Пример #1
    def initialize_connection(self, volume):
        """Get iSCSI targets infomation"""
        lun = self.get_lun_id(volume)
        if lun < 1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('Invaild lun in volume')
        connection = dict()
        connection['driver_volume_type'] = 'iscsi'
        data = dict()
        data['target_luns'] = []
        data['target_iqns'] = []
        data['target_portals'] = []
        for channel in self.channels:
            target = channel['iscsi_target']
            cmd_statlun = ['tgtadm -m logicalunit -o stat -t %d -l %d' %
                           (target['target_id'], lun)]
            output = self._run(cmd_statlun, ssh=channel['ssh'])
            if '\r\n'.join(output).find('can\'t find the logical unit') != -1:
                message = 'LUN %d doesn\'t exist in ip %s target %d'\
                          % (lun, channel['ssh'].ip, target['target_id'])
                raise exceptions.ClientException(message)

        data['target_discovered'] = True
        first_target = self.channels[0]['iscsi_target']
        data['target_iqn'] = first_target['target_iqn']
        data['target_portal'] = first_target['target_portal']
        data['target_lun'] = lun
        data['volume_id'] = volume.name
        connection['data'] = data

        return connection
Пример #2
    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot, pool, is_temp=True):
        """Delete a snapshot of an existing volume.
        :param snapshot: the snapshot
        :type snapshot: object
        :param volume_name in sanpshot: name of the volume
        :type name: str
        :param name in sanpshot: name of the snapshot
        :type name: str

        if is_temp:
            volume_name = snapshot["volume_name"]
            snap_name = snapshot["name"]
            volume_name = snapshot.volume_name
            snap_name = snapshot.name
        # pool = snapshot.volume.host[snapshot.volume.host.find('#') + 1:]

        self._check_snapshot_exists(pool, volume_name, snap_name)
        cmd_unprotect_snap = ['rbd snap unprotect %s/%s@%s'
                              % (pool, volume_name, snap_name)]
        output = self._run(cmd_unprotect_snap)
        if '\r\n'.join(output).find('cannot unprotect') != -1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('snapshot unprotect failed %s'
                                             % output)

        cmd_delete_snap = ['rbd snap rm %s/%s@%s'
                           % (pool, volume_name, snap_name)]
        output = self._run(cmd_delete_snap)
        if output != []:
            output = '\r\n'.join(output)
            if output.find('100% complete') == -1:
                raise exceptions.ClientException('snapshot delete failed %s'
                                                 % output)
Пример #3
    def rollback_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot, pool):
        """Rollback a snapshot of an existing volume.
        :param volume: the volume
        :type volume: object
        :param snapshot: the snapshot
        :type snapshot: object
        :param name in sanpshot: name of the snapshot
        :type name: str

        name = volume.name
        if name is None or name == '':
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid volume name %s" % name)
        lun = self.get_lun_id(volume)
        snap_name = snapshot.name
        # pool = snapshot.volume.host[snapshot.volume.host.find('#') + 1:]

        self._check_snapshot_exists(pool, name, snap_name)

        # disable lun

        # rollback snapshot
        cmd_rollback_snap = ['rbd snap rollback %s/%s@%s'
                             % (pool, name, snap_name)]
        self._run(cmd_rollback_snap, wait_result=False)

        # update lun
        error = self._update_lun(pool, name, lun)
        if error == -1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('Update volume failed,'
                                             ' needs operate manually')

        # enable lun
Пример #4
    def delete_volume(self, volume, pool):
        """Delete a volume.

        :param name: the name of the volume
        :type name: str

        name = volume.name
        if name is None or name == '':
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid volume name %s" % name)
        lun = self.get_lun_id(volume)
        if lun < 1:
        # pool = volume.host[volume.host.find('#') + 1:]

        cmd_listimage = ['rbd info %s/%s' % (pool, name)]
        output = self._run(cmd_listimage)
        if '\r\n'.join(output).find('No such file or directory') != -1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Volume dosen't exist %s/%s"
                                             % (pool, name))

        cmd_listsnap = ['rbd snap ls %s/%s' % (pool, name)]
        output = self._run(cmd_listsnap)
        if output != []:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('Volume has snapshot,'
                                             ' please remove snapshot first')
        self._delete_rbd_image(pool, name)

Пример #5
    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot, pool, is_temp=False):
        """Create a snapshot of an existing volume.
        :param snapshot: the snapshot
        :type snapshot: object
        :param volume_name in sanpshot: name of the volume
        :type name: str
        :param name in sanpshot: name of the snapshot
        :type name: str

        if is_temp:
            volume_name = snapshot["volume_name"]
            name = snapshot["name"]
            volume_name = snapshot.volume_name
            name = snapshot.name
        # pool = snapshot.volume.host[snapshot.volume.host.find('#') + 1:]

        cmd_listimage = ['rbd info %s/%s' % (pool, volume_name)]
        output = self._run(cmd_listimage)
        if '\r\n'.join(output).find('No such file or directory') != -1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Volume dosen't exist %s/%s"
                                             % (pool, volume_name))

        cmd_createsnap = ['rbd snap create %s/%s@%s'
                          % (pool, volume_name, name)]
        output = self._run(cmd_createsnap)
        if output != []:
            output = '\r\n'.join(output)
            if output.find('File exists') != -1:
                reason = 'snapshot has exist'
                reason = output
            raise exceptions.ClientException('snapshot create failed - '
                                             + reason)
Пример #6
    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size, pool):
        """Extend an existing volume to new size by GB.

        :param volume: the object of the volume
        :type name: object
        :param amount: the new size in GB
        :type amount: int

        if volume.size > new_size:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('Volume can only be extend')

        name = volume.name
        if name is None or name == '':
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid volume name %s" % name)
        lun = self.get_lun_id(volume)
        if lun < 1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid volume lun id: %d" % lun)
        # pool = volume.host[volume.host.find('#') + 1:]

        # disable lun

        # resize rbd image
        self._resize_rbd_image(pool, name, new_size)

        # update lun
        error = self._update_lun(pool, name, lun)
        if error == -1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('Update volume failed,'
                                             ' needs operate manually')
        # enable lun
Пример #7
    def create_volume(self, volume, pool, lun):
        """Create a new volume.

        :param name: the volume
        :type name: object
        :param pool in volume: rbd pool
        :type size: parse from host
        :param name in volume: rbd image name
        :type size: str
        :param in volume size: rbd image size
        :type size: int
        :returns: new volume lun id

        name = volume.name
        if name is None or name == '':
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid volume name %s" % name)
        size = volume.size
        if size < 1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid volume size: %d" % size)
        # pool = volume.host[volume.host.find('#') + 1:]

        cmd_createimage = ['rbd create %s/%s -s %dG' % (pool, name, size)]
        lun = self.create_lun(pool, name, lun)
        return lun
Пример #8
    def get_volume_backend_info(self):
        """NAME     ID     USED     %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS
        rbd      1        17         0         7983M           4

        cmd_df = ['ceph df']
        output = self._run(cmd_df)
        backend_infos = list()
        for i, line in enumerate(output):
            if line.find('NAME') != -1 and \
               line.find('ID') != -1 and \
               line.find('USED') != -1 and \
               line.find('MAX AVAIL') != -1 and \
               line.find('OBJECTS') != -1:
                output = output[i + 1:]
        for line in output:
            p = line.split()
            backend_info = dict()
            backend_info['id'] = p[0]
            backend_info['name'] = p[0]
            backend_info['sizeSubscribed'] = self._size_to_GB(p[2])
            backend_info['sizeFree'] = self._size_to_GB(p[4])
            backend_info['sizeTotal'] = int(backend_info['sizeSubscribed'] +
        if len(backend_infos) == 0:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('No valid pool exists')
        return backend_infos
Пример #9
    def _enable_lun(self, lun, channels=None):
        if channels is None:
            channels = self.channels

        error = 0
        failed_channels = []
        ip = []
        for channel in channels:
            cmd_setlun = ['tgtadm -m logicalunit -o update --tid %d'
                          ' --lun %d -a 1' %
                          (channel['iscsi_target']['target_id'], lun)]
            output = self._run(cmd_setlun, ssh=channel['ssh'])
            if output != []:
                error = -1

        if error == -1:
            error = 0
            for channel in failed_channels:
                output = self._run(cmd_setlun, ssh=channel['ssh'])
                if output != []:
                    error = -1

        if error == -1:
            message = 'Enable LUN %s failed\r\nPlase manually enable for IP:' \
                      ' %s' % (lun, ' '.join(ip))
            raise exceptions.ClientException(message)
Пример #10
 def _check_snapshot_exists(self, pool, volume_name, snap_name):
     cmd_listsnap = ['rbd snap ls %s/%s' % (pool, volume_name)]
     output = self._run(cmd_listsnap)
     output = '\r\n'.join(output)
     if output.find(snap_name) == -1:
         message = 'snapshot %s/%s@%s dosen\'t exist' \
                   % (pool, volume_name, snap_name)
         raise exceptions.ClientException(message)
Пример #11
    def _resize_rbd_image(self, pool, name, new_sizeGB):
        cmd_extendimage = ['rbd resize %s/%s -s %dG' %
                           (pool, name, new_sizeGB)]
        output = self._run(cmd_extendimage)

        if output and output[0].find('done') == -1:
            message = 'Extend volume %s failed' % name
            raise exceptions.ClientException(message)
Пример #12
    def create_lun(self, pool, name, lun):
        """get free lun, if no vaild free lun,
        delete rbd image for rollback then raise exception

        # lun = self._get_free_lun()
        if lun < 1:
            self._delete_rbd_image(pool, name)
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid LUN %d" % lun)

        # create lun in memory
        error, success_channels = self._create_lun(pool, name, lun)
        if error == -1:
            if len(success_channels) > 0:
                self._delete_lun(lun, success_channels)
            self._delete_rbd_image(pool, name)
            raise exceptions.ClientException('LUN create failed %d' % lun)

        # create lun in config file
        self._add_lun_to_conf_file(pool, name, lun)

        return {'id': lun}
Пример #13
    def _create_rbd_image(self, cmd_createimage):
        output = self._run(cmd_createimage)
        if output != []:
            output = '\r\n'.join(output)
            if output.find('exist') != -1:
                reason = 'image has exist'
            elif output.find('error opening pool') != -1 and\
                    output.find('No such file or directory'):
                reason = 'pool dosen\'t exist'
                reason = output

            raise exceptions.ClientException('rbd image create failed - '
                                             + reason)
Пример #14
 def _disable_lun(self, lun):
     disabled_channels = []
     for channel in self.channels:
         cmd_setlun = ['tgtadm -m logicalunit -o update --tid %d '
                       '--lun %d -a 0' %
                       (channel['iscsi_target']['target_id'], lun)]
         output = self._run(cmd_setlun, ssh=channel['ssh'])
         if output != []:
             message = 'Disable LUN %d failed' % lun
             if len(disabled_channels) > 0:
                 # enable the disabled channels for rollback
                     self._enable_lun(lun, disabled_channels)
                 except exceptions.ClientException as e:
                     message = 'Rollback failed - ' + e.message
             raise exceptions.ClientException(message)
Пример #15
    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot, lun, pool,
                                    flatten=False, is_temp=False):
        """Create a new volume from snapshot.
         :param volume: the volume
         :type volume: object
         :param snapshot: the snapshot
         :type snapshot: object
         :param name in sanpshot: name of the snapshot
         :type name: str

        name = volume.name
        if name is None or name == '':
            raise exceptions.ClientException("Invalid volume name %s" % name)
        if is_temp:
            snap_volume_name = snapshot["volume_name"]
            snap_name = snapshot["name"]
            snap_volume_name = snapshot.volume_name
            snap_name = snapshot.name
        # pool = snapshot.volume.host[snapshot.volume.host.find('#') + 1:]

        self._check_snapshot_exists(pool, snap_volume_name, snap_name)

        cmd_protect_snap = ['rbd snap protect %s/%s@%s'
                            % (pool, snap_volume_name, snap_name)]
            cmd_createimage = ['rbd clone %s/%s@%s %s/%s'
                               % (pool, snap_volume_name,
                                  snap_name, pool, name)]
            lun = self.create_lun(pool, name, lun)
        except Exception as e:
            cmd_unprotect_snap = ['rbd snap unprotect %s/%s@%s'
                                  % (pool, snap_volume_name, snap_name)]
            raise e

        if flatten:
            cmd_flattenimage = ['rbd flatten %s/%s' % (pool, name)]

        return lun
Пример #16
    def _get_iscsi_target(self, ip):
        target_portal = '%s:%d' % (ip, self.PORT)

        cmd_gettargets = 'iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p %s' % target_portal
        output = os.popen(cmd_gettargets).read()
        iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p,1 iqn.2018-03.com.kingstack:iscsi
        if python3:
            output = output.decode().split()
            output = output.split()

        if output[1].find('iqn') == -1:
            raise exceptions.ClientException('Target discovery failed')
        iscsi_target = dict()
        iscsi_target['target_portal'] = output[0].split(',')[0]
        iscsi_target['target_id'] = int(output[0].split(',')[1])
        iscsi_target['target_iqn'] = output[1]
        return iscsi_target