Пример #1
def get_hosts(
        net: ip.IPv4Network,
        port: int,
        service: str,
        timeout: float,
        debug: bool = False
) -> typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[ip.IPv4Address, str]]:
    loops over hosts in network
    One thread per address.

    IPv6 is not well supported, it will overwhelm RAM except by a plain for loop.
    A different approach is needed to handle IPv6 scale, but it's fine for IPv4.

    if debug or isinstance(net, ip.IPv6Network):
        for host in net.hosts():
            res = isportopen(host, port, service, timeout)
            if res:
                yield res
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as exc:
            futures = (exc.submit(isportopen, host, port, service, timeout)
                       for host in net.hosts())
            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
                res = future.result()
                if res:
                    yield res
Пример #2
def get_hosts_seq(net: ip.IPv4Network, port: int, service: str,
                  timeout: float) -> T.Iterable[tuple[ip.IPv4Address, str]]:
    find hosts sequentially (no parallelism or concurrency)

    for host in net.hosts():
        res = isportopen(host, port, service, timeout)
        if res:
            yield res
Пример #3
async def get_hosts(
        net: ip.IPv4Network, port: int, service: str,
        timeout: float) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[ip.IPv4Address, str]]:

    # print(list(net.hosts()))  # all the addresses to be pinged
    # hosts = await as_completed(net, port, service, timeout)

    futures = [waiter(host, port, service, timeout) for host in net.hosts()]
    host_results = await asyncio.gather(*futures)

    hosts = list(filter(None, host_results))
    return hosts
Пример #4
async def get_hosts(
    net: ip.IPv4Network, port: int, service: str, timeout: float
) -> list[tuple[ip.IPv4Address, str]]:

    hosts = []
    for h in asyncio.as_completed([waiter(host, port, service, timeout) for host in net.hosts()]):
        host = await h
        if host:

    return hosts
Пример #5
def get_hosts(net: ip.IPv4Network, port: int, service: str,
              timeout: float) -> T.Iterable[tuple[ip.IPv4Address, str]]:
    loops over hosts in network
    One thread per address.

    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as exc:
        futures = (exc.submit(isportopen, host, port, service, timeout)
                   for host in net.hosts())
        for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
            res = future.result()
            if res:
                yield res
Пример #6
async def as_completed(
        net: ip.IPv4Network, port: int, service: str,
        timeout: float) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[ip.IPv4Address, str]]:
    futures = [isportopen(host, port, service) for host in net.hosts()]
    hosts = []
    for future in asyncio.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
            res = await future
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:

        if res is not None:
    return hosts
Пример #7
def scanhosts(net: ip.IPv4Network,
              port: int, service: str,
              timeout: float, debug: bool) -> List[ip.IPv4Address]:
    loops over xxx.xxx.xxx.1-254
    IPv4 only.

    assert isinstance(net, ip.IPv4Network)

    print('searching', net)

    hosts = list(net.hosts())

    if debug:
        servers = [h for h in hosts if isportopen(h, port, service, timeout)]
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as exc:
            portsopen = exc.map(isportopen, hosts,
                                itertools.repeat(port), itertools.repeat(service))
            servers = list(itertools.compress(hosts, portsopen))

    return servers