Пример #1
 def test_scalars_str_single_int(self, mock_dat, mock_caffe):
     # expected serialization of the test image
     x = np.random.randint(-2, 11) # [low, high), single integer
     # mock caffe calls made by our module
     v = self.PREFIX + self.STR_MAPPINGS[x]
     mock_dat.return_value.SerializeToString.return_value = self.PREFIX + self.STR_MAPPINGS[x]
     mock_caffe.io.array_to_datum.return_value = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()
     # use the module and test it
     path_lmdb = os.path.join(self.dir_tmp, 'test_scalars_str_single_lmdb')
     tol.scalars_to_lmdb(x, path_lmdb)
     assert_true(os.path.isdir(path_lmdb), "failed to save LMDB")
     c = 0
     with lmdb.open(path_lmdb, readonly=True).begin() as txn:
         for key, value in txn.cursor():
             #print(k, x[c], value)
             assert_equal(key, tol.IDX_FMT.format(c), "Unexpected key.")
             assert_equal(value, self.PREFIX + self.STR_MAPPINGS[x],
                          "Unexpected content.")
             c += 1
     assert_equal(c, 1, "Unexpected number of samples.")
Пример #2
 def test_scalars_lut(self, mock_dat, mock_caffe):
     # expected serialization of the test image
     x = np.random.randint(-1, 4, size=(10, 1)) # [low, high)
     def lut(value):
         return value-1
     ser_vals = [self.PREFIX + self.STR_MAPPINGS[v-1] for v in x.ravel()]
     # mock caffe calls made by our module
     mock_dat.return_value.SerializeToString = MagicMock(side_effect=ser_vals)
     mock_caffe.io.array_to_datum.return_value = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()
     # use the module and test it
     path_lmdb = os.path.join(self.dir_tmp, 'xlut_lmdb')
     tol.scalars_to_lmdb(x, path_lmdb, lut=lut)
     assert_true(os.path.isdir(path_lmdb), "failed to save LMDB")
     c = 0
     with lmdb.open(path_lmdb, readonly=True).begin() as txn:
         for key, value in txn.cursor():
             #print(k, x[c], value)
             assert_equal(key, tol.IDX_FMT.format(c), "Unexpected key.")
             assert_equal(value, ser_vals[c], "Unexpected content.")
             c += 1
     assert_equal(c, x.size, "Unexpected number of samples.")