Пример #1
    def get_pipeline_version(self):
        """ Returns the AI pipeline version number, stored in the
            metadata field 'generated_by'. If that field is
            missing, version 0.0 is returned.
            Borrowed from the AllenSDK

            int tuple: (major, minor)
            with h5py.File(self.nwb_file, 'r') as f:
                if 'generated_by' in f["general"]:
                    info = f["general/generated_by"]
                    # generated_by stores array of keys and values
                    # keys are even numbered, corresponding values are in
                    #   odd indices
                    for i in range(len(info)):
                        if to_str(info[i]) == 'version':
                            version = to_str(info[i+1])
            toks = version.split('.')
            if len(toks) >= 2:
                major = int(toks[0])
                minor = int(toks[1])
        except:  # noqa: E722
            minor = 0
            major = 0
        return major, minor
Пример #2
    def get_unit_name(stim_attrs):
        if 'unit' in stim_attrs:
            unit = to_str(stim_attrs["unit"])
        elif 'units' in stim_attrs:
            unit = to_str(stim_attrs["units"])
            unit = None

        return unit
Пример #3
    def get_value(self, name, sweep_num, default_val):
            looks for key in lab notebook and returns the value associated with
            the specified sweep, or the default value if no value is found
            (NaN and empty strings are considered to be non-values)

            name_number has 3 dimensions -- the first has shape
            (#fields * 9) and stores the key names. the second looks
            to store units for those keys. The third is numeric text
            but it's role isn't clear

            val_number has 3 dimensions -- the first has a shape of
            (#fields * 9). there are many hundreds of elements in this
            dimension. they look to represent the full array of values
            (for each field for each multipatch) for a given point in
            time, and thus given sweep

            name: str
            sweep_num: int
            default_val: dict

            values obtained from lab notebook

        numeric_fields = [to_str(c) for c in self.colname_number[0]]
        text_fields = [to_str(c) for c in self.colname_text[0]]
        if name in numeric_fields:
            sweep_idx = numeric_fields.index("SweepNum")
            enable_idx = None
            if name in self.enabled:
                enable_col = self.enabled[name]
                enable_idx = numeric_fields.index(enable_col)
            field_idx = numeric_fields.index(name)
            return self.get_numeric_value(name, field_idx, sweep_idx, enable_idx, sweep_num, default_val)
        elif name in text_fields:
            if "Sweep #" in text_fields:
                sweep_idx = text_fields.index("Sweep #")
                sweep_idx = text_fields.index("SweepNum")
            enable_idx = None
            if name in self.enabled:
                enable_col = self.enabled[name]
                enable_idx = text_fields.index(enable_col)
            field_idx = text_fields.index(name)
            return self.get_text_value(name, field_idx, sweep_idx, enable_idx, sweep_num, default_val)
            return default_val
Пример #4
    def get_clamp_mode(self, sweep_num):

        attrs = self.nwb_data.get_sweep_attrs(sweep_num)
            ancestry = attrs["ancestry"]

            time_series_type = to_str(ancestry[-1])
            if "CurrentClamp" in time_series_type:
                clamp_mode = self.CURRENT_CLAMP
            elif "VoltageClamp" in time_series_type:
                clamp_mode = self.VOLTAGE_CLAMP
                raise Exception(
                    "Unable to determine clamp mode in {}".format(sweep_num))
            return clamp_mode
            logging.debug("Error in reading stim from ancestry")
            if "CurrentClamp" in attrs['neurodata_type']:
                clamp_mode = self.CURRENT_CLAMP
            elif "VoltageClamp" in attrs['neurodata_type']:
                clamp_mode = self.VOLTAGE_CLAMP
            logging.debug("Error in reading stim from neurodata")
        return clamp_mode
Пример #5
def _select(cursor, query, parameters=None):
    if parameters is None:
        pg8000.paramstyle = 'numeric'
        cursor.execute(query, parameters)
    columns = [to_str(d[0]) for d in cursor.description]
    return [dict(zip(columns, c)) for c in cursor.fetchall()]
Пример #6
    def get_stimulus_code(self, sweep_num):

        stim_code = self._nwb_data.get_stim_code(sweep_num)
        if not stim_code:
            stim_code = self.notebook.get_value("Stim Wave Name", sweep_num, "")
            logging.debug("Reading stim_code from Labnotebook")
            if len(stim_code) == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "Could not read stimulus wave name from lab notebook")
        return to_str(stim_code)
Пример #7
    def get_clamp_mode(self, sweep_num):

        attrs = self._nwb_data.get_sweep_attrs(sweep_num)
        ancestry = attrs["ancestry"]

        time_series_type = to_str(ancestry[-1])
        if "CurrentClamp" in time_series_type:
            clamp_mode = self.CURRENT_CLAMP
        elif "VoltageClamp" in time_series_type:
            clamp_mode = self.VOLTAGE_CLAMP
            raise Exception("Unable to determine clamp mode in {}".format(sweep_num))

        return clamp_mode
Пример #8
 def get_value(self, name, sweep_num, default_val):
     # name_number has 3 dimensions -- the first has shape
     #   (#fields * 9) and stores the key names. the second looks
     #   to store units for those keys. The third is numeric text
     #   but it's role isn't clear
     numeric_fields = [to_str(c) for c in self.colname_number[0]]
     text_fields = [to_str(c) for c in self.colname_text[0]]
     # val_number has 3 dimensions -- the first has a shape of
     #   (#fields * 9). there are many hundreds of elements in this
     #   dimension. they look to represent the full array of values
     #   (for each field for each multipatch) for a given point in
     #   time, and thus given sweep
     if name in numeric_fields:
         sweep_idx = numeric_fields.index("SweepNum")
         enable_idx = None
         if name in self.enabled:
             enable_col = self.enabled[name]
             enable_idx = numeric_fields.index(enable_col)
         field_idx = numeric_fields.index(name)
         return self.get_numeric_value(name, field_idx, sweep_idx,
                                       enable_idx, sweep_num, default_val)
     elif name in text_fields:
         # first check to see if file includes old version of column name
         if "Sweep #" in text_fields:
             sweep_idx = text_fields.index("Sweep #")
             sweep_idx = text_fields.index("SweepNum")
         enable_idx = None
         if name in self.enabled:
             enable_col = self.enabled[name]
             enable_idx = text_fields.index(enable_col)
         field_idx = text_fields.index(name)
         return self.get_text_value(name, field_idx, sweep_idx, enable_idx,
                                    sweep_num, default_val)
         return default_val
Пример #9
    def get_stimulus_units(self, sweep_num):

        attrs = self.nwb_data.get_sweep_attrs(sweep_num)
        ancestry = attrs["ancestry"]
        # stim units are based on timeseries type
        time_series_type = to_str(ancestry[-1])
        if "CurrentClamp" in time_series_type:
            units = 'pA'
        elif "VoltageClamp" in time_series_type:
            units = 'mV'
            raise Exception(
                "Unable to determine clamp mode in {}".format(sweep_num))

        return units
Пример #10
def get_nwb_version(nwb_file):
    Return a dict with `major` and `full` NWB version as read from the NWB file.

    with h5py.File(nwb_file, 'r') as f:
        if "nwb_version" in f:         # In version 0 and 1 this is a dataset
            nwb_version = get_scalar_value(f["nwb_version"][()])
            nwb_version_str = to_str(nwb_version)
            if nwb_version is not None and re.match("^NWB-", nwb_version_str):
                return {"major": int(nwb_version_str[4]), "full": nwb_version_str}

        elif "nwb_version" in f.attrs:   # but in version 2 this is an attribute
            nwb_version = f.attrs["nwb_version"]
            if nwb_version is not None and re.match("^2", nwb_version):
                return {"major": 2, "full": nwb_version}

    return {"major": None, "full": None}
Пример #11
def get_nwb_version(nwb_file: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Find version of the nwb file



    dict in the format:

        `major`: str
        `full` str.


    with h5py.File(nwb_file, 'r') as f:
        if "nwb_version" in f:  # In version 0 and 1 this is a dataset
            nwb_version = get_scalar_value(f["nwb_version"][()])
            nwb_version_str = py2to3.to_str(nwb_version)
            if nwb_version is not None and re.match("^NWB-", nwb_version_str):
                return {
                    "major": int(nwb_version_str[4]),
                    "full": nwb_version_str

        elif "nwb_version" in f.attrs:  # in version 2 this is an attribute
            nwb_version = f.attrs["nwb_version"]
            if nwb_version is not None and (re.match("^2", nwb_version) or
                                            re.match("^NWB-2", nwb_version)):
                return {"major": 2, "full": nwb_version}

    return {"major": None, "full": None}