def run(self, iterable): with Capturing() as junk_output: try: ucs = Cluster.from_iterable(iterable=iterable) clusters, _ = ucs.ab_cluster(5000, log=False, write_file_lists=False, schnell=True, doplot=False) except Exception: clusters = [] if len(clusters) > 0: info = [] for cluster in clusters: uc_init = unit_cell(cluster.medians) symmetry = crystal.symmetry(unit_cell=uc_init, space_group_symbol='P1') groups = lattice_symmetry.metric_subgroups( input_symmetry=symmetry, max_delta=3) top_group = groups.result_groups[0] best_uc = top_group['best_subsym'].unit_cell().parameters() best_sg = top_group['best_subsym'].space_group_info() uc_no_stdev = "{:<6.2f} {:<6.2f} {:<6.2f} " \ "{:<6.2f} {:<6.2f} {:<6.2f} " \ "".format(best_uc[0], best_uc[1], best_uc[2], best_uc[3], best_uc[4], best_uc[5]) cluster_info = { 'number': len(cluster.members), 'pg': str(best_sg), 'uc': uc_no_stdev } info.append(cluster_info) else: info = None return info
def make_prime_input(self, filename='prime.phil'): """ Imports default PRIME input parameters, modifies correct entries and prints out a starting PHIL file to be used with PRIME """ if self.params.advanced.integrate_with == 'cctbx': img_pickle = self.final_objects[0].final['img'] pixel_size = pickle.load(open(img_pickle, "rb"))['PIXEL_SIZE'] elif self.params.advanced.integrate_with == 'dials': proc_pickle = self.final_objects[0].final['final'] pixel_size = pickle.load(open(proc_pickle, 'rb'))['pixel_size'] triclinic = ['P1'] monoclinic = ['C2', 'P2'] orthorhombic = ['P222', 'C222', 'I222', 'F222'] tetragonal = ['I4', 'I422', 'P4', 'P422'] hexagonal = ['P3', 'P312', 'P321', 'P6', 'P622'] rhombohedral = ['R3', 'R32'] cubic = ['F23', 'F432', 'I23', 'I432', 'P23', 'P432'] sg = self.cons_pg.replace(" ", "") uc = ['{:4.2f}'.format(i) for i in self.cons_uc] if sg in triclinic: crystal_system = 'Triclinic' elif sg in monoclinic: crystal_system = 'Monoclinic' elif sg in orthorhombic: crystal_system = 'Orthorhombic' elif sg in tetragonal: crystal_system = 'Tetragonal' elif sg in hexagonal: crystal_system = 'Hexagonal' elif sg in rhombohedral: crystal_system = 'Rhombohedral' elif sg in cubic: crystal_system = 'Cubic' else: crystal_system = 'None' # Determine number of images for indexing ambiguity resolution # My default: 1/2 of images or 300, whichever is smaller if len(self.final_objects) >= 600: idx_ambiguity_sample = 300 idx_ambiguity_selected = 100 else: idx_ambiguity_sample = int(len(self.final_objects) / 2) idx_ambiguity_selected = int(idx_ambiguity_sample / 3) prime_params = mod_input.master_phil.extract() = [self.prime_data_path] prime_params.run_no = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.prime_data_path), '001') prime_params.title = 'Auto-generated by IOTA v{} on {}'.format( self.ver, prime_params.scale.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.scale.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.crystal_orientation.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.reflecting_range.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.unit_cell.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.allparams.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.merge.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.target_unit_cell = unit_cell(self.cons_uc) prime_params.target_space_group = sg prime_params.target_crystal_system = crystal_system prime_params.pixel_size_mm = pixel_size prime_params.n_residues = 500 prime_params.indexing_ambiguity.n_sample_frames = idx_ambiguity_sample prime_params.indexing_ambiguity.n_selected_frames = idx_ambiguity_selected prime_phil = mod_input.master_phil.format(python_object=prime_params) with Capturing() as output: txt_out = '' for one_output in output: txt_out += one_output + '\n' prime_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename) with open(prime_file, 'w') as pf: pf.write(txt_out) return prime_phil
def process_image(self): if os.path.isfile(self.termfile): raise IOTATermination('IOTA_TRACKER: Termination signal received!') else: with Capturing() as junk_output: err = [] start = time.time() fail = False sg = None uc = None obs = None status = None res = 99 try: datablock = DataBlockFactory.from_filenames([self.img])[0] observed = self.processor.find_spots(datablock=datablock) status = 'spots found' except Exception, e: fail = True observed = [] err.append(e) pass # TODO: Indexing / lattice determination very slow (how to speed up?) if self.run_indexing: if not fail: try: experiments, indexed = self.processor.index( datablock=datablock, reflections=observed) except Exception, e: fail = True err.append(e) pass if not fail: try: solution = self.processor.refine_bravais_settings( reflections=indexed, experiments=experiments) # Only reindex if higher-symmetry solution found if solution is not None: experiments, indexed = self.processor.reindex( reflections=indexed, experiments=experiments, solution=solution) obs = experiments lat = experiments[0].crystal.get_space_group().info() sg = str(lat).replace(' ', '') status = 'indexed' except Exception: fail = True err.append(e) pass if not fail: unit_cell = experiments[0].crystal.get_unit_cell().parameters() uc = ' '.join(['{:.1f}'.format(i) for i in unit_cell]) if self.run_integration: if not fail: try: # Run refinement experiments, indexed = self.processor.refine( experiments=experiments, centroids=indexed) integrated = self.processor.integrate(experiments=experiments, indexed=indexed) status = 'integrated' except Exception: fail = True err.append(e) pass
def run(self, idx, img): if self.meta_parent.terminated: raise IOTATermination( 'IOTA_TRACKER: SPF Termination signal received!') else: with Capturing() as junk_output: fail = False sg = None uc = None try: datablock = DataBlockFactory.from_filenames([img])[0] observed = self.processor.find_spots(datablock=datablock) except Exception as e: fail = True observed = [] pass # TODO: Indexing / lattice determination very slow (how to speed up?) if self.run_indexing: if not fail: try: experiments, indexed = self.processor.index( datablock=datablock, reflections=observed) except Exception as e: fail = True pass if not fail: try: solution = self.processor.refine_bravais_settings( reflections=indexed, experiments=experiments) # Only reindex if higher-symmetry solution found if solution is not None: experiments, indexed = self.processor.reindex( reflections=indexed, experiments=experiments, solution=solution) lat = experiments[0].crystal.get_space_group( ).info() sg = str(lat).replace(' ', '') except Exception: fail = True pass if not fail: unit_cell = experiments[0].crystal.get_unit_cell( ).parameters() uc = ' '.join(['{:.4f}'.format(i) for i in unit_cell]) if self.run_integration: if not fail: try: # Run refinement experiments, indexed = self.processor.refine( experiments=experiments, centroids=indexed) except Exception as e: fail = True pass if not fail: try: print experiments print indexed integrated = self.processor.integrate( experiments=experiments, indexed=indexed) except Exception as e: pass return [idx, int(len(observed)), img, sg, uc]
def process_image(self): if os.path.isfile(self.termfile): raise IOTATermination('IOTA_TRACKER: Termination signal received!') else: with Capturing() as junk_output: # if True: err = [] start = time.time() fail = False sg = None uc = None status = None score = 0 try: datablock = DataBlockFactory.from_filenames([self.img])[0] observed = self.processor.find_spots(datablock=datablock) status = 'spots found' except Exception as e: fail = True observed = [] err.append('SPOTFINDING ERROR: {}'.format(e)) pass # TODO: Indexing / lattice determination very slow (how to speed up?) if self.run_indexing: if not fail: try: experiments, indexed = self.processor.index( datablock=datablock, reflections=observed) score = len(indexed) except Exception as e: fail = True err.append('INDEXING ERROR: {}'.format(e)) pass if not fail: try: solution = self.processor.refine_bravais_settings( reflections=indexed, experiments=experiments) # Only reindex if higher-symmetry solution found if solution is not None: experiments, indexed = self.processor.reindex( reflections=indexed, experiments=experiments, solution=solution) obs = experiments lat = experiments[0].crystal.get_space_group( ).info() sg = str(lat).replace(' ', '') status = 'indexed' except Exception as e: fail = True err.append('LATTICE ERROR: {}'.format(e)) pass if not fail: unit_cell = experiments[0].crystal.get_unit_cell( ).parameters() uc = ' '.join(['{:.4f}'.format(i) for i in unit_cell]) if self.run_integration: if not fail: try: # Run refinement experiments, indexed = self.processor.refine( experiments=experiments, centroids=indexed) except Exception as e: fail = True err.append('REFINEMENT ERROR: {}'.format(e)) pass if not fail: try: print experiments print indexed integrated = self.processor.integrate( experiments=experiments, indexed=indexed) frame = ConstructFrame( integrated, experiments[0]).make_frame() status = 'integrated' except Exception as e: err.append('INTEGRATION ERROR: {}'.format(e)) pass if status == 'integrated': res = frame['observations'][0].d_max_min() else: detector = datablock.unique_detectors()[0] beam = datablock.unique_beams()[0] s1 = flex.vec3_double() for i in xrange(len(observed)): s1.append( detector[observed['panel'][i]].get_pixel_lab_coord( observed['xyzobs.px.value'][i][0:2])) two_theta = s1.angle(beam.get_s0()) d = beam.get_wavelength() / (2 * flex.asin(two_theta / 2)) res = (np.max(d), np.min(d)) if len(observed) < self.min_bragg: res = (99, 99) elapsed = time.time() - start info = [self.index, len(observed), self.img, sg, uc] return status, info, res, score, elapsed, err
def make_prime_input(self, filename='prime.phil'): """ Imports default PRIME input parameters, modifies correct entries and prints out a starting PHIL file to be used with PRIME """ img_pickle = self.final_objects[0].final['img'] pixel_size = pickle.load(open(img_pickle, "rb"))['PIXEL_SIZE'] triclinic = ['P1'] monoclinic = ['C2', 'P2'] orthorhombic = ['P222', 'C222', 'I222', 'F222'] tetragonal = ['I4', 'I422', 'P4', 'P422'] hexagonal = ['P3', 'P312', 'P321', 'P6', 'P622'] rhombohedral = ['R3', 'R32'] cubic = ['F23', 'F432', 'I23', 'I432', 'P23', 'P432'] sg = self.cons_pg.replace(" ", "") uc = ['{:4.2f}'.format(i) for i in self.cons_uc] if sg in triclinic: crystal_system = 'Triclinic' elif sg in monoclinic: crystal_system = 'Monoclinic' elif sg in orthorhombic: crystal_system = 'Orthorhombic' elif sg in tetragonal: crystal_system = 'Tetragonal' elif sg in hexagonal: crystal_system = 'Hexagonal' elif sg in rhombohedral: crystal_system = 'Rhombohedral' elif sg in cubic: crystal_system = 'Cubic' else: crystal_system = 'None' prime_params = mod_input.master_phil.extract() = [self.prime_data_path] prime_params.run_no = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.prime_data_path), '001') prime_params.title = 'Auto-generated by IOTA v{} on {}'.format(self.ver, prime_params.scale.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.scale.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.crystal_orientation.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.reflecting_range.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.unit_cell.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.allparams.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.merge.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.target_unit_cell = unit_cell(self.cons_uc) prime_params.target_space_group = sg prime_params.target_crystal_system = crystal_system prime_params.pixel_size_mm = pixel_size prime_phil = mod_input.master_phil.format(python_object=prime_params) with Capturing() as output: txt_out = '' for one_output in output: txt_out += one_output + '\n' prime_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename) with open(prime_file, 'w') as pf: pf.write(txt_out) return prime_phil