Пример #1
def main(filename, imode, omode):

    ipos = open(filename, "r")
    ifr = 0

    # extracts the dimension, its units and the cell_units from the first frame
    ret = read_file_raw(imode, ipos)
    comment = ret["comment"]
    cell_units = get_cell_units(comment, imode)
    key, dim, dim_units = get_key_dim_units(comment, imode)

    ipos = open(filename, "r")
    while True:
            ret = read_file(imode, ipos)
            pos = ret["atoms"]
            cell = ret["cell"]

        except EOFError:  # finished reading files
        ifr += 1
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, fixcom=False, fixatoms=None, intraj=None):
        """Initialises Replay.

           dt: The simulation timestep.
           temp: The system temperature.
           fixcom: An optional boolean which decides whether the centre of mass
              motion will be constrained or not. Defaults to False.
           intraj: The input trajectory file.

        super(Replay, self).__init__(fixcom=fixcom, fixatoms=fixatoms)
        if intraj is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Must provide an initialized InitFile object to read trajectory from"
        self.intraj = intraj
        if intraj.mode == "manual":
            raise ValueError(
                "Replay can only read from PDB or XYZ files -- or a single frame from a CHK file"
        # Posibility to read beads from separate XYZ files by a wildcard
        if any(char in self.intraj.value for char in "*?[]"):
            infilelist = []
            for file in sorted(os.listdir(".")):
                if fnmatch(file, self.intraj.value):
            # determine bead numbers in input files
            bead_map_list = []
            for file in infilelist:
                fdin = open(file, "r")
                rr = read_file_raw(self.intraj.mode, fdin)
                metainfo = rr["comment"].split()
                for i, word in enumerate(metainfo):
                    if word == "Bead:":
                        bead_map_list.append(int(metainfo[i + 1]))
            # check that beads are continuous (no files missing)
            if sorted(bead_map_list) != list(range(len(bead_map_list))):
                    "ATTENTION: Provided trajectory files have non-sequential "
                    "range of bead indices.\n"
                    "\tIndices found: %s\n"
                    "\tMake sure that the wildcard does what it's supposed to do."
                    % str(bead_map_list),
            # sort the list of files according to their bead indices
            infilelist_sorted, _ = zip(
                *sorted(zip(infilelist, bead_map_list), key=lambda t: t[1]))
            self.rfile = [open(f, "r") for f in infilelist_sorted]
        else:  # no wildcard
            self.rfile = open(self.intraj.value, "r")
        self.rstep = 0
Пример #3
def main(filename, imode, omode):

    ipos = open(filename, "r")
    natoms = 0
    ifr = 0

    # extracts the dimension, its units and the cell_units from the first frame
    ret = read_file_raw(imode, ipos)
    comment = ret['comment']
    cell_units = get_cell_units(comment, imode)
    key, dim, dim_units = get_key_dim_units(comment, imode)

    ipos = open(filename, "r")
    while True:
            ret = read_file(imode, ipos)
            pos = ret["atoms"]
            cell = ret["cell"]

        except EOFError:  # finished reading files
        print_file(omode, pos, cell, filedesc=sys.stdout, title="", key=key, dimension=dim, units=dim_units, cell_units=cell_units)
        ifr += 1
Пример #4
def compute_acf(input_file, output_prefix, maximum_lag, block_length,
                length_zeropadding, spectral_windowing, labels, timestep, skip,

    # stores the arguments
    ifile = str(input_file)
    ofile = str(output_prefix)
    mlag = int(maximum_lag)
    bsize = int(block_length)
    npad = int(length_zeropadding)
    ftbox = str(spectral_windowing)
    labels = str(labels)
    timestep = str(timestep).split()
    fskip = int(skip)

    # checks for errors
    if (mlag <= 0):
        raise ValueError("MAXIMUM_LAG should be a non-negative integer.")
    if (npad < 0):
        raise ValueError(
            "LENGTH_ZEROPADDING should be a non-negative integer.")
    if (bsize < 2 * mlag):
        if (bsize == -1):
            bsize = 2 * mlag
            raise ValueError(
                "LENGTH_BLOCK should be greater than or equal to 2 * MAXIMUM_LAG."

    # reads one frame.
    ff = open(ifile)
    rr = read_file_raw("xyz", ff)

    # appends "der" to output file in case the acf of the derivative is desired
    if (der == True):
        ofile = ofile + "_der"

    # stores the indices of the "chosen" atoms.
    ndof = len(rr['data'])
    if ("*" in labels):
        labelbool = np.ones(ndof / 3, bool)
        labelbool = np.zeros(ndof / 3, bool)
        for l in labels:
            labelbool = np.logical_or(labelbool, rr['names'] == l)
    nspecies = labelbool.sum()

    # initializes variables.
    nblocks = 0
    dt = unit_to_internal("time", timestep[1], float(timestep[0]))
    data = np.zeros((bsize, nspecies, 3), float)
    time = np.asarray(list(range(mlag + 1))) * dt
    omega = np.asarray(list(range(2 * (mlag + npad)))) / float(
        2 * (mlag + npad)) * (2 * np.pi / dt)
    fvvacf = omega.copy() * 0.0
    fvvacf2 = fvvacf.copy() * 0.0
    vvacf = time.copy() * 0.0
    vvacf2 = time.copy() * 0.0

    # selects window function for fft.
    if (ftbox == "none"):
        win = np.ones(2 * mlag + 1, float)
    elif (ftbox == "cosine-hanning"):
        win = np.hanning(2 * mlag + 1)
    elif (ftbox == "cosine-hamming"):
        win = np.hamming(2 * mlag + 1)
    elif (ftbox == "cosine-blackman"):
        win = np.blackman(2 * mlag + 1)
    elif (ftbox == "triangle-bartlett"):
        win = np.bartlett(2 * mlag + 1)

    ff = open(ifile)
    # Skips the first fskip frames
    for x in range(fskip):
        rr = read_file_raw("xyz", ff)

    while True:

            # Reads the data in blocks.
            for i in range(bsize):
                rr = read_file_raw("xyz", ff)
                data[i] = rr['data'].reshape((ndof / 3, 3))[labelbool]

            if (der == True):
                data = np.gradient(data, axis=0) / dt

            # Computes the Fourier transform of the data.
            fdata = np.fft.rfft(data, axis=0)

            # Computes the Fourier transform of the vvac applying the convolution theorem.
            tfvvacf = fdata * np.conjugate(fdata)

            # Averages over all species and sums over the x,y,z directions. Also multiplies with the time step and a prefactor of (2pi)^-1.
            mfvvacf = 3.0 * np.real(np.mean(
                tfvvacf, axis=(1, 2))) * dt / (2 * np.pi) / bsize

            # Computes the inverse Fourier transform to get the vvac.
            mvvacf = np.fft.irfft(mfvvacf)[:mlag + 1]

            # Applies window in one direction and pads the vvac with zeroes.
            mpvvacf = np.append(mvvacf * win[mlag:], np.zeros(npad))

            # Recomputes the Fourier transform assuming the data is an even function of time.
            mfpvvacf = np.fft.hfft(mpvvacf)

            # Accumulates the (f)acfs and their squares.
            fvvacf += mfpvvacf
            fvvacf2 += mfpvvacf**2
            vvacf += mvvacf
            vvacf2 += mvvacf**2

            nblocks += 1

        except EOFError:

    # Performs the block average of the Fourier transform.
    fvvacf = fvvacf / nblocks
    fvvacf_err = np.sqrt(fvvacf2 / nblocks - fvvacf**2)

    np.savetxt(ofile + "_facf.data", np.c_[omega, fvvacf,
                                           fvvacf_err][:mlag + npad])

    # Computes the inverse Fourier transform to get the vvac.
    vvacf = vvacf / nblocks
    vvacf_err = np.sqrt(vvacf2 / nblocks - vvacf**2)
    np.savetxt(ofile + "_acf.data", np.c_[time, vvacf,
                                          vvacf_err][:mlag + npad])
Пример #5
def compute_acf(input_file, output_prefix, maximum_lag, block_length, length_zeropadding, spectral_windowing, labels, timestep, skip, der):

    # stores the arguments
    ifile = str(input_file)
    ofile = str(output_prefix)
    mlag = int(maximum_lag)
    bsize = int(block_length)
    npad = int(length_zeropadding)
    ftbox = str(spectral_windowing)
    labels = str(labels)
    timestep = str(timestep).split()
    fskip = int(skip)

    # checks for errors
    if(mlag <= 0):
        raise ValueError("MAXIMUM_LAG should be a non-negative integer.")
    if(npad < 0):
        raise ValueError("LENGTH_ZEROPADDING should be a non-negative integer.")
    if(bsize < 2 * mlag):
        if(bsize == -1):
            bsize = 2 * mlag
            raise ValueError("LENGTH_BLOCK should be greater than or equal to 2 * MAXIMUM_LAG.")

    # reads one frame.
    ff = open(ifile)
    rr = read_file_raw("xyz", ff)

    # appends "der" to output file in case the acf of the derivative is desired
    if(der == True):
        ofile = ofile + "_der"

    # stores the indices of the "chosen" atoms.
    ndof = len(rr['data'])
    if("*" in labels):
        labelbool = np.ones(ndof / 3, bool)
        labelbool = np.zeros(ndof / 3, bool)
        for l in labels:
            labelbool = np.logical_or(labelbool, rr['names'] == l)
    nspecies = labelbool.sum()

    # initializes variables.
    nblocks = 0
    dt = unit_to_internal("time", timestep[1], float(timestep[0]))
    data = np.zeros((bsize, nspecies, 3), float)
    fvvacf = np.zeros(bsize / 2 + 1, float)
    time = np.asarray(range(mlag + 1)) * dt
    omega = np.asarray(range(2 * (mlag + npad))) / float(2 * (mlag + npad)) * (2 * np.pi / dt)

    # selects window function for fft.
    if(ftbox == "none"):
        win = np.ones(2 * mlag + 1, float)
    elif(ftbox == "cosine-hanning"):
        win = np.hanning(2 * mlag + 1)
    elif(ftbox == "cosine-hamming"):
        win = np.hamming(2 * mlag + 1)
    elif(ftbox == "cosine-blackman"):
        win = np.blackman(2 * mlag + 1)
    elif(ftbox == "triangle-bartlett"):
        win = np.bartlett(2 * mlag + 1)

    ff = open(ifile)
    # Skips the first fskip frames
    for x in xrange(fskip):
        rr = read_file_raw("xyz", ff)

    while True:

            # Reads the data in blocks.
            for i in range(bsize):
                rr = read_file_raw("xyz", ff)
                data[i] = rr['data'].reshape((ndof / 3, 3))[labelbool]

            if(der == True):
                data = np.gradient(data, axis=0) / dt

            # Computes the Fourier transform of the data.
            fdata = np.fft.rfft(data, axis=0)

            # Computes the Fourier transform of the vvac applying the convolution theorem.
            tfvvacf = fdata * np.conjugate(fdata)

            # Averages over all species and sums over the x,y,z directions. Also multiplies with the time step and a prefactor of (2pi)^-1.
            macf = 3.0 * np.real(np.mean(tfvvacf, axis=(1, 2))) * dt / (2 * np.pi) / bsize
            fvvacf += macf
            nblocks += 1

        except EOFError:

    # Performs the block average of the Fourier transform.
    fvvacf = fvvacf / nblocks

    # Computes the inverse Fourier transform to get the vvac.
    vvacf = np.fft.irfft(fvvacf)[:mlag + 1]
    np.savetxt(ofile + "_acf.data", np.vstack((time, vvacf)).T[:mlag + npad])

    # Applies window in one direction and pads the vvac with zeroes.
    pvvacf = np.append(vvacf * win[mlag:], np.zeros(npad))

    # Recomputes the Fourier transform assuming the data is an even function of time.
    fpvvacf = np.fft.hfft(pvvacf)
    np.savetxt(ofile + "_facf.data", np.vstack((omega, fpvvacf)).T[:mlag + npad])