Пример #1
    d1 = Day("Tuesday")
    d2 = Day("Wednesday")

    s1 = Student("Streisand, Barbara", "")
    days = [d1, d2]
    filters3 = {}
    filters3['Meeting Times'] = days

    s2 = Student("Cobain, Curt", "")
    days = [d2]
    filters4 = {}
    filters4['Meeting Times'] = days

    t2 = Team(2, 4)


    team_lst = [t1, t2]

    manager = IOManager(roster)
    students = manager.read(csv_pth)
    manager.write(out_path, team_lst)
Пример #2
class GuiInterface():
    The interface class
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes all items used by the
        interface to none
        self.teams = None
        self.roster = None
        self.c_data = None
        self.manager = None
        self.students = None
        self.algorithm = None
        self.outputpath = None
        self.email = ""
        self.password = ""
        self.saved = False

    def loadRoster(self, rostertext):
        This loads the roster text file
        into a list of student names

            rostertext: string
        self.roster = []
        with open(rostertext) as r_file:
            for line in r_file:

    def startManager(self):
        This starts the IOManager
        self.c_data = ConfigData()
        self.manager = IOManager(self.c_data, self.roster)

    def readCsv(self, intext):
        This reads the csv file using
        the IOManager

            intext: string
        self.students = self.manager.read(intext)

    def startAlgorithm(self, teamsize):
        This sets the teamsize for the algorithm
        and runs the algorithm
            teamsize: int
        self.algorithm = AlgorithmManager(self.c_data, teamsize)
        self.teams = self.algorithm.runMain(self.students)

    def runGeneral(self, rostertext, intext, teamsize):
        This sets and runs the guiinterface quickly

            rostertext: string
            intext:     string
            teamsize:   int

    def setOutputPath(self, outputpath):
        This sets the outputpath

            outputpath: string
        self.outputpath = outputpath

    def writeFile(self):
        This writes the file
        using the IOManager
        If file already exists,
        appends number to the end
        filenumber = 1
        newoutputpath = self.outputpath + "/out.txt"
        newpath = Path(newoutputpath)
        while (newpath.exists()):
            newoutputpath = self.outputpath + "/out" + str(filenumber) + ".txt"
            newpath = Path(newoutputpath)
            filenumber += 1
        self.manager.write(newoutputpath, self.teams)

    def reShuffleAll(self):
        This re-runs the algorithm fully to shuffle
        all of the teams
        self.teams = self.algorithm.runMain(self.students)

    def reShuffleTeams(self):
        This shuffles the teams using the swapMember
        algorithm from the Algorithm class
        self.teams = self.algorithm.swapMembers(self.teams)

    def reShuffleSelectedTeams(self, indexes):
        This runs a teamswap on the selected teams.
        The selected teams are represented as indexes
        from the team object in the class

            indexes: [int]
        swapping = []
        tempteam = [i for i in self.teams]

        for index in indexes:

        newteams = self.algorithm.swapMembers(swapping)
        for i in newteams:

        swapping = []
        self.teams = tempteam

    def sendEmail(self, teams, email="", password="", save=False):
        This emails the selected teams from the gui and 
        invokes the send_email method, the selected teams
        are represented as indexes corresponding to
        the teams within the self.teams list

            teams    - [indexes] represents the teams at each index
            email    - string this is the email address given
            password - string that is the password
            save     - bool if true, will save the email and password until 
                           the end of the program     

            bool - True if success, False if failure 
        success = True

        if self.saved:
            for team in teams:
                success = send_email(self.teams[team], self.email,
                if not success:
                    return False
            return True

        for team in teams:
            success = send_email(self.teams[team], email, password)
            if not success:
                return False

        if (save):
            self.email = email
            self.password = password
            self.saved = True

        return True