def interpolate(cube, sample_points, method=None):
    Extract a sub-cube at the given n-dimensional points.


    * cube
        The source Cube.

    * sample_points
        A sequence of coordinate (name) - values pairs.


    * method
        Request "linear" interpolation (default) or "nearest" neighbour.
        Only nearest neighbour is available when specifying multi-dimensional

    For example::

        sample_points = [('latitude', [45, 45, 45]),
        ('longitude', [-60, -50, -40])]
        interpolated_cube = interpolate(cube, sample_points)

    if method not in [None, "linear", "nearest"]:
        raise ValueError("Unhandled interpolation specified : %s" % method)

    # Convert any coordinate names to coords
    points = []
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        if isinstance(coord, six.string_types):
            coord = cube.coord(coord)
        points.append((coord, values))
    sample_points = points

    # Do all value sequences have the same number of values?
    coord, values = sample_points[0]
    trajectory_size = len(values)
    for coord, values in sample_points[1:]:
        if len(values) != trajectory_size:
            raise ValueError('Lengths of coordinate values are inconsistent.')

    # Which dimensions are we squishing into the last dimension?
    squish_my_dims = set()
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        for dim in dims:

    # Derive the new cube's shape by filtering out all the dimensions we're
    # about to sample,
    # and then adding a new dimension to accommodate all the sample points.
    remaining = [(dim, size) for dim, size in enumerate(cube.shape)
                 if dim not in squish_my_dims]
    new_data_shape = [size for dim, size in remaining]

    # Start with empty data and then fill in the "column" of values for each
    # trajectory point.
    new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(np.empty(new_data_shape))
    new_cube.metadata = cube.metadata

    # Derive the mapping from the non-trajectory source dimensions to their
    # corresponding destination dimensions.
    remaining_dims = [dim for dim, size in remaining]
    dimension_remap = {dim: i for i, dim in enumerate(remaining_dims)}

    # Record a mapping from old coordinate IDs to new coordinates,
    # for subsequent use in creating updated aux_factories.
    coord_mapping = {}

    # Create all the non-squished coords
    for coord in cube.dim_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            dest_dims = [dimension_remap[dim] for dim in src_dims]
            new_coord = coord.copy()
            new_cube.add_dim_coord(new_coord, dest_dims)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord
    for coord in cube.aux_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            dest_dims = [dimension_remap[dim] for dim in src_dims]
            new_coord = coord.copy()
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, dest_dims)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord

    # Create all the squished (non derived) coords, not filled in yet.
    trajectory_dim = len(remaining_dims)
    for coord in cube.dim_coords + cube.aux_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            points = np.array([coord.points.flatten()[0]] * trajectory_size)
            new_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(points,
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, trajectory_dim)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord

    for factory in cube.aux_factories:

    # Are the given coords all 1-dimensional? (can we do linear interp?)
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        if coord.ndim > 1:
            if method == "linear":
                msg = "Cannot currently perform linear interpolation for " \
                      "multi-dimensional coordinates."
                raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError(msg)
            method = "nearest"

    if method in ["linear", None]:
        for i in range(trajectory_size):
            point = [(coord, values[i]) for coord, values in sample_points]
            column = linear_regrid(cube, point)
  [..., i] =
            # Fill in the empty squashed (non derived) coords.
            for column_coord in column.dim_coords + column.aux_coords:
                src_dims = cube.coord_dims(column_coord)
                if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
                    if len(column_coord.points) != 1:
                        msg = "Expected to find exactly one point. Found {}."
                        raise Exception(msg.format(column_coord.points))
                    new_cube.coord([i] = \

    elif method == "nearest":
        # Use a cache with _nearest_neighbour_indices_ndcoords()
        cache = {}
        column_indexes = _nearest_neighbour_indices_ndcoords(cube,

        # Construct "fancy" indexes, so we can create the result data array in
        # a single numpy indexing operation.
        # ALSO: capture the index range in each dimension, so that we can fetch
        # only a required (square) sub-region of the source data.
        fancy_source_indices = []
        region_slices = []
        n_index_length = len(column_indexes[0])
        dims_reduced = [False] * n_index_length
        for i_ind in range(n_index_length):
            contents = [column_index[i_ind] for column_index in column_indexes]
            each_used = [content != slice(None) for content in contents]
            if np.all(each_used):
                # This dimension is addressed : use a list of indices.
                dims_reduced[i_ind] = True
                # Select the region by min+max indices.
                start_ind = np.min(contents)
                stop_ind = 1 + np.max(contents)
                region_slice = slice(start_ind, stop_ind)
                # Record point indices with start subtracted from all of them.
                fancy_index = list(np.array(contents) - start_ind)
            elif not np.any(each_used):
                # This dimension is not addressed by the operation.
                # Use a ":" as the index.
                fancy_index = slice(None)
                # No sub-region selection for this dimension.
                region_slice = slice(None)
                # Should really never happen, if _ndcoords is right.
                msg = ('Internal error in trajectory interpolation : point '
                       'selection indices should all have the same form.')
                raise ValueError(msg)


        # Fetch the required (square-section) region of the source data.
        # NOTE: This is not quite as good as only fetching the individual
        # points used, but it avoids creating a sub-cube for each point,
        # which is very slow, especially when points are re-used a lot ...
        source_area_indices = tuple(region_slices)
        source_data = cube[source_area_indices].data

        # Transpose source data before indexing it to get the final result.
        # Because.. the fancy indexing will replace the indexed (horizontal)
        # dimensions with a new single dimension over trajectory points.
        # Move those dimensions to the end *first* : this ensures that the new
        # dimension also appears at the end, which is where we want it.
        # Make a list of dims with the reduced ones last.
        dims_reduced = np.array(dims_reduced)
        dims_order = np.arange(n_index_length)
        dims_order = np.concatenate(
            (dims_order[~dims_reduced], dims_order[dims_reduced]))
        # Rearrange the data dimensions and the fancy indices into that order.
        source_data = source_data.transpose(dims_order)
        fancy_source_indices = [
            fancy_source_indices[i_dim] for i_dim in dims_order

        # Apply the fancy indexing to get all the result data points.
        source_data = source_data[fancy_source_indices]

        # "Fix" problems with missing datapoints producing odd values
        # when copied from a masked into an unmasked array.
        # TODO: proper masked data handling.
            # This is **not** proper mask handling, because we cannot produce a
            # masked result, but it ensures we use a "filled" version of the
            # input in this case.
            source_data = source_data.filled()[:] = source_data
        # NOTE: we assign to "[:]" and *not* just "",
        # because the existing code produces a default dtype from 'np.empty'
        # instead of preserving the input dtype.
        # TODO: maybe this should be fixed -- i.e. to preserve input dtype ??

        # Fill in the empty squashed (non derived) coords.
        column_coords = [
            coord for coord in cube.dim_coords + cube.aux_coords
            if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(cube.coord_dims(coord))
        new_cube_coords = [
            for column_coord in column_coords
        all_point_indices = np.array(column_indexes)
        single_point_test_cube = cube[column_indexes[0]]
        for new_cube_coord, src_coord in zip(new_cube_coords, column_coords):
            # Check structure of the indexed coord (at one selected point).
            point_coord = single_point_test_cube.coord(src_coord)
            if len(point_coord.points) != 1:
                msg = ('Coord {} at one x-y position has the shape {}, '
                       'instead of being a single point. ')
                raise ValueError(msg.format(, src_coord.shape))

            # Work out which indices apply to the input coord.
            # NOTE: we know how to index the source cube to get a cube with a
            # single point for each coord, but this is very inefficient.
            # So here, we translate cube indexes into *coord* indexes.
            src_coord_dims = cube.coord_dims(src_coord)
            fancy_coord_index_arrays = [
                list(all_point_indices[:, src_dim])
                for src_dim in src_coord_dims

            # Fill the new coord with all the correct points from the old one.
            new_cube_coord.points = src_coord.points[fancy_coord_index_arrays]
            # NOTE: the new coords do *not* have bounds.

    return new_cube
Пример #2
def interpolate(cube, sample_points, method=None):
    Extract a sub-cube at the given n-dimensional points.


    * cube
        The source Cube.

    * sample_points
        A sequence of coordinate (name) - values pairs.


    * method
        Request "linear" interpolation (default) or "nearest" neighbour.
        Only nearest neighbour is available when specifying multi-dimensional

    For example::

        sample_points = [('latitude', [45, 45, 45]),
        ('longitude', [-60, -50, -40])]
        interpolated_cube = interpolate(cube, sample_points)

    if method not in [None, "linear", "nearest"]:
        raise ValueError("Unhandled interpolation specified : %s" % method)

    # Convert any coordinate names to coords
    points = []
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        if isinstance(coord, six.string_types):
            coord = cube.coord(coord)
        points.append((coord, values))
    sample_points = points

    # Do all value sequences have the same number of values?
    coord, values = sample_points[0]
    trajectory_size = len(values)
    for coord, values in sample_points[1:]:
        if len(values) != trajectory_size:
            raise ValueError('Lengths of coordinate values are inconsistent.')

    # Which dimensions are we squishing into the last dimension?
    squish_my_dims = set()
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        for dim in dims:

    # Derive the new cube's shape by filtering out all the dimensions we're
    # about to sample,
    # and then adding a new dimension to accommodate all the sample points.
    remaining = [(dim, size) for dim, size in enumerate(cube.shape) if dim
                 not in squish_my_dims]
    new_data_shape = [size for dim, size in remaining]

    # Start with empty data and then fill in the "column" of values for each
    # trajectory point.
    new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(np.empty(new_data_shape))
    new_cube.metadata = cube.metadata

    # Derive the mapping from the non-trajectory source dimensions to their
    # corresponding destination dimensions.
    remaining_dims = [dim for dim, size in remaining]
    dimension_remap = {dim: i for i, dim in enumerate(remaining_dims)}

    # Record a mapping from old coordinate IDs to new coordinates,
    # for subsequent use in creating updated aux_factories.
    coord_mapping = {}

    # Create all the non-squished coords
    for coord in cube.dim_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            dest_dims = [dimension_remap[dim] for dim in src_dims]
            new_coord = coord.copy()
            new_cube.add_dim_coord(new_coord, dest_dims)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord
    for coord in cube.aux_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            dest_dims = [dimension_remap[dim] for dim in src_dims]
            new_coord = coord.copy()
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, dest_dims)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord

    # Create all the squished (non derived) coords, not filled in yet.
    trajectory_dim = len(remaining_dims)
    for coord in cube.dim_coords + cube.aux_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            points = np.array([coord.points.flatten()[0]] * trajectory_size)
            new_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(points,
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, trajectory_dim)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord

    for factory in cube.aux_factories:

    # Are the given coords all 1-dimensional? (can we do linear interp?)
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        if coord.ndim > 1:
            if method == "linear":
                msg = "Cannot currently perform linear interpolation for " \
                      "multi-dimensional coordinates."
                raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError(msg)
            method = "nearest"

    if method in ["linear", None]:
        for i in range(trajectory_size):
            point = [(coord, values[i]) for coord, values in sample_points]
            column = linear_regrid(cube, point)
  [..., i] =
            # Fill in the empty squashed (non derived) coords.
            for column_coord in column.dim_coords + column.aux_coords:
                src_dims = cube.coord_dims(column_coord)
                if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
                    if len(column_coord.points) != 1:
                        msg = "Expected to find exactly one point. Found {}."
                        raise Exception(msg.format(column_coord.points))
                    new_cube.coord([i] = \

    elif method == "nearest":
        # Use a cache with _nearest_neighbour_indices_ndcoords()
        cache = {}
        column_indexes = _nearest_neighbour_indices_ndcoords(
            cube, sample_points, cache=cache)

        # Construct "fancy" indexes, so we can create the result data array in
        # a single numpy indexing operation.
        # ALSO: capture the index range in each dimension, so that we can fetch
        # only a required (square) sub-region of the source data.
        fancy_source_indices = []
        region_slices = []
        n_index_length = len(column_indexes[0])
        dims_reduced = [False] * n_index_length
        for i_ind in range(n_index_length):
            contents = [column_index[i_ind]
                        for column_index in column_indexes]
            each_used = [content != slice(None) for content in contents]
            if np.all(each_used):
                # This dimension is addressed : use a list of indices.
                dims_reduced[i_ind] = True
                # Select the region by min+max indices.
                start_ind = np.min(contents)
                stop_ind = 1 + np.max(contents)
                region_slice = slice(start_ind, stop_ind)
                # Record point indices with start subtracted from all of them.
                fancy_index = list(np.array(contents) - start_ind)
            elif not np.any(each_used):
                # This dimension is not addressed by the operation.
                # Use a ":" as the index.
                fancy_index = slice(None)
                # No sub-region selection for this dimension.
                region_slice = slice(None)
                # Should really never happen, if _ndcoords is right.
                msg = ('Internal error in trajectory interpolation : point '
                       'selection indices should all have the same form.')
                raise ValueError(msg)


        # Fetch the required (square-section) region of the source data.
        # NOTE: This is not quite as good as only fetching the individual
        # points used, but it avoids creating a sub-cube for each point,
        # which is very slow, especially when points are re-used a lot ...
        source_area_indices = tuple(region_slices)
        source_data = cube[source_area_indices].data

        # Transpose source data before indexing it to get the final result.
        # Because.. the fancy indexing will replace the indexed (horizontal)
        # dimensions with a new single dimension over trajectory points.
        # Move those dimensions to the end *first* : this ensures that the new
        # dimension also appears at the end, which is where we want it.
        # Make a list of dims with the reduced ones last.
        dims_reduced = np.array(dims_reduced)
        dims_order = np.arange(n_index_length)
        dims_order = np.concatenate((dims_order[~dims_reduced],
        # Rearrange the data dimensions and the fancy indices into that order.
        source_data = source_data.transpose(dims_order)
        fancy_source_indices = [fancy_source_indices[i_dim]
                                for i_dim in dims_order]

        # Apply the fancy indexing to get all the result data points.
        source_data = source_data[fancy_source_indices]

        # "Fix" problems with missing datapoints producing odd values
        # when copied from a masked into an unmasked array.
        # TODO: proper masked data handling.
            # This is **not** proper mask handling, because we cannot produce a
            # masked result, but it ensures we use a "filled" version of the
            # input in this case.
            source_data = source_data.filled()[:] = source_data
        # NOTE: we assign to "[:]" and *not* just "",
        # because the existing code produces a default dtype from 'np.empty'
        # instead of preserving the input dtype.
        # TODO: maybe this should be fixed -- i.e. to preserve input dtype ??

        # Fill in the empty squashed (non derived) coords.
        column_coords = [coord
                         for coord in cube.dim_coords + cube.aux_coords
                         if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(
        new_cube_coords = [new_cube.coord(
                           for column_coord in column_coords]
        all_point_indices = np.array(column_indexes)
        single_point_test_cube = cube[column_indexes[0]]
        for new_cube_coord, src_coord in zip(new_cube_coords, column_coords):
            # Check structure of the indexed coord (at one selected point).
            point_coord = single_point_test_cube.coord(src_coord)
            if len(point_coord.points) != 1:
                msg = ('Coord {} at one x-y position has the shape {}, '
                       'instead of being a single point. ')
                raise ValueError(msg.format(, src_coord.shape))

            # Work out which indices apply to the input coord.
            # NOTE: we know how to index the source cube to get a cube with a
            # single point for each coord, but this is very inefficient.
            # So here, we translate cube indexes into *coord* indexes.
            src_coord_dims = cube.coord_dims(src_coord)
            fancy_coord_index_arrays = [list(all_point_indices[:, src_dim])
                                        for src_dim in src_coord_dims]

            # Fill the new coord with all the correct points from the old one.
            new_cube_coord.points = src_coord.points[fancy_coord_index_arrays]
            # NOTE: the new coords do *not* have bounds.

    return new_cube
Пример #3
def interpolate(cube, sample_points, method=None):
    Extract a sub-cube at the given n-dimensional points.


    * cube
        The source Cube.

    * sample_points
        A sequence of coordinate (name) - values pairs.


    * method
        Request "linear" interpolation (default) or "nearest" neighbour.
        Only nearest neighbour is available when specifying multi-dimensional coordinates.

    For example::
        sample_points = [('latitude', [45, 45, 45]), ('longitude', [-60, -50, -40])]
        interpolated_cube = interpolate(cube, sample_points)

    if method not in [None, "linear", "nearest"]:
        raise ValueError("Unhandled interpolation specified : %s" % method)

    # Convert any coordinate names to coords
    points = []
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        if isinstance(coord, six.string_types):
            coord = cube.coord(coord)
        points.append((coord, values))
    sample_points = points

    # Do all value sequences have the same number of values?
    coord, values = sample_points[0]
    trajectory_size = len(values)
    for coord, values in sample_points[1:]:
        if len(values) != trajectory_size:
            raise ValueError('Lengths of coordinate values are inconsistent.')

    # Which dimensions are we squishing into the last dimension?
    squish_my_dims = set()
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        for dim in dims:

    # Derive the new cube's shape by filtering out all the dimensions we're about to sample,
    # and then adding a new dimension to accommodate all the sample points.
    remaining = [(dim, size) for dim, size in enumerate(cube.shape) if dim not in squish_my_dims]
    new_data_shape = [size for dim, size in remaining]

    # Start with empty data and then fill in the "column" of values for each trajectory point.
    new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(np.empty(new_data_shape))
    new_cube.metadata = cube.metadata

    # Derive the mapping from the non-trajectory source dimensions to their
    # corresponding destination dimensions.
    remaining_dims = [dim for dim, size in remaining]
    dimension_remap = {dim: i for i, dim in enumerate(remaining_dims)}

    # Record a mapping from old coordinate IDs to new coordinates,
    # for subsequent use in creating updated aux_factories.
    coord_mapping = {}

    # Create all the non-squished coords
    for coord in cube.dim_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            dest_dims = [dimension_remap[dim] for dim in src_dims]
            new_coord = coord.copy()
            new_cube.add_dim_coord(new_coord, dest_dims)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord
    for coord in cube.aux_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            dest_dims = [dimension_remap[dim] for dim in src_dims]
            new_coord = coord.copy()
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, dest_dims)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord

    # Create all the squished (non derived) coords, not filled in yet.
    trajectory_dim = len(remaining_dims)
    for coord in cube.dim_coords + cube.aux_coords:
        src_dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
        if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
            points = np.array([coord.points.flatten()[0]] * trajectory_size)
            new_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(points,
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, trajectory_dim)
            coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord

    for factory in cube.aux_factories:

    # Are the given coords all 1-dimensional? (can we do linear interp?)
    for coord, values in sample_points:
        if coord.ndim > 1:
            if method == "linear":
                raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError("Cannot currently perform linear interpolation for multi-dimensional coordinates.")
            method = "nearest"

    # Use a cache with _nearest_neighbour_indices_ndcoords()
    cache = {}

    for i in range(trajectory_size):
        point = [(coord, values[i]) for coord, values in sample_points]

        if method in ["linear", None]:
            column = linear_regrid(cube, point)
  [..., i] =
        elif method == "nearest":
            column_index = _nearest_neighbour_indices_ndcoords(cube, point, cache=cache)
            column = cube[column_index]
  [..., i] =

        # Fill in the empty squashed (non derived) coords.
        for column_coord in column.dim_coords + column.aux_coords:
            src_dims = cube.coord_dims(column_coord)
            if not squish_my_dims.isdisjoint(src_dims):
                if len(column_coord.points) != 1:
                    raise Exception("Expected to find exactly one point. Found %d" % len(column_coord.points))
                new_cube.coord([i] = column_coord.points[0]

    return new_cube