Пример #1
def get_dicts(UID):
    print("Connexion to the iota devnet...")
    ##for the return
    find = 0
    api = Iota('https://nodes.devnet.iota.org:443', testnet=True)

    #Import public key for authentification
    pub_jey = import_public_key(f'keys/car_{UID}_pub.pem')

    print("Get all the transaction from the concessionaire address..")
    test = import_file('seed_adress/address_concess_store.txt')
    address = [test]

    ## get all transaction done to the adress
    transactions = api.find_transaction_objects(addresses=address)
    print("Parcours des transaction")
    for transaction in transactions['transactions']:
        # Ignore input transactions; these have cryptographic signatures,
        # not human-readable messages.
        if transaction.value < 0:
        message = transaction.signature_message_fragment
        date = transaction.timestamp
        Tag_t = transaction.tag

        if message is None:
            if Tag_t[0:2] == UID:
                code = message.decode().split('?')[0]
                if code == 'km':
                    km[transaction.timestamp] = get_value(message)
                    find = get_verify_IOTA(message, pub_jey)
                elif code == 'conso':
                    conso[transaction.timestamp] = get_value(message)
                    find = get_verify_IOTA(message, pub_jey)
                elif code == 'usure':
                    usure[transaction.timestamp] = get_value(message)
                    find = get_verify_IOTA(message, pub_jey)
                    print('Code introuvable')
    if find == 0:
        return "error"
    response["km"] = dict(sorted(km.items()))
    response["conso"] = dict(sorted(conso.items()))
    response["usure"] = dict(sorted(usure.items()))
    return response
    def test_wireup(self):
        Verify that the command is wired up correctly. (sync)

        The API method indeed calls the appropiate command.
        with patch(
                    'You found me!'))) as mocked_command:

            api = Iota(self.adapter)

            # Don't need to call with proper args here.
            response = api.find_transaction_objects('bundle')


            self.assertEqual(response, 'You found me!')
Пример #3
from iota import Iota, Address
from iota.codecs import TrytesDecodeError

# Declare an API object
api = Iota('https://nodes.devnet.iota.org:443', devnet=True)

# Address to fetch data from
# Replace with your random generated address from Tutorial 2. to fetch the data
# that you uploaded.
addy = Address(

print('Fetching data from the Tangle...')
# Fetch the transaction objects of the address from the Tangle
response = api.find_transaction_objects(addresses=[addy])

if not response['transactions']:
    print('Couldn\'t find data for the given address.')
    # Iterate over the fetched transaction objects
    for tx in response['transactions']:
        # data is in the signature_message_fragment attribute as trytes, we need
        # to decode it into a unicode string
        data = tx.signature_message_fragment.decode(errors='ignore')