Пример #1
    def _run_iperf3(self, results_buffer, iperf):
        ''' Runs the given iperf3 and writes the results into the given list
        buffer by appending the result to it

        Note: this driver function is specifically tailored to the purposes of
        traffic testing. Key differences from calling IPerf3.run():
            - only uses the IPerf3 objects as containers
            - uses subprocess to run iperf3 with the given arguments
            - as a result, only picks some arguments that are expected to exist
              and ignores others
        This is done to enable multiple instances to run concurrently in
        threads without worrying about race conditions on stdout, as the iperf3
        module's run() will reroute stdout to a private pipe. To avoid this, we
        use subprocess to give each iperf run its own private pipe. The only
        other option is to fork each child iperf into its own subprocess, which
        is not too different from this implementation.

            results_buffer (list): the results buffer to which the
                iperf3.TestResult object to should be appended
            iperf (iperf3.IPerf3): the iperf3 object to run
        # Constructing the subprocess call
        params = ('-B', iperf.bind_address, '-p', str(iperf.port), '-J')
        if ipaddress.ip_address(iperf.bind_address).version == 6:
            params += ('-6', )
        if 'c' == iperf.role:
            params = ('-c', iperf.server_hostname) + params
            params += ('-b', str(iperf.bandwidth), '-t', str(iperf.duration))
            # For ipv6 there is delay in configuring ipv6 address on eth3
            # interface of test vm, so sleep for 5 secs
            if ipaddress.ip_address(iperf.bind_address).version == 6:
            if 'udp' == iperf.protocol:
                params += ('-u', )
            params = ('-s', ) + params
            params += ('-1', )
        params = ('iperf3', ) + params

        # Make the iperf3 call and spin off the subprocess
        self._server.log.debug('Running iperf3 command: %s', ' '.join(params))
        with subprocess.Popen(params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc:
            result_str = proc.stdout.read().decode('utf-8')
            results_buffer += [iperf3.TestResult(result_str)]
    def test_result(self):
        dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'results.json')) as f:
            json = f.read()

        result = iperf3.TestResult(json)
        assert result.sent_bps == 935992000
        assert result.sent_kbps == 935992
        assert result.sent_Mbps == 935.992
        assert isclose(result.sent_kB_s, 114256.836, rel_tol=0.01)
        assert isclose(result.sent_MB_s, 111.579, rel_tol=0.01)

        assert result.received_bps == 934268000
        assert result.received_kbps == 934268
        assert result.received_Mbps == 934.268

        assert isclose(result.received_kB_s, 114046.387, rel_tol=0.01)
        assert isclose(result.received_MB_s, 111.373, rel_tol=0.01)