class trustdomain_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Allow access from the trusted domain") NO_CLI = True takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'trustcn', cli_name='trust', label=_(u'Realm name'), ), parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='domain', label=_(u'Domain name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'ipantflatname', required=False, cli_name='flat_name', label=_(u'Domain NetBIOS name'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrusteddomainsid', required=False, cli_name='sid', label=_(u'Domain Security Identifier'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrustpartner', required=False, label=_(u'Trusted domain partner'), exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'trust_type', cli_name='type', cli_metavar="['ad']", label=_(u'Trust type (ad for Active Directory, default)'), default=u'ad', autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class otptoken_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Add a new OTP token.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'ipatokenuniqueid', required=False, cli_name='id', label=_(u'Unique ID'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'type', required=False, cli_metavar="['totp', 'hotp', 'TOTP', 'HOTP']", label=_(u'Type'), doc=_(u'Type of the token'), default=u'totp', autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'Token description (informational only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenowner', required=False, cli_name='owner', label=_(u'Owner'), doc=_(u'Assigned user of the token (default: self)'), ), parameters.Bool( 'ipatokendisabled', required=False, cli_name='disabled', label=_(u'Disabled'), doc=_(u'Mark the token as disabled (default: false)'), ), parameters.DateTime( 'ipatokennotbefore', required=False, cli_name='not_before', label=_(u'Validity start'), doc=_(u'First date/time the token can be used'), ), parameters.DateTime( 'ipatokennotafter', required=False, cli_name='not_after', label=_(u'Validity end'), doc=_(u'Last date/time the token can be used'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenvendor', required=False, cli_name='vendor', label=_(u'Vendor'), doc=_(u'Token vendor name (informational only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenmodel', required=False, cli_name='model', label=_(u'Model'), doc=_(u'Token model (informational only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenserial', required=False, cli_name='serial', label=_(u'Serial'), doc=_(u'Token serial (informational only)'), ), parameters.Bytes( 'ipatokenotpkey', required=False, cli_name='key', label=_(u'Key'), doc=_(u'Token secret (Base32; default: random)'), default_from=DefaultFrom(lambda : None), # FIXME: # lambda: os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH) autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenotpalgorithm', required=False, cli_name='algo', cli_metavar="['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']", label=_(u'Algorithm'), doc=_(u'Token hash algorithm'), default=u'sha1', autofill=True, ), parameters.Int( 'ipatokenotpdigits', required=False, cli_name='digits', cli_metavar="['6', '8']", label=_(u'Digits'), doc=_(u'Number of digits each token code will have'), default=6, autofill=True, ), parameters.Int( 'ipatokentotpclockoffset', required=False, cli_name='offset', label=_(u'Clock offset'), doc=_(u'TOTP token / IPA server time difference'), default=0, autofill=True, ), parameters.Int( 'ipatokentotptimestep', required=False, cli_name='interval', label=_(u'Clock interval'), doc=_(u'Length of TOTP token code validity'), default=30, autofill=True, ), parameters.Int( 'ipatokenhotpcounter', required=False, cli_name='counter', label=_(u'Counter'), doc=_(u'Initial counter for the HOTP token'), default=0, autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Flag( 'qrcode', required=False, label=_(u'(deprecated)'), exclude=('cli', 'webui'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_qrcode', label=_(u'Do not display QR code'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class trustconfig_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify global trust configuration.") takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'ipantfallbackprimarygroup', required=False, cli_name='fallback_primary_group', label=_(u'Fallback primary group'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'trust_type', cli_name='type', cli_metavar="['ad']", label=_(u'Trust type (ad for Active Directory, default)'), default=u'ad', autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class group_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Create a new group.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='group_name', label=_(u'Group name'), no_convert=True, ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'Group description'), ), parameters.Int( 'gidnumber', required=False, cli_name='gid', label=_(u'GID'), doc=_(u'GID (use this option to set it manually)'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Flag( 'nonposix', doc=_(u'Create as a non-POSIX group'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'external', doc=_(u'Allow adding external non-IPA members from trusted domains'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class idoverrideuser_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify an User ID override.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'idviewcn', cli_name='idview', label=_(u'ID View Name'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipaanchoruuid', cli_name='anchor', label=_(u'Anchor to override'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), ), parameters.Str( 'uid', required=False, cli_name='login', label=_(u'User login'), no_convert=True, ), parameters.Int( 'uidnumber', required=False, cli_name='uid', label=_(u'UID'), doc=_(u'User ID Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'gecos', required=False, label=_(u'GECOS'), ), parameters.Int( 'gidnumber', required=False, label=_(u'GID'), doc=_(u'Group ID Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'homedirectory', required=False, cli_name='homedir', label=_(u'Home directory'), ), parameters.Str( 'loginshell', required=False, cli_name='shell', label=_(u'Login shell'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipaoriginaluid', required=False, exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipasshpubkey', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='sshpubkey', label=_(u'SSH public key'), no_convert=True, ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'rename', required=False, label=_(u'Rename'), doc=_(u'Rename the User ID override object'), ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class selinuxusermap_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Create a new SELinux User Map.") takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', label=_(u'Rule name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'ipaselinuxuser', cli_name='selinuxuser', label=_(u'SELinux User'), ), parameters.Str( 'seealso', required=False, cli_name='hbacrule', label=_(u'HBAC Rule'), doc=_(u'HBAC Rule that defines the users, groups and hostgroups'), ), parameters.Str( 'usercategory', required=False, cli_name='usercat', cli_metavar="['all']", label=_(u'User category'), doc=_(u'User category the rule applies to'), ), parameters.Str( 'hostcategory', required=False, cli_name='hostcat', cli_metavar="['all']", label=_(u'Host category'), doc=_(u'Host category the rule applies to'), ), parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), ), parameters.Bool( 'ipaenabledflag', required=False, label=_(u'Enabled'), exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class config_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify configuration options.") takes_options = ( parameters.Int( 'ipamaxusernamelength', required=False, cli_name='maxusername', label=_(u'Maximum username length'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipahomesrootdir', required=False, cli_name='homedirectory', label=_(u'Home directory base'), doc=_(u'Default location of home directories'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipadefaultloginshell', required=False, cli_name='defaultshell', label=_(u'Default shell'), doc=_(u'Default shell for new users'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipadefaultprimarygroup', required=False, cli_name='defaultgroup', label=_(u'Default users group'), doc=_(u'Default group for new users'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipadefaultemaildomain', required=False, cli_name='emaildomain', label=_(u'Default e-mail domain'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipasearchtimelimit', required=False, cli_name='searchtimelimit', label=_(u'Search time limit'), doc= _(u'Maximum amount of time (seconds) for a search (> 0, or -1 for unlimited)' ), ), parameters.Int( 'ipasearchrecordslimit', required=False, cli_name='searchrecordslimit', label=_(u'Search size limit'), doc=_(u'Maximum number of records to search (-1 is unlimited)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipausersearchfields', required=False, cli_name='usersearch', label=_(u'User search fields'), doc= _(u'A comma-separated list of fields to search in when searching for users' ), ), parameters.Str( 'ipagroupsearchfields', required=False, cli_name='groupsearch', label=_(u'Group search fields'), doc= _(u'A comma-separated list of fields to search in when searching for groups' ), ), parameters.Bool( 'ipamigrationenabled', required=False, cli_name='enable_migration', label=_(u'Enable migration mode'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipagroupobjectclasses', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='groupobjectclasses', label=_(u'Default group objectclasses'), doc=_(u'Default group objectclasses (comma-separated list)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipauserobjectclasses', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='userobjectclasses', label=_(u'Default user objectclasses'), doc=_(u'Default user objectclasses (comma-separated list)'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipapwdexpadvnotify', required=False, cli_name='pwdexpnotify', label=_(u'Password Expiration Notification (days)'), doc=_(u"Number of days's notice of impending password expiration"), ), parameters.Str( 'ipaconfigstring', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_metavar= "['AllowNThash', 'KDC:Disable Last Success', 'KDC:Disable Lockout']", label=_(u'Password plugin features'), doc=_(u'Extra hashes to generate in password plug-in'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipaselinuxusermaporder', required=False, label=_(u'SELinux user map order'), doc=_( u'Order in increasing priority of SELinux users, delimited by $' ), ), parameters.Str( 'ipaselinuxusermapdefault', required=False, label=_(u'Default SELinux user'), doc= _(u'Default SELinux user when no match is found in SELinux map rule' ), ), parameters.Str( 'ipakrbauthzdata', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='pac_type', cli_metavar="['MS-PAC', 'PAD', 'nfs:NONE']", label=_(u'Default PAC types'), doc=_(u'Default types of PAC supported for services'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipauserauthtype', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='user_auth_type', cli_metavar="['password', 'radius', 'otp']", label=_(u'Default user authentication types'), doc=_(u'Default types of supported user authentication'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class automember_remove_condition(Method): __doc__ = _("Remove conditions from an automember rule.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='automember_rule', label=_(u'Automember Rule'), no_convert=True, ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'A description of this auto member rule'), ), parameters.Str( 'automemberinclusiveregex', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='inclusive_regex', label=_(u'Inclusive Regex'), alwaysask=True, ), parameters.Str( 'automemberexclusiveregex', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='exclusive_regex', label=_(u'Exclusive Regex'), alwaysask=True, ), parameters.Str( 'key', label=_(u'Attribute Key'), doc=_(u'Attribute to filter via regex. For example fqdn for a host, or manager for a user'), ), parameters.Str( 'type', cli_metavar="['group', 'hostgroup']", label=_(u'Grouping Type'), doc=_(u'Grouping to which the rule applies'), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), output.Output( 'failed', dict, doc=_(u'Conditions that could not be removed'), ), output.Output( 'completed', int, doc=_(u'Number of conditions removed'), ), )
class idrange_add(Method): __doc__ = _(""" Add new ID range. To add a new ID range you always have to specify --base-id --range-size Additionally --rid-base --secondary-rid-base may be given for a new ID range for the local domain while --rid-base --dom-sid must be given to add a new range for a trusted AD domain. WARNING: DNA plugin in 389-ds will allocate IDs based on the ranges configured for the local domain. Currently the DNA plugin *cannot* be reconfigured itself based on the local ranges set via this family of commands. Manual configuration change has to be done in the DNA plugin configuration for the new local range. Specifically, The dnaNextRange attribute of 'cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config' has to be modified to match the new range. """) takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', label=_(u'Range name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Int( 'ipabaseid', cli_name='base_id', label=_(u'First Posix ID of the range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipaidrangesize', cli_name='range_size', label=_(u'Number of IDs in the range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipabaserid', required=False, cli_name='rid_base', label=_(u'First RID of the corresponding RID range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipasecondarybaserid', required=False, cli_name='secondary_rid_base', label=_(u'First RID of the secondary RID range'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrusteddomainsid', required=False, cli_name='dom_sid', label=_(u'Domain SID of the trusted domain'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrusteddomainname', required=False, cli_name='dom_name', label=_(u'Name of the trusted domain'), ), parameters.Str( 'iparangetype', required=False, cli_name='type', cli_metavar="['ipa-ad-trust-posix', 'ipa-ad-trust', 'ipa-local']", label=_(u'Range type'), doc= _(u'ID range type, one of ipa-ad-trust-posix, ipa-ad-trust, ipa-local' ), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class automember_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Add an automember rule.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='automember_rule', label=_(u'Automember Rule'), no_convert=True, ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'A description of this auto member rule'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'type', cli_metavar="['group', 'hostgroup']", label=_(u'Grouping Type'), doc=_(u'Grouping to which the rule applies'), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class automember_rebuild(Command): __doc__ = _("Rebuild auto membership.") takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'type', required=False, cli_metavar="['group', 'hostgroup']", label=_(u'Rebuild membership for all members of a grouping'), doc=_(u'Grouping to which the rule applies'), ), parameters.Str( 'users', required=False, multivalue=True, label=_(u'Users'), doc=_(u'Rebuild membership for specified users'), ), parameters.Str( 'hosts', required=False, multivalue=True, label=_(u'Hosts'), doc=_(u'Rebuild membership for specified hosts'), ), parameters.Flag( 'no_wait', required=False, label=_(u'No wait'), doc=_(u"Don't wait for rebuilding membership"), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class idrange_mod(Method): __doc__ = _(""" Modify ID range. ======= WARNING: DNA plugin in 389-ds will allocate IDs based on the ranges configured for the local domain. Currently the DNA plugin *cannot* be reconfigured itself based on the local ranges set via this family of commands. Manual configuration change has to be done in the DNA plugin configuration for the new local range. Specifically, The dnaNextRange attribute of 'cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config' has to be modified to match the new range. ======= """) takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', label=_(u'Range name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Int( 'ipabaseid', required=False, cli_name='base_id', label=_(u'First Posix ID of the range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipaidrangesize', required=False, cli_name='range_size', label=_(u'Number of IDs in the range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipabaserid', required=False, cli_name='rid_base', label=_(u'First RID of the corresponding RID range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipasecondarybaserid', required=False, cli_name='secondary_rid_base', label=_(u'First RID of the secondary RID range'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc=_(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrusteddomainsid', required=False, deprecated=True, exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrusteddomainname', required=False, deprecated=True, exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class stageuser_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Add a new stage user.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'uid', cli_name='login', label=_(u'User login'), default_from=DefaultFrom(lambda givenname, sn: givenname[0] + sn, 'principal'), no_convert=True, ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'givenname', cli_name='first', label=_(u'First name'), ), parameters.Str( 'sn', cli_name='last', label=_(u'Last name'), ), parameters.Str( 'cn', label=_(u'Full name'), default_from=DefaultFrom(lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), 'principal'), autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'displayname', required=False, label=_(u'Display name'), default_from=DefaultFrom(lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), 'principal'), autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'initials', required=False, label=_(u'Initials'), default_from=DefaultFrom(lambda givenname, sn: '%c%c' % (givenname[0], sn[0]), 'principal'), autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'homedirectory', required=False, cli_name='homedir', label=_(u'Home directory'), ), parameters.Str( 'gecos', required=False, label=_(u'GECOS'), default_from=DefaultFrom(lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), 'principal'), autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'loginshell', required=False, cli_name='shell', label=_(u'Login shell'), ), parameters.Str( 'krbprincipalname', required=False, cli_name='principal', label=_(u'Kerberos principal'), default_from=DefaultFrom(lambda uid: '%s@%s' % (uid.lower(), api.env.realm), 'principal'), autofill=True, no_convert=True, ), parameters.DateTime( 'krbprincipalexpiration', required=False, cli_name='principal_expiration', label=_(u'Kerberos principal expiration'), ), parameters.Str( 'mail', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='email', label=_(u'Email address'), ), parameters.Password( 'userpassword', required=False, cli_name='password', label=_(u'Password'), doc=_(u'Prompt to set the user password'), exclude=('webui',), confirm=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'random', required=False, doc=_(u'Generate a random user password'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Int( 'uidnumber', required=False, cli_name='uid', label=_(u'UID'), doc=_(u'User ID Number (system will assign one if not provided)'), ), parameters.Int( 'gidnumber', required=False, label=_(u'GID'), doc=_(u'Group ID Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'street', required=False, label=_(u'Street address'), ), parameters.Str( 'l', required=False, cli_name='city', label=_(u'City'), ), parameters.Str( 'st', required=False, cli_name='state', label=_(u'State/Province'), ), parameters.Str( 'postalcode', required=False, label=_(u'ZIP'), ), parameters.Str( 'telephonenumber', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='phone', label=_(u'Telephone Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'mobile', required=False, multivalue=True, label=_(u'Mobile Telephone Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'pager', required=False, multivalue=True, label=_(u'Pager Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'facsimiletelephonenumber', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='fax', label=_(u'Fax Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'ou', required=False, cli_name='orgunit', label=_(u'Org. Unit'), ), parameters.Str( 'title', required=False, label=_(u'Job Title'), ), parameters.Str( 'manager', required=False, label=_(u'Manager'), ), parameters.Str( 'carlicense', required=False, multivalue=True, label=_(u'Car License'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipasshpubkey', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='sshpubkey', label=_(u'SSH public key'), no_convert=True, ), parameters.Str( 'ipauserauthtype', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='user_auth_type', cli_metavar="['password', 'radius', 'otp']", label=_(u'User authentication types'), doc=_(u'Types of supported user authentication'), ), parameters.Str( 'userclass', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='class', label=_(u'Class'), doc=_(u'User category (semantics placed on this attribute are for local interpretation)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenradiusconfiglink', required=False, cli_name='radius', label=_(u'RADIUS proxy configuration'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenradiususername', required=False, cli_name='radius_username', label=_(u'RADIUS proxy username'), ), parameters.Str( 'departmentnumber', required=False, multivalue=True, label=_(u'Department Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'employeenumber', required=False, label=_(u'Employee Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'employeetype', required=False, label=_(u'Employee Type'), ), parameters.Str( 'preferredlanguage', required=False, label=_(u'Preferred Language'), ), parameters.Bytes( 'usercertificate', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='certificate', label=_(u'Certificate'), doc=_(u'Base-64 encoded server certificate'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Bool( 'from_delete', required=False, deprecated=True, doc=_(u'Create Stage user in from a delete user'), exclude=('cli', 'webui'), default=False, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class otptoken_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify a OTP token.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'ipatokenuniqueid', cli_name='id', label=_(u'Unique ID'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'Token description (informational only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenowner', required=False, cli_name='owner', label=_(u'Owner'), doc=_(u'Assigned user of the token (default: self)'), ), parameters.Bool( 'ipatokendisabled', required=False, cli_name='disabled', label=_(u'Disabled'), doc=_(u'Mark the token as disabled (default: false)'), ), parameters.DateTime( 'ipatokennotbefore', required=False, cli_name='not_before', label=_(u'Validity start'), doc=_(u'First date/time the token can be used'), ), parameters.DateTime( 'ipatokennotafter', required=False, cli_name='not_after', label=_(u'Validity end'), doc=_(u'Last date/time the token can be used'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenvendor', required=False, cli_name='vendor', label=_(u'Vendor'), doc=_(u'Token vendor name (informational only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenmodel', required=False, cli_name='model', label=_(u'Model'), doc=_(u'Token model (informational only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenserial', required=False, cli_name='serial', label=_(u'Serial'), doc=_(u'Token serial (informational only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc=_(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'rename', required=False, label=_(u'Rename'), doc=_(u'Rename the OTP token object'), ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class cosentry_mod(Method): NO_CLI = True takes_args = (parameters.Str('cn', ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.DNParam( 'krbpwdpolicyreference', required=False, ), parameters.Int( 'cospriority', required=False, ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class idrange_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify ID range.") takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', label=_(u'Range name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Int( 'ipabaseid', required=False, cli_name='base_id', label=_(u'First Posix ID of the range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipaidrangesize', required=False, cli_name='range_size', label=_(u'Number of IDs in the range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipabaserid', required=False, cli_name='rid_base', label=_(u'First RID of the corresponding RID range'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipasecondarybaserid', required=False, cli_name='secondary_rid_base', label=_(u'First RID of the secondary RID range'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrusteddomainsid', required=False, deprecated=True, exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipanttrusteddomainname', required=False, deprecated=True, exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class pwpolicy_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify a group password policy.") takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', required=False, cli_name='group', label=_(u'Group'), doc=_(u'Manage password policy for specific group'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Int( 'krbmaxpwdlife', required=False, cli_name='maxlife', label=_(u'Max lifetime (days)'), doc=_(u'Maximum password lifetime (in days)'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbminpwdlife', required=False, cli_name='minlife', label=_(u'Min lifetime (hours)'), doc=_(u'Minimum password lifetime (in hours)'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbpwdhistorylength', required=False, cli_name='history', label=_(u'History size'), doc=_(u'Password history size'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbpwdmindiffchars', required=False, cli_name='minclasses', label=_(u'Character classes'), doc=_(u'Minimum number of character classes'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbpwdminlength', required=False, cli_name='minlength', label=_(u'Min length'), doc=_(u'Minimum length of password'), ), parameters.Int( 'cospriority', required=False, cli_name='priority', label=_(u'Priority'), doc=_( u'Priority of the policy (higher number means lower priority'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbpwdmaxfailure', required=False, cli_name='maxfail', label=_(u'Max failures'), doc=_(u'Consecutive failures before lockout'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbpwdfailurecountinterval', required=False, cli_name='failinterval', label=_(u'Failure reset interval'), doc=_(u'Period after which failure count will be reset (seconds)'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbpwdlockoutduration', required=False, cli_name='lockouttime', label=_(u'Lockout duration'), doc=_(u'Period for which lockout is enforced (seconds)'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class certprofile_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify Certificate Profile configuration.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='id', label=_(u'Profile ID'), doc=_(u'Profile ID for referring to this profile'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Profile description'), doc=_(u'Brief description of this profile'), ), parameters.Bool( 'ipacertprofilestoreissued', required=False, cli_name='store', label=_(u'Store issued certificates'), doc=_(u'Whether to store certs issued using this profile'), default=True, ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc=_(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.'), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'file', required=False, label=_(u'File containing profile configuration'), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class sudorule_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Create new Sudo Rule.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='sudorule_name', label=_(u'Rule name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), ), parameters.Bool( 'ipaenabledflag', required=False, label=_(u'Enabled'), exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Str( 'usercategory', required=False, cli_name='usercat', cli_metavar="['all']", label=_(u'User category'), doc=_(u'User category the rule applies to'), ), parameters.Str( 'hostcategory', required=False, cli_name='hostcat', cli_metavar="['all']", label=_(u'Host category'), doc=_(u'Host category the rule applies to'), ), parameters.Str( 'cmdcategory', required=False, cli_name='cmdcat', cli_metavar="['all']", label=_(u'Command category'), doc=_(u'Command category the rule applies to'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipasudorunasusercategory', required=False, cli_name='runasusercat', cli_metavar="['all']", label=_(u'RunAs User category'), doc=_(u'RunAs User category the rule applies to'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipasudorunasgroupcategory', required=False, cli_name='runasgroupcat', cli_metavar="['all']", label=_(u'RunAs Group category'), doc=_(u'RunAs Group category the rule applies to'), ), parameters.Int( 'sudoorder', required=False, cli_name='order', label=_(u'Sudo order'), doc=_(u'integer to order the Sudo rules'), default=0, ), parameters.Str( 'externaluser', required=False, label=_(u'External User'), doc=_(u'External User the rule applies to (sudorule-find only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'externalhost', required=False, multivalue=True, label=_(u'External host'), exclude=('cli', 'webui'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipasudorunasextuser', required=False, cli_name='runasexternaluser', label=_(u'RunAs External User'), doc=_(u'External User the commands can run as (sudorule-find only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipasudorunasextgroup', required=False, cli_name='runasexternalgroup', label=_(u'RunAs External Group'), doc=_(u'External Group the commands can run as (sudorule-find only)'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class radiusproxy_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Add a new RADIUS proxy server.") takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', label=_(u'RADIUS proxy server name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'A description of this RADIUS proxy server'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenradiusserver', multivalue=True, cli_name='server', label=_(u'Server'), doc=_(u'The hostname or IP (with or without port)'), ), parameters.Password( 'ipatokenradiussecret', cli_name='secret', label=_(u'Secret'), doc=_(u'The secret used to encrypt data'), exclude=('cli', 'webui'), confirm=True, ), parameters.Int( 'ipatokenradiustimeout', required=False, cli_name='timeout', label=_(u'Timeout'), doc=_(u'The total timeout across all retries (in seconds)'), ), parameters.Int( 'ipatokenradiusretries', required=False, cli_name='retries', label=_(u'Retries'), doc=_(u'The number of times to retry authentication'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipatokenusermapattribute', required=False, cli_name='userattr', label=_(u'User attribute'), doc=_(u'The username attribute on the user object'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class privilege_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Add a new privilege.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', label=_(u'Privilege name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'Privilege description'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc=_(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.'), exclude=('webui',), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc=_(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc=_(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.'), exclude=('webui',), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry( 'result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_(u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class trust_add(Method): __doc__ = _(""" Add new trust to use. This command establishes trust relationship to another domain which becomes 'trusted'. As result, users of the trusted domain may access resources of this domain. Only trusts to Active Directory domains are supported right now. The command can be safely run multiple times against the same domain, this will cause change to trust relationship credentials on both sides. """) takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='realm', label=_(u'Realm name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'trust_type', cli_name='type', cli_metavar="['ad']", label=_(u'Trust type (ad for Active Directory, default)'), default=u'ad', autofill=True, ), parameters.Str( 'realm_admin', required=False, cli_name='admin', label=_(u'Active Directory domain administrator'), ), parameters.Password( 'realm_passwd', required=False, cli_name='password', label=_(u"Active Directory domain administrator's password"), ), parameters.Str( 'realm_server', required=False, cli_name='server', label=_( u'Domain controller for the Active Directory domain (optional)' ), ), parameters.Password( 'trust_secret', required=False, label=_(u'Shared secret for the trust'), ), parameters.Int( 'base_id', required=False, label=_( u'First Posix ID of the range reserved for the trusted domain' ), ), parameters.Int( 'range_size', required=False, label=_(u'Size of the ID range reserved for the trusted domain'), ), parameters.Str( 'range_type', required=False, cli_metavar="['ipa-ad-trust-posix', 'ipa-ad-trust']", label=_(u'Range type'), doc= _(u'Type of trusted domain ID range, one of ipa-ad-trust-posix, ipa-ad-trust' ), ), parameters.Bool( 'bidirectional', required=False, cli_name='two_way', label=_(u'Two-way trust'), doc= _(u'Establish bi-directional trust. By default trust is inbound one-way only.' ), default=False, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class idoverridegroup_add(Method): __doc__ = _("Add a new Group ID override.") takes_args = ( parameters.Str( 'idviewcn', cli_name='idview', label=_(u'ID View Name'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipaanchoruuid', cli_name='anchor', label=_(u'Anchor to override'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), ), parameters.Str( 'cn', required=False, cli_name='group_name', label=_(u'Group name'), no_convert=True, ), parameters.Int( 'gidnumber', required=False, cli_name='gid', label=_(u'GID'), doc=_(u'Group ID Number'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class trust_mod(Method): __doc__ = _(""" Modify a trust (for future use). Currently only the default option to modify the LDAP attributes is available. More specific options will be added in coming releases. """) takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='realm', label=_(u'Realm name'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'ipantsidblacklistincoming', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='sid_blacklist_incoming', label=_(u'SID blacklist incoming'), ), parameters.Str( 'ipantsidblacklistoutgoing', required=False, multivalue=True, cli_name='sid_blacklist_outgoing', label=_(u'SID blacklist outgoing'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class hbacsvcgroup_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify an HBAC service group.") takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'cn', cli_name='name', label=_(u'Service group name'), no_convert=True, ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Str( 'description', required=False, cli_name='desc', label=_(u'Description'), doc=_(u'HBAC service group description'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'no_members', doc=_(u'Suppress processing of membership attributes.'), exclude=('webui', 'cli'), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )
class krbtpolicy_mod(Method): __doc__ = _("Modify Kerberos ticket policy.") takes_args = (parameters.Str( 'uid', required=False, cli_name='user', label=_(u'User name'), doc=_(u'Manage ticket policy for specific user'), ), ) takes_options = ( parameters.Int( 'krbmaxticketlife', required=False, cli_name='maxlife', label=_(u'Max life'), doc=_(u'Maximum ticket life (seconds)'), ), parameters.Int( 'krbmaxrenewableage', required=False, cli_name='maxrenew', label=_(u'Max renew'), doc=_(u'Maximum renewable age (seconds)'), ), parameters.Str( 'setattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is attr=value.\nFor multi-valued attributes, the command replaces the values already present.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'addattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The attribute\nmust be part of the schema.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Str( 'delattr', required=False, multivalue=True, doc= _(u'Delete an attribute/value pair. The option will be evaluated\nlast, after all sets and adds.' ), exclude=('webui', ), ), parameters.Flag( 'rights', label=_(u'Rights'), doc= _(u'Display the access rights of this entry (requires --all). See ipa man page for details.' ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'all', doc= _(u'Retrieve and print all attributes from the server. Affects command output.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), parameters.Flag( 'raw', doc= _(u'Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects output format.' ), exclude=('webui', ), default=False, autofill=True, ), ) has_output = ( output.Output( 'summary', (unicode, type(None)), doc=_(u'User-friendly description of action performed'), ), output.Entry('result', ), output.PrimaryKey( 'value', doc=_( u"The primary_key value of the entry, e.g. 'jdoe' for a user"), ), )