Пример #1
class TestInfraredKet(unittest.TestCase):
    '''test class of ir_ket.py'''
    def setUp(self):
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', 2)
        Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc)  # set IR filter to class Bases

        # instantiation t1u(4) bases
        self.t1u_4 = Bases(*InfraredKet('t1u', 4, excitation_limit=2))

    def test_keys(self):
        assert self.t1u_4.keys == [

    def test_hash(self):
        assert self.t1u_4.get_index_from_qval((0, 0, 0)) == 0
        assert self.t1u_4.get_index_from_qval((0, 0, 1)) == 1
        assert self.t1u_4.get_index_from_qval((1, 1, 0)) == 8
        assert self.t1u_4.get_index_from_qval((2, 0, 0)) == 9

    def test_set_over_the_intermediate_limit_value(self):
        '''Raise ValueError if given qval is over the intermediate limit.
        intermediate limit === excitation limit + 1'''

        # check instantiation error
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            t1u_4_x = InfraredKet('t1u', 4, 'x', qval=4, excitation_limit=2)

        # check dynamical set error
        t1u_4_x = InfraredKet('t1u', 4, 'x', qval=0, excitation_limit=2)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            t1u_4_x.qval = 4
    def setUp(self):
        ## IR bases
        # impose excitation limit to IR bases
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', 2)
        Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc)  # set IR filter to class Bases

        # instantiation t1u(4) bases
        self.t1u_4 = Bases(*InfraredKet('t1u', 4, excitation_limit=2))

        ## JT bases
        # define valid Alpha-J-P combinations
        cmbs = {(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -1)}  # (Alpha, J, P)

        # set Alpha-J-P combinations

        # instantiation jt bases
        self.jt = Bases(JahnTellerKet())

        ## product bases
        self.bases = Bases(self.t1u_4, self.jt)
    def setUp(self):
        ## IR bases
        # impose excitation limit to IR bases
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', 1)
        Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc)  # set IR filter to class Bases

        # instantiation t1u(4) bases
        t1u_4 = Bases(*InfraredKet('t1u', 4, excitation_limit=2))
        gu_5 = Bases(*InfraredKet('gu', 5, excitation_limit=2))
        hu_6 = Bases(*InfraredKet('hu', 6, excitation_limit=2))

        ## JT bases
        # valid Alpha-J-P combinations which are taken into account
        from irsim.database import DIC_REDUCED_MATRIX_ELEMENT as DIC_RME
        from itertools import chain
        #cmbs = set(chain(*DIC_RME))
        cmbs = {(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -1)}  # {(Alpha, J, P), (Alpha, J, P)}

        # set Alpha-J-P combinations

        # instantiation jt bases
        jt = Bases(JahnTellerKet())

        # impose excitation limit to IR bases
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('==', 1)
        Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc)  # set IR filter to class Bases

        ## product bases
        self.bases = Bases(t1u_4, gu_5, hu_6, jt)

        # import PSI dictionary
        from irsim.database import DIC_PSI
        self.DIC_PSI = DIC_PSI

        # set PSI dictionary
Пример #4
    def setUp(self):
        import itertools

        import os
        import sys
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..'))
        from irsim.core import Bases
        from irsim.quantum_basis import JahnTellerKet

        from collections import namedtuple
        self.JTstate = namedtuple('JTstate', 'Alpha, J, M, P')

        # extract valid Alpha-J-P combinations
        cmbs = {(1,1,1), (1,2,-1)} # (Alpha, J, P)
        #from irsim.database.CONSTANT import DIC_RME
        #cmbs = set(itertools.chain(*DIC_RME))

        # set Alpha-J-P combinations

        # instantiation jt bases
        self.jt = Bases(JahnTellerKet())
Пример #5
from irsim.file_handler import (
    create_diagonalization_save_directory_name as create_dir_name, )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ### BASES

    ## IR bases
    IR_LIMIT = 1
    INEQUALITY = '<='

    # impose excitation limit to IR bases
    filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', IR_LIMIT)
    Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc)  # set IR filter to class Bases

    # instantiation ir bases
    t1u_4 = Bases(*InfraredKet('t1u', 4, excitation_limit=IR_LIMIT))
    gu_5 = Bases(*InfraredKet('gu', 5, excitation_limit=IR_LIMIT))
    hu_6 = Bases(*InfraredKet('hu', 6, excitation_limit=IR_LIMIT))

    ## JT bases
    # valid Alpha-J-P combinations which are taken into account
    cmbs = {(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -1)}  # {(Alpha, J, P), (Alpha, J, P)}

    # set Alpha-J-P combinations

    # instantiation jt bases
    jt = Bases(JahnTellerKet())
Пример #6
    def setUp(self):
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', 2)
        Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc)  # set IR filter to class Bases

        # instantiation t1u(4) bases
        self.t1u_4 = Bases(*InfraredKet('t1u', 4, excitation_limit=2))
Пример #7
    def setUp(self):
        ### BASES
        ## IR bases
        IR_LIMIT = 0
        # impose excitation limit to IR bases
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', IR_LIMIT)
        Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc) # set IR filter to class Bases

        # instantiation ir bases
        t1u_4 = Bases(*InfraredKet('t1u', 4, excitation_limit = IR_LIMIT))
        gu_5 = Bases(*InfraredKet('gu', 5, excitation_limit = IR_LIMIT))
        hu_6 = Bases(*InfraredKet('hu', 6, excitation_limit = IR_LIMIT))

        ## JT bases
        # valid Alpha-J-P combinations which are taken into account
        cmbs = {(1,0,1), (1,2,-1)} # {(Alpha, J, P), (Alpha, J, P)}

        # set Alpha-J-P combinations

        # instantiation jt bases
        jt = Bases(JahnTellerKet())

        ## product bases
        # set filter 
        #filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', IR_LIMIT)
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('==', IR_LIMIT)
        Bases.set_filter('IR', filterFunc) # set IR filter to class Bases

        # instantiation product bases
        #bases = Bases(t1u_4, gu_5, hu_6, jt)
        bases = Bases(t1u_4, jt)

        ## positional operator
        # fetch IR frequency data
        from irsim.database import DIC_IR_FREQUENCY as DIC_IR_FREQ

        # set IR frequency data to PositionalOperator class

        ## quadratic operator
        # fetch IR frequency data
        from irsim.database import DIC_QUADRATIC_MATRIX as DIC_Q_MTRX

        # set quadratic matrix data to QuadraticOperator class

        # set IR filter to class QuadraticOperator
        filterFunc = create_ir_ket_filter('<=', IR_LIMIT)
        Q.set_filter('IR', filterFunc)

        ## hamiltonian coupling operator
        # fetch coupling constant data
        from irsim.database import DIC_COUPLING_CONSTANT as DIC_COUP_CONST

        # set coupling constant data to HamiltonianCouplingOperator

        from irsim.database.COUPLING_MATRIX import DIC_COUPLING_MATRIX as DIC_COUP_MTRX

        # set coupling constant dictionary to HamiltonianCouplingOperator

        # set reduced matrix element dictionary to HamiltonianCouplingOperator
        from irsim.database import DIC_REDUCED_MATRIX_ELEMENT as DIC_RME


        # instantiation
        h_coupling = H_coupling(
                Q(q('t1u',4), ('hg', 't1', 't1', 1), q('t1u',4)),
#                Q(q('gu',5), ('hg', 'g', 'g', 1), q('gu',5)),
#                Q(q('hu',6), ('hg', 'h', 'h', 1), q('hu',6)),
#                Q(q('hu',6), ('hg', 'h', 'h', 2), q('hu',6)),
#                Q(q('t1u',4), ('hg', 't1', 'g', 1), q('gu',5)),
#                Q(q('t1u',4), ('hg', 't1', 'h', 1), q('hu',6)),
#                Q(q('gu',5), ('hg', 'g', 'h', 1), q('hu',6)),
#                Q(q('gu',5), ('hg', 'g', 'h', 2), q('hu',6)),

        ## hamiltonian infrared operator
        # set ir frequency data

        # instantiation
        h_ir = H_IR()

        ## hamiltonian jahn-teller operator
        # fetch & convert jt eigen energy data to Python dictionary
        #from irsim.database import import_vibronic_energy_levels
        from irsim.database import DIC_VIBRONIC_ENERGY_LEVEL

        # set jt eigen energy data to HamiltonianJahnTellerOperator

        # instantiation
        h_jt = H_JT()

        ## create total Hamiltonian
        H = h_ir + h_jt + h_coupling

        self.bases = bases
        self.H = H