Пример #1
def read_inp_str(filepath, filename, remove_comments=None):
    """ read the run parameters from a file
    input_file = os.path.join(filepath, filename)
        with open(input_file, 'r') as inp_file:
            inp_str = inp_file.read()
        if remove_comments:
            inp_str = ioformat.remove_comment_lines(inp_str, remove_comments)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('*ERROR: Input file does not exist: ', input_file)

    return inp_str
Пример #2
def _clean_up(mech_str, remove_comments=True):
    """ Cleans up mechanism input string by converting specific comment
        lines that are used later and removes other comments and
        whitespace from mech string.

        :param mech_str: string of mechanism input file
        :param mech_str: str
        :return mech_str: string with altered comment lines
        :rtype: string
    mech_str = _convert_comment_lines(mech_str)
    if remove_comments:
        mech_str = remove_comment_lines(
            mech_str, delim_pattern=app.escape('!'))
    mech_str = remove_whitespace(mech_str)
    return mech_str
Пример #3
def test__string_alter():
    """ test ioformat.headlined_sections
        test ioformat.remove_whitespace
        test ioformat.remove_trail_whitespace
        test ioformat.remove_comment_lines

    head_secs = ioformat.headlined_sections(INI_STR, '=')
    assert head_secs == [
        'A + B = C + D    1.00 0.00 0.00  \n  PLOG / 0.01  3.0E+8 2.0 100.0\n',
        'A + D = E        2.00 0.00 0.00  \n\n! From Experiment',
        'E = F            3.00 0.00 0.00  \n  PLOG / 0.01  6.0 2.5 105\n\n'

    out_str = ioformat.remove_whitespace(INI_STR)
    assert out_str == ('! From Theory\n'
                       'A + B = C + D    1.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       'PLOG / 0.01  3.0E+8 2.0 100.0\n'
                       'A + D = E        2.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '! From Experiment\n'
                       'E = F            3.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       'PLOG / 0.01  6.0 2.5 105\n')

    out_str = ioformat.remove_trail_whitespace(INI_STR)
    assert out_str == ('! From Theory\n'
                       'A + B = C + D    1.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  3.0E+8 2.0 100.0\n'
                       'A + D = E        2.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '! From Experiment\n'
                       'E = F            3.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  6.0 2.5 105\n')

    out_str = ioformat.remove_comment_lines(INI_STR, '!')
    assert out_str == ('\n'
                       'A + B = C + D    1.00 0.00 0.00  \n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  3.0E+8 2.0 100.0\n'
                       'A + D = E        2.00 0.00 0.00  \n'
                       'E = F            3.00 0.00 0.00  \n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  6.0 2.5 105\n'
Пример #4
def ped_names(input_str):
    """ Reads the ped_species and ped_output from the MESS input file string
        that were used in the master-equation calculation.
        :param input_str: string of lines of MESS input file
        :type input_str: str
        :return ped_species: list of names of connected REACS/PRODS
        :rtype: list(list(str))
        :return ped_output: output file with the product energy distribution
        :rtype: str

    # Get the MESS input lines
    input_str = remove_comment_lines(input_str, delim_pattern=app.escape('!'))
    mess_lines = input_str.splitlines()
    check = 0
    ped_species = ()
    ped_output = None
    for line in mess_lines:
        if 'PEDSpecies' in line:
            check += 1
            ped_species_all = line.strip().split()[1:]
            for coupled_species in ped_species_all:
                ped_species += (tuple(coupled_species.split('_')), )
        if 'PEDOutput' in line:
            check += 1
            ped_output = line.strip().split()[1]
        if check == 2:
            # found everything you need: exit from loop

    if not ped_species or not ped_output:
        print('Error: PEDSpecies and PEDOutput options incomplete. '
              'Exiting now')

    return ped_species, ped_output
Пример #5
def test__string_remove():
    """ test ioformat.remove_whitespace
        test ioformat.remove_trail_whitespace
        test ioformat.remove_comment_lines

    out_str = ioformat.remove_whitespace_from_string(INI_STR)
    assert out_str == ('! From Theory\n'
                       'A + B = C + D    1.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       'PLOG / 0.01  3.0E+8 2.0 100.0\n'
                       'A + D = E        2.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '! From Experiment\n'
                       'E = F            3.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       'PLOG / 0.01  6.0 2.5 105\n')

    out_str = ioformat.remove_trail_whitespace(INI_STR)
    assert out_str == ('! From Theory\n'
                       'A + B = C + D    1.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  3.0E+8 2.0 100.0\n'
                       'A + D = E        2.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '! From Experiment\n'
                       'E = F            3.00 0.00 0.00\n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  6.0 2.5 105\n')

    out_str = ioformat.remove_comment_lines(INI_STR, '!')
    assert out_str == ('\n'
                       'A + B = C + D    1.00 0.00 0.00  \n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  3.0E+8 2.0 100.0\n'
                       'A + D = E        2.00 0.00 0.00  \n'
                       'E = F            3.00 0.00 0.00  \n'
                       '  PLOG / 0.01  6.0 2.5 105\n'
Пример #6
                 help='MESS hoten input name (me_ktp_hoten.inp)')
                 help='MESS hoten log name (me_ktp_hoten.log)')
#optional: to rename the reactions - unnecessary if they come from automech

OPTS = vars(PAR.parse_args())  # it's a dictionary

############ DO NOT MODIFY ##################
# 0. EXTRACT INPUT INFORMATION from me_ped.inp
me_ped_inp = read_file(os.path.join(CWD, OPTS['pedinput']))
me_ped_inp = remove_comment_lines(me_ped_inp, delim_pattern=app.escape('!'))
me_ped_inp = remove_comment_lines(me_ped_inp, delim_pattern=app.escape('#'))
me_ped_out = read_file(os.path.join(CWD, OPTS['pedoutput']))
species_blocks_ped = mess_io.reader.get_species(me_ped_inp)
T_lst, _ = mess_io.reader.rates.temperatures(me_ped_inp, mess_file='inp')
P_lst, _ = mess_io.reader.rates.pressures(me_ped_inp, mess_file='inp')
P_lst = P_lst[:-1]  # drop the last element in the pressure list ('high')
pedspecies, pedoutput = mess_io.reader.ped.ped_names(me_ped_inp)
energy_dct, _, conn_lst_dct, _ = mess_io.reader.pes(me_ped_inp)

# 1. INFO FROM rate_ped.out and ke_ped.out: rate dct, energy barriers, dofs, fragment names
ktp_dct = {}
ene_bw_dct = {}
dof_dct = {}
fragments_dct = {}
# get the rates for all set of pedspecies
Пример #7
def get_species(input_string):
    """ Read a MESS input file string and get the block of each species
        Bimolecular fragments are listed together,
        but header Fragment is changed to Species

        :param input_string: string for a MESS (rates) input file
        :type input_string: str

        :return species_blocks: dictionary with the species blocks
            {name:[frag1 block, frag2 block], name:[unimol block],}
        :rtype: dict{label: list}

    input_string = remove_comment_lines(input_string,
    lines = input_string.splitlines()
    lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip() != '']

    # find where data of interest are
    bad_wellwrds = [
        'WellDepth', 'WellCutoff', 'WellExtension', 'WellReductionThreshold',
        'WellPartitionMethod', 'WellProjectionThreshold'
    bad_fragwrds = ['FragmentGeometry', 'PEDSpecies']

    _name_arr = np.array([('Bimolecular' in line or 'Well' in line)
                          and all(bad not in line for bad in bad_wellwrds)
                          for line in lines],
    names_i = np.where(_name_arr == 1)[0]

    _init_arr = np.array([('Fragment' in line or 'Species' in line)
                          and all(bad not in line for bad in bad_fragwrds)
                          for line in lines],
    init_i = np.where(_init_arr == 1)[0]
    init_i = init_i[init_i > names_i[0]]

    _end_arr = np.array(['End' in line for line in lines], dtype=int)
    end_i = np.where(_end_arr == 1)[0] + 1

    _levels_arr = np.array(['ElectronicLevels' in line for line in lines],
    levels_i = np.where(_levels_arr == 1)[0]

    final_i = np.array([end_i[i < end_i][0] for i in levels_i])[:len(init_i)]

    # dictionary labels
    labels = [lines[i].strip().split()[1] for i in names_i]
    species_blocks = {k: [] for k in labels}

    # extract the data
    for i in np.arange(0, len(init_i)):

        # type
        sp_type = lines[init_i[i]].strip().split()[0]
        label = lines[names_i[init_i[i] > names_i][-1]].strip().split()[1]

        # name and label
        if sp_type == 'Fragment':
            name = 'Species ' + lines[init_i[i]].strip().split()[1]

        elif sp_type == 'Species':
            name = 'Species ' + label

        # store in the dictionary
        block = '\n'.join(lines[init_i[i] + 1:final_i[i]])
        block = name + '\n' + block

    return species_blocks
Пример #8
def pes(input_string, read_fake=False):
    """ Read a MESS input file string and get info about PES

        :param input_string: string for a MESS (rates) input file
        :type input_string: str
        :param read_fake: value to include fake wells and barriers
        :type read_fake: bool
        :return energy_dct: dict[label: energy]
        :rtype: dict[label: energy]
        :return conn_lst_dct: defines the wells connected by each barrier
        :rtype: dict[barrier: (reac, prod)] all str
        :return conn_lst
        :rtype: lst(str)

    # Initialize energy and connection information
    energy_dct = {}
    conn_lst = tuple()
    conn_lst_dct = {}
    pes_label_dct = {}

    input_string = remove_comment_lines(input_string,
    input_lines = input_string.splitlines()
    for idx, line in enumerate(input_lines):

        if 'Well' in line:

            line_lst = line.strip().split()
            if line_lst[0].strip() == 'Well' and '!' not in line:
                # Get label
                label = line_lst[1]

                if ('F' not in label) or ('F' in label and read_fake):
                    # Get energy
                    for line2 in input_lines[idx:]:
                        if 'ZeroEnergy' in line2:
                            ene = float(line2.split()[-1])

                    # Add value to energy dct
                    energy_dct[label] = ene

                    line_lst2 = line.split('!')
                    if len(line_lst2) == 1:
                        line_lst2 = line.split('#')
                    if len(line_lst2) > 1:
                        spc = line_lst2[1]
                        pes_label_dct[spc.strip()] = label
                        pes_label_dct[label] = label
                        print('Warning: labeling not found for '
                              f'species {label}')

        if 'Bimolecular' in line:

            line_lst = line.strip().split()

            if line_lst[0].strip() == 'Bimolecular' and '!' not in line:
                # Get label
                label = line_lst[1]

                # Get energy
                for line2 in input_lines[idx:]:
                    if 'Dummy' in line2:
                        ene = -10.0
                    if 'GroundEnergy' in line2:
                        ene = float(line2.split()[-1])

                # Add value to dct
                energy_dct[label] = ene

                # Add value to PES dct - NB THIS DEPENDS ON THE INPUT FILE.
                cnt = 0
                frags = []
                for line2 in input_lines[idx:]:
                    if 'Fragment' in line2:
                        # Try and grab name from comment line
                        frag_line_lst = line2.split('!')
                        if len(frag_line_lst) == 1:
                            frag_line_lst = line2.split('#')
                        if len(frag_line_lst) > 1:
                            frag = frag_line_lst[1]
                            # strip gets rid of the spaces before and after
                            frag_line_lst = line2.split()
                            frag = frag_line_lst[1]
                            print('Warning: labeling not found for '
                                  f'bimol fragments for {label}')
                        cnt += 1
                    if cnt == 2:

                pes_label_dct[' + '.join(frags)] = label

        if 'Barrier' in line:

            line_lst = line.strip().split()
            if line_lst[0].strip() == 'Barrier' and '!' not in line:
                # Get label
                [tslabel, rlabel, plabel] = line_lst[1:4]

                if ('F' not in tslabel) or ('F' in tslabel and read_fake):
                    # Get energy
                    for line2 in input_lines[idx:]:
                        if 'ZeroEnergy' in line2:
                            ene = float(line2.split()[-1])

                    # Add value to dct
                    energy_dct[tslabel] = ene

                    # Amend fake labels (may be wrong)
                    if not read_fake:
                        rlabel = rlabel.replace('F', 'P')
                        plabel = plabel.replace('F', 'P')

                    # Add the connection to lst
                    conn_lst += ((rlabel, tslabel), )
                    conn_lst += ((tslabel, plabel), )
                    conn_lst_dct[tslabel] = (rlabel, plabel)

    return energy_dct, conn_lst, conn_lst_dct, pes_label_dct
Пример #9

import os
import numpy
from ioformat import pathtools
from ioformat import remove_comment_lines
import autoparse.pattern as app
import mess_io

PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
INP_PATH = os.path.join(PATH, 'data', 'inp')
INP_STR = pathtools.read_file(INP_PATH, 'mess.inp')

PROMPT_INP_PATH = os.path.join(PATH, 'data', 'inp')
PED_INP_STR = pathtools.read_file(PROMPT_INP_PATH, 'me_ktp_ped.inp')
PED_INP_STR = remove_comment_lines(PED_INP_STR, delim_pattern=app.escape('!'))
PED_INP_STR = remove_comment_lines(PED_INP_STR, delim_pattern=app.escape('#'))

def test_pes():
    """ test mess_io.reader.pes

    # Test reading with removing any fake wells
    energy_dct1, conn_lst1, _, _ = mess_io.reader.pes(input_string=INP_STR,

    ref_energy_dct1 = {'P1': 0.0, 'P2': 3.22, 'B1': 13.23}
    ref_conn_lst1 = (('P1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'P2'))

    ref_keys = tuple(ref_energy_dct1.keys())