def load(context, filepath, name_suffix="", suppress_reports=False): """ :param context: Blender Context currently used for window_manager.update_progress and bpy_object_utils.object_data_add :type context: bpy.types.Context :param filepath: File path to be imported :type filepath: str :param name_suffix: files name suffix (exchange format is using .ef) :type name_suffix: str :param suppress_reports: True if you don't want for reports to be flushed & summaries to be printed out; False otherwise :type suppress_reports: bool :return: Return state statuses (Usually 'FINISHED') :rtype: set """ import time t = time.time() bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_set('WAIT') scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() if not suppress_reports: lprint("", report_errors=-1, report_warnings=-1 ) # Clear the 'error_messages' and 'warning_messages' collision_locators = [] prefab_locators = [] loaded_variants = [] loaded_looks = [] objects = [] locators = [] mats_info = [] scs_root_object = skeleton = bones = armature = None # TRANSITIONAL STRUCTURES terrain_points = TerrainPntsTrans() # IMPORT PIP -> has to be loaded before PIM because of terrain points if scs_globals.import_pip_file: lprint("I Importing PIP ...") pip_filepath = filepath + ".pip" + name_suffix if os.path.isfile(pip_filepath): lprint('\nD PIP filepath:\n %s', (pip_filepath, )) # print('PIP filepath:\n %s' % pip_filepath) result, prefab_locators = _pip.load(pip_filepath, terrain_points) else: lprint('\nI No PIP file.') # print('INFO - No PIP file.') # IMPORT PIM if scs_globals.import_pim_file or scs_globals.import_pis_file: lprint("I Importing PIM ...") pim_filepath = filepath + ".pim" + name_suffix if pim_filepath: if os.path.isfile(pim_filepath): lprint('\nD PIM filepath:\n %s', (_path_utils.readable_norm(pim_filepath), )) if pim_filepath.endswith(".pim"): result, objects, locators, armature, skeleton, mats_info = _pim.load( context, pim_filepath, terrain_points_trans=terrain_points) elif pim_filepath.endswith(".pim.ef"): result, objects, locators, armature, skeleton, mats_info = _pim_ef.load( context, pim_filepath, terrain_points_trans=terrain_points) else: lprint( "\nE Unknown PIM file extension! Shouldn't happen...") else: lprint('\nI No file found at %r!' % (_path_utils.readable_norm(pim_filepath), )) else: lprint('\nI No filepath provided!') # IMPORT PIT = None if scs_globals.import_pit_file: lprint("I Importing PIT ...") pit_filepath = filepath + ".pit" + name_suffix if os.path.isfile(pit_filepath): lprint('\nD PIT filepath:\n %s', (pit_filepath, )) # print('PIT filepath:\n %s' % pit_filepath) result, loaded_variants, loaded_looks = _pit.load(pit_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIT file.') # print('INFO - No PIT file.') # IMPORT PIC if scs_globals.import_pic_file: lprint("I Importing PIC ...") pic_filepath = filepath + ".pic" + name_suffix if os.path.isfile(pic_filepath): lprint('\nD PIC filepath:\n %s', (pic_filepath, )) # print('PIC filepath:\n %s' % pic_filepath) result, collision_locators = _pic.load(pic_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIC file.') # print('INFO - No PIC file.') # SETUP 'SCS GAME OBJECTS' lprint("I Setup of SCS game object ...") for item in collision_locators: locators.append(item) for item in prefab_locators: locators.append(item) path, filename = os.path.split(filepath) if objects or locators or (armature and skeleton): scs_root_object = _create_scs_root_object(filename, loaded_variants, loaded_looks, mats_info, objects, locators, armature) # Additionally if user wants to have automatically set custom export path, then let him have it :P if scs_globals.import_preserve_path_for_export: relative_export_path = _path_utils.relative_path( scs_globals.scs_project_path, path) if path.startswith(scs_globals.scs_project_path ) and relative_export_path != path: scs_root_object.scs_props.scs_root_object_export_filepath = relative_export_path scs_root_object.scs_props.scs_root_object_allow_custom_path = True else: lprint( "W Can not preserve import path for export on import SCS Root %r, " "as import was done from outside of current SCS Project Base Path!", (, )) # IMPORT PIS if scs_globals.import_pis_file: lprint("I Importing PIS ...") # pis file path is created from directory of pim file and skeleton definition inside pim header pis_filepath = os.path.dirname(filepath) + os.sep + skeleton if os.path.isfile(pis_filepath): lprint('\nD PIS filepath:\n %s', (pis_filepath, )) # strip off name suffix from skeleton path skeleton = skeleton[:-len(name_suffix)] # fill in custom data if PIS file is from other directory if skeleton[:-4] != armature.scs_props.scs_skeleton_custom_export_dirpath = "//" + os.path.relpath( os.path.dirname(pis_filepath), scs_globals.scs_project_path) armature.scs_props.scs_skeleton_custom_name = os.path.basename( skeleton[:-4]) bones = _pis.load(pis_filepath, armature) else: bones = None lprint('\nI No PIS file.') # IMPORT PIA if scs_globals.import_pia_file and bones: lprint("I Importing PIAs ...") basepath = os.path.dirname(filepath) # Search for PIA files in model's directory and its subdirectiories... lprint('\nD Searching the directory for PIA files:\n %s', (basepath, )) # print('\nSearching the directory for PIA files:\n %s' % str(basepath)) pia_files = [] index = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath): if not scs_globals.import_include_subdirs_for_pia: if index > 0: break # print(' root: %s - dirs: %s - files: %s' % (str(root), str(dirs), str(files))) for file in files: if file.endswith(".pia" + name_suffix): pia_filepath = os.path.join(root, file) pia_files.append(pia_filepath) index += 1 if len(pia_files) > 0: lprint('D PIA files found:') for pia_filepath in pia_files: lprint('D %r', pia_filepath) # print('armature: %s\nskeleton: %r\nbones: %s\n' % (str(armature), str(skeleton), str(bones))) _pia.load(scs_root_object, pia_files, armature, pis_filepath, bones) else: lprint('\nI No PIA files.') # fix scene objects count so it won't trigger copy cycle bpy.context.scene.scs_cached_num_objects = len(bpy.context.scene.objects) # FINAL FEEDBACK bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_restore() if suppress_reports: lprint('\nI Import compleeted in %.3f sec.', time.time() - t) else: lprint('\nI Import compleeted in %.3f sec.', time.time() - t, report_errors=True, report_warnings=True) return True
def load(context, filepath): """ :param context: Blender Context currently used for window_manager.update_progress and bpy_object_utils.object_data_add :type context: bpy.types.Context :param filepath: File path to be imported :type filepath: str :return: Return state statuses (Usually 'FINISHED') :rtype: dict """ import time t = time.time() bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_set('WAIT') scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() lprint("", report_errors=-1, report_warnings=-1) # Clear the 'error_messages' and 'warning_messages' collision_locators = [] prefab_locators = [] loaded_variants = [] loaded_looks = [] objects = [] locators = [] mats_info = [] scs_root_object = skeleton = bones = armature = None # TRANSITIONAL STRUCTURES terrain_points = TerrainPntsTrans() # IMPORT PIP -> has to be loaded before PIM because of terrain points if scs_globals.import_pip_file: pip_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 'p') if os.path.isfile(pip_filepath): lprint('\nD PIP filepath:\n %s', (pip_filepath,)) # print('PIP filepath:\n %s' % pip_filepath) result, prefab_locators = _pip.load(pip_filepath, terrain_points) else: lprint('\nI No PIP file.') # print('INFO - No PIP file.') # IMPORT PIM if scs_globals.import_pim_file or scs_globals.import_pis_file: if filepath: if os.path.isfile(filepath): lprint('\nD PIM filepath:\n %s', (_path_utils.readable_norm(filepath),)) result, objects, locators, armature, skeleton, mats_info = _pim.load( context, filepath, terrain_points_trans=terrain_points ) # print(' armature:\n%s\n skeleton:\n%s' % (str(armature), str(skeleton))) else: lprint('\nI No file found at %r!' % (_path_utils.readable_norm(filepath),)) else: lprint('\nI No filepath provided!') # IMPORT PIT = None if scs_globals.import_pit_file: pit_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 't') if os.path.isfile(pit_filepath): lprint('\nD PIT filepath:\n %s', (pit_filepath,)) # print('PIT filepath:\n %s' % pit_filepath) result, loaded_variants, loaded_looks = _pit.load(pit_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIT file.') # print('INFO - No PIT file.') # IMPORT PIC if scs_globals.import_pic_file: pic_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 'c') if os.path.isfile(pic_filepath): lprint('\nD PIC filepath:\n %s', (pic_filepath,)) # print('PIC filepath:\n %s' % pic_filepath) result, collision_locators = _pic.load(pic_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIC file.') # print('INFO - No PIC file.') # SETUP 'SCS GAME OBJECTS' for item in collision_locators: locators.append(item) for item in prefab_locators: locators.append(item) path, file = os.path.split(filepath) # print(' path: %r\n file: %r' % (path, file)) lod_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if objects or locators or (armature and skeleton): scs_root_object = _create_scs_root_object(lod_name, loaded_variants, loaded_looks, mats_info, objects, locators, armature) # IMPORT PIS if scs_globals.import_pis_file: # pis file path is created from directory of pim file and skeleton definition inside pim header pis_filepath = os.path.dirname(filepath) + os.sep + skeleton if os.path.isfile(pis_filepath): lprint('\nD PIS filepath:\n %s', (pis_filepath,)) # fill in custom data if PIS file is from other directory if skeleton[:-4] != armature.scs_props.scs_skeleton_custom_export_dirpath = "//" + os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(pis_filepath), scs_globals.scs_project_path) armature.scs_props.scs_skeleton_custom_name = os.path.basename(skeleton[:-4]) bones = _pis.load(pis_filepath, armature) else: bones = None lprint('\nI No PIS file.') # IMPORT PIA if scs_globals.import_pia_file and bones: basepath = os.path.dirname(filepath) # Search for PIA files in model's directory and its subdirectiories... lprint('\nD Searching the directory for PIA files:\n %s', (basepath,)) # print('\nSearching the directory for PIA files:\n %s' % str(basepath)) pia_files = [] index = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath): if not scs_globals.include_subdirs_for_pia: if index > 0: break # print(' root: %s - dirs: %s - files: %s' % (str(root), str(dirs), str(files))) for file in files: if file.endswith(".pia"): pia_filepath = os.path.join(root, file) pia_files.append(pia_filepath) index += 1 if len(pia_files) > 0: lprint('D PIA files found:') for pia_filepath in pia_files: lprint('D %r', pia_filepath) # print('armature: %s\nskeleton: %r\nbones: %s\n' % (str(armature), str(skeleton), str(bones))) _pia.load(scs_root_object, pia_files, armature, pis_filepath, bones) else: lprint('\nI No PIA files.') # fix scene objects count so it won't trigger copy cycle bpy.context.scene.scs_cached_num_objects = len(bpy.context.scene.objects) # Turn on Textured Solid in 3D view... for bl_screen in for bl_area in bl_screen.areas: for bl_space in bl_area.spaces: if bl_space.type == 'VIEW_3D': bl_space.show_textured_solid = True # Turn on GLSL in 3D view... bpy.context.scene.game_settings.material_mode = 'GLSL' # Turn on "Frame Dropping" for animation playback... bpy.context.scene.use_frame_drop = True # FINAL FEEDBACK bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_restore() lprint('\nI Import compleeted in %.3f sec.', time.time() - t, report_errors=True, report_warnings=True) return True
def load(context, filepath): """ :param context: Blender Context currently used for window_manager.update_progress and bpy_object_utils.object_data_add :type context: bpy.types.Context :param filepath: File path to be imported :type filepath: str :return: Return state statuses (Usually 'FINISHED') :rtype: dict """ import time t = time.time() bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_set('WAIT') scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() lprint("", report_errors=-1, report_warnings=-1 ) # Clear the 'error_messages' and 'warning_messages' collision_locators = [] prefab_locators = [] loaded_variants = [] loaded_looks = [] objects = [] locators = [] mats_info = [] scs_root_object = skeleton = bones = armature = None # TRANSITIONAL STRUCTURES terrain_points = TerrainPntsTrans() # IMPORT PIP -> has to be loaded before PIM because of terrain points if scs_globals.import_pip_file: pip_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 'p') if os.path.isfile(pip_filepath): lprint('\nD PIP filepath:\n %s', (pip_filepath, )) # print('PIP filepath:\n %s' % pip_filepath) result, prefab_locators = _pip.load(pip_filepath, terrain_points) else: lprint('\nI No PIP file.') # print('INFO - No PIP file.') # IMPORT PIM if scs_globals.import_pim_file or scs_globals.import_pis_file: if filepath: if os.path.isfile(filepath): lprint('\nD PIM filepath:\n %s', (_path_utils.readable_norm(filepath), )) result, objects, locators, armature, skeleton, mats_info = _pim.load( context, filepath, terrain_points_trans=terrain_points) # print(' armature:\n%s\n skeleton:\n%s' % (str(armature), str(skeleton))) else: lprint('\nI No file found at %r!' % (_path_utils.readable_norm(filepath), )) else: lprint('\nI No filepath provided!') # IMPORT PIT = None if scs_globals.import_pit_file: pit_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 't') if os.path.isfile(pit_filepath): lprint('\nD PIT filepath:\n %s', (pit_filepath, )) # print('PIT filepath:\n %s' % pit_filepath) result, loaded_variants, loaded_looks = _pit.load(pit_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIT file.') # print('INFO - No PIT file.') # IMPORT PIC if scs_globals.import_pic_file: pic_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 'c') if os.path.isfile(pic_filepath): lprint('\nD PIC filepath:\n %s', (pic_filepath, )) # print('PIC filepath:\n %s' % pic_filepath) result, collision_locators = _pic.load(pic_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIC file.') # print('INFO - No PIC file.') # SETUP 'SCS GAME OBJECTS' for item in collision_locators: locators.append(item) for item in prefab_locators: locators.append(item) path, file = os.path.split(filepath) # print(' path: %r\n file: %r' % (path, file)) lod_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if objects or locators or (armature and skeleton): scs_root_object = _create_scs_root_object(lod_name, loaded_variants, loaded_looks, mats_info, objects, locators, armature) # Additionally if user wants to have automatically set custom export path, then let him have it :P if scs_globals.import_preserve_path_for_export: relative_export_path = _path_utils.relative_path( scs_globals.scs_project_path, path) if path.startswith(scs_globals.scs_project_path ) and relative_export_path != path: scs_root_object.scs_props.scs_root_object_export_filepath = relative_export_path scs_root_object.scs_props.scs_root_object_allow_custom_path = True else: lprint( "W Can not preserve import path for export on import SCS Root %r, " "as import was done from outside of current SCS Project Base Path!", (, )) # IMPORT PIS if scs_globals.import_pis_file: # pis file path is created from directory of pim file and skeleton definition inside pim header pis_filepath = os.path.dirname(filepath) + os.sep + skeleton if os.path.isfile(pis_filepath): lprint('\nD PIS filepath:\n %s', (pis_filepath, )) # fill in custom data if PIS file is from other directory if skeleton[:-4] != armature.scs_props.scs_skeleton_custom_export_dirpath = "//" + os.path.relpath( os.path.dirname(pis_filepath), scs_globals.scs_project_path) armature.scs_props.scs_skeleton_custom_name = os.path.basename( skeleton[:-4]) bones = _pis.load(pis_filepath, armature) else: bones = None lprint('\nI No PIS file.') # IMPORT PIA if scs_globals.import_pia_file and bones: basepath = os.path.dirname(filepath) # Search for PIA files in model's directory and its subdirectiories... lprint('\nD Searching the directory for PIA files:\n %s', (basepath, )) # print('\nSearching the directory for PIA files:\n %s' % str(basepath)) pia_files = [] index = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath): if not scs_globals.import_include_subdirs_for_pia: if index > 0: break # print(' root: %s - dirs: %s - files: %s' % (str(root), str(dirs), str(files))) for file in files: if file.endswith(".pia"): pia_filepath = os.path.join(root, file) pia_files.append(pia_filepath) index += 1 if len(pia_files) > 0: lprint('D PIA files found:') for pia_filepath in pia_files: lprint('D %r', pia_filepath) # print('armature: %s\nskeleton: %r\nbones: %s\n' % (str(armature), str(skeleton), str(bones))) _pia.load(scs_root_object, pia_files, armature, pis_filepath, bones) else: lprint('\nI No PIA files.') # fix scene objects count so it won't trigger copy cycle bpy.context.scene.scs_cached_num_objects = len(bpy.context.scene.objects) # Turn on Textured Solid in 3D view... for bl_screen in for bl_area in bl_screen.areas: for bl_space in bl_area.spaces: if bl_space.type == 'VIEW_3D': bl_space.show_textured_solid = True # Turn on GLSL in 3D view... bpy.context.scene.game_settings.material_mode = 'GLSL' # Turn on "Frame Dropping" for animation playback... bpy.context.scene.use_frame_drop = True # FINAL FEEDBACK bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_restore() lprint('\nI Import compleeted in %.3f sec.', time.time() - t, report_errors=True, report_warnings=True) return True
def load(context, filepath): """ :param context: Blender Context currently used for window_manager.update_progress and bpy_object_utils.object_data_add :type context: bpy.types.Context :param filepath: File path to be imported :type filepath: str :return: Return state statuses (Usually 'FINISHED') :rtype: dict """ import time t = time.time() bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_set('WAIT') # import_scale = _get_scs_globals().import_scale # load_textures = _get_scs_globals().load_textures # mesh_creation_type = _get_scs_globals().mesh_creation_type scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() dump_level = int(scs_globals.dump_level) lprint("", report_errors=-1, report_warnings=-1 ) # Clear the 'error_messages' and 'warning_messages' collision_locators = [] prefab_locators = [] loaded_variants = [] objects = [] skinned_objects = [] locators = [] mats_info = [] scs_root_object = skeleton = bones = armature = None # ## NEW SCENE CREATION # if _get_scs_globals().scs_lod_definition_type == 'scenes': # if != 'Scene': #'NEW') # IMPORT PIM if scs_globals.import_pim_file or scs_globals.import_pis_file: if filepath: if os.path.isfile(filepath): lprint('\nD PIM filepath:\n %s', (filepath.replace("\\", "/"), )) result, objects, skinned_objects, locators, armature, skeleton, mats_info = _pim.load( context, filepath) # print(' armature:\n%s\n skeleton:\n%s' % (str(armature), str(skeleton))) else: lprint('\nI No file found at %r!' % (filepath.replace("\\", "/"), )) else: lprint('\nI No filepath provided!') # IMPORT PIT = None if scs_globals.import_pit_file: pit_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 't') if os.path.isfile(pit_filepath): lprint('\nD PIT filepath:\n %s', (pit_filepath, )) # print('PIT filepath:\n %s' % pit_filepath) result, loaded_variants = _pit.load(pit_filepath, mats_info) else: lprint('\nI No PIT file.') # print('INFO - No PIT file.') # IMPORT PIC if scs_globals.import_pic_file: pic_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 'c') if os.path.isfile(pic_filepath): lprint('\nD PIC filepath:\n %s', (pic_filepath, )) # print('PIC filepath:\n %s' % pic_filepath) result, collision_locators = _pic.load(pic_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIC file.') # print('INFO - No PIC file.') # IMPORT PIP if scs_globals.import_pip_file: pip_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 'p') if os.path.isfile(pip_filepath): lprint('\nD PIP filepath:\n %s', (pip_filepath, )) # print('PIP filepath:\n %s' % pip_filepath) result, prefab_locators = _pip.load(pip_filepath) else: lprint('\nI No PIP file.') # print('INFO - No PIP file.') # SETUP 'SCS GAME OBJECTS' for item in collision_locators: locators.append(item) for item in prefab_locators: locators.append(item) path, file = os.path.split(filepath) # print(' path: %r\n file: %r' % (path, file)) lod_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if objects or locators or (armature and skeleton): scs_root_object = _create_scs_root_object(lod_name, loaded_variants, objects, skinned_objects, locators, armature) # IMPORT PIS if scs_globals.import_pis_file: pis_filepath = str(filepath[:-1] + 's') if os.path.isfile(pis_filepath): lprint('\nD PIS filepath:\n %s', (pis_filepath, )) # print('PIS filepath:\n %s' % pis_filepath) bones = _pis.load(pis_filepath, armature) else: bones = None lprint('\nI No PIS file.') # print('INFO - No PIS file.') # IMPORT PIA if scs_globals.import_pis_file and scs_globals.import_pia_file: basepath = os.path.dirname(filepath) # Search for PIA files in model's directory and its subdirectiories... lprint('\nD Searching the directory for PIA files:\n %s', (basepath, )) # print('\nSearching the directory for PIA files:\n %s' % str(basepath)) pia_files = [] index = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath): if not scs_globals.include_subdirs_for_pia: if index > 0: break # print(' root: %s - dirs: %s - files: %s' % (str(root), str(dirs), str(files))) for file in files: if file.endswith(".pia"): pia_filepath = os.path.join(root, file) pia_files.append(pia_filepath) index += 1 if len(pia_files) > 0: lprint('D PIA files found:') for pia_filepath in pia_files: lprint('D %r', pia_filepath) # print('armature: %s\nskeleton: %r\nbones: %s\n' % (str(armature), str(skeleton), str(bones))) _pia.load(scs_root_object, pia_files, armature, skeleton, bones) else: lprint('\nI No PIA files.') # ## SETUP 'SCS GAME OBJECTS' # for item in collision_locators: # locators.append(item) # for item in prefab_locators: # locators.append(item) # path, file = os.path.split(filepath) # print(' path: %r\n file: %r' % (path, file)) # lod_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) # if objects: # scs_root_object = create_scs_root_object(lod_name, loaded_variants, objects, skinned_objects, locators, armature) # SET OPTIMAL SETTINGS AND DRAW MODES # fix scene objects count so it won't trigger copy cycle bpy.context.scene.scs_cached_num_objects = len(bpy.context.scene.objects) # Turn on Textured Solid in 3D view... for bl_screen in for bl_area in bl_screen.areas: for bl_space in bl_area.spaces: if bl_space.type == 'VIEW_3D': bl_space.show_textured_solid = True # Turn on GLSL in 3D view... bpy.context.scene.game_settings.material_mode = 'GLSL' # Turn on "Frame Dropping" for animation playback... bpy.context.scene.use_frame_drop = True # FINAL FEEDBACK bpy.context.window.cursor_modal_restore() lprint('\nI Import compleeted in %.3f sec.', time.time() - t, report_errors=True, report_warnings=True) return True