    # bottom bracket height
    h_bb = measuredPar['hbb']
    # chain stay length
    l_cs = measuredPar['lcs']
    # rear wheel radius
    r_R = benchmarkPar['rR']
    # front wheel radius
    r_F = benchmarkPar['rF']
    # seat post length
    l_sp = measuredPar['lsp']
    # seat tube length
    l_st = measuredPar['lst']
    # seat tube angle
    lambda_st = measuredPar['lamst']
    # handlebar width
    w_hb = measuredPar['whb']
    # distance from rear wheel hub to hand
    L_hbR = measuredPar['LhbR']
    # distance from front wheel hub to hand
    L_hbF = measuredPar['LhbF']
    # wheelbase
    w = benchmarkPar['w']

    def zero(unknowns):
        """For the derivation of these equations see:


        PJ1extension = unknowns[0]
        J1J2flexion = unknowns[1]
        CA1extension = unknowns[2]
        CA1adduction = unknowns[3]
        CA1rotation = unknowns[4]
        A1A2extension = unknowns[5]
        alpha_y = unknowns[6]
        alpha_z = unknowns[7]
        beta_y = unknowns[8]
        beta_z = unknowns[9]

        phi_J1 = PJ1extension
        phi_J2 = J1J2flexion
        phi_A1 = CA1extension
        theta_A1 = CA1adduction
        psi_A = CA1rotation
        phi_A2 = A1A2extension

        phi_P = somersault

        zero = np.zeros(10)

        zero[0] = (L_j3L*(-sin(phi_J1)*cos(phi_P) - sin(phi_P)*cos(phi_J1))
                   + (-l_sp - l_st)*cos(lambda_st) + (-(-sin(phi_J1)*
                   sin(phi_P) + cos(phi_J1)*cos(phi_P))*sin(phi_J2) +
                   (-sin(phi_J1)*cos(phi_P) - sin(phi_P)*cos(phi_J1))*
                   cos(phi_J2))*(-L_j3L + L_j5L + L_j6L))

        zero[1] = (L_j3L*(-sin(phi_J1)*sin(phi_P) + cos(phi_J1)*cos(phi_P))
                   + (-l_sp - l_st)*sin(lambda_st) + ((-sin(phi_J1)*
                   sin(phi_P) + cos(phi_J1)*cos(phi_P))*cos(phi_J2) -
                   (sin(phi_J1)*cos(phi_P) + sin(phi_P)*cos(phi_J1))*
                   sin(phi_J2))*(-L_j3L + L_j5L + L_j6L))

        zero[2] = -L_hbF + sqrt(alpha_y**2 + alpha_z**2 + 0.25*w_hb**2)

        zero[3] = -L_hbR + sqrt(beta_y**2 + beta_z**2 + 0.25*w_hb**2)

        zero[4] = alpha_y - beta_y - w

        zero[5] = alpha_z - beta_z + r_F - r_R

        zero[6] = (-L_a2L*sin(theta_A1) + L_s4w/2 - 0.5*w_hb + (sin(phi_A2)*
                   sin(psi_A)*cos(theta_A1) + sin(theta_A1)*cos(phi_A2))*
                   (L_a2L - L_a4L - L_a5L))

        zero[7] = (-L_a2L*(-sin(phi_A1)*cos(phi_P)*cos(theta_A1) -
                   sin(phi_P)*cos(phi_A1)*cos(theta_A1)) - L_s4L*sin(phi_P)
                   - beta_y - sqrt(l_cs**2 - (-h_bb + r_R)**2) - (-l_sp -
                   l_st)*cos(lambda_st) + (-(-(sin(phi_A1)*cos(psi_A) +
                   sin(psi_A)*sin(theta_A1)*cos(phi_A1))*sin(phi_P) +
                   (-sin(phi_A1)*sin(psi_A)*sin(theta_A1) + cos(phi_A1)*
                   cos(psi_A))*cos(phi_P))*sin(phi_A2) + (-sin(phi_A1)*
                   cos(phi_P)*cos(theta_A1) - sin(phi_P)*cos(phi_A1)*
                   cos(theta_A1))*cos(phi_A2))*(L_a2L - L_a4L - L_a5L))

        zero[8] = (-L_a2L*(-sin(phi_A1)*sin(phi_P)*cos(theta_A1) +
                   cos(phi_A1)*cos(phi_P)*cos(theta_A1)) + L_s4L*cos(phi_P)
                   - beta_z + h_bb - r_R - (-l_sp - l_st)*sin(lambda_st) +
                   (-((sin(phi_A1)*cos(psi_A) + sin(psi_A)*sin(theta_A1)*
                   cos(phi_A1))*cos(phi_P) + (-sin(phi_A1)*sin(psi_A)*
                   sin(theta_A1) + cos(phi_A1)*cos(psi_A))*sin(phi_P))*
                   sin(phi_A2) + (-sin(phi_A1)*sin(phi_P)*cos(theta_A1) +
                   - L_a4L - L_a5L))

        zero[9] = ((sin(phi_A1)*sin(psi_A) - sin(theta_A1)*cos(phi_A1)*
                    cos(psi_A))*cos(phi_P) + (sin(phi_A1)*sin(theta_A1)*
                    cos(psi_A) + sin(psi_A)*cos(phi_A1))*sin(phi_P))

        return zero

    g_PJ1extension = -np.deg2rad(90.0)
    g_J1J2flexion = np.deg2rad(75.0)
    g_CA1extension = -np.deg2rad(15.0)
    g_CA1adduction = np.deg2rad(2.0)
    g_CA1rotation = np.deg2rad(2.0)
    g_A1A2extension = -np.deg2rad(40.0)
    g_alpha_y = L_hbF * np.cos(np.deg2rad(45.0))
    g_alpha_z = L_hbF * np.sin(np.deg2rad(45.0))
    g_beta_y = -L_hbR * np.cos(np.deg2rad(30.0))
    g_beta_z = L_hbR * np.sin(np.deg2rad(30.0))

    guess = [g_PJ1extension, g_J1J2flexion, g_CA1extension, g_CA1adduction,
             g_CA1rotation, g_A1A2extension, g_alpha_y, g_alpha_z, g_beta_y,

    solution = fsolve(zero, guess)

    cfg_dict = human.CFG.copy()
    cfg_dict['PJ1extension'] = solution[0]
    cfg_dict['J1J2flexion'] = solution[1]
    cfg_dict['CA1extension'] = solution[2]
    cfg_dict['CA1adduction'] = solution[3]
    cfg_dict['CA1rotation'] = solution[4]
    cfg_dict['A1A2extension'] = solution[5]
    cfg_dict['somersault'] = somersault
    cfg_dict['PK1extension'] = cfg_dict['PJ1extension']
    cfg_dict['K1K2flexion'] = cfg_dict['J1J2flexion']
    cfg_dict['CB1extension'] = cfg_dict['CA1extension']
    cfg_dict['CB1abduction'] = -cfg_dict['CA1adduction']
    cfg_dict['CB1rotation'] = -cfg_dict['CA1rotation']
    cfg_dict['B1B2extension'] = cfg_dict['A1A2extension']

    # assign configuration to human and check that the solution worked

    # draw rider for fun, but possibly to check results aren't crazy
    if drawrider:

    return human
Пример #8
    def plot_bicycle_geometry(self, show=True, pendulum=True,
                              centerOfMass=True, inertiaEllipse=True):
        '''Returns a figure showing the basic bicycle geometry, the centers of
        mass and the moments of inertia.

        If the flywheel is defined, it's center of mass corresponds to the
        front wheel and is not depicted in the plot.

        par = io.remove_uncertainties(self.parameters['Benchmark'])
        parts = get_parts_in_parameters(par)

            slopes = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['slopes'])
            intercepts = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['intercepts'])
            penInertias = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['pendulumInertias'])
        except AttributeError:
            pendulum = False

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.axes()

        # define some colors for the parts
        numColors = len(parts)
        cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        partColors = {}
        for i, part in enumerate(parts):
            partColors[part] = cmap(1. * i / numColors)

        if inertiaEllipse:
            # plot the principal moments of inertia
            for j, part in enumerate(parts):
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, part)
                Ip, C = inertia.principal_axes(I)
                if part == 'R':
                    center = np.array([0., par['rR']])
                elif part in 'FD':
                    center = np.array([par['w'], par['rF']])
                    center = np.array([par['x' + part], -par['z' + part]])
                # which row in C is the y vector
                uy = np.array([0., 1., 0.])
                for i, row in enumerate(C):
                    if np.abs(np.sum(row - uy)) < 1E-10:
                        yrow = i
                # remove the row for the y vector
                Ip2D = np.delete(Ip, yrow, 0)
                # remove the column and row associated with the y
                C2D = np.delete(np.delete(C, yrow, 0), 1, 1)
                # make an ellipse
                Imin =  Ip2D[0]
                Imax = Ip2D[1]
                # get width and height of a ellipse with the major axis equal
                # to one
                unitWidth = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imin) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                unitHeight = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imax) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                # now scaled the width and height relative to the maximum
                # principal moment of inertia
                width = Imax * unitWidth
                height = Imax * unitHeight
                angle = -np.degrees(np.arccos(C2D[0, 0]))
                ellipse = Ellipse((center[0], center[1]), width, height,
                                  angle=angle, fill=False,
                                  color=partColors[part], alpha=0.25)

        # plot the ground line
        x = np.array([-par['rR'],
                      par['w'] + par['rF']])
        plt.plot(x, np.zeros_like(x), 'k')

        # plot the rear wheel
        c = plt.Circle((0., par['rR']), radius=par['rR'], fill=False)

        # plot the front wheel
        c = plt.Circle((par['w'], par['rF']), radius=par['rF'], fill=False)

        # plot the fundamental bike
        deex, deez = geometry.fundamental_geometry_plot_data(par)
        plt.plot(deex, -deez, 'k')

        # plot the steer axis
        dx3 = deex[2] + deez[2] * (deex[2] - deex[1]) / (deez[1] - deez[2])
        plt.plot([deex[2], dx3],  [-deez[2], 0.], 'k--')

        # don't plot the pendulum lines if a rider has been added because the
        # inertia has changed
        if self.hasRider:
            pendulum = False

        if pendulum:
            # plot the pendulum axes for the measured parts
            for j, pair in enumerate(slopes.items()):
                part, slopeSet = pair
                xcom, zcom = par['x' + part], par['z' + part]
                for i, m in enumerate(slopeSet):
                    b = intercepts[part][i]
                    xPoint, zPoint = geometry.project_point_on_line((m, b),
                            (xcom, zcom))
                    comLineLength = penInertias[part][i]
                    xPlus = comLineLength / 2. * np.cos(np.arctan(m))
                    x = np.array([xPoint - xPlus,
                                  xPoint + xPlus])
                    z = -m * x - b
                    plt.plot(x, z, color=partColors[part])
                    # label the pendulum lines with a number
                    plt.text(x[0], z[0], str(i + 1))

        if centerOfMass:
            # plot the center of mass location
            def com_symbol(ax, center, radius, color='b'):
                '''Returns axis with center of mass symbol.'''
                c = plt.Circle(center, radius=radius, fill=False)
                w1 = Wedge(center, radius, 0., 90.,
                           color=color, ec=None, alpha=0.5)
                w2 = Wedge(center, radius, 180., 270.,
                           color=color, ec=None, alpha=0.5)
                return ax

            # radius of the CoM symbol
            sRad = 0.03
            # front wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['w'], par['rF']), sRad,
            plt.text(par['w'] + sRad, par['rF'] + sRad, 'F')
            # rear wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (0., par['rR']), sRad,
            plt.text(0. + sRad, par['rR'] + sRad, 'R')
            for j, part in enumerate([x for x in parts
                                      if x not in 'RFD']):
                xcom = par['x' + part]
                zcom = par['z' + part]
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (xcom, -zcom), sRad,
                plt.text(xcom + sRad, -zcom + sRad, part)
            if 'H' not in parts:
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['xH'], -par['zH']), sRad)
                plt.text(par['xH'] + sRad, -par['zH'] + sRad, 'H')

        plt.ylim((0., 1.))

        # if there is a rider on the bike, make a simple stick figure
        if self.human:
            human = self.human
            # K2: lower leg
            plt.plot([human.k[7].pos[0, 0], human.K2.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.k[7].endpos[2, 0], -human.K2.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # K1: upper leg
            plt.plot([human.K2.pos[0, 0], human.K1.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.K2.pos[2, 0], -human.K1.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # torso
            plt.plot([human.K1.pos[0, 0], human.B1.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.K1.pos[2, 0], -human.B1.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B1: upper arm
            plt.plot([human.B1.pos[0, 0], human.B2.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.B1.pos[2, 0], -human.B2.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B2: lower arm
            plt.plot([human.B2.pos[0, 0], human.b[6].pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.B2.pos[2, 0], -human.b[6].endpos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # C: chest/head
            plt.plot([human.B1.pos[0, 0], human.C.endpos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.B1.pos[2, 0], -human.C.endpos[2, 0]], 'k')

        if show:

        return fig
Пример #9
def rider_on_bike(benchmarkPar, measuredPar, yeadonMeas, yeadonCFG,
    Returns a yeadon human configured to sit on a bicycle.

    benchmarkPar : dictionary
        A dictionary containing the benchmark bicycle parameters.
    measuredPar : dictionary
        A dictionary containing the raw geometric measurements of the bicycle.
    yeadonMeas : str
        Path to a text file that holds the 95 yeadon measurements. See
        `yeadon documentation`_.
    yeadonCFG : str
        Path to a text file that holds configuration variables. See `yeadon
        documentation`_. As of now, only 'somersalt' angle can be set as an
        input. The remaining variables are either zero or calculated in this
    drawrider : bool
        Switch to draw the rider, with vectors pointing to the desired
        position of the hands and feet of the rider (at the handles and
        bottom bracket). Requires python-visual.

    H : yeadon.human
        Human object is returned with an updated configuration.
        The dictionary, taken from H.CFG, has the following key's values
        updated: ``CA1elevation``, ``CA1abduction``, ``A1A2flexion``,
        ``CB1elevation``, ``CB1abduction``, ``B1B2flexion``, ``PJ1elevation``,
        ``PJ1abduction``, ``J1J2flexion``, ``PK1elevation``, ``PK1abduction``,

    Requires that the bike object has a raw data text input file that contains
    the measurements necessary to situate a rider on the bike (i.e.
    ``<pathToData>/bicycles/<short name>/RawData/<short name>Measurements.txt``).

    .. _yeadon documentation : http://packages.python.org/yeadon


    # create human using input measurements and configuration files
    H = yeadon.human(yeadonMeas, yeadonCFG)

    measuredPar = remove_uncertainties(measuredPar)
    benchmarkPar = remove_uncertainties(benchmarkPar)

    # for simplicity of code, unpack some variables
    # yeadon configuration (joint angles)
    CFG = H.CFG
    # bottom bracket height
    hbb = measuredPar['hbb']
    # chain stay length
    Lcs = measuredPar['lcs']
    # rear wheel radius
    rR = benchmarkPar['rR']
    # front wheel radius
    rF = benchmarkPar['rF']
    # seat post length
    Lsp = measuredPar['lsp']
    # seat tube length
    Lst = measuredPar['lst']
    # seat tube angle
    lamst = measuredPar['lamst']
    # handlebar width
    whb = measuredPar['whb']
    # distance from rear wheel hub to hand
    LhbR = measuredPar['LhbR']
    # distance from front wheel hub to hand
    LhbF = measuredPar['LhbF']
    # wheelbase
    w = benchmarkPar['w']

    # intermediate quantities
    # distance between wheel centers
    D = np.sqrt(w**2 + (rR - rF)**2)
    # length of the projection of the hub to handlebar vectors into the plane
    # of the bike
    dhbR = np.sqrt(LhbR**2 - (whb / 2)**2)
    dhbF = np.sqrt(LhbF**2 - (whb / 2)**2)
    # angle with vertex at rear hub, from horizontal "down" to front hub
    alpha = np.arcsin( (rR - rF) / D )
    # angle at rear hub of the dhbR-dhbF-D triangle (side-side-side)
    gamma = np.arccos( (dhbR**2 + D**2 - dhbF**2) / (2 * dhbR * D) )
    # position of bottom bracket center with respect to rear wheel contact
    # point
    pos_bb = np.array([[np.sqrt(Lcs**2 - (rR - hbb)**2)],
    # vector from bottom bracket to seat
    vec_seat = -(Lst + Lsp) * np.array([[np.cos(lamst)],
    # position of seat with respect to rear wheel contact point
    pos_seat = pos_bb + vec_seat
    # vector (out of plane) from plane to right hand on the handlebars
    vec_hb_out  = np.array([[0.],
                            [whb / 2.],
    # vector (in plane) from rear wheel contact point to in-plane
    # location of hands
    vec_hb_in = np.array([[dhbR * np.cos(gamma - alpha)],
                          [-rR - dhbR * np.sin(gamma - alpha)]])
    # desired position of right hand with respect to rear wheel contact point
    pos_handr = vec_hb_out + vec_hb_in
    # desired position of left hand with respect to rear wheel contact point
    pos_handl = -vec_hb_out + vec_hb_in

    # time to calculate the relevant quantities!
    # vector from seat to feet, ignoring out-of-plane distance
    vec_legs = -vec_seat
    # move the yeadon origin to the bike seat
    # translation is done in bike's coordinate system
    H.rotate_coord_sys((np.pi, 0., -np.pi /2.))
    # left foot
    pos_footl = pos_bb.copy()
    # set the y value at the same width as the hip
    pos_footl[1, 0] = H.J1.pos[1, 0]
    # right foot
    pos_footr = pos_bb.copy()
    # set the y value at the same width as the hip
    pos_footr[1, 0] = H.K1.pos[1, 0]

    # find the distance from the hip joint to the desired position of the foot
    DJ = np.linalg.norm(pos_footl - H.J1.pos)
    DK = np.linalg.norm(pos_footr - H.K1.pos)
    # find the distance from the should joint to the desired position of the
    # hands
    DA = np.linalg.norm(pos_handl - H.A1.pos)
    DB = np.linalg.norm(pos_handr - H.B1.pos)

    # distance from knees to arch level
    dj2 = np.linalg.norm(H.j[7].pos - H.J2.pos)
    dk2 = np.linalg.norm(H.k[7].pos - H.K2.pos)

    # distance from elbow to knuckle level
    da2 = np.linalg.norm(H.a[6].pos - H.A2.pos)
    db2 = np.linalg.norm(H.b[6].pos - H.B2.pos)

    # error-checking to make sure limbs are long enough for rider to sit
    # on the bike
    if (H.J1.length + dj2) < DJ:
        print "For the given measurements, the left leg is not " \
              "long enough. Left leg length is", H.J1.length + dj2, \
              "m, but distance from left hip joint to bottom bracket is", \
              DJ, "m."
        raise Exception()
    if (H.K1.length + dk2) < DK:
        print "For the given measurements, the right leg is not " \
              "long enough. Right leg length is", H.K1.length + dk2, \
              "m, but distance from right hip joint to bottom bracket is", \
              DK, "m."
        raise Exception()
    if (H.A1.length + da2) < DA:
        print "For the given configuration, the left arm is not " \
              "long enough. Left arm length is", H.A1.length + da2, \
              "m, but distance from shoulder to left hand is", DA ,"m."
        raise Exception()
    if (H.B1.length + db2) < DB:
        print "For the given configuration, the right arm is not " \
              "long enough. Right arm length is", H.B1.length + db2, \
              "m, but distance from shoulder to right hand is", DB ,"m."
        raise Exception()

    # joint angle time
    # legs first. torso cannot have twist
    # left leg
    tempangle, CFG['J1J2flexion'] =\
        calc_two_link_angles(H.J1.length, dj2, DJ)
    tempangle2 = vec_angle(np.array([[0,0,1]]).T, vec_legs)
    CFG['PJ1flexion'] = tempangle + tempangle2 + CFG['somersalt']
    # right leg
    tempangle,CFG['K1K2flexion'] =\
        calc_two_link_angles(H.K1.length, dk2, DK)
    CFG['PK1flexion'] = tempangle + tempangle2 + CFG['somersalt']

    # arms second. only somersalt can be specified, other torso
    # configuration variables must be zero

    def dist_hand_handle(angles, r_sh_hb, r_sh_h):
        Returns the norm of the difference of the vector from the shoulder to
        the hand to the vector from the shoulder to the handlebar (i.e. the
        distance from the hand to the handlebar).

        angles : array_like, shape(2,)
            The first angle is the elevation angle of the arm and the second is
            the abduction angle, both relative to the chest using euler 1-2-3
        r_sh_hb : numpy.matrix, shape(3,1)
            The vector from the shoulder to the handlebar expressed in the
            chest reference frame.
        r_sh_h : numpy.matrix, shape(3,1)
            The vector from the shoulder to the hand (elbow is bent) expressed
            in the arm reference frame.

        distance : float
            The distance from the handlebar point to the hand.


        # these are euler rotation functions
        def x_rot(angle):
            sa = np.sin(angle)
            ca = np.cos(angle)
            Rx = np.matrix([[1., 0. , 0.],
                            [0., ca, sa],
                            [0., -sa, ca]])
            return Rx

        def y_rot(angle):
            sa = np.sin(angle)
            ca = np.cos(angle)
            Ry = np.matrix([[ca, 0. , -sa],
                            [0., 1., 0.],
                            [sa, 0., ca]])
            return Ry

        elevation = angles[0]
        abduction = angles[1]

        # create the rotation matrix of A (arm) in C (chest)
        R_A_C = y_rot(abduction) * x_rot(elevation)

        # express the vector from the shoulder to the hand in the C (chest)
        # refernce frame
        r_sh_h = R_A_C.T * r_sh_h

        return np.linalg.norm(r_sh_h - r_sh_hb)

    # left arm
    tempangle, CFG['A1A2flexion'] =\
        calc_two_link_angles(H.A1.length, da2, DA)

    # this is the angle between the vector from the seat to the shoulder center
    # and the vector from the shoulder center to the handlebar center
    tempangle2 = vec_angle(vec_project(H.A1.pos - pos_seat, 1),
                            vec_project(pos_handl - H.A1.pos, 1))

    # the somersault angle plus the angle between the z unit vector and the
    # vector from the left shoulder to the left hand
    tempangle2 = CFG['somersalt'] + vec_angle(np.array([[0, 0, 1]]).T,
                                              pos_handl - H.A1.pos)

    # subtract the angle due to the arm not being straight
    CFG['CA1elevation'] = tempangle2 - tempangle

    # the angle between the vector from the shoulder to the handlebar and its
    # projection in the sagittal plane
    CFG['CA1abduction'] = vec_angle(pos_handl - H.A1.pos,
                                    vec_project(pos_handl - H.A1.pos, 1))

    # vector from the left shoulder to the left handlebar expressed in the
    # benchmark coordinates
    r_sh_hb = pos_handl - H.A1.pos
    # express r_sh_hb in the chest frame
    R_C_N = H.C.RotMat.T # transpose because Chris defined opposite my convention
    r_sh_hb = R_C_N * r_sh_hb
    # vector from the left shoulder to the hand (elbow bent) expressed in the
    # chest frame
    r_sh_h = np.mat([[0.],
                     [-da2 * np.sin(CFG['A1A2flexion'])],
                     [(-(H.A1.length + da2 *

    # chris defines his rotations relative to the arm coordinates but the
    # dist_hand_handle function is relative to the chest coordinates, thus the
    # negative guess
    guess = np.array([-CFG['CA1elevation'], -CFG['CA1abduction']])
    # home in on the exact solution
    elevation, abduction = fmin(dist_hand_handle, guess,
                                args=(r_sh_hb, r_sh_h), disp=False)
    # set the angles
    CFG['CA1elevation'], CFG['CA1abduction'] = -elevation, -abduction

    # right arm
    tempangle, CFG['B1B2flexion'] =\
        calc_two_link_angles(H.B1.length, db2, DB)

    tempangle2 = vec_angle(vec_project(H.B1.pos - pos_seat, 1),
                           vec_project(pos_handr - H.B1.pos, 1))

    tempangle2 = CFG['somersalt'] + vec_angle(np.array([[0,0,1]]).T,
                                              pos_handr - H.B1.pos)

    CFG['CB1elevation'] = tempangle2 - tempangle
    CFG['CB1abduction'] = vec_angle(pos_handr - H.B1.pos,
                                    vec_project(pos_handr - H.B1.pos, 1))

    # vector from the left shoulder to the left handlebar expressed in the
    # benchmark coordinates
    r_sh_hb = pos_handr - H.B1.pos
    # express r_sh_hb in the chest frame
    R_C_N = H.C.RotMat.T # transpose because Chris defined opposite my convention
    r_sh_hb = R_C_N * r_sh_hb
    # vector from the left shoulder to the hand (elbow bent) expressed in the
    # chest frame
    r_sh_h = np.mat([[0.],
                     [-db2 * np.sin(CFG['B1B2flexion'])],
                     [(-(H.B1.length + db2 *

    # chris defines his rotations relative to the arm coordinates but the
    # dist_hand_handle function is relative to the chest coordinates, thus the
    # one negative guess
    guess = np.array([-CFG['CB1elevation'], CFG['CB1abduction']])
    # home in on the exact solution
    elevation, abduction = fmin(dist_hand_handle, guess,
                                args=(r_sh_hb, r_sh_h), disp=False)
    # set the angles
    CFG['CB1elevation'], CFG['CB1abduction'] = -elevation, abduction

    # assign configuration to human and check that the solution worked

    # make sure that the arms and legs actually went where they were supposed
    # to within 3 decimal places
    def limb_warning(limbName, desiredPos, actualPos,
            desiredLen, actualLen, dc):
        # round the values
        desiredPos = np.round(desiredPos, dc)
        actualPos = np.round(actualPos, dc)
        desiredLen = np.round(desiredLen, dc)
        actualLen = np.round(actualLen, dc)

        message = '-' * 79 + '\n'
        message += (limbName + "'s actual position does not match its " +
                "desired position to {} decimal places.\n").format(str(decimal))
        message += limbName +  " desired position:\n{}\n".format(desiredPos)
        message += limbName +  " actual position:\n{}\n".format(actualPos)
        message += limbName +  " desired base to end distance: {}\n".format(desiredLen)
        message += limbName +  " actual base to end distance: {}\n".format(actualLen)
        message += '-' * 79

        if (actualPos != desiredPos).any():
            print message

    decimal = 3
    limb_warning('Left leg', pos_footl, H.j[7].pos, DJ,
            np.linalg.norm(H.j[7].pos - H.J1.pos), decimal)

    limb_warning('Right leg', pos_footr, H.k[7].pos,
            DK, np.linalg.norm(H.k[7].pos - H.K1.pos), decimal)

    limb_warning('Left arm', pos_handl, H.a[6].pos,
            DA, np.linalg.norm(H.a[6].pos - H.A1.pos), decimal)

    limb_warning('Left arm', pos_handr, H.b[6].pos,
            DB, np.linalg.norm(H.b[6].pos - H.B1.pos), decimal)

    # draw rider for fun, but possibly to check results aren't crazy
    if drawrider==True:
    return H