Пример #1
 def get_properties(self, keys):
     props = {}
     props_l = {}  # the same as props, but without basis in key
     if (keys is None) or len(keys) == 0 or (keys[0].lower() == 'e'):
         keys = self.eprops
     for _key in keys:
         is_optg_e = F
         key = _key.lower()
         _props = {}
         energetic_props = []
         if key in self.eprops:
             const = self.e_const
             patt = self.epatts[self.eprops.index(key)]
             if self.ioptg:
                 if ''.join(key.split('-')) in [
                         'b3lyp', 'dfb3lyp', 'mp2', 'dfmp2', 'mp2f12',
                     is_optg_e = T
                     cmd = "grep -B2 ' END OF GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION' %s | head -n 1" % self.fo
                     cs = cmdout1(cmd).split()
                     v = eval(cs[2]) * const
                     raise Exception('geom optimizer not supported!')
             else:  #if not is_optg_e:
                 cmd = "grep -E '%s' %s | tail -n 1" % (patt, self.fo)
                 cs = cmdout1(cmd).split()
                 v = eval(cs[-1]) * const
             key2 = key + self.basis
             #props_l[key] = v
             _props[key2] = v
         elif key in [
             assert os.path.exists(self.fl)
             cmd = "grep ' Dipole moment \/Debye' %s | tail -1 | awk '{print $4,$5,$6}'" % self.fl
             dip = np.asarray(cmdout1(cmd).split(), dtype=float)
             _props[key] = dip
         elif key in ['h**o', 'lumo', 'gap']:  #'H**O','LUMO','GAP']:
             assert os.path.exists(self.fl)
             cmd = "grep '^ [HL][OU]MO' %s | tail -3 | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/eV//g'" % self.fl
             mos = np.asarray(cmdout(cmd), dtype=float) / io2.Units().h2e
             _props.update(dict(zip(['h**o', 'lumo', 'gap'], mos)))
             raise Exception('#ERROR: method %s not supported' % key)
     self.energetic_props = energetic_props
Пример #2
from aqml.cheminfo.core import *
import os, sys, io2
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
#import torch
from representation.xb import *
import cml.fkernels as qk
import cml.fdist as qd
from functools import reduce
#from qml.math import cho_solve

home = os.environ['HOME']
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)

T, F = True, False

UN = io2.Units()
h2e = UN.h2e
h2kc = UN.h2kc

class dmml(object):
    def __init__(self, xd):  #, yd):
        self.__dict__ = xd.__dict__.copy()

    def init_YData(self, yd):
        self.yd = yd
        self.yobj = yd.yobj

    def krr(self, x1, y1, x2, kernel='g', icenter=F, c=1.0, l=1e-8):
        #kf = qk.gaussian_kernel if kernel[0] == 'g' else qk.laplacian_kernel
        g = T
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, objs, rcut=4.8, fitmorse=F, property_names=None, \
                 idxsr=None, iae=F, no_strain=F, Delta=F, saveblk=F,\
                 unit='kcal', prog='g09', itarget=F, use_morse_db=F, \
                 check_boundary=T, xparam={}):
        itarget: use target molecule to calc dmax (to save memory) or not?

        self.saveblk = saveblk
        self.itarget = itarget
        if isinstance(objs, (tuple, list)):
            fs = []
            for obj in objs:
                if isinstance(obj, str):
                    if os.path.exists(obj):
                        if os.path.isdir(obj):
                            fs += cmdout('ls %s/*.xyz' % obj)
                        else:  # assume a file
                            fs += [obj]
                        print('input object: %s' % obj)
                        raise Exception('#ERROR: not a file/dir??')
                else:  # assume aqml.cheminfo.core.atoms class
                    #if obj.__class__.__name__ == 'atoms':
                    #    mols.update([obj])
                    raise Exception('Not a class or aqml.cheminfo.core.atoms?')
            mols = cc.molecules(fs, property_names)
        else:  # assume aqml.cheminfo.core.atoms class
            if objs.__class__.__name__ == 'molecules':
                mols = objs
                raise Exception('Not a class or aqml.cheminfo.core.molecules?')

        pns = property_names
        pn1 = pns[0]

        # attach strains: an array of T/F
        imcs = []
        strains = []
        for i in range(mols.nm):
            rawm = coo.ConnMol(mols[i])
        mols.strains = np.array(strains)
        mols.imcs = np.array(imcs, dtype=np.bool)

        if iae:
            for pn1 in pns:
                is_energetic_prop = T
                if is_energetic_prop:
                    mols.get_atomization_energies(pn1, prog=prog)
            #mols.ys = mols.props[pn1]

        if len(property_names) == 2 and Delta:
            pn2 = property_names
            ys1, ys2 = mols.props[pn2], mols.props[pn1]
            ys = mols.props[pn2] - mols.props[pn1]
            ys = mols.props[pn1]  #np.array([ mols.props[p] for p in pns ]).T
        #print('shape of ys = ', ys.shape)
        uc = io2.Units()
        const = dict(zip([ 'h', 'ev', 'kcal'], \
                         [ uc.h2kc, uc.e2kc, 1.0]))
        mols.ys = ys * const[unit.lower()]
        self.ys = ys

        #rcut = 4.8 #2.7 #4.8
        coeffs = [1.0]
        local = T
        self.xparam={'local':local, 'kernel':'g', 'rcut':rcut, 'reuses':[F,F,F], \
                     'saves':[F,F,F], 'coeffs':coeffs, 'ws':[1.,1.,1.]}
        for k in xparam:
            self.xparam[k] = xparam[k]

        self.mols = mols
        self.fitmorse = fitmorse
        self.idxsr = idxsr
        self.no_strain = no_strain  # for morse param fit
        self.check_boundary = check_boundary
        self.use_morse_db = use_morse_db
Пример #4
from aqml.cheminfo.molecule.molecule import *
from aqml.cheminfo.molecule.nbody import NBody
from aqml.cheminfo.rw.xyz import write_xyz
from aqml.cheminfo.core import *
#import aqml.cheminfo.molecule.amon_f as cma
import aqml.cheminfo.oechem.amon as coa
import indigo
import tempfile as tpf
import aqml.cheminfo.rdkit.core as crk
import cml.sd as dd
    import representation.x as sl

h2kc = io2.Units().h2kc
T, F = True, False
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.4f}'.format})

_hyb = { Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3: 3, \
            Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2: 2, \
            Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP: 1, \
            Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.UNSPECIFIED: 0}

bt2bo = {
    Chem.BondType.SINGLE: 1.0,
    Chem.BondType.DOUBLE: 2.0,
    Chem.BondType.TRIPLE: 3.0,
    Chem.BondType.AROMATIC: 1.5,
    Chem.BondType.UNSPECIFIED: 0.0
Пример #5
    def read_molecule(self):
        """ read geometry info, basis and hamiltonian """
        fo = self.f[:-4] + '.out'
        self.fo = fo
        icom = F
        ilog = F  # read geom from log with success??
        iout = F
        iout_0 = F  # use input geom at the beginning of out file
        ioptg = F
        _cs = open(self.f).readlines()
        icalc = F
        itn, igc = F, F
        self.itn = itn
        self.igc = igc
        ratio = 1.0
        if self.fmt in ['com', 'inp']:  #read molecule from Molpro input file
            icom = T
            for i, ci in enumerate(_cs):
                if ci.strip()[:8] in ['geometry']:
            na = int(_cs[i + 1])
            cs = _cs[i + 3:i + 3 + na]
        elif self.fmt in ['out']:
            itn, igc = self.itn, self.igc
            if not np.all([itn, igc]): icalc = T
            ioptg = not os.system("grep ' PROGRAM \* OPT' %s >/dev/null" % fo)
            self.ioptg = ioptg
            if ioptg:
                if self.itn:  #igc:
                    iout = T
                    #cmd = "sed -n '/Current geom/,/Geometry wr/p' %s"%fo
                    #cs = cmdout(cmd)[4:-4]

                    # The two lines above may fail sometimes, the code below are more robust
                    cmd = "grep -n ' Current geometry' %s | head -n 1 | cut -d: -f1" % fo
                    ln = int(cmdout1(cmd))
                    fid = open(fo)
                    for il in range(ln + 1):
                    na = int(next(fid))
                    cs = []
                    for _ in range(na):

                    # retrieve last config from log file
                    fl = self.f[:-4] + '.log'
                    print(' *** read geom from log file %s' % fl)
                    assert os.path.exists(fl)
                    cmd = "grep -n ' Current geometry' %s | tail -n 1 | cut -d: -f1" % fl
                        ln = int(cmdout1(cmd))
                        fid = open(fl)
                        for il in range(ln + 1):
                        na = int(next(fid))
                        cs = []
                        for _ in range(na):
                        ilog = T
                            '  ** no optg cycle found in log file! use geom from input'
                        cmd = "sed -n '/ ATOMIC COORDINATES/,/ Bond lengths in Bohr/p' %s | grep      '^\s*[0-9]' | awk '{print $2,$4,$5,$6}'" % fo
                        #iout_0 = T # this simply means that input geom is to be used
                        cs = cmdout(cmd)
            else:  # single point energy/force calc, coordinates in Bohr
                ratio = io2.Units().b2a
                cmd0 = "grep 'Molecule type: Atom' %s" % fo
                if cmdout1(cmd0):
                    ln = int(
                            "grep -n ' ATOMIC COORDINATES' %s | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $1}'"
                            % fo)) + 4
                    cs = cmdout("sed -n '%dp' %s | awk '{print $2,$4,$5,$6}'" %
                                (ln, fo))
                    cmd = "sed -n '/ ATOMIC COORDINATES/,/ Bond lengths in Bohr/p' %s | grep '^\s*[0-9]' | awk '{print $2,$4,$5,$6}'" % fo
                    cs = cmdout(cmd)  #[4:-2]
            na = len(cs)
            #print('cmd=\n', cmd)
            raise Exception('#ERROR: file format not supported')
        self.icalc = icalc  # need for further calcualtion??
        self.itn, self.igc = itn, igc

        # job type
        task = None
        if ioptg:  # may be assigned T when fmt='out'
            task = 'optg'
            for key in ['force', 'freq']:
                if self.is_jobtype(key):
                    task = key
        if not task: task = 'energy'
        self.task = task

        self.ioptg = ioptg
        symbols = []
        zs = []
        coords = []
        for ci in cs:
            csi = ci.strip().split()
            si = csi[0]
                zi = chemical_symbols.index(si)
                zi = chemical_symbols_lowercase.index(si.lower())
            coords_i = np.array(csi[1:4], dtype=float) * ratio

        m = atoms(zs, coords)
        zs = np.array(zs, dtype=int)
        self.zs = zs
        nheav = (zs > 1).sum()
        self.symbols = symbols
        self.nheav = nheav
        self.coords = np.array(coords)
        self.na = len(zs)
        self.m = m
        self.props.update( dict(zip(['m','na','nheav','zs','symbols','symbs','coords'], \
                                 [m,na,nheav,zs,symbols,symbols,self.coords])) )

        # now method, i.e., hamitonian
        # first, get contents of input
        if self.fmt in ['out']:
            #ie = int(cmdout1("awk '/Commands\s\s*initialized/{print NR}' %s"%self.f)) # not work under macos
            ie = int(
                    "grep -nE 'Commands\s\s*initialized' %s | cut -d: -f1" %
            cs0 = _cs[:ie]
        elif self.fmt in ['com', 'inp']:
            cs0 = _cs
            raise Exception('#ERROR: format not supported')
        nlmax = len(cs0)
        _meths = ['df-hf','df-ks','hf','ks', \
                'mp2-f12','df-mp2-f12','pno-lmp2-f12','mp2','df-mp2', \
                'ccsd-f12', 'df-ccsd-f12', 'pno-lccsd-f12', 'ccsd', 'df-ccsd', \
                'ccsd(t)-f12', 'df-ccsd(t)-f12', 'pno-lccsd(t)-f12', 'ccsd(t)', 'df-ccsd(t)']
        _eprops = ['hf','ks',]*2 + \
                  ['mp2f12']*2 + ['lmp2f12'] + ['mp2']*2 + \
                  ['cc2f12']*2 + ['lcc2f12'] + ['cc2']*2 + \
                  ['cc2tf12']*2 + ['lcc2tf12'] + ['cc2t']*2
        _meths_patts = ['df-hf','df-ks','^-hf','^-ks', \
                'mp2-f12','df-mp2-f12','pno-lmp2-f12','mp2','df-mp2', \
                'ccsd-f12', 'df-ccsd-f12', 'pno-lccsd-f12', 'ccsd', 'df-ccsd', \
                'ccsd\(t\)-f12', 'df-ccsd\(t\)-f12', 'pno-lccsd\(t\)-f12', 'ccsd\(t\)', 'df-ccsd\(t\)']
        spp = '\s\s*'
        p1 = spp.join(['![UR](HF|KS)', 'STATE', '1.1', 'Energy'])
        p2 = spp.join(['!MP2-F12', 'total', 'energy'])
        p3 = spp.join(['!MP2', 'total', 'energy'])
        p4 = spp.join(['!PNO-LMP2-F12\(PNO\)', 'total', 'energy'])

        # From Molpro manual,
        #     """ Thus, we currently recommend CCSD-F12A for AVDZ and AVTZ basis sets,
        #         and CCSD-F12B for larger basis sets (rarely needed).  """
        aux = 'a'
        p5 = spp.join(['!PNO-LCCSD-F12%s' % aux, 'total', 'energy'])
        p6 = spp.join(['!LCCSD\(T\)-F12%s' % aux, 'total', 'energy'])
        p7 = spp.join(['CCSD-F12%s' % aux, 'total', 'energy'])
        p8 = spp.join(['CCSD\(T\)-F12%s' % aux, 'total', 'energy'])
        p9 = spp.join(['CCSD', 'total', 'energy'])
        p10 = spp.join(['CCSD\(T\)', 'total', 'energy'])
        _epatts = [p1]*4 + \
                   [p2]*2 + [p4] + [p3]*2 + \
                   [p7]*2 + [p5] + [p9]*2 + \
                   [p8]*2 + [p6] + [p10]*2
        _levels = [0.35, 0.45, 0.5, 0.6, \
                  1.65, 1.45, 1.25, 1.15, 1.05, \
                  2.65, 2.45, 2.25, 2.15, 2.05, \
                  3.65, 3.45, 3.25, 3.15, 3.05 ]
        meths = []
        levels = []
        eprops = []  # energy properties
        epatts = []  # patterns to match different energies
        icnt = 0
        #itl = 0
        idft = F
        idf = F  # density-fitting
        while T:
            #itl += 1
            #if itl == 20: break
            if icnt == nlmax: break
            ci = cs0[icnt].strip().lower()
            if ci == '' or ci[0] == '!':
                icnt += 1
                for imeth, meth in enumerate(_meths):
                    mp = _meths_patts[imeth]
                    if meth not in meths:
                        patts = [
                            '^%s$' % mp,
                            '^%s[},\s!]' % mp,
                            '[{\s]%s[},\s]' % mp
                        tfs = []
                        for p in patts:
                            tfi = F
                            if re.search(p, ci, flags=re.MULTILINE): tfi = T
                        if np.any(tfs):
                            #print('++ meth, ci=', meth,ci)

                            if 'ks' in meth:  # now get xc function
                                idft = T
                                pt1 = '([^{]*)ks,\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)[,}\s!]'
                                pt2 = '([^{]*)ks,\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)$'
                                ot1 = re.search(pt1, ci)
                                ot2 = re.search(pt2, ci, flags=re.MULTILINE)
                                if ot1:
                                    ot = ot1
                                elif ot2:
                                    ot = ot2
                                    raise Exception(
                                        '#ERROR: no match found for %s or %s!'
                                        % (pt1, pt2))
                                ots = ot.groups()
                                meth = ''.join(ots)
                                eprop = meth  #ots[-1]
                                eprop = _eprops[imeth]

                            if meth == 'df-mp2-f12' and re.search(
                                    'cabs_singles\s*=\s*-1', ci):
                            imp2 = T
                            if meth in [
                                    'ccsd-f12', 'df-ccsd-f12', 'ccsd(t)-f12',
                                meth2 = 'mp2-f12'
                            elif meth in [
                                    'ccsd', 'df-ccsd', 'ccsd(t)', 'df-ccsd(t)'
                                meth2 = 'mp2'
                            elif meth in ['pno-lccsd-f12', 'pno-lccsd(t)-f12']:
                                meth2 = 'pno-lmp2-f12'
                                imp2 = F
                            if imp2:
                                i2 = _meths.index(meth2)
                                eprop2 = _eprops[i2]
                                epatt2 = _epatts[i2]
                                level2 = _levels[i2]
            icnt += 1

        #meth_h = meths[-1]
        self.meths = meths
        self.eprops = eprops
        self.epatts = epatts
        self.meth = meths[-1]  ##
        #self.h = eprops[-1] # meth_h
        self.props.update(dict(zip(['meths', 'meth'],
                                   [self.meths, self.meth])))

        # now basis set
        idxl = 0
        while T:
            ci = _cs[idxl].strip()
            if ci[:5] == 'basis':
            idxl += 1
        ci2 = _cs[idxl + 1].strip()
        tf1, tf2 = ('{' not in ci), ('{' not in ci)  # tf: true or false?
        if tf1:  # and tf2:
            # i.e., simple basis set input, e.g., basis=vtz
            basis = ci.split('!')[0].split('=')[-1].strip().lower()
            basis_c = basis
            # i.e., detailed basis setting, e.g., basis={default=vtz; I=vtz-pp; ...}
            csb = ''  # '{'+ci.split('!')[0].split('{')[1] #''
            if 'default' not in ci:
                idxl += 1
                basis = ci2.split('!')[0].strip().split('=')[1].lower()
                c1, c2 = ci.split('!')[0].split('{')
                basis = c2.split('=')[1].lower()
                #csb += c2
            ### search for '}'
            while T:
                cj = _cs[idxl].strip()
                if '}' in cj:
                    cj2 = cj.split('}')[0]
                    if cj2 != '':
                        csb = csb + ';' + cj2 if csb != '' else cj2
                    if cj != '':
                        cj2 = cj.split('!')[0]
                        if cj2 != '':
                            csb = csb + ';' + cj2 if csb != '' else cj2
                idxl += 1
            basis_c = '{' + csb.split('basis={')[1].lower() + '}'
        basis = re.sub('-', '', basis)
        self.basis = basis
        self.basis_c = basis_c
        self.props.update(dict(zip(['basis', 'basis_c'], [basis, basis_c])))
Пример #6
    def get_atoms(self):
        fo = self.f
        fl = fo[:-4] + '.log'
        const = 1.0
        cmd = "grep 'OPT (Geometry optimization' %s" % fo
        cmd2 = "grep -n ' Current geometry' %s | head -n 1 | cut -d: -f1" % fo
        cmd3 = "grep -n ' Current geometry' %s | tail -n 1 | cut -d: -f1" % fl
        zs = []
        coords = []
        s = cmdout1(cmd)
        s2 = cmdout1(cmd2)

        ioc = T  # use output coords
        iofmt = 'out'  # use geom from *.out file
        if s:
            if self.is_job_done:
                ln = int(s2) + 1
                if os.path.exists(fl):
                    s3 = cmdout1(cmd3)
                    #print('s=',s, 's2=',s2, 's3=',s3)
                    if s3:
                        ln = int(s3) + 1
                        iofmt = 'log'
                        self.cs = open(fl).readlines()
                        ioc = F
                    ioc = F
            ioc = F
        self.ioc = ioc
        self.iofmt = iofmt

        if ioc:
            print('   ** read fully/partially optimized geom from %s.%s' %
                  (fo[:-4], iofmt))
            #print('ln=',ln, 'ci= "%s"'%self.cs[ln:ln+2])
            na = int(self.cs[ln])
            for li in self.cs[ln + 2:ln + 2 + na]:
                tsi = li.strip().split()
                zi = co.chemical_symbols_lowercase.index(tsi[0].lower())
                coords.append([eval(x) for x in tsi[1:]])
        else:  # single point energy/force calc, coordinates in Bohr
            print('   ** read input geom from %s.out' % fo[:-4])
            const = io2.Units().b2a
            ln = int(
                    "grep -n ' ATOMIC COORDINATES' %s | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $1}'"
                    % fo)) + 3
            while True:
                ci = self.cs[ln].strip()
                if ci == '':
                tsi = ci.strip().split()
                zi = co.chemical_symbols_lowercase.index(tsi[1].lower())
                    [eval(x) for x in tsi[3:6]]
                )  #cmdout("sed -n '%dp' %s | awk '{print $2,$4,$5,$6}'"%(ln,fo))
                ln += 1
        return co.atoms(zs, coords)
Пример #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

import re, io2, os, sys
import numpy as np
import aqml.cheminfo as co
from aqml.cheminfo.core import *
import aqml.cheminfo.rw.xyz as crx
import shutil

T, F = True, False
spp = '\s\s*'

uc = io2.Units()

cardinal = {'vdz': 2, 'vtz': 3, 'vqz': 4}

cmdout1 = lambda cmd: os.popen(cmd).read().strip()
cmdout = lambda cmd: os.popen(cmd).read().strip().split('\n')

iu = io2.Units()

class Molpro(object):

    jobs = ['optg', 'force', 'freq']
    jobs_a = ['optg', 'force', 'forces', 'freq', 'frequency']

    def __init__(self, f, keys=[], iprop=T, units=['kcal', 'a']):
        self.f = f
        self.units = units  # kcal/mol and Angstrom
        # note that later `f may change (when more properties from
Пример #8
#!/usr/bin/env python

import io2, re, os, sys
import numpy as np
from io2.gaussian_reader import GaussianReader as GR0
import aqml.cheminfo.molecule.molecule as cmm
from aqml.cheminfo.core import *
import aqml.cheminfo.rdkit.core as crk
from aqml.cheminfo.rw.ctab import *
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd

h2kc = io2.Units().h2kc
T, F = True, False
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.4f}'.format})

class _atoms(object):
    """ `atoms object from file formats other than xyz"""
    def __init__(self, f):
        import ase.io as aio
        m = aio.read(f)
        self.zs = m.numbers
        self.coords = m.positions
        self.na = len(self.zs)

uc = io2.Units()  # unit converter

def get_val(dic, key):
    assert key in list(dic.keys()), '#ERROR: prop not found!'
Пример #9
#!/usr/bin/env python
This module defines an ASE interface to MOPAC.

import os, sys, re
import numpy as np
import ase.io as aio
import ase
import io2

iu = io2.Units()

class mopac(object):

    def __init__(self, obj, label=None, method='PM7', task='OPT', \
                 ias_fix=[], ias_relax=[], iwrite=False):
        atomic indices in either `ias_fix or `ias_relax starts from 1

        self.method = method
        self.task = task
        self.iwrite = iwrite
        self.obj = obj

        typ = type(obj)
        if typ is str:
            suffix = obj[-3:]
            if obj[-3:] in ['com', 'gjf']: