def test_ph_multiples(self):
        Test ability of ph_calc_phwater to process multiple pH measurements
        in a single block.
        bout = ph.ph_battery(self.braw)
        tout = ph.ph_thermistor(self.traw)
        a434 = ph.ph_434_intensity(self.light)  # no unit tests, just checking to see if they work
        print a434
        a578 = ph.ph_578_intensity(self.light)
        print a578

        # reset calibration values to an array, replicating how ION will pass
        # the data when processing blocks of values.
        ea434 = np.ones(15) * self.ea434
        eb434 = np.ones(15) * self.eb434
        ea578 = np.ones(15) * self.ea578
        eb578 = np.ones(15) * self.eb578
        ind_slp = np.ones(15) * self.ind_slp
        ind_off = np.ones(15) * self.ind_off

        # test the function
        pout = ph.ph_calc_phwater(
            self.ref, self.light, tout, ea434, eb434, ea578, eb578, ind_slp, ind_off, self.salinity

        # test above output where records were processed one at a time
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bout, self.vbatt, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, self.therm, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pout, self.pH, 4)
Пример #2
    def test_ph_multiples(self):
        Test ability of ph_calc_phwater to process multiple pH measurements
        in a single block.
        bout = ph.ph_battery(self.braw)
        tout = ph.ph_thermistor(self.traw)
        a434 = ph.ph_434_intensity(
            self.light)  # no unit tests, just checking to see if they work
        print a434
        a578 = ph.ph_578_intensity(self.light)
        print a578

        # reset calibration values to an array, replicating how ION will pass
        # the data when processing blocks of values.
        ea434 = np.ones(15) * self.ea434
        eb434 = np.ones(15) * self.eb434
        ea578 = np.ones(15) * self.ea578
        eb578 = np.ones(15) * self.eb578
        ind_slp = np.ones(15) * self.ind_slp
        ind_off = np.ones(15) * self.ind_off

        # test the function
        pout = ph.ph_calc_phwater(self.ref, self.light, tout, ea434, eb434,
                                  ea578, eb578, ind_slp, ind_off,

        # test above output where records were processed one at a time
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bout, self.vbatt, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, self.therm, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pout, self.pH, 4)
Пример #3
    def test_ph_singles(self):
        Test ability of ph_calc_phwater to process a single pH measurement, one
        measurement at a time.
        # determine the number of records and create the output arrays
        nRec = self.ref.shape[0]
        bout = np.zeros(nRec, dtype=np.float)
        tout = np.zeros(nRec, dtype=np.float)
        a434 = np.zeros((nRec, 23), dtype=np.float)
        a578 = np.zeros((nRec, 23), dtype=np.float)
        pout = np.zeros(nRec, dtype=np.float)

        # index through the records, calculating pH one record at a time
        for iRec in range(nRec):
            # compute the battery voltage, final temperature in deg_C and pH,
            # record by record.
            bout[iRec] = ph.ph_battery(self.braw[iRec])
            a434[iRec, :] = ph.ph_434_intensity(self.light[iRec, :])
            a578[iRec, :] = ph.ph_578_intensity(self.light[iRec, :])
            tout[iRec] = ph.ph_thermistor(self.traw[iRec])
            pout[iRec] = ph.ph_calc_phwater(self.ref[iRec, :],
                                            self.light[iRec, :], tout[iRec],
                                            self.ea434, self.eb434, self.ea578,
                                            self.eb578, self.ind_slp,
                                            self.ind_off, self.salinity[iRec])

        # test above output where records were processed one at a time
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bout, self.vbatt, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, self.therm, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pout, self.pH, 4)
    def test_ph_multiples(self):
        Test ability of ph_calc_phwater to process multiple pH measurements
        in a single block.
        bout = self.braw * 15. / 4096.
        tout = ph.ph_thermistor(self.traw)

        # reset calibration values to an array, replicating how ION will pass
        # the data when processing blocks of values.
        ea434 = np.ones(6) * self.ea434
        eb434 = np.ones(6) * self.eb434
        ea578 = np.ones(6) * self.ea578
        eb578 = np.ones(6) * self.eb578

        # test the function
        pout = ph.ph_calc_phwater(self.ref, self.light, tout, ea434, eb434, ea578, eb578)

        # test above output where records were processed one at a time
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bout, self.vbatt, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, self.therm, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pout, self.pH, 4)
    def test_ph_singles(self):
        Test ability of ph_calc_phwater to process a single pH measurement, one
        measurement at a time.
        # determine the number of records and create the output arrays
        nRec = self.ref.shape[0]
        bout = np.zeros(nRec, dtype=np.float)
        tout = np.zeros(nRec, dtype=np.float)
        a434 = np.zeros((nRec, 23), dtype=np.float)
        a578 = np.zeros((nRec, 23), dtype=np.float)
        pout = np.zeros(nRec, dtype=np.float)

        # index through the records, calculating pH one record at a time
        for iRec in range(nRec):
            # compute the battery voltage, final temperature in deg_C and pH,
            # record by record.
            bout[iRec] = ph.ph_battery(self.braw[iRec])
            a434[iRec, :] = ph.ph_434_intensity(self.light[iRec, :])
            a578[iRec, :] = ph.ph_578_intensity(self.light[iRec, :])
            tout[iRec] = ph.ph_thermistor(self.traw[iRec])
            pout[iRec] = ph.ph_calc_phwater(
                self.ref[iRec, :],
                self.light[iRec, :],

        # test above output where records were processed one at a time
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bout, self.vbatt, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, self.therm, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pout, self.pH, 4)
Пример #6
def main():
    # load  the input arguments
    args = inputs()
    infile = os.path.abspath(args.infile)
    outfile = os.path.abspath(args.outfile)

    # load the parsed, json data file
    with open(infile, 'rb') as f:
        phsen = Munch(json.load(f))

    if len(phsen.time) == 0:
        # This is an empty file, end processing
        return None

    # convert the raw battery voltage and thermistor values from counts
    # to V and degC, respectively
    phsen.thermistor_start = ph_thermistor(np.array(
    therm = ph_thermistor(np.array(phsen.thermistor_end))
    phsen.thermistor_end = therm.tolist()
    phsen.voltage_battery = ph_battery(np.array(

    # compare the instrument clock to the GPS based DCL time stamp
    # --> PHSEN uses the OSX date format of seconds since 1904-01-01
    mac = datetime.strptime("01-01-1904", "%m-%d-%Y")
    offset = []
    for i in range(len(phsen.time)):
        rec = mac + timedelta(seconds=phsen.record_time[i])
        dcl = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(phsen.time[i])
        offset.append((rec - dcl).total_seconds())

    phsen.time_offset = offset

    # set default calibration values (could later roll this into a coefficients file)
    nRec = len(phsen.thermistor_end)
    ea434 = np.ones(nRec) * 17533.
    eb434 = np.ones(nRec) * 2229.
    ea578 = np.ones(nRec) * 101.
    eb578 = np.ones(nRec) * 38502.
    slope = np.ones(nRec) * 0.9698
    offset = np.ones(nRec) * 0.2484

    # if available, load the co-located CTDBP data file corresponding to the
    # PHSEN data file
    if args.ctdfile:
        # load the ctd data
        ctdfile = os.path.abspath(args.ctdfile)
        with open(ctdfile, 'rb') as f:
            ctd = Munch(json.load(f))

        data = np.array(
            [ctd.time, ctd.conductivity, ctd.temperature, ctd.pressure])

        # process the bursts, creating a median averaged dataset of the bursts,
        # yielding a 15 minute data record
        m = np.where(np.diff(data[0, :]) > 300)  # find beginning of each burst
        burst = []
        strt = 0
        # process the bursts ...
        for indx in m[0] + 1:
            time = np.atleast_1d(np.mean(data[0, strt:indx]))
            smpl = np.median(data[1:, strt:indx], axis=1)
            burst.append(np.hstack((time, smpl)))
            strt = indx

        # ... and the last burst
        time = np.atleast_1d(np.mean(data[0, strt:]))
        smpl = np.median(data[1:, strt:], axis=1)
        burst.append(np.hstack((time, smpl)))
        burst = np.atleast_1d(burst)

        # interpolate the ctd burst data records onto the phsen record
        interpf = sci.interp1d(burst[:, 0],
                               burst[:, 1:],
        ctd = interpf(np.array(phsen.time))

        # calculate the salinity from the CTD data,
        psu = ctd_pracsal(ctd[:, 0], ctd[:, 1], ctd[:, 2]).reshape(
            (ctd.shape[0], 1))
        ctd = np.hstack((ctd, psu))
        data = np.array((np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, args.salinity))
        ctd = np.tile(data, (len(phsen.time), 1))

    # calculate the pH
    refnc = np.array(phsen.reference_measurements)
    light = np.array(phsen.light_measurements)

    pH = ph_calc_phwater(refnc, light, therm, ea434, eb434, ea578, eb578,
                         slope, offset, ctd[:, 3])
    phsen.pH = pH.tolist()

    # save the resulting data to a json formatted file
    with open(outfile, 'w') as f: