Пример #1
def loadLimits(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        content = f.readlines()

    limitsRE = re.compile('^The limits are given for the period: ')
    quantRE = re.compile('^The uncertainty quantiles are:')
    csvRE = re.compile('^-?[0-9.e-]+(,-?[0-9.e-])+')

    values = []
    quantiles = []
    fechas = []
    foundDate = False
    startReading = False

    for idx, i in enumerate(content):
        if foundDate is False:
            if limitsRE.match(i):
                foundDate = True
                temp = limitsRE.sub('', i)
                temp = temp.rsplit()
                start = datetime.datetime.strptime(temp[0], '%Y/%m/%d')
                finish = datetime.datetime.strptime(temp[2], '%Y/%m/%d')
                step = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                while start <= finish:
                    start += step
        if quantRE.match(i):
            #Quantile values will be found in the next line
            quantiles = content[idx+1]
            quantiles = StringIO(quantiles.rstrip())
            quantiles = np.loadtxt(quantiles, delimiter=',')
        if csvRE.match(i) is not None:
            if startReading is True:#Should skip the first line of numbers
                temp = StringIO(i.rstrip())
                temp = np.loadtxt(temp, delimiter=',')
            startReading = True

    values = np.asarray(values)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=values, index=fechas, columns=('quant:' + s for s in quantiles.astype(str) ))