Пример #1
 def onmessage(self, msg):
     Irc.onmessage(self, msg)
     # chan = message's channel or None
     chan = getattr(msg, "target", None)
     if chan and not ischannel(chan):
         chan = None
     # get a list of handlers
     handlers = list(self._get_handlers(chan))
     iscommand = lambda word: any(word in handler for handler in handlers)
     # command = "title" for Privmsgs with "♥title" / "bot: title" / pm "title"
     # command = 123 for Numerics
     command = None
     if type(msg) is Privmsg and len(msg):
         first = msg[0]
         if msg.tomyself:
             if iscommand(first):
                 # "cmd hello" in private
                 command = msg.command = first
                 msg.splitmsg = msg.splitmsg[1:]
         elif first[0] == conf.get("prefix", tag=self.tag, chan=chan):
             if iscommand(first[1:]):
                 # "♥cmd hello" in #chan
                 command = msg.command = first[1:]
                 msg.splitmsg = msg.splitmsg[1:]
         elif len(msg) > 1 and first[:-1] == self.me[0] and first[-1] in (",", ":"):
             if iscommand(msg[1]):
                 # "bot: hello" in #chan
                 command = msg.command = msg[1]
                 msg.splitmsg = msg.splitmsg[2:]
     elif type(msg) is Numeric:
         command = msg.num
     # assemble the list of functions that are to be run
     # together with their arguments
     funcs = []
     for handler in handlers:
         for mtype in reversed(msg.__class__.__mro__[:-1]):
             if mtype in handler:
                 funcs.append((handler[mtype], None))
         if command and command in handler:
             funcs.append((handler[command], chan))
     # sort functions according to their priority
     # and launch them
     funcs.sort(key=lambda tu: tu[0].priority)
         for func, chan in funcs:
             self._onmessage(func, msg, chan)
     except HaltMessage as e: