def create_file(entry_points_filepath): '''Create empty default EntryPoints file if it does not exist Args: entry_points_filepath (String): path for empty model_entry_points.yml file ''' try: with open(entry_points_filepath, 'w') as entry_points_file: s = "entry_points:\n\n" entry_points_file.write(s) except IOError as e: raise ModellingException("Could not create entry_points file. " + e.strerror)
def create_file(tech_filepath): '''Create empty default technologies file if it does not exist Args: tech_filepath (String): path for empty model_technologies.yml file ''' try: with open(tech_filepath, 'w') as technologies_file: s = "technologies:\n\n" technologies_file.write(s) except IOError as e: raise ModellingException("Could not create technologies file. " + e.strerror)
def create_file(assets_filepath): '''Create empty default assets file if it does not exist Args: assets_filepath (String): path for empty model_assets.yml file ''' try: with open(assets_filepath, 'w') as assets_file: s = "assets:\n\n" assets_file.write(s) except IOError as e: raise ModellingException("Could not create assets file. " + e.strerror)
def fetch_known_technologies(tech_filepath): ''' reads and returns content of the file used to 'cache' all already used Technologies to minimise persons typing Args: tech_filepath (String): path to file of set of used technologies info Raises: ModellingException: if a problem arrises report Returns: dict(String:dict): technologies from file tech_name:{name:tech_name, description:tech_desc, attributes: {attr1:attr1value, atrrX:attrXvalue, ...} } ''' known_technologies = {} if not os.path.isfile(tech_filepath): Technology.create_file(tech_filepath) content = None with open(tech_filepath, 'r') as stream: try: content = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: raise ModellingException("Could not parse technologies file " + tech_filepath + ". \n" + str(exc)) if not content or 'technologies' not in content: raise ModellingException("Technology file is corrupt: " + tech_filepath) if content['technologies']: for tech, tech_data in content['technologies'].items(): # technology = Technology(tech_data['name'], tech_data['description'], tech_data['attributes'], tech_filepath) known_technologies[tech] = tech_data return known_technologies
def fetch_known_entry_points(entry_points_filepath): ''' reads and returns content of the file used to 'cache' all already used EntryPoints to minimise persons typing Args: entry_points_filepath (String): path to file of set of used entry_points info Raises: ModellingException: if a problem arrises report Returns: dict(String:String): entry_points from file entry_point_name:entry_point_desc ''' known_entry_points = {} if not os.path.isfile(entry_points_filepath): EntryPoint.create_file(entry_points_filepath) content = None with open(entry_points_filepath, 'r') as stream: try: content = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: raise ModellingException("Could not parse entry_points file " + entry_points_filepath + ". \n" + str(exc)) if not content or 'entry_points' not in content: raise ModellingException("EntryPoint file is corrupt: " + entry_points_filepath) if content['entry_points']: for name, desc in content['entry_points'].items(): known_entry_points[name] = desc return known_entry_points
def fetch_known_assets(assets_filepath): ''' reads and returns content of the file used to 'cache' all already used Assets to minimise persons typing Args: assets_filepath (String): path to file of set of used assets info Raises: ModellingException: if a problem arrises report Returns: dict(String:String): assets from file name:description ''' known_assets = {} if not os.path.isfile(assets_filepath): Asset.create_file(assets_filepath) content = None with open(assets_filepath, 'r') as stream: try: content = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: raise ModellingException("Could not parse asset file " + assets_filepath + ". \n" + str(exc)) if not content or 'assets' not in content: raise ModellingException("Asset file is corrupt: " + assets_filepath) if content['assets']: for asset, asset_desc in content['assets'].items(): known_assets[asset] = asset_desc return known_assets
def update_known_assets(self): '''writes current asset value to model-assets.yml file Raises: ModellingException: ''' known_assets = Asset.fetch_known_assets(self.assets_filepath) known_assets[] = self.description try: with open(self.assets_filepath, 'w') as assets_file: yaml.safe_dump({"assets": known_assets}, assets_file) except IOError as e: raise ModellingException("Could not append assets file. " + e.strerror)
def update_known_entry_points(self): '''writes current entry_point value to model-entry_points.yml file Raises: ModellingException ''' known_entry_points = EntryPoint.fetch_known_entry_points( self.entry_points_filepath) known_entry_points[] = self.description try: with open(self.entry_points_filepath, 'w') as entry_points_file: yaml.safe_dump({"entry_points": known_entry_points}, entry_points_file) # entry_points_file.write("entry_points:\n") # for name, desc in known_entry_points.items(): # s = " '"+name+"': '"+desc+"'\n" # entry_points_file.write(s) except IOError as e: raise ModellingException("Could not append EntryPoints file. " + e.strerror)
def update_known_technologies(self): '''writes current technology value to model-technologies.yml file Raises: ModellingException ''' known_technologies = Technology.fetch_known_technologies( self.tech_filepath) known_technologies[] = { "name":, "description": self.description, "attributes": self.attributes } try: with open(self.tech_filepath, 'w') as technologies_file: yaml.safe_dump({"technologies": known_technologies}, technologies_file) except IOError as e: raise ModellingException("Could not append technology file. " + e.strerror)