class SBE49InstrumentDescription(ResourceDescription):
    This has the metadata common to SBE49 instruments
    manufacturer = TypedAttribute(str)
    model = TypedAttribute(str)
class PublisherResource(StatefulResource):
    A registry object which contains information about publishers
    #Name - inherited!
    publisher = TypedAttribute(str)  #The identity of the publisher
    topics = TypedAttribute(list)  # List of Topic Resource References
    content_type = TypedAttribute(str)  #What types are there?

    def create(cls, name, publisher_proc, topics, content_type):
        inst = cls.create_new_resource() = name
        inst.publisher =

        if not hasattr(topics, '__iter__'):
            topics = [topics]

        for topic in topics:

        inst.content_type = content_type

        return inst
class DMGroupData(CDMResource):
    #Name - inherited
    attributes = TypedAttribute(list)
    dimensions = TypedAttribute(list)
    variables = TypedAttribute(list)
    dmdataresource = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    archive_grpid = TypedAttribute(int, 0)
class ArchiveResource(StatefulResource):  # Is it stateful or information?
    #Name (Logical IRODS Name) - inherited
    datatype = TypedAttribute(str, 'dap')
    cache_policy = TypedAttribute(str, 'none')
    backup_policy = TypedAttribute(str, 'none')
    topic = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    #locations = TypedAttribute(list,[]) # List of Archive Location objects
    dmdataresource = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
class DataProductResource(StatefulResource):
    Intended for the data product registry.
    instrument_ref = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    topic = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    dataformat = TypedAttribute(str)
    description = TypedAttribute(str)
class Queue(DataObject):
    @Brief The exchange message Queue is really an exchange registry object
    @TODO move to the exchange registry and use it properly!
    type = TypedAttribute(str)
    name = TypedAttribute(str)
    args = TypedAttribute(dict)
class Publication(DataObject):
    A container message for things published
    topic_ref = TypedAttribute(
        ResourceReference)  # The registered reference to a topic
    data = TypedAttribute(DataMessageObject)  # Any Data Object!
    publisher = TypedAttribute(str)  # The identity of the publisher
Пример #8
class InstrumentAgentResourceInstance(AgentInstance):
    Intended for the "Agent Registry", this is the instance information for
    an instrument agent that is running. This should reflect the individual
    instrument agent information.
    driver_process_id = TypedAttribute(str)
    instrument_ref = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
class SBE49InstrumentResource(InstrumentResource):
    The stuff specific to SBE49s so that you can actually talk to it enough
    to get more information for now.
    baudrate = TypedAttribute(int, default=9600)
    outputformat = TypedAttribute(int, default=0)
    description = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)  #reference the description
class DMVariableData(CDMResource):
    #Name - inherited
    attributes = TypedAttribute(list)
    dimensions = TypedAttribute(list)
    type = TypedAttribute(str)
    dmdataresource = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    archive_varid = TypedAttribute(str)  # Varid or name?
Пример #11
class InstrumentResourceDescription(ResourceDescription):
    Indended for the "Instrument Registry", this is some basic metadata common
    to a class of all instrument resources in the system.
    # The type of instrument we are registering
    instrument_type = TypedAttribute(str)
class SubscriptionResource(StatefulResource):
    Informaiton about a subscriber
    #Name - inherited

    #owner = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference) # Don't worry about owner yet

    # hack for now to allow naming one-three more topic descriptions used to find topics that are subscribed to!
    topic1 = TypedAttribute(PubSubTopicResource)
    topic2 = TypedAttribute(PubSubTopicResource)
    topic3 = TypedAttribute(PubSubTopicResource)

    workflow = TypedAttribute(dict)
    Only specify who you attach to - not who you produce to - consistent with pubsub model!
    <consumer name>:{'module':'','cosumeclass':'<ConsumerClassName>',\
        'attach':<topicX> or <consumer name> or <list of consumers and topics>,\
        'Process Parameters':{<conumser property keyword arg>: <property value>},\

    #Used internally
    #current_topics = TypedAttribute(list) # List of Topic Resource References
    #consumer_procids = TypedAttribute(dict) # list of child consumer ids - need a process registry
    queues = TypedAttribute(list)  # list of queue objects
    consumer_args = TypedAttribute(dict)
class DMDimensionData(CDMResource):
    #Name - inherited
    dim = TypedAttribute(int, 0)
    unlimited = TypedAttribute(bool, False)
    shared = TypedAttribute(bool, False)
    is_variable_length = TypedAttribute(bool, False)
    dmdataresource = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    archive_dimid = TypedAttribute(int, 0)  # Varid or name?
class DMDataResource(InformationResource):
    @Note <class> must be a type which python can instantiate with eval!
    #Name - inherited
    metadata = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    packetsreceived = TypedAttribute(int, 0)
    packetspersisted = TypedAttribute(int, 0)
    input_archive = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    input_topic = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    ingested_archive = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    ingested_topic = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
class PubSubTopicResource(InformationResource):
    A topic definition which can be stored in the registry
    Contains a Name, a Keyword, an Exchange Queue, and an AOI
    #name - inherited, a handle for the topic

    queue = TypedAttribute(Queue)
    keywords = TypedAttribute(str)
    aoi = TypedAttribute(AOI)

    def create(cls, name, keywords, aoi=None):
        @Brief Create a topic resource and set parameters
        @param name is the topic name
        @param keywords are comma seperated key words for the topic
        inst = cls() = name
        inst.keywords = keywords
        if aoi:
            inst.aoi = aoi
        return inst
class IngestionStreamResource(StatefulResource):
    # name - inherited from StatefulResource
    input_topic_ref = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    #input_format = TypedAttribute(str)
    ingested_topic_ref = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    #ingested_format = TypedAttribute(str)
    persisting_input = TypedAttribute(bool)
    persisteing_ingested = TypedAttribute(bool)
    ingesting = TypedAttribute(bool)
    dataregistry = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
Пример #17
class InstrumentDriverResource(StatefulResource):
    Intended for the "Agent Registry", this is the instance information for
    an instrument driver that is running. This should reflect the individual
    instrument driver information.
    # The ID of the instrument the driver interacts with
    instrument_instance = TypedAttribute(str)
    description = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    #owner = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    spawnargs = TypedAttribute(str)
    type = TypedAttribute(str)
    process_id = TypedAttribute(str)
    subject = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
    data_sets = TypedAttribute(list)
class InstrumentResource(StatefulResource):
    Intended for the "Instrument Registry," some basic instrument metadata to
    hang onto for now. A few fields to start with can always be appended to
    for a more complete listing (or even subclassing as needed).
    @todo Flesh this out with much much much more comprehensive metadata
    manufacturer = TypedAttribute(str)
    model = TypedAttribute(str)
    serial_num = TypedAttribute(str)
    fw_version = TypedAttribute(str)
    description = TypedAttribute(str)
    These are things that can be used to talk to an instrument in the CI
    agent_message_address = TypedAttribute(str)
    agent_event_address = TypedAttribute(str)
class DataMessageObject(DataObject):
    Base Class for Data PubSub Message Objects
    notification = TypedAttribute(str)
    timestamp = TypedAttribute(float)
class IntegerAttribute(AttributeData):
    #@Todo convert to use numpy types
    i = TypedAttribute(int)
class FloatAttribute(AttributeData):
    #@Todo convert to use numpy types
    f = TypedAttribute(float)
class CDMResource(InformationResource):
    A resource class to describe Unidata Common data model data
    groups = TypedAttribute(list)
class StringAttribute(AttributeData):
    #@Todo convert to use numpy types
    s = TypedAttribute(str)
class DMAttributeData(CDMResource):
    #Name - inherited
    value = TypedAttribute(AttributeData)
    archive_attid = TypedAttribute(int, 0)  # Varid or name?
    dmdataresource = TypedAttribute(ResourceReference)
class DMStructureData(CDMResource):
    #Name - inherited
    members = TypedAttribute(list)
class DAPMessageObject(DataMessageObject):
    """Container object for messaging DAP data"""
    das = TypedAttribute(str)
    dds = TypedAttribute(str)
    dods = TypedAttribute(str)
class StringMessageObject(DataMessageObject):
    """Container object for messaging STRING data"""
    data = TypedAttribute(str)
class DictionaryMessageObject(DataMessageObject):
    """Container object for messaging DICTIONARY data"""
    data = TypedAttribute(dict)